View Full Version : What I hate about Moab.... and I'm not alone

October 12th, 2020, 02:07 PM

Interesting article in the Moab news, which is consistent with my feelings on the annoying side-by-sides that swarm Moab and the popular trails...... Don't get me wrong, I love Moab and the trails are amazing but the sound of supercharged lawnmowers coming up behind you constantly is pretty annoying!

October 12th, 2020, 04:38 PM
Its always a challenge to balance the issues...As a hiker, MTBer and 4x4er, I greatly appreciate the 'everyone gets along' attitude that has generally defined moab for the last 20 years. Certainly, the SxSs are adding a new level of motorized traveler, and I am sure the accessibility to rent them is big a factor - both in terms of usage, but also in terms of economic benefit. In many ways, I can see how lifelong residents living along Mill Creek rd are becoming annoyed - but then the primary person in the article moved there 5 months ago....seems like that is similar to those that buy homes out near DIA and then complain about the planes flying overhead all day. The discussed noise ordinances would ideally be a good solution, but not practical to enforce. If they choose to restrict UTVs, then it starts to get into a gray area of where to modified jeeps and buggies etc end up.

October 12th, 2020, 05:09 PM
They moved to that location 5 months ago but grew up there, but that new location is the worst as far as noise and traffic. I agree that we should all get along in the great outdoors - it’s the noise that’s the most annoying about the side by sides. And the sheer volume of them on the classic trails is annoying. They should adopt a system like some other places where OHVs are allowed on certain days and not allowed on other days. That would help for sure..... I recall when we were doing Sevenmile rim and this couple wanted to tag along with our group in their loud ass side by side.... every time I wanted to snap a picture the dang side by side was in it ;-/

October 12th, 2020, 05:23 PM
They should adopt a system like some other places where OHVs are allowed on certain days and not allowed on other days.

I like that as a possibly solution - but I think traditional licensed 4wds might have to be willing to alternate as well. A similar system between MTBers and hikers is in place on some busy trails here in Clear Creek county - Mayhem gulch trail comes to mind immediately. Its only on weekends, but one day is only hikers, the other day is only MTBers...works for me....but it can also get complicated if motocross riders or MTBers also want some input. As much as the SxSs annoy me when I am out wheeling - mostly because the speed they travel at is significantly different than that of an old jeep (I am already slow compared to most of the rest of you) - I wonder if a different solution could be found that doesn't factionalized the different user groups. In the long run that I think would be damaging to the 'everyone gets along' vibe in moab - although maybe its already struggling. I have stopped camping in Sand Flats as the unending noise of the SxSs all night long buzzing Fins-n-things right behind many of the campsites is obnoxious. Maybe like snow-mobiles in yellowstone, at least in the managed area like Sand Flats, they should require a different engine/noise/muffler etc...In yellowstone NP, only 4 stroke engines allowed, and speed limits enforced. Of course, then it probably went too far and now its only with official licensed guide. National parks are obviously different than BLM and Rec area in terms of management.

October 13th, 2020, 10:32 AM
SxSs are really annoying, until you drive one.

October 13th, 2020, 10:55 AM
SxSs are really annoying, until you drive one.
I’ve rented them before.... meh

October 13th, 2020, 12:19 PM
My biggest issue with Moab is the crowds. Noone is doing anything wrong, it's just too many people doing the same thing.

October 13th, 2020, 07:58 PM
my proposal for Moab:

Monday’s - full size trucks only ;)
Tuesdays - Jeeps only
Wednesday - Toyota’s only
Thursdays - Side by sides / ATV/ UTV’s only
Fridays - Motorcycles and bikes only
Saturdays & Sunday’s - all vehicles allowed

- sound good????

