View Full Version : 2008 Chevy C4500 Ambulances - $12,000 obo each - Only 1 left!!!!!

January 15th, 2018, 05:31 PM
2008 Chevy C4500 Ambulances

Here is your chance to own one of the best work trucks money can buy! Or convert into a utility vehicle, camper/RV, pit truck, tailgate rig, or keep it an ambulance.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/I2NT7Zyk2eruMaTCJY2mjgcdNCysu1QMivNqxKGWJ8FXLxwi0P OgyAi4gsrbz8wbxyWQfToC3Wvup0m6hwovgAW2jAh-Fa8p2k0WCRPABgV5SjB1mCJx7m3EJJxLvoBQtbqvJs26ixHnk_-HmKc3QLS2iW-hYdY-5DlLLvM4zt4XCO2fwT4_I4KrOH-DpGrD_cyxTld_TMdLepWCxwogMJIumXetBvPtRy516X7Ws4iDp Q2FfgPEYNNhVyDhGjqdbrrBqETtX3EfXFSvrWrjTKWNp0nM_u8 So72CnfBQBd-IAxuZQeLv8ErkJgb0x3-49C5lZJ-Jt-h_QaX3zwDDDwwBmGCfl7vw7Fno0RZjc7nBly75eIwTC9V4-o8MHD3alaZ2OolE6MiaVHMVvZpWvo1oaXUD3TJtYFURLKHGR6k E5Gw2f3XK4HSPVmYQmVCHpYxoPoYr0PBNjY17YHZUQ2k00ZCBd rLXPx1YN5wdyAHoGbcmcItIHPSyZWIarDGZ4v18PaY2Wp6qmfA 6h9d8P0zaRrDf_sdvtfFFlhZM-jkC8Kxp-cV6Ur5-AkEandHEfF7sFH-Dnkt1TXTLt7zB1K4kDb608Vq-bUF4BP-FmWralYXbPQoKN5T_4SnWMZR75zpaLOVyB6jobb--SOc-dOydfXeIsG47jQ=w1478-h1108-no

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Here is your chance to own one of the best work trucks money can buy! Or convert into a utility vehicle, camper/RV, pit truck, tailgate rig, or keep it an ambulance.

HD Chevy chassis with the best in the business Osage 15' Ambulance box.
Duramax 6.6L diesel engine, runs like a champ. Allison auto transmission shifts like new.
Tires in decent shape and the Alcoa wheels are still beautiful.
All have power inverters, and everything is functional besides the siren systems.

Come check them out.

Each only $12,000
open to offers and trades

Located in Lafayette, Colorado

For more information or to schedule a showing:

CLICK HERE: http://bruckerbrothersltd.com/for-sale/


PM me here


Call the shop @ 720-235-9485


Email: sales@bruckerbrothers.com

January 17th, 2018, 02:52 PM
One has sold, so only have 1 left! Come get it while you can!

January 17th, 2018, 09:16 PM
Just curious, where is Pulaski county?

January 17th, 2018, 09:31 PM

January 17th, 2018, 09:37 PM
agian DONT us ehtese for your bussines as the fall in the Comercail truck!
weight raiting requirs a med cad for comercial use!
keep any business info off it and register as your personal it would make a nice rv, haul truck for a buggy
nice price to.
good luck arron

January 17th, 2018, 10:31 PM
agian DONT us ehtese for your bussines as the fall in the Comercail truck!
weight raiting requirs a med cad for comercial use!
keep any business info off it and register as your personal it would make a nice rv, haul truck for a buggy
nice price to.
good luck arron

Thanks but after buying and selling (and modifying a few) an entire fleet, we are fairly well versed with the ins and outs of these.

January 18th, 2018, 07:27 PM
its not the mods its the end user.
Its not you as the seller its the end user.
No business names on them plan and symple.
Even a little toytoa truck 1/4 ton thing once it get the company name on its commercial.
These are big so there is alot of hoops it all I am saying.

January 19th, 2018, 07:06 AM
as long as the gvwr is under 26001lb a cdl isnt required. i need this for a tow pig. but i don't have 12k to spare nor anywhere to park it.

January 19th, 2018, 07:15 AM
Correct on cdl, yet it over 10,000 lbs thus medical card is needed.
Yet Alex if you register it privately as your private property, none of this is required.

They would be a nice tow rig for sure

January 19th, 2018, 07:27 AM
putting a business name on a vehicle is required when you register any vehicle to a business. It is about taxes and allowable deductions for use, not the type of vehicle. It's about who it's registered to, not what it is. As a business owner myself I have both types of registration on different vehicles, including a truck, but no CDL. If you don't register it to a business you can still use it for work, without branding it, and still take mileage. Registering it to a business allows you to take all expenses and depreciation, but raises insurance (in my situation) so it's a thinker. Commercial registration has no effect on driver's license requirements, those are about what, not who. https://www.dmv.org/co-colorado/special-licenses.php

I'm getting dejavu from this thread, didn't this already come up last time Brucker sold one of these?

January 19th, 2018, 08:08 PM
I think it would make an awesome camper!

January 19th, 2018, 08:20 PM
Never said he can't sell.

January 26th, 2018, 12:21 PM
2008's have all sold! Thanks!

I am about to list a 2009 with the same specs and details. I hand picked it out of all the ambulances that I got to keep for myself. But with the HUGE interest we have gotten, I decided to sell it as well.

February 4th, 2018, 01:29 PM
I’ll be keeping an eye on these listings! Thinking about starting a business for myself and one of these may be a great option for my idea. Curious about the license requirements, but I can ask the Family lawyer

February 4th, 2018, 01:32 PM
Great platform.
Good luck and enjoy.

February 9th, 2018, 07:29 PM
I’ll be keeping an eye on these listings! Thinking about starting a business for myself and one of these may be a great option for my idea. Curious about the license requirements, but I can ask the Family lawyer

I will keep you in mind Travis! I haven't had time to even think about listing mine. And we are sold out of all the others. We may have a couple more come in next year, but they are from a slightly different fleet and those aren't a guaranteed thing. We sold off the entire original fleet. In all honesty, I may end up keeping mine. It is in outstanding condition and I have big plans for it. I just get discouraged with my lack of time that I could dedicate to it. I will let you know if I decide to sell mine. That is if I find the time to actually contemplate that thought for real.

February 10th, 2018, 12:55 AM
No sweat buddy! Keep it and let me know if you find another. I wouldn’t be ready right away anyway.

March 1st, 2018, 05:57 PM
Travis, I ended up selling mine. But I did get another rig in unexpectedly. I thought we had gone through the entire fleet already, but they had another hold out. Just arrived, check it out here: http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?26527-2009-Chevrolet-C4500-Ambulance-13000-obo

March 5th, 2018, 01:45 PM
Travis, I ended up selling mine. But I did get another rig in unexpectedly. I thought we had gone through the entire fleet already, but they had another hold out. Just arrived, check it out here: http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?26527-2009-Chevrolet-C4500-Ambulance-13000-obo
Dang! That one is nice, too! I am pulling strings trying to get a business started. I will keep you posted! Thanks man.