View Full Version : Coronavirus-driven ban on mass gatherings voted down in Moab

March 12th, 2020, 06:39 AM
https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/03/11/coronavirus-fears-may/?fbclid=IwAR1FZMBlP2-gpxcQbfGngBNXXHYcZD7gwBBnPxn1nFO7bz2rcsfijXEdzF8 (https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/03/11/coronavirus-fears-may/?fbclid=IwAR1FZMBlP2-gpxcQbfGngBNXXHYcZD7gwBBnPxn1nFO7bz2rcsfijXEdzF8)

"Grand County Administrator Chris Baird was tearful Wednesday as he warned the County Council that — without decisive action against the coronavirus — “People are going to die unnecessarily." That is the likely outcome of a coronavirus outbreak in Moab, he said, if nothing is done to mitigate it in a place where an enormous tourism industry could run up against the limits of small-town medical resources."

"“It is absolutely going to send a message — that’s already been sent — that we are closed for business. That is going to bring devastating impacts to this community,” said Councilman Rory Paxton, who voted against the temporary restrictions. “I have a family that has two hotels in town. We donate lots of money to the community. We’re looking at our profits this year already dropping 30 percent just because of bus groups that are cancelling.”

March 12th, 2020, 07:36 AM
The residents and leaders of Moab aren't going to get much say in the matter here. It appears that event organizers will continue to cancel large events like EJS until it's obvious that doing so is not needed (because it is futile or the virus is contained). It's going to be an interesting month or two as this all develops.

Edit: I don't mean to imply that EJS is cancelled at this point, just an example of a large Moab event.

March 12th, 2020, 07:57 AM
The vendor day at EJS has been cancelled as well as two BBQ events. Trail rides are still scheduled but they have had people cancel.

March 12th, 2020, 09:13 AM
We just had our school building meeting - if one student or faculty has a positive test, we will most likely shut down the school immediately. We got notice to start prepping teaching our classes as online classes for the remainder of the year - as well as bring home everything you need every night. If the school closes, we will not be allowed any access to the building. I keep most of my files on a cloud based storage - so that helps as I can access from home, but trying to figure out how to make and get video sessions uploaded and lab assignments for students to do at home, will be some scrambling. A lot of Khan academy video links are going to get used, and I am going to probably have to learn how to use some new software quickly - especially for chat room, conversation thread type stuff as student will have to check in each day and participate in some way with the online course 'discussion' and post questions etc...For better or worse, our district is a 'google' district, so google classroom will be easiest to get my stuff mapped over to and utilize for a digital 'classroom' forum.

If it spreads much, the district as a whole will eventually shut down buildings for the rest of the semester. I think its likely to happen for at least for a good chunk of April-May. We have over 2000 students/faculty in this building alone, and they live spread out across the entire metro area (including 4 different counties - some of which already have documented cases). We go on spring break end of next week - be happy to just make it to the break without major disruption of positive case, and it wouldn't surprise me if we don't come back into the school afterwards, but no announcements have been made in regard to that.

March 12th, 2020, 09:14 AM
I have the same expectations here in Adams 12, James.

March 12th, 2020, 09:20 AM
Hearing the same in Douglas county. There is supposed to be a survey coming out that will allow the district to gauge what technology the students have at hand so as to help them determine the best remote teaching approach. Spring break is next week, who knows if a return to the classroom will happen on the 23rd.

March 12th, 2020, 09:40 AM
The state department of health is dictating the following. I understand it includes preschools and child care facilities as well.

● Any school* in Colorado with a single confirmed case of COVID-19 in a staff or student will close for a minimum of 72 hours for cleaning and social distancing
● Any schools that are closed will partner with their local public health agency to conduct contact tracing and further COVID-19 testing.
● Any school with a second confirmed case of COVID-19 in a staff or student within a 30 day period requires a second minimum 72 closure for cleaning, testing and public health investigation.
● Any school with 3 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in staff or students within a 30 day period requires a closure for a minimum of 14 days.
● If 3 schools in a district have confirmed cases of COVID-19 within a 30 day period, all schools within the district are required to close for a minimum of 14 days for cleaning, testing and public health investigation.
● Other factors to consider when making decisions to close one or more schools, include:
o Families with students in multiple buildings
o Shared facilities
o Shared transportation
o Central kitchens
o Shared staff

March 12th, 2020, 09:42 AM
The repeated 3 day closures you listed seem inadequate, if the reports of the virus surviving up to 9 days on surfaces is accurate. Thoroughly disinfecting a school sounds like an impossible task to me.

