View Full Version : Custom hitch mounted vice

August 6th, 2019, 05:24 PM
Disappointed with the off the shelf options, we opted to design and fabricate our own hitch mounted vice setup. This allowed us to design it in a way that it could also be used with our custom heavy duty adjustable height work stands as well. And let us design around materials we had on hand. Some even from the scrap bin. :cool:

We started by cutting and deburring all the needed materials and completed the necessary layouts. All materials are 1/4" thick and normally used in HD hitch applications. No cheap thin walled materials in this build!

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67740379_2706959929314376_3638691912304558080_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67605148_2706960272647675_2846548373526282240_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67658305_2706960422647660_9085291930664828928_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67675115_2706960582647644_8168540395513315328_n.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67696894_2706960135981022_8633377086687412224_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/68449153_2706960852647617_7047205725373726720_n.jp g

August 6th, 2019, 05:25 PM
Then we drilled out all the required holes and chambered them. Then tapped all the holes that needed it.

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/68266178_2706961115980924_7954702164348108800_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/68296965_2706961002647602_2754700854383607808_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67748191_2706960042647698_2900489993078177792_n.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67726146_2706961292647573_8766772577558331392_n.jp g

August 6th, 2019, 05:25 PM
Welded all the different assemblies together.

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67943501_2706961855980850_5391494007404625920_n.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67656827_2706961715980864_6918859054458601472_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67755762_2706962719314097_5962097961914597376_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67694127_2706961539314215_4442724079471951872_n.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67536889_2706961445980891_3630486312861040640_n.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67617311_2706961952647507_2652797356512116736_n.jp g

Once they cooled enough to handle, there were assembled:

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67646086_2706962042647498_5707735803778564096_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67692004_2706962172647485_7148471412011827200_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67877059_2706962389314130_4749902726052184064_o.jp g

You will notice the set screw I installed into the corner to kept things from rattling/moving.


Then drilled a couple more holes in the main bar. The final product features 3 different mounting positions as far of distance it is able to stick out from the hitch. Tight against the truck for easy transport. Far enough out to clear any tailgate. And a position in between that works well off the back of our trailer. It also features an adjustable height in 2" increments. All while being sturdy enough to handle all the abuse we will throw at it. And it also works with our works stands for the times when the truck isn't close!

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67684358_2706962829314086_7159299406817132544_o.jp g

August 6th, 2019, 05:26 PM
Added the Wilton vice:

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/68307044_2706962942647408_2117957813719269376_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67438307_2706963045980731_4138309003828527104_o.jp g

Installed it in the back of our one of our work trucks:

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67610306_2706963142647388_8499843748841127936_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67686102_2706963275980708_2997077042991726592_o.jp g

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67660455_2706963212647381_2567019811569664000_n.jp g

As advertised, it fits well with our custom HD work stands too:

http://www.colorado4x4.org/gallery/files/8/0/7/67638300_2706963355980700_6418494286437810176_n.jp g

Overall, we are extremely pleased with the results. A couple hours labor and some materials salvaged for the scrap bin, turned into money making equipment. Does it get any better?

August 12th, 2019, 08:33 PM
That's pretty cool. I like how you also made a stand, so the vice can be used on the truck or away from it.

The bolts in the corner to take up the slop are a nice touch as well.

The StRanger
August 12th, 2019, 11:41 PM
Nothin better than seein really nice welds....

August 15th, 2019, 06:35 PM
I like how you also made a stand, so the vice can be used on the truck or away from it.

Thanks for the kind words. The stands were built about 12 years ago. They have many attachments now. This is just another one in the arsenal. They are some of the most used pieces of equipment in my shop.

August 15th, 2019, 07:30 PM
Man that’s some clean work. Interested in helping me with an sas on my Tacoma in a couple years?;)