View Full Version : Multi-day "overlanding" trip

April 10th, 2020, 09:40 PM

I have no experience doing a multiple day trip. I'd like to do some kind of overlanding trip or even just, drive down to a trail head, and have a weekend where I slowly work my way back to Denver, across multiple trails; even if I'm on pavement for some of it. But I'd like to mitigate how much pavement time there is, even if its more like just going on a very easy dirt road from trail to trail.

I was going to see if someone was willing to plan something like this for the club but with the pandemic affecting our futures indefinitely, it would be cool to just have some ideas on routes to take to accomplish this. I'm thinking for my first one I might just do a 2 night trip; Friday and Saturday night and back in town by Sunday night.

I'm going to be taking my own stab at creating a route and will post back here when I have some ideas and maybe the club can tweak them and improve them :)

April 10th, 2020, 11:26 PM
I'm interested. I started camping last season and am curious for more.

April 11th, 2020, 07:28 AM
I’m also hoping to do a multi day trip this summer, hopefully! I’m looking at something between Moab and Saint George, which is on of the areas that fascinates me greatly. I drove through this area twice over the last month (right before and in the beginning of this outbreak).... so actually 4 times since I went out to California and back both times. Anyways, mostly stayed on pavement because I was in a hurry but there are countless dirt roads and you can connect a few to make incredible multi day trips! I’m probably going to stick to my Powerwagon for this as my Jeep would be quite uncomfortable for that long. And I wouldn’t be doing any difficult trails on a multi day trip anyways, wouldn’t want to be broken down 100 miles from anywhere!
There are some established trails that could be fun, Rimrocker goes from Gunnison area through the San Juan’s and into the red desert south of Moab, supposed to be a good one.....
Ill keep watching this to see if anything gets planned

April 11th, 2020, 07:47 AM
Interested! :thumb:

April 11th, 2020, 08:14 AM
Interested...Later in summer you can connect stuff like Mosquito pass to Hagerman pass and then over to Taylor/Pear/Schofield and then into Pitkin area/Miners Loop...I did a 3 day 2 night loop using some combination of the above back in college....I'd like to to Kokopelli trail from Fruita to Moab...its mostly easy, but overnight camp would be nice. Another, not so difficult 4wd but with lots of overnight potential is Grand Stairscase. Kodachrome SP is fantasic campground with basic facilities, and then head on from there. And although its a long ways away - Cali seems to be the place for multi-day 4wd trips. Obviously the Rubicon is amazing multi-day, but its just one (the easiest probably) of about 4 multi day trip trails in the sierras.

April 11th, 2020, 08:31 AM
I've found the Delorme Atlas & Gazetteer to be really useful for planning overland trips, fwiw. They often have things that google maps don't, and I like to highlight the route on the pages and bring it with me when I go.

April 11th, 2020, 09:40 AM
Rimrocker trail is calling....

April 11th, 2020, 09:52 AM
...I'd like to to Kokopelli trail from Fruita to Moab...its mostly easy, but overnight camp would be nice. Another, not so difficult 4wd but with lots of overnight potential is Grand Stairscase.

Fruita to Moab would be awesome, I believe you have to cross the Dolores river at some point - and it’s Navaho sandstone the whole way!!! I would definitely be interested in planning something like this. Also, Grand Staircase is another amazingly desolate area, I did the House Rock Valley Road a month ago and hiked into some slot canyons there..... would love to further explore that area as well! All the possibilities running rampant in my head

April 11th, 2020, 10:52 AM
Fruita to Moab would be awesome, I believe you have to cross the Dolores river at some point

yup...this is where the video of the jeep scrambler that washed downstream occurred...make sure to wait until water levels are reasonable...

April 12th, 2020, 06:54 AM
how to do it wrong and destroy a Tacoma:


April 12th, 2020, 10:52 AM
oof DEEP water moving fast.

Snorkle - check (but how sealed from leaks is the intake snorkle system)
Above waterline extended exhaust - nope (engine will need some pressure to keep water out of the exhaust and when the engine stops water backflows into an open-exhaust-valve cylinder)
Computer / electronics below waterline - once a traditional capacitor gets wet - no workie for the engine management computer

For any questionable crossing, I could see tying a recovery line / winch line between two vehicles before either gets into the crossing such that one vehicle is always on dry land (recovery line needs to be longer than the water crossing is wide).

April 12th, 2020, 12:31 PM
same spot in the fall, no problem


April 12th, 2020, 12:41 PM
Sign me up for that!