March 12th, 2020, 09:56 AM
I agree. They also left an out stating "The state may modify or update closure criteria based on new information".

March 12th, 2020, 10:48 AM
Just my guess, but the cases in multiple buildings (3) within a district, shuts everything down for 30 days is the one that will probably end up shutting stuff down. I am guessing a single case in a single building will evolve in multiple buildings within the 72 hours closure and then its 14 days. At least in a very large district like JeffCo....

March 12th, 2020, 11:31 AM
I give it about 3-4 weeks before the Feds lock down the whole country.

March 12th, 2020, 11:38 AM
I'm having memories of the post 9/11 no-fly order. The sky void of planes / con-trails.

March 12th, 2020, 11:42 AM
I'm having memories of the post 9/11 no-fly order. The sky void of planes / con-trails.

That is the only event in my lifetime that feels anything like this.

March 12th, 2020, 12:09 PM
Both of my son's colleges just announced they are shutting classes down for the rest of the semester!!!! Everything is going to online classes. I'm pissed because I just got back from visiting our son in CA and it looks like I'll be driving out there next week to pick him up and bring him home! Fear based panic at a colossal level.....

I also have employees who basically want to stay home and get paid...... seriously? I want to tell them, "you don't go to work our clients don't pay and you lose your job". I don't mean to sound insensitive, I really don't. I don't want anyone to get sick and I don't want to get sick.... but seriously folks, remember SARS and the Bird Flu???? In a few months we'll all be face palming about this in my opinion :bang:

March 12th, 2020, 12:16 PM
Looks like we could cut this off at the source with a couple of Safeways...


March 12th, 2020, 01:13 PM
Both of my son's colleges just announced they are shutting classes down for the rest of the semester!!!! Everything is going to online classes. I'm pissed because I just got back from visiting our son in CA and it looks like I'll be driving out there next week to pick him up and bring him home! Fear based panic at a colossal level.....

I also have employees who basically want to stay home and get paid...... seriously? I want to tell them, "you don't go to work our clients don't pay and you lose your job". I don't mean to sound insensitive, I really don't. I don't want anyone to get sick and I don't want to get sick.... but seriously folks, remember SARS and the Bird Flu???? In a few months we'll all be face palming about this in my opinion :bang:

I don't recall SARS and Bird Flu causing the cancellation of major sporting events domestic and worldwide. The global response to this is far greater than any epidemic I can recall in my lifetime -- haunta virus, bird flu, swine flu, SARS, etc. It is difficult to know what response is appropriate until we have the benefit of hindsight.

March 12th, 2020, 01:29 PM
I had a National Weather Service spotter training session for this evening and a concert on Sat both cancelled due to Covid-19

March 12th, 2020, 02:10 PM

March 12th, 2020, 03:23 PM
edited - my post was more of a rant/vent than productive contribution.

March 12th, 2020, 04:14 PM
I don't recall SARS and Bird Flu causing the cancellation of major sporting events domestic and worldwide. The global response to this is far greater than any epidemic I can recall in my lifetime -- haunta virus, bird flu, swine flu, SARS, etc. It is difficult to know what response is appropriate until we have the benefit of hindsight.

You’re absolutely correct, and just in the last few days the extent of the cancellations is unprecedented. I don’t watch the news much but I just found out the NBA, NHL and MLB all cancelled/suspended/delayed their seasons. March Madness is cancelled. But I get it, in order not to overwhelm hospitals with a huge amount of sick people all at once this is a national and global attempt to slow the spread of the disease. And I agree to some extent but being a business owner (80+ employees) and having kids affected by this has been maddening and stressful!

Be careful and smart out there folks! But know this will pass and don’t panic because we will get thru and back to normal. Hopefully sooner than later

March 12th, 2020, 04:20 PM
Be careful and smart out there

That sums it up.

Life as usual.

