View Full Version : Yankee Hill Sunday?

May 17th, 2016, 09:09 AM
This coming weekend the weather forecast for Central City is 60s and sunny both days, I'm hoping that by Sunday it will be clear straight through, maybe not the big snow pile... anyone interested? I'm thinking about 10am at the Cemeteries on Eureka St. It's an easy trail when it's dry...

Last year:




Night run:


May 17th, 2016, 08:04 PM
I'm clearing the schedule now. If the weather holds up, sounds like a good day. Consider me "interested" and very likely in for the trip. I may bring one other along if he's up for it.

May 17th, 2016, 08:16 PM
I'll be watching this and the wx, it would be good to get out.

May 17th, 2016, 10:03 PM
Anything you want to know about the weather on Yankee, just ask. We moved up here and LITERALLY live at the Yankee trailhead. Here is the view from the master bedroom window:


Yup, just to the right of the dirt piles out there is the parking/staging area for Yankee. to the left of em is one of the cemeteries. We've made 3 attempts at yankee so far and have been turned back all 3 times at the same spot. All thanks to mud on rocks each time. Mud that will not let my tires stay on top of rocks that I REALLY need to stay on top of. Tried once from the Alice side, NOPE, not trying the snow with these little 31's, no winch, and alone. Snowed the last day and a half or so, but pretty much already gone. I heard warm temps through the week so may be a decent shot at it by Sunday. Even if not, there is so many trails around here it's rediculous, could easily make a day of running around under the snow line. Either way, since we live right here and all, count us in. I'd say calendar the idea and see what happens.

May 17th, 2016, 10:12 PM
EDIT: Who let the rookie double post in here? Sorry :frown:

May 18th, 2016, 03:00 PM
Looks like enough interest to post it, especially with all the sunshine today! :thumb:

May 18th, 2016, 07:32 PM
Celebrating Neil's graduation and birthday or I would join you! Need to get the LR3 on our trails.

May 19th, 2016, 08:32 AM
Thinking about it, sounds like a good one

May 19th, 2016, 10:00 AM
I might get out too. I just need a kick in the pants to get me going.

May 19th, 2016, 02:48 PM
Hope everyone can make it! This is from last weekend, looks like they had a pretty easy time in a nicely done Tacoma and a stock 4Runner. At 45 seconds you can see how clear some of it is, and after this week's temps and all the traffic that will probably be there on Saturday I'm imagining it will be open all the way across by Sunday. I don't want to do any damage or break anything this early in the season, just a fun run.


May 19th, 2016, 04:16 PM
EDIT: Who let the rookie double post in here? Sorry :frown:

Awesome view Chad!

May 20th, 2016, 10:03 PM
Went for an end of the day hike today at White Ranch Park and it is all melted and beautiful there, hopefully Yankee Hill will be too! Per the RSVPs I'd be happy to run it as an in /out to return to the parking area. This is from the Rawhide trail:

May 21st, 2016, 03:55 AM
Awesome view Chad!

Thanks Louis!! It is quite nice, unfortunately the landlord has already decided they dont want to do long term lease, only took a week. So not sure what's gonna happen yet. But it was a month to month deal and they did make a generous offer for us to leave. They decided they wanted to be able use along with family and they'll rent it out by the night in between. It had just been listed when we found it and they agreed to let us stay month to month as long as we wanted, then I guess they got quite a lot of response on it so they changed their mind. Its cool, we understand, just sucks it was the perfect location for us.

I ran Yankee last night ALMOST to the spot that has been turning me back. Came across a rock far bigger than I can put a tire on far enough into the trail that I couldnt get around it anymore. Wont be that big of a deal for someone with a winch and snatch block if its still there on Sunday. Also, I would reccomend going up columbine campground road. I came down that one and there was some pretty good washouts, puddles, and plenty of opportunity to pick a line according to your capabilities. I think going up it would be fun.