Is it an optical illusion to my eye - the drone footage of the exit road - it looks like it has been bladed. It's quite flat and it seems there is a blade line at each edge.

April 12th, 2020, 12:53 PM
Is this the crossing?

https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B048'35.7%22N+109%C2%B016'27.9%22W/@38.8099167,-109.2766054,679m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x8747905158d5697 1:0xb9e7699e1b7442b!2sDolores+River!3b1!8m2!3d38.6 288587!4d-108.9467158!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d38.8099281!4d-109.2744096

It looks like there's another a bit up river...
https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B049'07.8%22N+109%C2%B014'36.1%22W/@38.8188448,-109.2438842,339m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x8747905158d56971:0x b9e7699e1b7442b!2sDolores+River!3b1!8m2!3d38.62885 87!4d-108.9467158!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d38.8188195!4d-109.2433548

April 12th, 2020, 01:37 PM
The first one is the one the ATV is on and I'm pretty sure the Tacoma too. Either one is probably OK in the fall and a bad idea during runoff. The roads between the river and Glade Park are all easy, graded dirt that are used mostly for oil & gas, mining and hunting. They are really just dirt roads, not trails. It's a good idea to run this starting in Moab, so if there is a problem with the river crossing it happens right away instead of at the end of the run.

This video is an old VW bus going from Glade Park to a large camping area for what looks like a VW meetup about 2/3 of the way to the river:


April 12th, 2020, 03:20 PM
Fruita to Moab would be awesome, I believe you have to cross the Dolores river at some point

did a bit more research - turns out the kokopelli trail stays to the north of the Colo river the whole way, so you don't have to cross the Dolores...you cross over to the south side of the Colo river at Dewey bridge on 128....then you head up past the start point for Top-of-the-World etc...see map below. For 4wd, you can no longer start in Loma, only MTB until you get near Rabbit Valley. From Loma to Moab is just under 150 miles...guessing its more like 130 starting from Rabbit Valley. There are a couple sections on the bench above Ruby Canyon near the CO/UT state line that I have to ease my Tacoma over - usually a just a bit of dragging (taking the hardest line)...We do a lot of MTBing in the area and its stock higher clearance 4wd, but a bit more than a typical 'Suby' road. I've never driven it all the way to westwater or past, but did a short section near Cisco (mostly for raft trip access). The section from westwater to 128 is pretty mellow dirt road I think. Maybe I could get the willys running and this would be an ideal place to take it for a few days of camping and driving.

April 14th, 2020, 10:37 AM
Ok so I did not see all of these awesome replies. Still reading through them. Eventually I want to do something more adventurous that involves Moab or something near Ouray, but for starters (since its my first time) and gear evaluation, I came up with this one:

Hopefully you can see that without a subscription. I've also attached a .gpx of the route. I chose it because it seemed to have a lot of exploring around it and basically hovered around multiple camping areas without getting too remote for a first time trip.

Thanks for all of the replies, I'll read through them more thoroughly now!

April 14th, 2020, 10:50 AM
I see a map of Switzerland Trail and surrounding area. I assume that's what you intended to link?

April 14th, 2020, 10:53 AM
Yes, that's what I see also. You can do all of that in one day, 4-6 hours probably. There is a lot of camping but since this is close to Boulder you will see a lot of folks camping (depending when you go). This would not be a multi-day trip for most of us but yes, you can make this a multi-day trip ;)

April 14th, 2020, 11:07 AM
Yes, that's what I see also. You can do all of that in one day, 4-6 hours probably. There is a lot of camping but since this is close to Boulder you will see a lot of folks camping (depending when you go). This would not be a multi-day trip for most of us but yes, you can make this a multi-day trip ;)

Yep exactly, I had a hard time getting distance out of it. So I'm glad for the other replies. I'll probably go do this one as a one-nighter and then see how the gear does and write down anything I was missing before heading out to a less forgiving situation.

April 14th, 2020, 11:07 AM
If/when the SD lifts a bit, China Wall opens and we usually do a run there - often with some of the group camping out before and/or after the run.

April 14th, 2020, 11:10 AM
If/when the SD lifts a bit, China Wall opens and we usually do a run there - often with some of the group camping out before and/or after the run.

Last year the event was on the summer solistice and we had rain + snow overnight. It would be a good trial for the camping gear. We camped out there the last two years for this run.

