View Full Version : suggestions for a trail this Sunday

May 5th, 2008, 08:25 PM
I am the mom in the family, therefore I get to do what I want on Mother's Day. Any suggestions for a mild to moderate trail not covered in snow for this Sunday? I don't want to do anything real intense because one, I doubt anyone will get to go up that day although company is welcome and two, we are getting ready for four days in the Maze the first week in June and my mom will KILL me if we can't make it because of a broken FJC.

May 5th, 2008, 09:04 PM
Hey Pathrat

Be a little more specific as to length of drive to the trail and we might be of more assistance. Also, you might want to check out colo4x4.com in their trail runs section to get another idea as to what is open. You might want to post a short list of nearby trails that you have run so that we don't suggest something that you have already done..

I am jonesing to go out as is LaDawn, but I have been working in Fairplay during the week, her Mom is coming into town for her 80th B Day celebration this weekend and I am behind in doing some basic maintenance on my heap. All of which precludes me going out away from the house to wheel. Besides which, LaDawn is also having to work Sunday, leaving me home with her Mom. ( sounds of muted crying and whining....)

May 5th, 2008, 09:09 PM
Have fun, post pics... I will be with my mom and sisters!

Metberry is a nice trail you will be fine on. China Wall is always open. Either way you should be more than fine for a nice cruise!

May 5th, 2008, 09:14 PM
I am the mom in the family, therefore I get to do what I want on Mother's Day.

I love it Pathrat! :clap: :clap: :clap:

May 5th, 2008, 10:15 PM
Hey Pathrat

Be a little more specific as to length of drive to the trail and we might be of more assistance. Also, you might want to check out colo4x4.com in their trail runs section to get another idea as to what is open. You might want to post a short list of nearby trails that you have run so that we don't suggest something that you have already done..

( sounds of muted crying and whining....)

Let's see...the length should be something that can be done in under six hours, door to door because I have been promised a sushi dinner. MMMMM, raw fishies! Didn't know the site you mentioned, I will check there. I have been going off Charles's books and getting more info off of Traildamage.com. The short list is pretty short. Screwed around Cascade, did Bill Moore, Moon and Gamble (maybe would go there again as an option) Metberry (missed that with you all), Yankee Hill (was snowpacked when I went for a look-see two weeks ago), not time for Radical Hill and such, Georgia Pass is too boring and too high, ***** whine and complain... The other stuff like Peru Creek and that area are not open I think due to spring run off. I'm not really caring if I have been there before and you have a low risk of suggesting something I have done before. I have done nothing up north around Boulder.

When I read your post, I could hear this soft little sniffling, whimpering sound...and I recognized it. I am waiting for medical clearance, and I better get it tomorrow!

May 5th, 2008, 10:16 PM
I love it Pathrat! :clap: :clap: :clap:

thanks, I am dying to get out!

May 6th, 2008, 04:59 AM
If you haven't done China Wall, I would second Aaron's suggestion. House to house would be close to 6 hours. I have been working in Fairplay and I have seen herds of mountain goats, antelope, deer and elk every day. Plus the views of Pikes Peak are really nice. There is a great place for a lunch break down by the creek where the trail stops and you have to turn back around. All the obstacles have bypassess with one exception and you can avoid that by returning on FS212.

Yes, that was my whimpering....

May 6th, 2008, 11:15 AM
china wall is a good option. it's a fun trail. and you can make it as hard as you want to. I wouldn't go down 212 without a good spotter.

On a side note, you had mentioned looking at different tires a while back, and i thought i'd add this... Aaron bought a set of used 265-75 tires for his camper from a guy who had them on his jeep. two are destination MT and two are trxus MT. the destinations have more tread on them but are chunked very badly, the trxus have less tread on them but no noticeable damage. Now i don't know which tires were on front vs rear but just something i thought i'd point out to you for the future.

May 6th, 2008, 11:27 AM
china wall is a good option. it's a fun trail. and you can make it as hard as you want to. I wouldn't go down 212 without a good spotter.

On a side note, you had mentioned looking at different tires a while back, and i thought i'd add this... Aaron bought a set of used 265-75 tires for his camper from a guy who had them on his jeep. two are destination MT and two are trxus MT. the destinations have more tread on them but are chunked very badly, the trxus have less tread on them but no noticeable damage. Now i don't know which tires were on front vs rear but just something i thought i'd point out to you for the future.

212 is the easy way.... 204 is the hard way. 212 needs no spotting at all 204 might require a little!

May 6th, 2008, 11:30 AM
D'OH yup aaron is right.

May 7th, 2008, 10:42 AM
china wall is a good option. it's a fun trail. and you can make it as hard as you want to. I wouldn't go down 212 without a good spotter.

On a side note, you had mentioned looking at different tires a while back, and i thought i'd add this... Aaron bought a set of used 265-75 tires for his camper from a guy who had them on his jeep. two are destination MT and two are trxus MT. the destinations have more tread on them but are chunked very badly, the trxus have less tread on them but no noticeable damage. Now i don't know which tires were on front vs rear but just something i thought i'd point out to you for the future.

thanks for the input on both counts!

May 7th, 2008, 10:44 AM
212 is the easy way.... 204 is the hard way. 212 needs no spotting at all 204 might require a little!

Aaron, will you PM me with specifics, like where this trail is and how to get there from some common point? Are you guys talking about 212 and 204 as in Forest Roads or something else? I have heard you talk about this trail, and from that and the consensus here, it sounds like a good pick.

May 7th, 2008, 01:02 PM
Aaron, will you PM me with specifics, like where this trail is and how to get there from some common point? Are you guys talking about 212 and 204 as in Forest Roads or something else? I have heard you talk about this trail, and from that and the consensus here, it sounds like a good pick.

Will Do!!!

May 7th, 2008, 01:12 PM
Thank you everyone who contributed to this thread, and thanks Funrover for the directions you are sending my way!:)

May 7th, 2008, 06:30 PM
Hey Pathrat

traildamage.com has really good directions, but here are some more:

Highway 285 south to Jefferson. Make a left turn onto Tarryall Road. After what seems like too many miles and after passing a bunch of Forest Service(FS) roads on each side, start to look for FS 204 on the left side of the road. Take a left turn onto FS204 and take it to a 'T' junction. At the 'T' go right and then almost immediately uphill and right. This is the trail. You have to option of either following FS 204 back out or FS 212. I am not sure, but I think that FS 204 has the hard section on your way out. It is pretty obvious as it is a tight downhill through some rocks with no optional line.

If Aaron PMed you with better directions, follow his as he has run the trail so many times that he could do it with his eyes closed.

You are more than welcome and have fun! I am going to run this same trail tomorrow evening after work with some of the guys from the logging crew. We are working about 2 miles outside of Jefferson and it is going to be a nice break from work.

May 7th, 2008, 10:19 PM
Cool! I'll print these out along with the one's Aaron sent me. I also printed out a map of the forest roads so I have an idea of which ones branch off where.

And you get to have that off-road fix that you have been needing tomorrow!

If anyone finds themselves unoccupied this Sunday and wants to do this run, and I am not counting on it, I am at 7202209283. Like I said, I get to do what I want Sunday and that means dirt and raw yellowtail.