View Full Version : Help hauling a project

Happy Camper
July 22nd, 2019, 03:05 PM
I’m moving from Golden to Littleton the week of July 27-31 2019. I need to get my project vehicle hauled. It rolls but doesn’t run. Is there anyone in the group who can help? I will much prefer put some dollars in the pocket of a friend than a tow truck or uhaul.

July 22nd, 2019, 04:11 PM
I don't have a trailer but am setup to tow one if you could sort that part out.

Happy Camper
July 22nd, 2019, 04:48 PM
Thank you bro. I’m hoping someone has a trailer or rollback. I’ve got a ton truck I can pull with

July 22nd, 2019, 05:26 PM
I'm no use then. Good luck with your search.