View Full Version : Mushu

April 5th, 2018, 09:33 PM
(Sorry in advance for long-windedness.)

I finally have my Jeep back!

Advanced apologies if this sounds like an ad – I believe in the products, and if it wasn’t for the generosity of the sponsors, and the work of Northridge4x4 (especially my husband, Chris), Mushu would still be stock (I loved him stock, but still…). This Jeep really knocked it out of the park performance-wise in Moab last week. I’m SO pleased. Since I didn’t build it, it’s not a cool build thread; more of an info dealio.

Over the last couple years, Chris has built some pretty solid relationships in the industry, and that led to getting sponsored by some companies, and it also led to him getting the manager position of the Colorado Northridge4x4 store. All of this makes me derivatively (way) lucky. A few industry people were excited that I was getting a two door (kind of like Chris getting a second Jeep, ha!), and provided stuff for the build. My Jeep is all because of my husband - I have no skill whatsoever in doing what he does – building business relationships, building Jeeps. I do, however, believe in the companies that gave us stuff, and will promote them to the ends of the earth, because they make excellent stuff (there were other companies that courted Chris for the build, but he went with what he thought was the best).

Mushu started as a 2013 JKR. I enjoyed the heck out of him stock! The build started with Northridge installing the Rock Krawler kit. Go big or go home, apparently. They removed all factory mounts, sanded everything down, welded on all the new mounts, and painted everything.

Once the kit was on, Bob of TNT came down from Cheyenne and trailered him up to his shop. There, he created the first ever 6” stretch rear armor designed to work with the RK kit. The sliders are amazing, too – like boat sides. Very cool the way he engineered everything. The gas filler is relocated, as well, and has a super sexy billet filler cap (it’s the little things…).

After that, we brought him home (again on a trailer), and Chris removed all the armor, and sent it to powder coating. He stayed late many nights, and was there every weekend, getting ready for EJS and installing the last of the smaller stuff.

So the nitty gritty-

Rock Krawler Suspensions http://www.rockkrawler.com/ - X Factor long arm three link 6” stretch. 1.5” RK springs. Adjustable front and rear track bar. I’ve never had people come up to me and tell me that they can’t believe how smooth it is on the obstacles. This happened at EJS. I was amazed (but not surprised) at how well it did!
Adams Driveshaft rear driveshaft http://www.adamsdriveshaftoffroad.com/ Excellent stuff! (Front on the way)
Bestop Trek Glide (OMG this top is amazing!! I want a coat in the same material – they come in colors!) https://www.bestop.com/jeep/2013/wrangler/new-trektop-nx-glide-convertible-soft-top/door/2/
TNT Customs https://www.tntcustoms.com/ Rear 6” stretch corners (relocates gas filler), sliders, rocker guards, front and rear bumpers. Several manufactures looked the Jeep over and commented on what a great, innovative job Bob did on this armor.

Not a sponsor, but the local rep is my buddy so I got them for free from him and tag them in everything:
KC HiLites – goes without saying! A classic, and always at the top of their game in the lighting industry. I’ve got the Gravity Pro headlights, and two sets of Gravity Pro6 lights (two on the bumper, two on the A-pillar).

Things that we chose and purchased, because they’re excellent:
Warn M8000-S winch https://www.warn.com/truck/winches/M8000-s.jsp
Factor55 flat link E, rope protector, and fairlead (awesome company, very veteran-friendly) https://factor55.com/product/flatlink-e-expert/
sPOD 6 switch system http://www.4x4spod.com/product_p/600-0915lt-led.htm sPOD Mom & Dad are the coolest couple.
PSC big bore steering – http://www.pscmotorsports.com/07-17-jeep-jk-big-bore-xd-steering-gear-box.html this in particular is awesome, with the known sector shaft weakness of the JKs (my husband broke his JKU’s on MSV/Coney a few years ago – not even on an obstacle - and that sucked big time and was super expensive), and the difficulty of turning 37s. It’s like he’s got stock tires now.
Currie AntiRock, front and rear. Everyone that doesn’t already have it, needs it. https://www.currieenterprises.com/antirock-sway-bars-jk-wrangler-07-up
Evo Rockstar skids for the lower rear shock mounts. https://www.offroadevolution.com/product/evo-mfg-rockstar-skids-jk-jku/
Synergy upper shock mounts in the rear the Chris modified. https://www.synergymfg.com/Synergy-Suspension-Jeep-JK-Rear-Long-Travel-Upper-Shock-Mount-p-29226.html
Fox 2.0 IFP shocks http://www.ridefox.com/product.php?m=truck&t=shocks&p=28
Raceline Monster 17” wheels
Nitto Ridge Grappler 37” tires. I’ve had Nitto Trail Grapplers on my prior Jeeps and have absolutely loved them – but mine is a daily driver for now, so wanted something that would last a little longer – the Ridge Grapplers are supposed to. I didn’t notice any loss of wheeling performance in Moab. Hopefully I notice more longevity. $

Aaaaand I can't figure out how to put descriptions with the pictures...more pix below...

April 5th, 2018, 09:36 PM
More photos...

The StRanger
April 5th, 2018, 09:46 PM
Very nice.. lots of flex..

April 5th, 2018, 10:20 PM
Nice description - solid promo.

Thx for adding in product URL's - I've opened a few!

Descriptions for pictures - you're able to do this when linking to externally hosted photos but not via locally uploaded photos.

April 5th, 2018, 11:23 PM
Saweet! :thumb: :smokin:

April 6th, 2018, 07:14 AM
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, Lookin like a bad boy !!!
Happy for you both, I'm sure Chris is relieved as well !!
Woooo Whooooo time for some crawlin

April 6th, 2018, 09:02 AM
Nice Heather! Lucky you have all those connections, killer build!!

April 6th, 2018, 01:07 PM
Awesome. I really like the extra wheelbase / short lift combo, your angles are buggy good. :thumb:

April 7th, 2018, 07:55 AM
Too much nice stuff! Congrats!

Thanks for the links to the sweet upgrades, it will take me longer but I hope to get there.

April 10th, 2018, 11:30 PM
nice now we got to introduce bruser to her.
been to long to see you guys!