View Full Version : Tech Advice- Embedded Maps

June 3rd, 2020, 09:09 PM
I have a site that had some google maps embedded on it which I've removed since they are possibly going to cost money which I do not want to spend. I am considering using open street maps https://valorouswebdesign.com/an-alternative-to-google-maps-embedding-an-open-street-map-on-your-website/

Does anyone know of something better? I like free, but I'd be willing to buy something once, but do not want to incur ongoing fees like Google Maps.

Thank you!

The StRanger
June 3rd, 2020, 11:27 PM
I always love TrailDamage but it went pay and my understanding is it went to crap.
i keep hearing all these sites that I have problems with ( I’m not really computer guy)
I would LOVE to have a meet and greet for learning how to work these site.