As for the rest of the trail to the top, people I know were up there today and said theres still quite a Bit of snow. Since Im up so early I may run up to poser rock to watch the sunrise. If I do, I'll try and remember to run up and grab a pic of that rock. The spot that has turned me back is a little bit beyond that and as it sits is the hardest obstacle on the trail so far. Im sure I could make it with a little creative rock stacking though.

I'll report back with some pics if I do go up there.

May 21st, 2016, 10:53 AM
OK!! So ran up the hill and just BARELY caught the sunrise. It was really cool!!





So then we ran up a little further to the rock that was out in the trail last night that stopped me. Someone through the course of the night had moved it back so it's more out of the way again. Here's what it looks like now:


We didn't go any further this morning, (although if we get some things done we may go up this afternoon again, the joys of having Yankee in your backyard) but around this left curve is the spot we call the squeeze, when it was muddy the first time up, the truck kept wanting to slide into a rock that's door height. Just beyond that is the rocks that have become my nemesis. 33's should have no trouble with it and 35's, it's not even there, but 31's is a little different story. Cant straddle it, and so far haven't been able to stay on top of the rocks thanks to them being covered in slimy mud.

We did have some friends go up there yesterday and send some pics of the snow that, from what we're told, starts showing up on the trail no too far past the squeeze. Here's what they sent, and keep in mind, the red Jeep is on 35's

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/5-21-16%20yankee%20scouting/13281834_10154823298223448_1401518787_n_zpsyimclhk 2.jpg

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/5-21-16%20yankee%20scouting/13246048_10154823298498448_1189573075_n_zpsgwovarr m.jpg

http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah95/isplaytime/5-21-16%20yankee%20scouting/13249466_10154823298023448_2059725870_n_zpsgl8qt6l 7.jpg

I also went and scouted the road that starts and poser rock and comes back in just after the squeeze, but it's a no go, drifted in still bigtime. So it'll be an out and back for us for sure, but I do want to take another shot at conquering my nemesis spot. I think a little rock stacking and we should be good. Went up columbine campground rd. this morning and I can confirm it is even more fun going up than down. Also found out my Galaxy Note4 takes some pretty good trail video, I'm working on that next. Anyway, there's what I know so far, if we go up this afternoon I'll report back on that as well, otherwise we'll see you guys in the morning.

May 21st, 2016, 11:16 AM
One more pic. Kinda hard to see it in this pic, I pulled it from my video, but up ahead is the snow drifted across the trail making this little bypass around the squeeze unusable.


May 21st, 2016, 01:18 PM
Looks great, thanks for the recon! Clearly we're going to have to crawl that rock. :) I'd imagine after today it will be melted and bashed down a lot, but whatever is there should be fun! It's staying above freezing there tonight too. :thumb:

May 21st, 2016, 02:01 PM
Yes!! It hasn't been that bad here at night at all. Unless one of the 200 people up here today move that rock back, it should be no problem for those of us that don't have quite that much clearance. Not worries though, I'll just move it back out of the way again!!

May 21st, 2016, 05:32 PM
Weather forecast says 60 and sunny, in Central City tomorrow, it will be 55 and sunny at 10:00. :) I just finished a quick pre-trip check and filled my tank, taking off the doors and windows too. I can't wait!! :woot:

May 21st, 2016, 05:48 PM
I know somebody who wont be going through the puddles very fast........LOL

May 21st, 2016, 07:39 PM
Last chance snow bashing. I'm in!

May 22nd, 2016, 07:42 AM
What a beautiful morning!! I was having coffee outside and realized it's already as warm in Denver as it's going to be in Central City. So morning temps just beat out last night's enthusiasm, I put the doors back on the Jeep... :lmao:

On cotrip.org everything looks great, even Berthod pass is pretty melted. :thumb:

May 22nd, 2016, 06:19 PM
Hope all made it home safely.

May 22nd, 2016, 06:25 PM
I'm home. Had a great time. Thanks!