View Full Version : Anyone wheeling Sat or Sun 24/25th?

May 22nd, 2008, 04:29 PM
Is anyone planning to go for a run this coming weekend? I am thinking of going, not sure where, this weekend and thought I would ask if anyone wanted to set something up short notice.

May 22nd, 2008, 04:55 PM
I hear Twin Cone opens up this Saturday. I have a kitchen pass for Sunday and considered running it with the local LR club (but hadn't commited to them yet)... but, I could be persuaded to run it with FR4X4 if there's at least one other who's willing to go.

The trail is very easy most of the way, but nearing the top it does get rocky and has some moderately challenging uphills. The view from the top is nice!

May 22nd, 2008, 05:31 PM
I hear Twin Cone opens up this Saturday. I have a kitchen pass for Sunday and considered running it with the local LR club (but hadn't commited to them yet)... but, I could be persuaded to run it with FR4X4 if there's at least one other who's willing to go.

The trail is very easy most of the way, but nearing the top it does get rocky and has some moderately challenging uphills. The view from the top is nice!

I have no idea where that is, since thus far (until pretty recently) only relied on Charles's book for trail ideas. I would be up for that. Anyone else?

What is a kitchen pass?

May 22nd, 2008, 05:36 PM
i would say i'm in but i don't go ANYWHERE during memorial weekend! too many people are out.

May 22nd, 2008, 09:11 PM
I hear Twin Cone opens up this Saturday. I have a kitchen pass for Sunday and considered running it with the local LR club (but hadn't commited to them yet)... but, I could be persuaded to run it with FR4X4 if there's at least one other who's willing to go.

I am leading the LR club trip on Sunday and so far, no one has committed. I would be happy to make it a joint LR/FR4x4 trip if any of you are interested. I would prefer not to drive it alone.

I will be in a blue DiscoveryII at the Bradley gas station in Conifer (10800 Highway 73, Conifer, CO 80433) between 9 and 9:30 Sunday morning.

A description of the trail is available at http://www.traildamage.com/trails/index.php?id=38


May 22nd, 2008, 11:05 PM
I read the report on Twin Cone...the runoff I keep hearing about won't be a problem you think? I guess we'd find out. For those that have done it, and know that I am heading out for a big desert trip in two weeks, not much risk of damaging the FJC if I have some spotting help over the described rocky sections?

I know there will be people out, but I'd like to go out too. I like Mike's offer of a joint venture, any othter takers here?

Mike, which side of the highway is the Bradley on? Can you give me a hint when coming in from the north side heading south, like, 'it's right after the grocery store, turn left at the next inlet'? Thanks. :)

May 22nd, 2008, 11:32 PM
Mike, which side of the highway is the Bradley on? Can you give me a hint when coming in from the north side heading south, like, 'it's right after the grocery store, turn left at the next inlet'? Thanks. :)

It's on the right side. From US-285 heading south, turn right onto CR-73. The turnoff is just past the gas station. You should see the sign.

See you on Sunday.


May 23rd, 2008, 01:28 AM
Well... I'll be the jerk here since I spoke out against a joint run that occured last Saturday. What differs this time is I actually know of the other club involved this time - which is why I haven't wheeled with them since last year and hadn't commited to wheeling with them this Sunday. For me, that club isn't a great fit - FR4x4 is. Thus, this is why I suggested we have our own run. Given that they have had only one person (Mike) commit (that club has had around 9 scheduled runs with only 3 actually happening, if that's any indication of how things go) for Sunday's trip, I don't have a problem with Mike joining us that day. With that said...

Mike, welcome to FR4x4! I hope your appearance here is not simply limited to this Sunday's trip and you'll participate should you find this group to be a good fit for you. I'm not sure if we've met through the Solihull Society (was a member with them for the past 2 years).

First... a kitchen pass is when a guy gets permission from the significant other to go do something away from the home. :)

Second... the rocks on Twin Cone aren't huge, but they're not small either. I did grab a few pics of me on that trail and drop them in an album here, but they might not do the trail justice. I can't remember banging the sliders too much on this one, so it isn't too bad. So long as one has some rock protection, one should be fine with some spotting.

Third... are Brody and I the only early risers here??? :) I'd much rather meet at 8am/8:30am or be at the trailhead by 9am. Any takers on this? My preference is to get on the trail before any other groups, especially since it's a holiday weekend. Plus, I'm just up early and prefer to get started early. :) I wasn't jazzed about the late (to me) meeting time for the Solihull run, which is one of the several reasons I hadn't commited to it as of yet.

