View Full Version : Moab in November

April 16th, 2018, 08:55 AM
My daughter and I had a great time in Moab last year when we tagged along with James. We're returning this year at roughly the same time.

We'll be out there Sat to Weds the week of Thanksgiving, wheeling as much as possible. Planning to wheel all day Sun/Mon/Tues. I've got a friend with a 99 TJ joining us, so there'll be a couple rigs out there.

April 16th, 2018, 09:03 AM
I'm interested - for when temps are comfortable for a top down experience.

What are temps like at that time of year?

April 16th, 2018, 09:10 AM
It was cool to cold at night (~20F to ~35F), but daytime afternoon temps were in the 55-65F range each day. It was very nice. James camped, and I think he was a bit cold on the coldest night (water froze in his truck). We will be renting a condo or hotel room with the kids, so I'm mostly worried about daytime temps.

April 16th, 2018, 09:13 AM
Also, looking at the historic climate data, it could be expected to be cooler that time of year than we had last year. We may have been lucky and got a warm weekend. Looks like Nov -> Dec has a pretty sharp decline in average daily high and low in that area.


April 16th, 2018, 10:26 AM
Its an absolutely fabulous time of year for being in Moab and the crowds are non-existent. I would hope to go back again this year with you Trent...and maybe my wife can tag along as well this time. We just got back from Utah a weekend ago - were further west near Hanksville and Capital Reef NP.

Jim - I'd say top down would be okay during the wheeling day with sun (60's) as your crawling along pretty slowly. I had the windows down on my truck most days (taco due to cracked radiator in the jeep). It was cold at night but bearable with my super warm down bag - the first night was by far the coldest (18F I think) and my 8 gallon jug of water was slushy in the morning. The biggest problem with camping that time of year is the super long darkness - sun sets early and its a lot of hours till the sun rises again and my little backpacking tent doesn't allow for much other laying on the ground. The campground I stayed at had a small inside (heated) sitting room with wifi that I hung out in quite a bit after cooking dinner and did some work on my computer. I can't remember why fires were not allowed - campground rule, temporary ban, etc - but having a firepit to sit around would have been nice for warmth and evening beers.

April 16th, 2018, 10:30 AM
Any thought to move a couple weeks warmer?

I'd likely hotel it either.

April 16th, 2018, 10:32 AM
With my kids, the week of Thanksgiving is a pretty easy fit (they are off school that entire week anyway). My wife also has some 4th quarter deadlines at work that make vacation tough the few weeks before Thanksgiving. I can't see us going in November unless it is the week of Thanksgiving.

April 16th, 2018, 10:46 AM
Any thought to move a couple weeks warmer?

I'd likely hotel it either.

I generally have the entire week of Thanksgiving off - although I am always open to a long weekend trip to moab. I can take usually take a Friday off and drive out after work on Thurs for 2 full days of wheeling (or MTBing) and then a partial day on Sun before heading home. I am thinking of doing a trip like that in about a month - although it could be boderline hot.

April 16th, 2018, 12:14 PM
I'm self employed so I can schedule time off with two+ weeks notice. I'm interested and like the thought of not having HOT HOT temps and like the thought of it being fairly empty of people - but I'd like late morning / early evening temps to be comfortable for no-top riding (not adverse to using a coat but it'd be nice to not need one). Hint: see avatar pic from the last Moab trip. I'd probably hotel it, but temps and conditions depending, tenting is an option.

I'll sit back and see what others pipe up with!

April 16th, 2018, 03:45 PM
Possibility for me as well. Missed last year due to an appointment i couldn't cancel. I would prefer minimal crowds and reasonable temperatures.

April 16th, 2018, 04:37 PM
(I realize that the week of Thanksgiving is the subject here, but related to the time of year/temperature discussion...just wanted to throw out there that we've been going in mid-October (we plan a short wheeling trip - Thurs-Sun - around The Other Half (half marathon)) and the temps are sooooo perfect, and it's not too crowded.)

April 17th, 2018, 10:58 AM
I'd definitely be interested. Been planning to do a camping trip out to Moab this year, so I was thinking tail end of septemeber, early-mid october. Will be following thread to see where this leads.

June 3rd, 2018, 04:58 PM
We booked a rental property for Nov 17-21. We'll definitely be out there wheeling Sun, Mon, & Tues. Plan is for a friend with a TJ to come out for the trip also.

June 3rd, 2018, 07:24 PM
sounds good Trent - thinking this would be another great trip. It'll be a few months before I know more though.

June 3rd, 2018, 07:52 PM
Trent, I wish I could do these dates but I think my wife’s family has something going on in Steamboat springs that week. I’ll ask anyway lol. Also my wife and I are going to Moab in September for some hiking/wheeling I’ll post the dates soon.

June 6th, 2018, 10:54 AM
Chris - I'm interested in the September dates that you're going. Would love to join if it works out. Will be camping so September is more preferable to November for me.

