View Full Version : Powertank refill

January 4th, 2019, 12:06 PM
My 2008 JKUR has ARB lockers front and rear that are plumbed to be run from a 20oz Powertank mounted under the driver. There are two Powertank air switches mounted to the driver's seat rail. I like the simplicity and reliability of this setup but cant find any local business that will refill the CO2 tank.

I have called Wagner, GASS, Dick's Sporting, and a couple of fermentation supply houses. All only do exchanges and dont do refilss. John's 4x4 sells Powertank gear but dont do refills either. Anyone know of a place within reasonable driving distance of Boulder where i can get my Powertank refilled?

Otherwise I am considering switching to an ARB compressor based setup.


January 4th, 2019, 12:15 PM
I haven't looked for CO2 refills in Colorado, but when I used to homebrew in Texas,~8 years ago, the only place to refill my CO2 tanks were beer keg supply stores or fire extinguisher services. You may want to search for a fire extinguisher service company. The one I found in Texas refilled my tank several times. The keg and homebrew stores only wanted to do swaps, as you've found.

January 4th, 2019, 12:43 PM
After lots of calling around the folks at 4WP recommended that I call Centennial Tap 303-477-6898. Called them and they do refills AND the lady I spoke with said it would be more convenient for their employee to come to my location!. $13.80 to fill a 20Oz cylinder.

According to Powertank a 20oz cylinder is good for up to 200 locker activations. With a spare 20oz cylinder I should be good for the rest of my natural life :)

I will update this thread after i get my refill.


January 4th, 2019, 12:53 PM
Can't tell for sure but it looks like that tank has an unusual valve. You may have an issue with finding a place to refill it. If the brew shop can't do it maybe try a fire extinguisher shop that does refills. FWIW, most of your $13 is going to labor... I pay $15-$20 for a 10lb tank refill.

January 4th, 2019, 02:27 PM
I pay $18 for a 20 lb tank. Paintball and grow shops are usually the cheapest. Make sure your tank certification is still valid or they may waste a trip to your location.

January 4th, 2019, 03:56 PM
I have been calling all morning and so far the only folks that will do a refill vs a cylinder exchange has been Centennial Tap. BUT they havent called me back as yet. So this is still TBD whether they will do it.

If anyone has the names of specific shops that do it within a reasonable drive distance of Boulder I would appreciate contact info.


January 5th, 2019, 12:02 AM
Not in Boulder, but High Country 4x4 will do refills while you wait, and cheap. Up north I think Red Comet still does them, too.

I love CO2 for my ARB, but use a 5lb tank to run the locker and air up with after the run.


January 5th, 2019, 08:15 AM
Don't have first hand experience, but a friend said he goes here;

January 5th, 2019, 08:08 PM
I drove past Grow In Peace, a growing supply place in Nederland just south of the circle on the west side of 119 today, and they have a big sign on the outside saying they are now filling CO2 tanks.

January 16th, 2019, 10:22 PM
Update on Centennial Tap. Success! They picked up my little 20oz cylinder, it was expired so they re-certified it, refilled it and delivered it back to me. This fits my needs perfectly since i find it difficult to cut out of work long enough to drive any great distance. And the folks at CT are super nice.

Thanks for all the pointers to the other outfits.