Cheers! I think I can go back to sleep now that my allergy medicine has kicked in - darn springtime!

May 23rd, 2008, 04:48 AM
Hey Jimmy!

I won't be going, but I guess you and I are the only early birds...Actually Andrew, Bren and Bear get up early, too...I have always been in favor of early starts for the same reasons, whether it is rock climbing, boarding, skiing, hiking, etc. You beat the crowds either way...

Hope you have a good run...

May 23rd, 2008, 07:07 AM
Well... I'll be the jerk here since I spoke out against a joint run that occured last Saturday. What differs this time is I actually know of the other club involved this time - which is why I haven't wheeled with them since last year and hadn't commited to wheeling with them this Sunday. For me, that club isn't a great fit - FR4x4 is. Thus, this is why I suggested we have our own run. Given that they have had only one person (Mike) commit (that club has had around 9 scheduled runs with only 3 actually happening, if that's any indication of how things go) for Sunday's trip, I don't have a problem with Mike joining us that day. With that said...

It sounds like it would be a FR4x4 run with Mike which is good. Multiple people are members of multiple clubs but it looks like many have a hard time getting people to commit. The great thing about Front Range is people do like to wheel. :thunb:

This coming from a guy w/o anything to wheel is meaningless. :(

May 23rd, 2008, 08:15 AM
I'm just along for the ride. If whoever is heading this up now, be it Mike or me and Jimmy, an 830am start is fine with me. I hate getting up early but my SO likes to, so I can have the truck loaded and ready to go. (That's why I don't get a kitchen pass, I'm not the guy ;))
Jimmy, are you for sure going? I do have a good front skid and decent rock rails. I'm going if you are going, over and done.

May 23rd, 2008, 09:25 AM
An 8:30 start time sounds good. Beating the crowds is always a good thing.

LR club or FR4x4 club, it doesn't really matter. What is important is that we have an opportunity to run trails and have a fun and safe time.

Unless, of course, the run is organized by Bubba's "Beer and Environmental Damage" Jeepin Club, in which case, I'll pass. :tsk:

I'll see everyone on Sunday morning.


May 23rd, 2008, 03:12 PM
I'm definitely in. Just got done swapping out my bad air valve for my front locker... just might need it on Sunday. :)

So, how about we stick to the Bradley gas station and move the departure time up to 0830? The Bradley is very easy to see from 285 (it practically sits on it), so any vehicles waiting there are easy to spot. I'm typically early, so look for the dirty red Disco.

Mike - You might want to update the Solihull thread if you still intend to lead for them, as I saw Jim (really great guy for those who haven't met him) may go if he gets a leak repaired. He won't mind the earlier time... he lives close by.

May 23rd, 2008, 10:44 PM
The thread at the top of this page suggested an 830 start time, Mike concurred and you seconded that so looks like I have to get my rear up early :eek: and get to the gas station. Their coffee better not suck.

Will check in tomorrow and post my cell just in case.

May 24th, 2008, 06:37 AM
The thread at the top of this page suggested an 830 start time, Mike concurred and you seconded that so looks like I have to get my rear up early :eek: and get to the gas station.
The way I see it, if we get done with Twin Cone early enough, we could check out another trail in the area. I wouldn't mind taking a peek up Guanella Pass to see if it's passible yet - Bushducks (http://www.bushducks.com/tripreps/passopen.htm) hasn't had an update on it since early April.

Their coffee better not suck.
That's probably why Mike didn't get much of a response on the LR board. He didn't pick a meeting spot with a Starbucks. :)

Will check in tomorrow and post my cell just in case.
I'll PM mine to everyone who plans on going before tomorrow morning.

May 24th, 2008, 06:54 AM
Hey Jimmy, I'd like to join. 8:30 sounds good. Kitchen pass...more like, "I'm going out wheeling, do you want to come along?" "No, then bake me a cake for when I get home." :D

May 24th, 2008, 06:56 AM
Hey Jimmy and Steve, since you are both on line...you guys have fun. Not much snow this side of Kenosha Pass...don't know about Guanella, though...It was winter on the Jefferson side when I left yesterday afternoon and snowing on the Pass...

May 24th, 2008, 07:00 AM
Yay, snow :D Thanks for the heads up! Well, I'm off to Funrover's to help him move. See you guys tomorrow morning!

