View Full Version : Engine swap

January 20th, 2019, 03:12 AM

I need to possibly evacuate the a/c, I don't know how much room the motor needs, but the ac compressor barley made it to the fuse panel when I tried. I put it back for now.

January 20th, 2019, 06:15 AM
The ac compressor has enough room to just move it out of the way, should not need to recover the refrigerant. The flex hose allows it to get by your antenna and a bungie keeps it out of the way. When you get to disconnecting the transmission there are 2 torque head bolts toward the top that would have the pope cussing. Try and get those out first to prevent transmission from making it harder with pressure on bolts. An engine does a lot of bouncing on our engine stand so I prefer to remove as much as possible from old block before pulling it. Looks like I forgot to hit "post" on other thread last week. Did you go S&J for the engine? Used S&J for my truck about ten years ago, still running good. Also used them for buddies Jeep last year, they require more for the warranty now but seem to be well built. On my truck we messed up a gasket, totally our fault. I called him to get a new gasket and he wouldn't even charge me for it, great service from them as well.

January 20th, 2019, 06:16 AM
I really don't think you need to mess with the ac. But I would pull the front of ie; radiator, front support exctra, you should be able to unbolt the compressor and lay the lines and parts (radiator type of unit) and put a blanket to protect fender, lay everthing in tack over to the side? With help you should be able to pull and install the engine with out disturbing the a/c system.

January 20th, 2019, 06:18 AM
Xara is faster than me!

January 20th, 2019, 06:19 AM
Wouldn't pulling the ac rad type part purge the ac system?

I hadn't unbolted any of it because I didn't know if it would leak out Freon?

January 20th, 2019, 06:42 AM
It's independant of everthing else, when I replaced my radiator we just layed it to the side until we put everthing back together. If you do distub it to where it leaks then deal with it after you get the engine back in. No reason to fix something unless it's broken. ☺

January 20th, 2019, 06:44 AM
Yes you want to be careful not to release it into the enviorment but..... you can only do so much to protect that from happening. Just be carful as you can.

January 20th, 2019, 06:49 AM
I wish you were closer. Or I wasn't so busy. And could pull away from my family for a couple of days. When we were younger we pulled my 327 and rebuilt it and reinstalled it. I had a lot of help from the mechanic at the gas station I was working at. It's a lot easier with a couple extra sets of hands.

January 20th, 2019, 07:31 AM
You don't want to disconnect any of the lines, they will spray out refrigerant. AC condenser coil (radiator like thing) needs to stay connected and just moved out of the way. The engine can be pulled without pulling the radiator, this just makes for more room and quite a bit easier.
First picture here shows stuff moved out of the way

January 20th, 2019, 02:23 PM
That's the kicker, it's a hard line from the wall to the condensor.

January 20th, 2019, 06:17 PM
I know it'sa hardline tcoming out of the firewall but it is soft for a foot to the compresor. Which will if unbolted from the engineblock you can set it aside. Which should be enough room to wiggle the engine out.

January 20th, 2019, 06:43 PM
Should it make it over the evaporator?

January 30th, 2019, 04:44 AM
Well over lots of fight the engine is out. Now the donor has a front broken exhaust stud in the valve head, and the harmonic balancer has a bolt sheared off in a removal hole.
Most gaskets are bought, new balancer, need a manifold/ header. Probably can't paint it because of the weather.

Anyone that says this is easy hasn't searched their vocabulary sufficiently haha.

January 31st, 2019, 12:20 AM
Well over lots of fight the engine is out. Now the donor has a front broken exhaust stud in the valve head, and the harmonic balancer has a bolt sheared off in a removal hole.
Most gaskets are bought, new balancer, need a manifold/ header. Probably can't paint it because of the weather.

Anyone that says this is easy hasn't searched their vocabulary sufficiently haha.I don't think that was me.:lmao:

I did my first engine R&R in 1985. Since then, I have performed a few intensive operations on a few different powertrain configurations. Every step of the way, I had someone I could question when I found myself over my head.

When you first started asking questions, I knew you were at the steep end of the learning curve. I offered advice that I felt was pertinent, and offered my hands as well.

You studied, asked questions, studied, asked more questions, jumped in the deep end, and asked even more questions. KUDOS TO YOU!

My schedule has changed: The last Saturday of march, and the first 3 Saturdays of April are locked in for training. Otherwise, I still have some scheduling flexibility.

January 31st, 2019, 06:23 AM
Fantastic, I'll keep you posted once I've got the new engine ready to install. I get the feeling this will be the trickier of the two operations.
All of your advice was is greatly appreciated and your help even more, thank you.
As far as it being easy I didn't mean anyone in general, just that there is a good deal to the process.

February 13th, 2019, 04:44 AM
Progress update,
Install around the corner. Mounts need bushings replaced, but then she can go in.http://i.imgur.com/2THvd7U.jpg

February 13th, 2019, 08:13 AM
That looks great! :thumb:

The StRanger
February 13th, 2019, 10:30 PM
Very nice...