View Full Version : A Welcome Message to all the recent new members:

March 15th, 2017, 11:06 PM
Welcome to all of you! For those of us who have been here a while we welcome you and look forward to meeting you!

Here is a great opportunity for you to meet a lot of members, wheel some fun trails with the some great support from other members and really learn what this group is all about. It's our annual Anniversary Run. The date and location got thrown off a bit from the norm (thanks to Mother Nature), but it's still sure to be a success! We have always gathered at a designated spot for a pot-luck lunch and we invite you to join in and contribute if you can. You'll find most of the info you need to know at the following links:

www.FrontRange4x4.com/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=866&day=2017-4-1 (http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=866&day=2017-4-1) RSVP for our Anniversary Run! You'll meet some pretty cool people who will quickly become your "New best friends"! You are sure to have a great time with some great people. You won't regret it!

And be sure to visit the food planning (http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?25580-2017-Anniversary-Run-Pot-Luck-Lunch) link as well and let us know if you want to contribute to the pot-luck lunch which is the main "meet-and greet" part of the day!