View Full Version : Rubicon 2020

July 17th, 2020, 11:51 AM
Wasn't sure if I was going to get back to the Rubicon with the early cj5 group this summer or not....but was able to make a 'quick' blast out to Tahoe and back with the cj in tow. Unlike last year, wasn't able to spend much additional time exploring other stuff along the way, but the trail is just such a perfect jeep trip that its still worth the huge drive. We went in on the west end (Loon Lake) in the later afternoon on Sunday and came out the east end (via Barker Pass - not Tahoma this year) on Wed morning. Camped at Ellis Creek, then Buck Island Lake, and last night at Rubicon Springs. Trail seemed more crowded - part of that was another large group (Copper State Jeep Club) that was on the exact same itinerary as we were, as well as a couple of other big groups that normally would have cruised on through pretty quickly, but had some carnage issues etc. The general trailside chat also suggested a lot of the normal big 'jamboree' and manufacturer run weekends were all canceled with C19, and those users have spread out over the entire month of July with private runs, as well as week days are busier with more people off work. There were also a lot of first timers that were taking it very easy and slow and spotting through everything (despite their fully built JKs on 37s etc). At the same time, that is how we were last year - slow and cautious - but this year, we cruised taking many of the harder lines with the exception of Little sluice and old main sluice). As I understand, during the jamboree runs, there are volunteer spotters and rock stackers that help keep everyone moving along nicely - so I think there were some groups with drivers that were a bit inexperienced and hesitant that had originally planned to run during the Jamboree runs. The first time you run it, its a bit intense....

We had 3 early cj5s all running 33s, 1 intermediate cj5 SOA on 35s, and two tag along YJs on 32s and 35s. To the glory of our 'old iron' mentality - and after being chided as the 'small tire challenge' group by some at the start - when I pulled out a built JK with my little jeep and then drove around them to show them the line - yeah, it felt a bit good. Or on Cadillac hill when one of the built JKs got separated from their group was asking for us to let them through as were were going too slow and blocking the trail, and that she needed to catch up to her group, only to find that we were being blocked by her group (which might have been being blocked by another group in front). Anyway, a few ego boosts aside, and a bit of rock rash and damage, its a great multi-day trail run that really allows a mix of smaller built jeeps as well as those building buggies and testing for Dusy or Fordyce etc. Within our group, only the cj5 that had no lockers needed any pulls - although he has Gleason limited slips (predecessor to True-trac) both front and rear - the tendency to lift front tires often means that 1 fully locked axle in the rear is often better than 2 limited slips. Maybe in an automatic where you can work the brake a bit easier to control wheel spin it would be okay - or even with a rear wheel parking brake set-up (ecj5s use a transfer case mounted parking brake) might be helpful. Anyway, that jeep only needed two pulls through the whole trail - the same number I needed last year - so it might also have been a bit of the driver learning curve. We got a bit lucky compared to last year on Cadillac hill as it was drier, and that made traction much easier - whereas we needed a few pulls there last year.

I don't have too many pics yet as Jen wasn't able to go, and she is my main photographer - and waiting on others to get their images posted/shared. Hopefully I'll get some more good wheeling shots of the harder obstacles taken by passengers from other jeeps....but a few as is....
The group on day one in the granite bowl:

More day 1 granite bowl:

Ellis Creek Camp:

Wheeling pics from somewhere on Day 2 into Day 3 (before Big Sluice):

Lined up ready to run Big Sluice on day 3:

The famed bridge below Big Sluice/Property line that signals the end of a hard section and the Springs are nearby:

Crossing the river at Rubicon Springs campsite

The only shot I have going up Cadillac Hill - and its not even of one of the obstacles - just an easy section of steep climbing before Morris Rock (think we were stopped waiting on someone at Morris Rock):

Obligatory end photo on Observation Point - with an extra jeep - a friend who was in the area drove down from the east end on the last day to meet us, and then drove back out with us - don't let that little tan homely jeep on the end fool you, that little 4cyl Fhead on 31s ran EVERYTHING last year including little sluice.