March 12th, 2020, 05:15 PM
Another staff meeting this afternoon after school...basically given the 'be prepared to be doing online school from home' starting now. Without anyone specifically saying it, it certainly felt like there is a good possibility that we might be closing the building Monday....All CHSAA sports activities, practices, games etc are canceled. With Douglas Co, JeffCo and DPS all having spring breaks over the next 3 weeks - it seems there is a lot of sense to just shutting everything down for those weeks and reassessing during that time. Kind of makes sense to me...but its going to be interesting moving to remote schooling.

March 12th, 2020, 05:20 PM
The school district my kids my kids attended in Texas before moving here is on spring break. They announced today they are extending spring break by a week and then will evaluate. I expect the same here come Monday. I think it's all about limiting the surge now.

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/DW7Ef4vGboMTtawP1iO4DxAeudk=/0x0:1497x841/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:1497x841):format(webp):no_upscal e()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19780273/flattening_the_curve_final.jpg

March 12th, 2020, 05:31 PM
I don't recall SARS and Bird Flu causing the cancellation of major sporting events domestic and worldwide. The global response to this is far greater than any epidemic I can recall in my lifetime -- haunta virus, bird flu, swine flu, SARS, etc. It is difficult to know what response is appropriate until we have the benefit of hindsight.

Keeping it in perspective, SARS "only" killed about 800 people, Coronavirus is just over 4700 so far. Hantavirus is mouse/rodent scat related with the bulk, @96% of the cases, being west of the Mississippi. This has never been a big one, but people are still warned about it especially those in rural areas and those living around large open spaces. Several people still die each year including a Park county sheriff deputy a couple years ago who, they believe, got it while cleaning out his barn and not wearing a mask, etc.

While I am not sure it is worthy of all the mayhem it is causing, it is something to not take too lightly just the same. As was stated, just take proper precautions.

March 12th, 2020, 05:33 PM
I would agree...

March 12th, 2020, 06:22 PM
Mom's funeral is scheduled for Monday morning I'm very sorry to hear about your Loss Jim. We lost Britton's mom Feb. 26th. I hope all goes well for your family gathering.

March 12th, 2020, 07:20 PM
"DC church rector who gave Communion and shook hands with worshippers has coronavirus." (https://www.google.com/search?q=dc+priest+coronavirus&sxsrf=ALeKk020etFFffrZiXC5g_QD4jrh6nmjsQ:158406235 6509&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii7b6QpJboAhWCAZ0JHamACrIQ_AUoAXoECAsQA w)

If you're going to gather en masse, don't touch or breathe on anyone at least!

March 12th, 2020, 07:23 PM
The Diocese of Denver changed some Mass protocol
1) No holy water available at the entrance doors
2) No hand shaking / sign-of-peace
3) No Blood of Christ available at communion

March 12th, 2020, 07:45 PM
So sorry to hear about your Mom, Jim. I hope all is well as possible for you and your family.

March 12th, 2020, 07:52 PM
Thanks folks. I pulled the post - it was more of a vent than anything productive. I give Mom the title of World's Best Mom. Family's well (LOL - so far, maybe we'll all get sick [and die??]).

Back to the thread. I found this vid "reasonable" in action:

(I don't _think_ this vid is a repost). This and Paul's "Safeway" (LOL) vid are two I find decent (of the many out there).

How Serious is the Coronavirus? Infectious Disease Expert Michael Osterholm Explains | Joe Rogan


This looks to be the full interview:
Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm

March 12th, 2020, 08:19 PM
Its official - JeffCo (and i think a number of other districts in the metro) will be closing down and going to remote course work on Monday 3/16....We have spring break the following week....

March 12th, 2020, 08:24 PM
Controversial idea. Instead of quarantining people to prevent spread, we could quarantine people to help spread it in a controlled fashion to people strong enough to survive it until we had herd immunity. This could also help turn around the falling stock prices of cruise ships. Free two week cruises to anyone passing a physical exam, get them all on the ship, two weeks later, they come back having had a hell of a case of sea sickness and now immune. Am I sciencing it right?

March 12th, 2020, 08:26 PM
Its official - JeffCo (and i think a number of other districts in the metro) will be closing down and going to remote course work on Monday 3/16....We have spring break the following week....
Boulder and St Vrain school districts are closed as of about 1-2 hrs ago.

March 12th, 2020, 08:33 PM
I am in support of the school closures - especially with spring break. I think we need some time to assess and reassess how things are developing. There is no 'stopping' the spread, but if it can be slowed and delayed and managed into less people, it will hopefully stay below the dashed line on Trent's chart...But I also recognize this will have a large affect on the families of students that may not be able to work etc....Probably no good (or maybe no painless) solutions....

March 12th, 2020, 09:22 PM
Closing schools helps minimize spread, but has to be balanced against the impact on health care and public safety workers who rely on the childcare aspect of public school to allow them to work. No good answers here right now. I don't want to see things escalate here like Northern Italy, where there are unfortunately health care workers having to triage and decide who gets care.

Edit: Adams12 just announced the same thing. Starting Monday, the kids will be on spring break (a week early). Apparently they are having school tomorrow, probably to give parents some time to figure this out.

March 12th, 2020, 10:07 PM
Apparently they are having school tomorrow, probably to give parents some time to figure this out.
so are we...I don't think we have any presumptive infections in students in district currently (odds say we do, we just don't know it), but having a 'planned' closure with a few days notice (but only one contact day with students) is beneficial to both families and teachers....I just spent quite a bit of time trying to get online google classroom set-up for each of my classes. We'll spend some time each period tomorrow making sure students can get logged in and make a class roster in the online classroom....I already use Google sites, docs, and calendar for most of my materials so none of that changes - but I do need a forum where we can have ongoing discussion and question posted etc....If we had had an incidence of the virus in building with immediate closure, I think it would have been much more disruptive....

All in all, we have to deal with the disruption to daily life, stay calm and just kind of wait it out.... maybe people can find a bit of humanity and community through this as we are all in it together.

March 13th, 2020, 06:44 AM
The worrisome part about the herd immunity topic with this virus is there still is no definite ruling on how long the antibodies in most people are surviving. There have been cases of re-infection. They are still studying this. It is going to be a bumpy ride for sure and even though as individuals we may feel we're healthy and at low risk we can still kill others with careless actions.

March 13th, 2020, 08:53 AM
The aisles with soup and expectorant were fully stocked at the supermarket yesterday, tons of produce, but the toilet paper aisle has been picked clean. We're all set on food and TP, just getting some accoutrements so it didn't matter, but I don't get it. I can take a shower and eliminate my need for TP, but I can't wash away hunger. I don't get it.

Safeway, 44th and Lowell:

March 13th, 2020, 10:11 AM
but the toilet paper aisle has been picked clean.

An article that may give you some insight.


March 13th, 2020, 10:26 AM
The neighbor is in line at Costco (in Superior?). They sent a photo of the line to get into the store wrapping around the building. Folks are in panic mode.

March 13th, 2020, 11:41 AM
The huge problem is the exponential increase in the number of people infected. Currently for the US as a whole those numbers are doubling every 2.5 days, faster in some places. Without prompt efforts to limit transmission, it wouldnt take very long before the hospitals are completely overwhelmed with critical cases, like what is happening right now in Italy.

SARS and MERS were more lethal more quickly, but that also limited the growth and allowed containment to be achieved (with great effort). This Coronavirus is different because it’s much slower to kill, kills only a few percent of ALL people infected, and has a long incubation time so it can spread rapidly.

It’s still at least 10 or 20 times more lethal than the seasonal flu, and kills those over 60, or with significant health problems, at MUCH higher rates, up to 18% for those over 80.

March 13th, 2020, 01:22 PM
wife was at sams club today. check out line was clear to the back of the store. meat was sold out but she did get tp and tissues.

March 13th, 2020, 02:51 PM
I wouldn't go into a big store (Costco, Sams club, King Supers, Walmart) if you paid me. That's where the largest concentration of people are gathering right now - I'm buying all my groceries from small markets that aren't sold out of everything and could use the business anyways. Costco and Walmart are probably making tons of $$$$$ with all this panic going on.

March 13th, 2020, 03:42 PM
City of longmont has closed.most all city facilities and offices.

March 14th, 2020, 09:30 AM
This will pass: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-southkorea/south-korea-reports-more-recoveries-than-coronavirus-cases-for-the-first-time-idUSKBN210051

March 14th, 2020, 11:34 AM
Happy Saturday. I smell like bleach.:redface:

March 14th, 2020, 12:01 PM
I've been staying away from getting caught up it the curiously odd details and stories of toilet paper and other irrational behavior, but this one was rather entertaining. Went to the PO this morning and while standing in line (was pretty long), watched a woman walk in with a 9pack of TP and ask about mailing it to her mother....the discussion was rather surreal, and different boxes where 'test fitted' and packaging prices were calculated etc. Those standing in line started making suggestions about how to package it and maybe wrapping it in bubble wrap....After 10 min or so, the woman decided it was best to wrap and tape the TP with bubble wrap, and then stick the USPS shipping label directly on the bubble wrap (no box necessary - although the USPS representative was a bit hesitant)....except the bubble wrap was too expensive at the PO, so she had to go back to the Walmart to get the bubble wrap....wonder what the final expense for that TP will be?

March 14th, 2020, 03:39 PM
This will pass: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-southkorea/south-korea-reports-more-recoveries-than-coronavirus-cases-for-the-first-time-idUSKBN210051

Yes, that is great news. But... remember that S. Korea has also conducted over 500,000 tests for the virus in an aggressive attempt to identify, isolate and treat as many victims as possible. Our county is way behind the curve in this respect, so I would not expect that sort of result here for the foreseeable future.

March 14th, 2020, 08:40 PM
Lots of indications online that Polis is going to issue executive order (Monday?) to close ski resorts indefinitely. Alterra and Vail already announced closures effective tomorrow morning. I guess ski season is over.

March 14th, 2020, 09:06 PM
Only if you need a chairlift...Heading up sun for some backcountry. Supposed to head to big sky for work soon, but guessing that may get closed as well.

March 15th, 2020, 03:13 PM
Big Sky announced its closing end of ski day today....Recommending all guests and non-resident (seasonal) employees begin transitioning home. All lodging etc will be completely closed by 3/22....Was supposed to head there Tues for 10 days of work - so that isn't happening. Might still go for a bit of spring break and do some backcountry skiing...and maybe I'll actually be around here for the Gulches run...

March 15th, 2020, 10:58 PM
Hmmm... I know a guy with a snow cat. He could set out a tow line and pull a group up to the ridge...

March 16th, 2020, 07:24 AM
We did it the hard way yesterday...skins on skis....does this qualify as social distancing?

March 16th, 2020, 10:18 AM
I’m bummed that I won’t get a few more days of skiing in this year. But it’s just a minor inconvenience compared to just one more person becoming seriously ill or worse from this virus.

I really feel for all the employees, businesses, and townfolk being effected by this. Not great timing just before spring break, but at least it happened toward the end of the season.

March 16th, 2020, 10:27 AM
We did it the hard way yesterday...skins on skis....does this qualify as social distancing?

Looks like fun. I don't have the training, experience, or skills to backcountry ski yet. After Pete's death in the avalanche last year, I have a very great respect for the danger inherent in this activity. This isn't the year for me to go experiment with things I don't understand. I know you are an experienced backcountry skier, however. Enjoy the time out there and be safe.

March 16th, 2020, 07:03 PM
Wow, things have escalated So much over the last few days! I’m leaving to head to Southern Utah tomorrow and then Los Angeles on Wednesday to pickup my son from school and drive back here. I’m going to drive thru some more Utah country that I haven’t yet seen (capital reef, Bryce & Zion national parks). I’m leaving super early to get to Green River by noon & head south along the San Rafael Swell. From there I’ll explore westward and take short tangents off the road until I get to the Saint George area. I might camp out in my truck but I’ll probably get a room in Saint George. Wednesday I’ll leave Saint George early so I can get to LA around noon and load up my sons stuff in my truck & then head back. Probably stay Wednesday night in Saint George again and then jet back the fast way (I15 & I70) on Thursday.
I am still planning on Moab March 26-29 & actually upgraded our hotel because our son will now be coming with us!
Crazy world right now so a wheelin’ I will go!!!!

March 17th, 2020, 08:49 AM
Moab is asking that people stay away.

https://kutv.com/news/coronavirus/moab-tells-tourists-to-stay-away-not-equipped-to-handle-coronavirus-outbreak?fbclid=IwAR1o3ZSAmA76i43mgIellwItlT01trtp cp15VDd4ZmD5hnHsq8v-dpfLJqk

March 17th, 2020, 09:15 AM
Moab is asking that people stay away.


It has been increasingly clear that we either will not be able to go or have a civic obligation not to go. I've been holding my reservation until later watching things develop. I do not expect to be able to go next week, but will wait until closer to cancel plans since there is no penalty or benefit to do so earlier.

At this point, I'm expecting some sort of government enforced domestic travel restrictions or curfews before the end of next week. The response has ramped up every day on the same exponential curve as the infection rate.

March 17th, 2020, 09:52 AM
I found this curious - most of the rest stops along I-80 in NE were closed.

Out of TP or other issue?

March 17th, 2020, 10:01 AM
If you’ve time at Capitol Reef, this is the must do trail.

It an easy trail. I drove it stock with street tires still on my jk. But it has fantastic scenery.

Wow, things have escalated So much over the last few days! I’m leaving to head to Southern Utah tomorrow and then Los Angeles on Wednesday to pickup my son from school and drive back here. I’m going to drive thru some more Utah country that I haven’t yet seen (capital reef, Bryce & Zion national parks). I’m leaving super early to get to Green River by noon & head south along the San Rafael Swell. From there I’ll explore westward and take short tangents off the road until I get to the Saint George area. I might camp out in my truck but I’ll probably get a room in Saint George. Wednesday I’ll leave Saint George early so I can get to LA around noon and load up my sons stuff in my truck & then head back. Probably stay Wednesday night in Saint George again and then jet back the fast way (I15 & I70) on Thursday.
I am still planning on Moab March 26-29 & actually upgraded our hotel because our son will now be coming with us!
Crazy world right now so a wheelin’ I will go!!!!

March 17th, 2020, 10:35 AM
It has been increasingly clear that we either will not be able to go or have a civic obligation not to go. I've been holding my reservation until later watching things develop. I do not expect to be able to go next week, but will wait until closer to cancel plans since there is no penalty or benefit to do so earlier.

At this point, I'm expecting some sort of government enforced domestic travel restrictions or curfews before the end of next week. The response has ramped up every day on the same exponential curve as the infection rate.

I am struggling with this as well...I feel like its important to our individual health not to completely hole up in our house/apt whatever. At the same time, what concern do we pose to others when we travel and what is our social obligation? I am thinking that if I can find time outside that is essentially alone and somewhat isolated, that is okay. Of course, the Moab situation would not qualify as its where everyone is going...so, maybe its an opportunity to go to 'unknown' places, random places - hopefully where other would not normally go. With everyone looking for activity, maybe it will harder than I think to find places...but even withing a 2 hour drive, you could pretty much park your car anywhere, get out and go for a wander. Bring your own food etc. I think a 4wd trip is good as well - can pretty much go alone. Even when we go as a small group, we pretty much stay in our jeeps and chat on the cb (if you have one) etc...I plan to go for some day trips skiing and mtbing etc - probably even get the jeep out for a nice scenic drive and easy trail etc...I don't know...

March 17th, 2020, 03:59 PM

Looks like we can't visit now, at least not if you want to use a hotel. It seems irresponsible to visit when they are clearly asking for people to stay away.

March 17th, 2020, 05:50 PM
Seeming like my cancelling our spring break trip on Sunday night was the right thing to do. While not to Moab, similar sizes of small towns were involved.

March 17th, 2020, 08:49 PM
As far as local groups, the recommended group size is 10 or less which is a pretty good sized group for a trail run but if things got really bad I think we could still do runs, just might be a little less ha d shaking and a little more chatting on the CB

March 17th, 2020, 08:50 PM
Or, I guess if you wanted to go all in on social distancing you could get a Ham radio.

March 17th, 2020, 09:58 PM
Or, I guess if you wanted to go all in on social distancing you could get a Ham radio.
From a ham :woot::bowdown::lmao:

March 18th, 2020, 09:53 AM
As far as local groups, the recommended group size is 10 or less which is a pretty good sized group for a trail run but if things got really bad I think we could still do runs, just might be a little less ha d shaking and a little more chatting on the CB

The 10 or less recommendation is indoors in a small space. Outdoors shouldn't be a problem.

March 18th, 2020, 10:38 AM
And now...

5.7 magnitude earthquake in Utah knocks out power to thousands and diverts flights (See CNN)

March 18th, 2020, 09:03 PM
Moab is asking that people stay away.

https://kutv.com/news/coronavirus/moab-tells-tourists-to-stay-away-not-equipped-to-handle-coronavirus-outbreak?fbclid=IwAR1o3ZSAmA76i43mgIellwItlT01trtp cp15VDd4ZmD5hnHsq8v-dpfLJqk

Yep, looks like Moab isn’t happening

If you’ve time at Capitol Reef, this is the must do trail.

