View Full Version : Weekend thoughts...?

May 22nd, 2020, 08:07 AM
Would be interested to get out on the trail this weekend at some point (or even next week during the week)....Not sure its going to be possible to avoid huge crowds, but maybe someone has some good ideas. Open to all ideas - and possibly, just maybe, if the trail is easier, I might...might.... have the Willys ready for a little cruise. Find out more today as I hope to drive it around town a bit on some errands....

May 22nd, 2020, 08:39 AM
A friend of mine recently tried going up rollins pass and found a local with a road block setup allegedly brandishing a firearm.

So... Keep those plans flexible for now.

May 22nd, 2020, 09:07 AM
I drove through West Magnolia this week and there were about a dozen vehicles spread throughout, mostly people biking and walking dogs, two just chilling at campsites. It was really hit hard by the beetle kill, but all those areas are short forests now and it's really pretty. The "trails" through the campgrounds would probably not pose any danger to your Willys, but are fun. You have to go in from the Boulder County side, not off Tolland road, and exit the same way.

May 22nd, 2020, 11:03 AM
Maybe something during the week next week. If you want to get the Willy’s out, maybe Dakan to Rampart Range road to Illinois Gulch area, then back 67 through Deckers and Sedalia. There are some shorter loops as well in the area for a shakedown run. Based on crowds the last few weekends, thinking I am staying far away from the hills this one.

May 22nd, 2020, 11:20 AM
Based on crowds the last few weekends, thinking I am staying far away from the hills this one.

My gut feeling is the same, but my wife is looking to get out, especially as she back working a bit. Not so much specific to wheeling, but out doing something - we went skiing on Thurs, but the warm weather early this week has done a lot of damage to the snow pack. For a Willys shakedown run, Slaughterhouse came to mind, as well a just wandering the RRR area - maybe up Mt herman rd and balanced rock....we'll see, its gotta make it through today first. I am really hoping to take it to China Wall in June and camp out of it...might as well put some dents in it...but that is getting pretty far ahead of itself. I think there is a good chance I blow all the seals when i get it up to rpm cruising, as well as whether it was just leaking massive amounts of oil, or consuming it internally.

May 22nd, 2020, 01:55 PM
I’ve never run Slaughterhouse and would be open to it, though it will be day dependent. I’ll keep an eye on the thread.

May 22nd, 2020, 03:26 PM
Based on crowds the last few weekends, thinking I am staying far away from the hills this one.
Ditto. Just got back from a hike at Lions Gulch. Lots of people for a Friday.

May 22nd, 2020, 03:28 PM
A little birdie told me Kelly Flats will open tomorrow morning. It probably will not be too crowded since a lot of people won't know yet, but word will travel fast.

May 22nd, 2020, 06:47 PM
Let us know how the wagon fares. It looks like Wednesday would be ideal next week but other days might work as well

May 22nd, 2020, 06:56 PM
Still running hot - which is manageable on the street as long as you don't get stuck in stop-n-go traffic - but not so good for offroad i am guessing. Oil leak is sorta under control, but not sure it good for much more than putting around locally. But still up for wheeling - just take the cj.

May 22nd, 2020, 07:03 PM
Still running hot - which is manageable on the street as long as you don't get stuck in stop-n-go traffi

Do you have a fan shroud?

May 22nd, 2020, 07:26 PM
Do you have a fan shroud?

I think the real solution will be an electric fan/shroud combination - but I am hesitant to run that on my old generator as its max output is 30A, and its not supposed to run at 30A for extended periods otherwise it will eventually throw the solder....I believe (its been a while since I researched) that a number of the electric fans pull around 10-15A....i really need an higher output alternator for that, but then I have to figure out the wiring a bit. I rewired the cj from external regulated alternator to an internal reg alternator, and this would be similar as the external regulator is the hard part...I hate using 1 wire alternators, but in this case, it might be the best solution as the wiring is a mess. And, I would also have to figure out a mounting bracket....
Honestly, I am considering posting it for sale this weekend and seeing if I get any takers....I took it from not running to running albeit its got a few glitches. I worked the fuel delivery, carb and ignition systems and made the brakes better...so if I can flip on for what I go in it, I would probably take it as budget is tight around here and its taking all my time and I am not enjoying my cj....Sometimes 2 toys is not better than one if you can't use them both. We'll see what happens....

May 22nd, 2020, 07:30 PM
That pic was on my mind when I first saw it.

You _need_ a fan shroud for a fan that far away from the radiator. Without it air does not get sucked _through_ the radiator. Make a shroud and you'll be golden. No electric fan needed.

If you wish to drive it on a trail run (or any below 30mph speeds) as-is, when it starts getting hot, put it in neutral and bring RPM's UP and the fan will overcome the no shroud issue and start pulling air through the rad.

It's condition of mostly staying cool around town is RAM air into the rad is keeping you cool - not the fan. If you want to have fun testing it - remove the fan and drive some slow and medium speed roads and watch your temp gauge. I did that one summer "trying to save gas" in my V8 CJ-5. Long stop-lights and bank teller lines were the only spots I'd have to shut down to avoid overheating.

May 22nd, 2020, 07:35 PM
You _need_ a fan shroud for a fan that far away from the radiator. Without it air does not get sucked _through_ the radiator. Make a shroud and you'll be golden. No electric fan needed.

If you wish to drive it on a trail run (or any below 30mph speeds) as-is, when it starts getting hot, put it in neutral and bring RPM's UP and the fan will overcome the no shroud issue and start pulling air through the rad.

Look further down - i put a simple shroud on....but due to the off-center nature of the fan with radiator, it doesn't pull air through but about 50-60% of the area.
Even around town, putting the RPMs doesn't help when at a stop doesn't help - the fan/shroud is basically doing nothing....it only cools with forced air at speed.

May 22nd, 2020, 08:07 PM
I'll sit in the dunce corner for not scrolling down though I'll perhaps change my stance to say - you need an effective shroud (no offense intended, but as you're having cooling issues, I look at that partial metal and see it as ineffective). Mimic'ing a factory shroud they're what - an inch at most from the outside tip / diameter from the blade and all of the way around.

Could you junk yard a plastic shroud from a 4-cyl jeep (they're deep) and modify that to fit?

I'll be quiet now and enjoy the silence in the corner. ;)

May 22nd, 2020, 08:23 PM
ou need an effective shroud
that is correct...

an inch at most from the outside tip / diameter from the blade and all of the way around.
I am just over an 1" from the tip of the blades with the current set-up, but I cannot go all the way around as 1/3-1/2 of the fan is not behind the radiator....there is no way to mount a shroud on the bottom passenger corner....After catching flak on the old willys forum for the same thing, one of them took a closer look and agreed - electric fan time. My radiator (Champion) makes the mating shroud and fan for it... Fabricating a fan shroud from metal or fiberglass that only goes around less than 2/3 of the fan is kind of pointless, and would be a lot of work....I don't know...this topic has worn me out....engine swaps suck is the main thing I've learned....but I just don't see anyway the current mis-alignment of the fan as totally off-center and down near the lower right corner (not to mention that is 6"+ away from the core) can ever be solved with a shroud. The fan needs to be centered and closer and have a shroud given the issues with cooling a v8 compared to stock engine.

May 26th, 2020, 07:15 AM
Saw the wagon on CL, were you able to move it?

May 26th, 2020, 06:08 PM
no sale yet...I am continuing to work on it and, but also I am testing the waters to sell it....I am a bit worn out of it right now. It might just get parked off to the side for a while if it doesn't sell.