June 6th, 2018, 06:47 PM
Hey jonathon, We’ll be there September 6th through 9th the weekend after Labor Day. You are definitely welcome to join this will be my first trip to Moab so I’m not sure which trails yet. If anyone else is interested I’ll start another thread. Don’t want to hi-jack Trent’s lol;)

September 11th, 2018, 06:37 PM
James asked me about this thread in a PM. It's fallen pretty far down the list on trail run planning since I started it several months ago. Bumping it up in case anyone is interested.

September 11th, 2018, 06:39 PM
Bumping this up...

It looks like my Oct trip to Moab is not going to happen...so thinking of joining Trent for some of this. Also open to putting together a different trip to Moab in later Oct or early Nov. Lets go to Moab!

September 11th, 2018, 06:41 PM
We booked a rental property for Nov 17-21. We'll definitely be out there wheeling Sun, Mon, & Tues

Hard dates.

Trail plans - set'm out in advance or wing it's?

September 11th, 2018, 06:49 PM
Moab is on definitely on the list, not sure if the November week will work but another might. Keeping an eye on this.

September 11th, 2018, 06:55 PM
Hard dates.

Trail plans - set'm out in advance or wing it's?

Well, our dates are firm because of the reserved lodging -- not sure if that's what you mean by hard. That week is easy for us with school schedules, but it won't suit everyone.

I would like to do some advanced trail planning this time. James and I winged it last year, but I think that was influenced by my novice experience and his CJ not making the entire trip.

I'm sure we'll run Fins and Things, and James has asked (last year and this year) to run Hell's revenge with reasonable bypasses. So there's the start of our list :2thumbup:.

September 11th, 2018, 07:38 PM
Oh how I wished I could tag along, Jan and I are going through Moab Thursday staying the night before heading to the grand canyon. I haven't started tearing into my rig but , I don't think I can talk her into letting me go. Or could I? I promise to take it easy if I do.

September 12th, 2018, 08:55 AM
Hard dates.

Trail plans - set'm out in advance or wing it's?

Moab is on definitely on the list, not sure if the November week will work but another might. Keeping an eye on this.

Jim and Chris - I am happy to consider a different long weekend that what Trent has set-up. I expect to be traveling for T-giving right after Trent's dates, so I might actually prefer an earlier weekend - but I will do whatever goes as I missed out on Moab with the CJ last year and don't want to miss out again. If you guys have a weekend in later Oct or early Nov that would work better, I'd be happy to do that with potentially warmer weather (as jim says - top down weather). Any weekend Oct 18 and thereafter would probably work for me. I'd probably be looking at going out on a Wed or Thurs after work, wheeling for 2-3 days and possibly part of Sunday before returning home Sunday evening.

I would probably camp - I have reservations for the first weekend of Oct right now, but that trip fell through so I would probably transfer them to another weekend. If its the dates Trent set-up - I might consider a motel as it was pretty cold camping last year.

As for trails - Fins is always fun. I've run most of it (its has a bit of a goofy route and missed a few short side loops). Would love to runs Hells. Others in consideration that I have not run: Porcupine Rim, Sevemile - Hidden Mesa, Golden Spike, Poison Spyder (maybe). Too many options to list! Its all good.

September 12th, 2018, 04:29 PM
I don't want to leave Trent hanging with no second vehicle joining in but I would wish to have warmer temps and could go Oct...

Thoughts on what groups there might be if we split into two events - would someone be going with Trent's dates?

September 12th, 2018, 04:31 PM
We're running with a second vehicle already -- long time friend with TJ (he was at the china wall run, camping in the pickup truck / bed camper). Posted here in case anyone else wanted to join us.

And no one says you can't go in October AND November. :thumb:

September 12th, 2018, 06:47 PM
Now I don't feel bad if I go earlier - and maybe again in Nov...

Depending upon the next couple of posts I might split this one thread into two.

September 13th, 2018, 07:00 AM
I have a little buddy heater. doesn't work above 8,000 ft. cause of the oxygen sensor. but it would work in Moab. I would also bring a Co2 alarm just to be safe. But there is no way for me to go jut wishful thinking.

September 17th, 2018, 09:22 AM
Trails discussed for this trip (here and offline)

Top of the World
Gemini Bridges
Fins N Things
Hell's Revenge

October 28th, 2018, 05:07 PM
Looking very doable. Still rolling with this Trent?

October 28th, 2018, 05:24 PM
Yes. We have a house rented and are going. Glad to have more company if you want to join.

October 28th, 2018, 06:58 PM
Putting it on the calendar? Figure us in.

October 28th, 2018, 07:12 PM
Sure, I can put it up on the calendar. I'll work on that now.

October 28th, 2018, 07:30 PM
Cool - Jen and I are driving to Arizona for the Thanksgiving holiday...we are considering stopping in Moab on the way for a couple days if the weather looks good. Don't think we would drag the CJ along for it, but might be willing to beat the truck up a bit and spend a day with you all. Certainly would hope to MTB if the weather is good.

