View Full Version : Windows 10 - Should I do the free upgrade????

April 17th, 2016, 10:18 PM
For the folks with Windows 7 and 8.1 (non-corporate) systems, Microsoft is making the Windows 10 upgrade free of purchase cost for one year from Win10's rollout. Microsoft says the free period is available "until July 29, 2016". (1)

The question that many have is "should I do the upgrade - I keep getting notified to do it"? Microsoft is quite persistent with its Get Windows 10 app (GWX.exe). My stance is this:

If you have a Windows 8.x system
MS's advertised "end of extended support" for Win8.1 - January 10, 2023 (2)

If you have a Windows 8.0 system - do the free upgrade to 8.1. If you have an 8.1 system and are happy with it - consider staying as-is.

Ask yourself - do I think I'll be using this system when end of support arrives in January of 2023? That's a little under seven years from the date of this post. If you think you'll replace the system before then, and you're happy with the system as it is now - stay with Windows 8. If you're not happy with Windows 8 or if you think you'll have the system longer than Jan 2023, do the Windows 10 upgrade in June.

In general, I recommend moving Windows 8 systems to Windows 10 as the Win 8 interface is less desirable than Win 10's.

If you have a Windows 7 system
MS's advertised "end of extended support" for Win7 - January 14, 2020 (2)

Ask yourself - do I think I'll be using this system when end of support arrives in January of 2020? That's a little under four years from the date of this post. If you think you'll replace the system before then, and you're happy with the system as it is now - stay with Windows 7. If you're not happy with Windows 7 or if you think you'll have the system longer than Jan 2020, do the Windows 10 upgrade in June.

In general, I consider Windows 7 to be more desirable than Windows 10. I am choosing to stay Windows 7 on my primary system. Should I end up keeping the system longer than Jan 2020 I'd likely be looking to buy an upgrade to whatever version of Windows is current then.

Why wait until June to do the upgrade?
Give Microsoft a bit more time to work out some bugs. Win10 installed on factory fresh systems looks to be fairly stable. On upgraded systems a few issues exist such that they can be "not pleasant" to cope with or resolve (Start Menu not popping up is one, WiFi not connecting under specific turn-on / restart conditions is another).

I prefer Win7 over Win10. Some of the bugs are not nice with Win10 and some of the privacy settings concern me (I prefer to not share info with out side sources, though realize this is not always possible or reasonable in our connected world). If you have Win10 on a system go to Start > Settings > Privacy and adjust the 20+ items as you see fit (no, no, no, no, off, no, etc.). Also look into the Windows Update settings for getting updates from "nearby" computers along with WiFi settings for your system to share your WiFi password (not really the password, but that gets the message across) with your friends via Skype and other Microsoft related accounts. Also decide if you wish the user account on the system should be a "Microsoft connected" account or a "local only" account. The Microsoft connected account does have advantages, so look into the plus's, though most folks I talk with, once they know the setup, prefer a local only account (which is what things were from Windows 7 and older).

I just want to get rid of the GWX upgrade nag!!!
You're not the only one! There are many third party programs to keep turning the GWX program off. Microsoft is kicking that program onto systems via Windows Update. They are persistent and folks have had to "turn it off" via multiple avenues. Microsoft finally has come out with a "Disable OS Upgrade" process:
I run the registry edit to disable the OS upgrade then I go into C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Windows\Setup\ (I might be a bit off on that line) and give myself permissions to modify the files within. From there I visit the Task Scheduler > Microsoft > Windows > Setup and disable all GWX and GWX Triggers scheduled tasks.
Lastly, I unhide the Windows 10 setup files download cache on the C-drive and delete all of it. It's called something like "Windows.~BT" and can be upwards of 5GB.
Once I reboot, the system has been told to not upgrade the OS, scheduled tasks that keep GWX running have been disabled (they could be deleted) and the Win10 install files cache is gone and not taking space on my hard drive (and image backups of the drive).

(1) http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/upgrade-to-windows-10-faq
Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as a free upgrade for compatible devices that are running genuine Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1 Update.

The free upgrade is a full version of Windows (not a trial or introductory version) and is available until July 29, 2016. Once you upgrade, you’ll have Windows 10 for free on that device.

(2) http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/lifecycle

April 18th, 2016, 12:27 AM
I upgraded my laptop to Windows 10 and I'm sorry I did. Some of my software I use for stargazing doesn't work with Windows 10. I tried the fix they recommend and they still don't work. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

April 18th, 2016, 01:01 AM
Sorry top hear it.

If you are within the 30 day window from upgrade, you might be able to "downgrade" / go back to your prior OS. MS built that into Win10. It is not bullet proof, and might not be available (for various reasons), but if it's an option, consider it.

One recommendation to folks - IF you do the upgrade, I recommend processing an IMAGE BACKUP of the system before doing the upgrade. The backup is your get-out-of-jail-free card as the Win10 downgrade route is not always available or even very reliable (the folks who have downgraded from Win10 have reported problems with their "old" system running properly).

April 18th, 2016, 02:48 AM
Something else I heard about win10, and have not confirmed, is that all the upgrades being done now, all have the same product key?

Maybe I just got lucky on my upgrade but I don't recall any problems with it. Or maybe there was and they were minor, easy fixes? IDK. I had a lot of customers last year calling in for help and complaining about win10, I did notice the majority of those complaining moved from win7. Those two UI's are a little different. But IIRC, most of the people moving from win8.1 didn't seem to mind it as much, I presume because they are a little more similar in how they work and therefore an easier transition? I still use win7, 8.1 and now 10 and I'm fine with em all. I told customers thinking about upgrading that I like it, I can navigate anywhere I want faster than I could with 7, but there was a little learning curve. If you go into it with zero pre-conceived notions, and spend some time learning the new interface, you have a better chance of liking it. You gain the use of Cortana, but that's not a feature I use, mostly because I never remember it's there. Just my .02 on win10

Does make me wonder just how many people will be using 7 way beyond discontinued support. I came across a lot still using XP even. 7 is a solid system, you really can't go wrong with it. I was on the win10 technical preview so saw, and got to use it as it was being developed. I'll jump on board the next one as well, I love seeing the latest and greatest and being a part of the build process.