October 13th, 2020, 09:56 PM
my proposal for Moab:

Monday’s - full size trucks only ;)
Tuesdays - Jeeps only
Wednesday - Toyota’s only
Thursdays - Side by sides / ATV/ UTV’s only
Fridays - Motorcycles and bikes only
Saturdays & Sunday’s - all vehicles allowed

- sound good????
Jeeps need to be on Mondays or Fridays. We deserve long weekends.:lmao::oops::cheers:

October 14th, 2020, 08:45 AM
my proposal for Moab:

Monday’s - full size trucks only ;)
Tuesdays - Jeeps only
Wednesday - Toyota’s only
Thursdays - Side by sides / ATV/ UTV’s only
Fridays - Motorcycles and bikes only
Saturdays & Sunday’s - all vehicles allowed

- sound good????

What about buggies?

You would have to go further in detail and break it down to specific trails. That way each user group has trails available everyday. Also I think bicycles already have their own trails so they could be eliminated.

October 14th, 2020, 08:55 AM
Just install some tracks and charge admission.


October 14th, 2020, 09:20 AM
Also I think bicycles already have their own trails so they could be eliminated.

There are MTB only trails in Moab - but many, if not most, of the 'famous' ones are the same as the jeep trails - or combine short sections of single track with sections of the 4wd trails. As both a MTBer and a jeeper - its quite different how the same trails are a very different experience depending on mode of transport. And for years, jeepers have been very respectful of sharing space with MTBers in moab - and MTBers have generally been much more open or 'accepting' of sharing trails with motorized vehicles than they are in many other places (say Colo). Alhtough I've been to Moab for wheeling every years at least once, we've spent more time MTBing Fruita the last couple years than Moab, and wondering if increased visitors, users and recreation of all types is starting to cause friction between different user groups....Its probably a bit inevitable, but it would also be disappointing.

October 14th, 2020, 04:05 PM
It might be annoying but at the end of the day, I still had a blast on all of the popular Moab trails I've ran even if the experience wasn't with the trail all to myself. I think the crowds just force folks like me to look further outside of Moab for other amazing trails that have much less traffic..... and that's probably a good thing too because it'll take a bunch of us away from the popular trails so others can enjoy them with the crowds ;)

I'm stoked because I actually get to go back next week! We are going to spend a couple days in the Capital Reef and Grand Staircase-Escalante area on our way to Southern California, to visit our son and celebrate my wifes birthday. I'm super excited to explore Hole-in-the-Rock road and hopefully check out some amazing slot canyons and perhaps run the entire Cathedral Valley loop this time..... there are a bunch of other trails that I'd like to explore also, most in the easier ratings (not looking for hard stuff when solo obviously). I will certainly post any trip reports and photos on here ;)

October 14th, 2020, 05:22 PM
It might be annoying but at the end of the day, I still had a blast on all of the popular Moab trails I've ran even if the experience wasn't with the trail all to myself.

I think that is the key mental state to have...don't go to the main moab trails and expect to be alone. The trails are great, but expect it to be a bit crowded. If one needs to be solitary on the trail to enjoy it, then probably best to find other trails - or possibly be VERY selective about when one goes. We could say the same about a number of trails here in Colo as well in terms of almost guaranteed crowds certain days....Just me personally, but I don't wheel for solitary, wilderness experience - I get that with backpacking and mountain climbing, wilderness river trips etc. I wheel for the challenge and reward of building and then driving my old jeep over challenging obstacles and to cool places, and doing it with other people - and its fun to me even if its crowded. And because I drive an old, potentially less reliable jeep, I do appreciate having some other people around.

October 14th, 2020, 05:56 PM
But still, those dang side by sides are annoying..... lol!

James, all great points! I guess I wheel for multiple reasons, one of which is the remote and solitary experience but another is to wheel with others on amazing trails in amazing places & sometimes (a lot actually) I wheel just to get out of the house and kill some time. My first few years visiting Moab was solely to rock climb because it’s one of the most amazing places to climb also! Similar to wheelin’ and mountain biking, some of the popular routes are crowded also. Can’t blame like minded folks for wanting to experience such an amazing place.

I love Moab ;)