View Full Version : Red Cone/Webster

September 6th, 2017, 05:36 PM
See if there is any interest in a Red Cone/Webster run before the snow flies. I know we have some runs coming up with Argentine this weekend and the trail clean-up sometime later this month - so see who might be interested and when. Not sure if time really allows, but might be interesting to start on the Montezuma side, go up and over webster to the bottom on the south side (Grants), and return via red cone and back down to Montezuma. Since I've never run it, I might be underestimating the time...and maybe the more traditional meet on the Grants side, go up red cone and return to Grants via Webster is a full run.


September 6th, 2017, 07:44 PM

I can give track log times for Red Cone, Radical Hill (Breckenridge exit), Saints John (Montezuma exit).

I'm curious as to what some folks say regarding Webster top-down direction (being opposing traffic - an issue or not???)

September 6th, 2017, 08:10 PM
I would have an interest based on availability.

September 6th, 2017, 09:09 PM
I would be interested. That is very doable. We ran over Webster to Montezuma that day you had troubles with your Jeep last year. We had camp set up by dark (to give you an idea of time)
Might be good to do Red Cone then track around and hit Radical Hill. That's a fun one.

September 6th, 2017, 09:26 PM

I can give track log times for Red Cone, Radical Hill (Breckenridge exit), Saints John (Montezuma exit).

I'm curious as to what some folks say regarding Webster top-down direction (being opposing traffic - an issue or not???)
Shouldn't be a issue. Have someone walk down to the first corner. They can then see to the first switchback and up to the summit and wave em down when its clear. I did that for Gary when we did Redcone a few years ago. I didn't choose to do Webster having run it uphill previously. i went down via Montezuma.

September 6th, 2017, 09:26 PM
There was a nasty roll over on radical 2 week's ago....
A rubi built like mine rolling over 3 times.....
Amazing what folks think they can do with a rubi when they don't know how to control them!

Any how James I would love to join this run.....if I can get away from Aspen for the weekend!

The Jeep is at the dealership for the shock, as well they need to reprogram things for the tires.
The ESP has tried to stop the truck at 50 plus on the freeway!
Can't believe they would let this thing go down the road without correcting this stuff!

September 7th, 2017, 11:23 AM
You guys got me pretty interested in this run last week. I won't lie, I'm pretty nervous about it. My vote would be Red Cone and return on Webster. I think Red Cone and Radical Hill might be too much pucker for one day haha. Do you have any dates on this yet? I'm looking at doing the Pole Hill run on the 16th(?) as well.

September 8th, 2017, 04:18 PM
Thinking of setting this up for next weekend - say 9/16. Could meet on either side (Grants or Montezuma). The idea of making it more of a loop to return to the start is for those that might trailer their vehicles, but if we don't have any that need to return to the start, then we could definitely continue onwards in one direction. A few years ago I ran Chiuahaua gulch up peru creek - that is pretty neat short trail that could be an add on as well.

See what people think and say...then maybe post end of the weekend, early next week.

September 8th, 2017, 04:48 PM
Chiuahaua Gulch vid for those that have never run it.


September 10th, 2017, 06:00 PM
Looking like this can be a go for this coming weekend...any input as to sat (9/16) or sun (9/17). I probably prefer sat, but if sun is truly better for people I can do it. Additionally, sun might have less people. Tentatively thinking of of meeting on the Grants (or south) side and heading up Red Cone first thing. Some may want to return to Grants via Webster, and/or others may want to continue over and down the north side of Webster towards Montezuma/Sts John and possibly radical hill etc.

Finally, its looking like the fall colors are starting turn in the mountains, and thinking this weekend could be pretty spectacular foliage. Going to see if there is any feedback about the sat vs sun and looking to post this up on Mon or Tues.

September 10th, 2017, 06:11 PM
The colors are just getting started up here in Aspen.
Need a week or more to get real good.
Have heard some of the passes are nice and gold.
But up the valley here in Glennwood springs there is way to much green.

Wish this job would get done so I can be home and wheel my new ride!

September 10th, 2017, 06:19 PM
Sat is my pref but I can do either.

September 10th, 2017, 07:39 PM
I would have to be Sunday.

September 10th, 2017, 08:07 PM
Saturday works best for me

September 10th, 2017, 09:16 PM

I'm a maybe for saturday...

September 10th, 2017, 11:00 PM
It looks like I might be replacing my master brake cylinder before any "next trip" happens.

"something happened" on Bald Mountain. At a boulder obstacle something left a 3" fluid spot spot on the ground (I think it was me but it could have been one other vehicle). If me, it was near the left side of the jeep. At that obstacle my brake pedal almost hit the floorboard (NOT normal) but a pump or two and all was 95% normal the rest of the day - thus I think the spot was from me - but I don't have any tell-tale spill on the jeep. At a late-day stop I checked master cyl levels - the rear brake reservoir, that I think I had topped off a week prior from being 1/4" below full, was about 80% empty. Hmmmph. Fill it again and complete the day w/o issue.

Before the Argentine Pass trip I went under the jeep and checked all lines and wheel cylinders for wetness / leaks. All are dry. Where did the wet spot come from? Where's the fluid going?

Brakes are decent so off to Argentine I go, but with this mental note floating. Somewhere on McClellan the brake light turned on - but would turn off again - depending if I had a long press or a short press for brakes. Brake performance is poor and I'm thinking the master cylinder is having an internal failure. Replacement to happen this week if I'm to make Red Cone...

September 11th, 2017, 08:48 AM
Seems like this would not be a good trail for poor brake performance or with any questions about the brake system. In all truth - this trail kind of scares me...its not so much the trail itself but more about taking a 47 year old jeep on it with a very short wheelbase and a carburetor that can be finicky at high elevation and in off-camber situations. I'd be happy to run it in something newer! hmmm....still thinking....

September 11th, 2017, 08:53 AM
Ya this one is steep
Low gear in 1st for control may be 2nd but with drum brakes hmmmm PUCKER factor will be huge!
Great trail other wise.

September 12th, 2017, 08:32 AM
Run is posted....can continue discussion in planned trail run thread.