May 24th, 2008, 07:18 AM
Hey guys, Barb and wheeled the Accord :p last weekend on Guanella Pass. It has some good size rocks on the road and was totally blocked by snow. The only tracks when we hit the snow were from snowshoes.

May 24th, 2008, 07:29 AM
Sunday, eh? Anyone care for a passenger?

May 24th, 2008, 07:44 AM
Sunday, eh? Anyone care for a passenger?
My right seat is open... if you dare!!! :) ***EDIT: Chris: Just talked to Lisa and I'll be bringing her and the boys along. If noone else can offer you a right seat, you're still welcomed to mine, but it'll be a full house... again, if you dare (but a different fear to face: young boys!). ***

I think it was last early/mid-May when I had the family loaded up in the Disco and said let's see if we can get over Guanella Pass and have lunch in Georgetown. Ha! We got to where you can see the switchbacks begin near the top and hit 3 foot of snow. That bottom in there doesn't see much sunlight, it would seem.

The more the merrier, Steve!

May 24th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Sunday, eh? Anyone care for a passenger?

Saw Jimmy will take you, cool, otherwise my backseat was open too.

May 24th, 2008, 08:24 AM
Hey Jimmy, I'd like to join. 8:30 sounds good. Kitchen pass...more like, "I'm going out wheeling, do you want to come along?" "No, then bake me a cake for when I get home." :D

Cake? I'd ask for a big piece of cow, potatoes AND cake. What kind of man are you? (;))

May 24th, 2008, 08:25 AM
Saw Jimmy will take you, cool, otherwise my backseat was open too.

I just edited, after you posted, to warn Chris that I just got word that the wife and kids want to come.

It's good Chris has a choice of rides!

May 24th, 2008, 08:32 AM
Is Admin now required to bring donuts? Isn't there something in the Code about that?

LOL re: the Starbucks shot. hehehe, gotta start the trail with my double shot no whip skinny latte you know.

May 24th, 2008, 08:33 AM
Hey guys, Barb and wheeled the Accord :p last weekend on Guanella Pass. It has some good size rocks on the road and was totally blocked by snow. The only tracks when we hit the snow were from snowshoes.

Sedan-wheeling. Love it.

May 24th, 2008, 08:41 AM
Saw Jimmy will take you, cool, otherwise my backseat was open too.

I just edited, after you posted, to warn Chris that I just got word that the wife and kids want to come.

Nothing against your kids Jimmy but that sounds pretty crowded ;)

Back seat Pathrat? Sounds about as appealing as Jimmy's offer. :D

Maybe I'll be painting & packing afterall :p

May 24th, 2008, 09:30 PM
See everyone in the morning! Looks like we'll have at least one from Solihull Society joining, as well as a couple of maybes.

Should be fun! I'm itching to see if there's snow at the top. :)

May 25th, 2008, 07:00 AM
Cake? I'd ask for a big piece of cow, potatoes AND cake. What kind of man are you? (;))

The, kind of man, who likes cake? :D

May 25th, 2008, 07:01 PM
Got my German Chocolate cake with coconut pecan icing!!! All I need now is a bag of ice for my shin...:D


May 25th, 2008, 07:19 PM
I'd smack my shin for some of that. How is the leg?

May 25th, 2008, 08:11 PM
Is that your report? A bruised shin and cake? :D

May 26th, 2008, 06:58 AM
Nice reply, Steve!

Next time you have a cake like that and Pathrat starts spouting off about bloody meat, etc, and then wants a big piece of cake...well, don't share. LaDawn and I will gladly eat her portion so that it doesn't go to waste....

May 26th, 2008, 01:21 PM
Nice reply, Steve!

Next time you have a cake like that and Pathrat starts spouting off about bloody meat, etc, and then wants a big piece of cake...well, don't share. LaDawn and I will gladly eat her portion so that it doesn't go to waste....

Now Brody, there was no cake to be had on this trail, and I did no spouting of any kind. I behaved quite well and there was no discussion of anatomy nor disease. Therefore, I deserve cake. :D

May 26th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Looks like you need to bring Pathrat a cake now Pete.

May 26th, 2008, 04:46 PM
The leg is bruised and sore. (that's what I get for trying to military press a Rover with mud clogged shoes on my feet) I think the Dr. will let me keep it.

May 26th, 2008, 05:14 PM
Looks like you need to bring Pathrat a cake now Pete.


Steve's wife made the cake so I will make no claim. Maybe next time I will bring a cake in a big Tupperware carrier and see what it looks like when we stop for lunch.