FWIW - Jim and I were quite surprised with how difficult the upper portion (the lollipop loop) of top of the world was. I would put it harder than Fins - it doesn't have the steep slickrock ups and downs or the steep transitions to the flat ground, but it has quite a few big stair steps that my Taco would have no chance at. I would actually put Hells Revenge as easier than TOTW in terms of vehicle clearance etc. (wonder what Jim thinks about this). Certainly, the visual intensity of Hells Revenge is more, but the actual driving is pretty straightforward. We also had a great run up Porcupine Rim - there were two more challenging obstacles that can be avoided by using the more eastward access point off the sand flats rd.

October 28th, 2018, 07:40 PM
Just signed up as a maybe. Wife says I should go. Just have to check work tomorrow and make reservations. Where is everyone staying?

October 28th, 2018, 07:50 PM
Just signed up as a maybe. Wife says I should go. Just have to check work tomorrow and make reservations. Where is everyone staying?

Trent and his friends have rented a house south of town. I will make reservations somewhere in town, rooms are cheap starting around $50/night.

October 28th, 2018, 07:51 PM
(wonder what Jim thinks about this).


there were two more challenging obstacles that can be avoided by using the more eastward access point off the sand flats rd.

But then you MISS the grand scenery and the obstacle with consequence - I'm 50/50 - it was nice scenery that you readily enjoy RIDING ALONG THE EDGE (not all crazy - but some, yes). James should tell of his "Thousand Foot Sidewalk" image.

Where is everyone staying?

I stayed at the Motel 6 (and would again). I almost stayed in a "cabin" at James' campground (park right by your door - handy for hauling stuff in/out) but I was uncertain as to heat. James says heat is available. I'd consider these, first, on my next stay (unless camping).

October 28th, 2018, 07:57 PM
As Getaklu said, we are in a rental house south of town. Last year my daughter and I stayed in the adventure inn on the north end of moab, and it was in the 70/night range. I was quite happy with the price and location. With the family this year, we opted for a place with kitchen and extra bedrooms

October 28th, 2018, 08:01 PM
Room is reserved at the Gateway Inn. Says I can cancel at no charge up until the fourteenth. Feel fairly certain the boss will not have an issue since we just completed our major software release for the year.

$48 a night, not great ratings but likely much better than the Hostel I have stayed at twice.

October 28th, 2018, 08:48 PM
If you’ve never been to the sego rock art and the strange ghost town near Thompson Springs just east of the I70 turn off to Moab its well worth the detour on the way in. If anyone wants to caravan to Moab I would be happy to lead the way. Easy gravel road.

October 28th, 2018, 09:02 PM
If you’ve never been to the sego rock art and the strange ghost town near Thompson Springs just east of the I70 turn off to Moab its well worth the detour on the way in.


Not a very long detour either.

October 28th, 2018, 10:01 PM
Jim and I were quite surprised with how difficult the upper portion (the lollipop loop) of top of the world was. I would put it harder than Fins - it doesn't have the steep slickrock ups and downs or the steep transitions to the flat ground, but it has quite a few big stair steps that my Taco would have no chance at.

I went looking for pix of the steps and I scratch my head - with all of the pix I take (tossing most), I have only one set of pix from one step. This is the best of that set.



October 29th, 2018, 08:40 AM
I've also heard that the end of Top of the World is challenging. The friend who is accompanying us on the trip has run the trail before, and says he parked at the base of the last stair-step section and hiked the remainder last time. I think the plan is to go as far as we are comfortable and hike the remaining bit if necessary.

October 29th, 2018, 10:11 AM
Boss at work just approved my time-off. I am definitely a yes!

October 29th, 2018, 01:57 PM
Made a planned run thread with the same title as the calendar for use in detailing what when how, questions, etc as they evolve.
Typically the calendar has a link to the planned run thread.

October 29th, 2018, 05:06 PM
If you’ve never been to the sego rock art and the strange ghost town near Thompson Springs just east of the I70 turn off to Moab its well worth the detour on the way in.

Looking at what came up on an internet search of Sego Canyon, it looks like it would be worth the detour.

October 29th, 2018, 06:15 PM
Looking at what came up on an internet search of Sego Canyon, it looks like it would be worth the detour.
Did you see this one?

has pics of the ghost town. Some strange signs in some of the buildings indicating fear of real ghosts exist by some in the area.

What time you heading out on Sat.

October 29th, 2018, 06:50 PM
Hadn’t seen this exact one, but others that mention aliens and warnings. We will probably head out fairly early from Castle Rock, thinking 7 at the latest. Won’t know for sure until we get closer.

November 16th, 2018, 07:30 AM
Hope you all have the time of your lives on this trip and have a safe time. Can't wait to see and hear about your adventure!