July 17th, 2020, 12:03 PM
I really need to go there.

July 17th, 2020, 03:07 PM
Looks awesome.

July 17th, 2020, 05:13 PM
Figured some might want to see something other than the glory pictures....so here is the trail damage:
Front bumper - it was already bent from last year, but its now bent differently:

Driver rear quarter panel:

Driver front - this is not only paint scratch, but it did flex the metal in - should be able to gently push it back out. You can see the damage from last year in the gatekeeper up on the cowl:

Broken hand throttle cable held back together with some zip-ties:

The cross-member skid plate - going to need to fashion a beefier one of these - although maybe I could sell it as Dali art?

The bent frame/shackle hanger:

July 18th, 2020, 09:30 AM
A few more...pics from some of the better spots are starting to come in....
Arthur's Rock area

Leaving Buck Island Lake camp on morning of day 3....we left fairly early so had some spectators from the other camps



July 20th, 2020, 08:50 PM
Crossing the river at Rubicon Springs campsite That's my favorite campsite, right next to the Rubicon river with built-in waterfall showers. Its called the Dirty Dozen Camp, named after a Jeep club out of San Jose CA. I'm planning on making a 2 week trip out to CA to run the Rubicon and Dusy Ershim after Labor Day. I really miss the High Sierras.

Here's my first time on the Rubicon in 1980, been back every year since then.
1942 Ford GPW, 265ci Chevy V8, T84 3sp trans, T18 transfercase, D23 full float rear, D25 front, open diffs 4.88s and big 31" tires.
I wish I still had it.

July 22nd, 2020, 01:01 PM
to run the Rubicon and Dusy Ershim after Labor Day.
Dusy is out of my League on an old swb cj on 33s.....

1942 Ford GPW, 265ci Chevy V8, T84 3sp trans, T18 transfercase, D23 full float rear, D25 front, open diffs 4.88s and big 31" tires.
Not a whole lot different than what some of our guys are running now....it would be really tough on fully open diffs today. Last year, two of the guys were on 31s, and one ran EVERYTHING without issues. I am happy to run 33s, and at least a rear locker will get you through everything, but feel like 35s is where its at today for swb, and 37+ for longer.

Just finished repairing/bending back my front bumper - had to park in the yard with winch and pulley block to the big locust tree, and then anchor the rear of the jeep to my truck. Even then, there was almost as much sliding as there was metal bending. Would have been easier in the woods were I could have anchored the rear to a tree. On to the hand throttle repair....

July 22nd, 2020, 01:18 PM
Figured some might want to see something other than the glory pictures....so here is the trail damage:
Front bumper - it was already bent from last year, but its now bent differently:

much better now....not perfectly straight otherwise I would have to bend the other side as well....this way it has a nice balanced 'swept' look on both side http://earlycj5.com/xf_cj5/index.php?media/rolleyes.2776/full

July 22nd, 2020, 06:47 PM
Well, thought I was done with finding trail damage and was putting stuff back together....but now I have a new appreciation for military spring wraps - wouldn't have made it off the rubicon without them.....this might be one of those 'I will never not use military wrap' kind of experiences....certainly having H-shackles (and not the early C-style) is part of why it worked .

San Juan trip is in jeopardy....

July 24th, 2020, 07:53 AM
That's my favorite campsite, right next to the Rubicon river with built-in waterfall showers. Its called the Dirty Dozen Camp,
I think getting over to the DD camp was the hardest part of the trip! I am the jeep in the water first - the second jeep that stalled out was fine. He had actually let his wife drive the section from the bridge to the springs, and she was at the wheel when it stalled. I pulled him through and he had no issues with water in the intake or anything...the air intake and distributor on these old v6's is very high right up under the hood which is nice.


July 24th, 2020, 08:01 AM
Some other vids:

