View Full Version : Maybe 2016 isn't quite the great year I had hopes for...

April 28th, 2016, 11:26 PM
As much as I try to make 2016 a great year, it seems I keep getting yanked back into reality. Got word earlier today that my wife's uncle passed away. He had a major heart attack on the 15th of this month. My wife flew down to Dallas to be at his side, along with her mother and other relatives. She stayed down there until earlier this week, when it looked like he was doing much better, and would pull through. He took a nasty turn this afternoon and the doctors did everything in their power to save him, but were unable to in the end. My wife is heartbroken. Probably even more so that she wasn't there when he passed.

This will be the second family member we lay to rest in as many months. I thought one was tough... Please remember to hug and tell your loved ones just what they mean to you.

The StRanger
April 28th, 2016, 11:30 PM
Condolences dude....
Its not easy getting older...

April 29th, 2016, 01:48 AM
Please remember to hug and tell your loved ones just what they mean to you.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My condolences to you and your loved ones.

April 29th, 2016, 02:37 AM
Sorry to hear it Aaron.

I'll have you folks in mind with prayers tonight.

April 29th, 2016, 07:27 AM
Sorry to hear Aaron. Our condolences.

2012 was that kind of year for me.

April 29th, 2016, 07:40 AM
Sorry to hear that Aaron, I hope his end was peaceful and the rest of the year is better for you and yours.

April 29th, 2016, 09:20 AM
Our condolences for you. Hopefully as Summer finally gets here 2016 turns around for you.

April 29th, 2016, 10:16 AM
Sorry to hear this Aaron.

April 30th, 2016, 05:25 PM
My condolences go out to you and all of your family. The summer sun will help ease the mind a bit. Hang in there.

April 30th, 2016, 05:55 PM
So sorry to hear , we'll keep you our prayers. I do understand the short cycle of losing family as we've lost 3 since December and waiting for the fourth one to pass any day now. If you or the mrs. need anything give me a call.

April 30th, 2016, 10:26 PM
hang tough. You need someone to chat with or even just vent give me a shout.

May 1st, 2016, 12:42 PM
Thank you everyone. I really appreciate your condolences and well wishes. It's been a rough ride. Today marks my wife and I's 5th wedding anniversary. We are trying to forget about everything else and just focus on us. We really hadn't planned anything since we didn't know who would be where today. But since we will be together this afternoon and evening, we thought we should at least try to spend some time together.

Thanks again for all your continued support!

May 1st, 2016, 01:21 PM
Happy Anniversary!

Enjoy the moment, life's memories are the moments we choose to remember.

Make the most of today.

May 1st, 2016, 04:34 PM
Happy anniversary! It's time to celebrate living with the love of your life!:cheers: