March 7th, 2016, 06:49 PM
i bought this jeep when i moved out here in the spring of 2012. it was stock 6 cyl 5 speed with 2" suspension lift and 1" body lift and 33's since then its been crashed. whole body replaced. then the real build started. here is a list of what all has been done since then. full cage tied to the frame, full width hp44 front with 5.13 gears, detroit locker, ctm u-joints, chromo shafts, solid dif cover, ford 9" rear, 5.14 gears, detroit locker, chromo shafts, pinion guard, prp seats, dakota rear leafs for a 10" stretch, heim joint steering with waggy pitman arm, hydro assist steering, 36" iroks on 15" beadlocks, swingout tire carrierbumper/crossmember. thats all that i can think of for now. Anyways a couple weekends ago i started working on the main thing the jeep was lacking and that was lower gearing for crawling. a year or so back i picked up a np231/dana300 doubler. the dana 300 had broken output shafts. but came with another parts dana 300. It turns out the parts case was a 1980 dana 300 which had a shorter output shaft and different rear housing than the later cases. so i found another rear shaft online. eventually got around to putting the dana 300 all together. Now came time to install it all. I began by installing a set of brown dog 1.5" lift motor mounts. These serve 3 purposes for me, 1 my stock ones were getting worn out , 2 raise the motor for more clearance in rocks. 3 to keep the drivetrain somewhat level once i raise the t-cases. While installing the motor mount mounts i found that the motor side bracket was loose. tightened the bolts and one snapped off. after and hour of fooling with that i finally got it out and the mounts all tightened up. then came the t-case. Got the old 231 pulled and began the plan for the install. i knew a couple of the bolt holes on the transmission would need to be opened up a bit for the new 231 doubler to be installed as the mounting studs arent evenly spaced. got that done without too much hassle. Tried to install the 231 and it wouldn't slide on the shaft. It turns out that my 231 doubler had a 21 spline input shaft not 23 spline like i needed. so i disassembled both the doubler and my old 231 and swapped input shafts. Then i installed the doubler and held the dana 300 in place to see where it needed to go clocking wise. then pulled both the doubler and 300 out and bolted them together. along with the shifter cable mount. one bolt was a nightmare due to the shifter cable mount. i had to modify a wrench so that it was only about 1/4" wide to be able to tighten that bolt and it still took 20 mins to tighten. got that all bolted up to the trans. then jacked it up and cut the floor on both the drivers and passenger side. i was hoping to be able to get it above the bottom of the frame but the doubler hit the seat mounts on my cage before i could get it quite that high. Made new trans crossmember and mount and then a mount for the back of the 300 to help hold the weight and a crossmember for it. Then installed the new triple stick cable shifters from jbfab. Then came time for driveshafts, ended up shortening the rear 1.5" and lengthening the front. covered the wholes in the floor with some rubber belting material. Installed new flat skid plate dropped 1" below the frame rails. then reinstalled seats and made new trans tunnel cover since t-case shifter no longer mounted under, welded up shifter mount. then installed new catalytic converter and muffler. and now i have a t-case setup with a 1:1 high, a 2.62:1 low, a 2.72:1 low and a 7.126:1 double low. and a new exhaust. and onto the pics. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
and done! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
and done! ( (