It an easy trail. I drove it stock with street tires still on my jk. But it has fantastic scenery.

I drove Hwy 24 and Hwy 12, so I could have done this...... maybe next time! It was incredibly beautiful and I can’t wait to go camping in Utah this summer (and wheeling of course).

March 22nd, 2020, 12:45 PM
Give a man a fish...
Teach a man (or daughter) to fish...

... and they won't worry as much about empty store shelves.

March 22nd, 2020, 02:20 PM
Very nice!

March 29th, 2020, 07:59 AM
Maybe Moab/Utah could go to this extreme:


March 29th, 2020, 08:12 AM
My oldest son and his girlfriend drove to Rhode Island last week because her parents have a place there. My wife and I did not like this but he’s an adult and we can’t make him stay home. Obviously we worry about him and wish he was here with us (and our younger son who I picked up from California last week) but they are doing well and laying low. These are crazy times

March 29th, 2020, 08:24 AM
Maybe Moab/Utah could go to this extreme:


Utah already does some illegal stuff like that to try to stop the Devil from crossing the border: https://www.mountainproject.com/forum/topic/115430440/drug-checkpoints

They are so common there is a lawyer that specializes in it: https://utahinterstatedruglawyer.com/traffic-stops-on-i-70-in-utah/

March 29th, 2020, 09:35 AM
glad my vice is alcohol and not weed...

March 29th, 2020, 09:40 AM
glad my vice is alcohol and not weed...

They don't officially allow you to bring that either.



March 29th, 2020, 09:59 AM
I don’t drink alcohol at all but I smoke a lot of weed and every time I go to Utah I make sure everything is tucked away and there is no sign or smell that could give probable cause for a search. I drive thru Utah fairly often & I have never seen those signs and rarely even see police. Right now it may be different but it’s C19 not weed ;)

March 29th, 2020, 10:08 AM
[QUOTE=RockyMtRebel;335776]I don’t drink alcohol at all but I smoke a lot of weed/QUOTE]

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

March 29th, 2020, 10:15 AM
They don't officially allow you to bring that either.



but they don't care...for whatever reason authorities are much more concerned about weed than liquor

March 29th, 2020, 10:27 AM
I think when Colorado first became a legal state cops in surrounding states were targeting weed much more but over the years they’ve realized it’s no big deal and I don’t think they target weed that much anymore (at least in Utah). I feel like Moab is more Colorado than Utah in a lot of ways. Texas might be a different story....

March 29th, 2020, 10:27 AM
but they don't care...for whatever reason authorities are much more concerned about weed than liquor


March 29th, 2020, 08:04 PM
I think when Colorado first became a legal state cops in surrounding states were targeting weed much more but over the years they’ve realized it’s no big deal and I don’t think they target weed that much anymore (at least in Utah). I feel like Moab is more Colorado than Utah in a lot of ways. Texas might be a different story....

I don't know about Texas, but do not press your luck in Arizona. I spent several hours in the rain watching the State Troopers with a K-9 search my Jeep and open/inspect every bit of camping gear and tool kit I had with me. They left it all in a soggy pile on the side of the road and left without even a "sorry for the inconvenience". I left feeling happy they didn't do a full cavity search!

March 29th, 2020, 08:36 PM
Kansas story https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/kansas/article239819173.html

March 29th, 2020, 08:58 PM
That link redirects to signing up for an account.

March 29th, 2020, 09:24 PM
Works for me...

March 29th, 2020, 10:37 PM
It worke-d the first time I hit it.

I now receive Access Denied.

March 30th, 2020, 06:59 AM
Worked several times for me. Not too important, I’ll link to a different source.

March 30th, 2020, 07:08 AM
Didn't take as long as I thought. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/lawsuit-kansas-highway-patrol-targets-state-drivers-68643539

Basically shows another neighbor state is is looking for people coming out of CO loaded up. Nebraska has confiscated quite a bit too from the stories out there.

April 30th, 2020, 09:52 AM
The Moab restrictions are set to expire today. Things may be opening up out there slowly now.