April 14th, 2020, 11:45 AM
Considering you have a 2020 Rubicon, this trail will be boring. In dry conditions a 2wd Camry can run this.... currently (snowy) it will be much more challenging but still probably pretty easy for your Rubicon. Look up Switzerland Trail, that's the route shown on your map. There are other trails that are more fun/challenging in the area that you could do also, again depending on the time of year. If you are talking summertime, there are better trails all over the place than this one. This one will have tons of transients camping during the summer, I avoid Switzerland trail except in the winter.

April 14th, 2020, 12:53 PM
Considering you have a 2020 Rubicon, this trail will be boring. In dry conditions a 2wd Camry can run this.... currently (snowy) it will be much more challenging but still probably pretty easy for your Rubicon. Look up Switzerland Trail, that's the route shown on your map. There are other trails that are more fun/challenging in the area that you could do also, again depending on the time of year. If you are talking summertime, there are better trails all over the place than this one. This one will have tons of transients camping during the summer, I avoid Switzerland trail except in the winter.

I've done Switzerland with the club in the Grand Cherokee. Thanks for the tips, I think that's one thing I liked about the route, if I/we completed it too early (likely) there were other things to add some more fun to the trip. I'm still getting used to the Bluebicon and actually I went out to do some socially distant reading at that Gordon Gulch camp area and was able to at least get it on some snow patches and dirt; get a feel for where the tires are. I was thinking for the first overlanding trip, like someone else mentioned in this thread, that I'd rather not do the more difficult stuff and have a problem that far out. That being said, I also don't want to be bored the whole time :) and I'm guessing the route I shared would bore most everyone replying to the thread. The Californian and Moab trails that they shared are more what I was thinking. Sounds awesome.

April 14th, 2020, 01:16 PM
Looks like a good idea for a shakedown run. :thumb: I think the Fourmile area, when Chaffee County reopens, would be a good fit for your parameters too.


April 14th, 2020, 01:36 PM
That looks like fun. Can't wait for this lockdown to be over :)

April 14th, 2020, 01:42 PM
Looks like a good idea for a shakedown run. :thumb: I think the Fourmile area, when Chaffee County reopens, would be a good fit for your parameters too.


This is exactly what I'm thinking.... close enough in case something goes wrong (3 hours or so) but enough trails (easy-medium-HARD) to keep you happy for a few days at least.

April 14th, 2020, 10:30 PM

I have no experience doing a multiple day trip. I'd like to do some kind of overlanding trip or even just, drive down to a trail head, and have a weekend where I slowly work my way back to Denver, across multiple trails; even if I'm on pavement for some of it. But I'd like to mitigate how much pavement time there is, even if its more like just going on a very easy dirt road from trail to trail.

I was going to see if someone was willing to plan something like this for the club but with the pandemic affecting our futures indefinitely, it would be cool to just have some ideas on routes to take to accomplish this. I'm thinking for my first one I might just do a 2 night trip; Friday and Saturday night and back in town by Sunday night.

I'm going to be taking my own stab at creating a route and will post back here when I have some ideas and maybe the club can tweak them and improve them :)
I would be up for a couple nights camping just about anywhere right about now. In fact if we get to be let out of our cages. In the month of may I'm ready!!! I have always wanted to explore the Red Feather lakes area. I have heard great things about it. What does everyone else think???

April 14th, 2020, 10:35 PM
This is exactly what I'm thinking.... close enough in case something goes wrong (3 hours or so) but enough trails (easy-medium-HARD) to keep you happy for a few days at least.
I'd be up for this too, in fact we have an event planned there for the last weekend of June with Overland Bound. But if it's possible I would be up for something sooner than that. Anywhere really!

April 15th, 2020, 07:34 AM
Anywhere. :thumb:

April 15th, 2020, 10:59 AM
a fun weekend local run would be Idaho Springs to Nederland. if you take the back way up Fall River to Yankee, you can actually get some moderate wheeling in with minor obstacles. then you can head over to Kingston Peak, down to Mammoth Gulch/Rollins Pass and camp on the Pass. next morning you could take your time getting up, make a nice meal, fish Yankee Doodle lake, run Jenny Creek, and then head down to take the FS 105 ending above Nederland in West Magnolia. you COULD head up to Eldora and find the FS road that goes up north from there as well, if you wanted to keep going...


April 15th, 2020, 11:05 AM
but the Kokopelli sounds like a lot of fun! my birthday is in August and maybe we'll be out of all this crap by then. I might be posting this as a run. anyone interested in planning for it?


April 15th, 2020, 01:04 PM
maybe...sounds hot in August out there....at least for those of us that don't have AC in our rigs. I'd be inclined to do it more in the fall, but that shouldn't stop you from posting up a trip that works for you.