View Full Version : HELP NEEDED: stuck on trail

April 29th, 2021, 08:03 PM
Im up off sawmill road, someone blocked the other exit and I can't get out.

April 29th, 2021, 08:10 PM
I could help - anyone else closer?

April 29th, 2021, 08:20 PM
I just spoke with him - north end of Switzerland trail - he's running but stuck / needs a pull out. I'm calling shane in Nederland - left message. calling Matt a bit north (another msg left)

April 29th, 2021, 08:35 PM
Shane & Matt have not answered. Max can't. it's 8:34 - I'm jumping into the jeep in 20 min (change & load recovery items).

If anyone else is closer - post up - it's a trek for me to get there.

April 29th, 2021, 08:57 PM
8:56pm - Jim leaving home to find him. If anyone can get there sooner - post up and I'll turn back. It'll be about 10:30pm beforee I can get to him (1hr 30 min from home to him).

April 29th, 2021, 09:00 PM
I spoke with Jim before he left and offered backup if he needs assistance. I wasn’t comfortable doing it myself. My tires are worn and worthless in any kind of deep snow. Additionally my age has been catching up with me physically of late.

April 30th, 2021, 01:13 AM
Jim showed up just as I was awaking from napping in my car! :lmao:

I sincerely appreciate the swift recovery Jim and to all who reached out. I learned my lesson exploring snowy sections on my own.

April 30th, 2021, 02:06 AM
'left FoCo about 9pm. Arrived at the "north" trailhead at 10:30pm - but had the belief that I had to go in via Gold Hill (what I call the south entrance for this trail segment) - so I drove right by the north trailhead. I went in at the 'south trailhead' and traveled the mostly snow free trail until I hit a green wrangler stuck across the trail - nobody around. I was told there was a jeep stuck across the trail. Well, I found it - and now I know I need to be on the OTHER SIDE of that jeep (no driving around it - shelf road). I thought about pulling it off trail - a bonus for the owner and it might be a wash for time for me - but no - I went for the known process and turned around to head back to the north trailhead. Not but a couple minutes in (head up from the road to the plateau and start about 1/2 way down the down-slope) the trip is complete.

Look at the condition and pick a suitable tree for the anchor. Position the jeep. Set a tree saver and snatch block. Lay out a 30' static strap from the front frame to keep from needing to unspool the winch line. Pull the front end up higher than it needed to be but this will get the rear end onto the trail / in the two-track. The front end will have no issue turning down slope to be in the two-track. Re-position for a more straight pull and get another ten feet or so then it was able to drive out. Easy / done.

A nice, large moon tonight!

Home at 1:30am - make this post - 2:06pm - time for sleep. g'night!

Thanks to the other folks that were able to respond - another day...

April 30th, 2021, 05:38 AM
You are a legend Jim!

Kudos kudos kudos!

April 30th, 2021, 07:02 AM
It looks to me as if I had gone I would have been stuck too. Would have spent the night winching myself out based on my tires. Thanks Jim.

April 30th, 2021, 08:39 AM
Jim, you are amazing! I was tied up all day yesterday and wish I could have helped but looks like it all worked out!

three cheers for Jim!

April 30th, 2021, 08:41 AM
Not a bad place to pull over and take a nap in the car to be honest. I don't recommend the angle that I parked at, sub optimal sleeping position but the window position makes for a great view of the night sky.

April 30th, 2021, 09:43 AM
Just woke up and saw this, sorry I couldn't help out, I had my phone on silent for the evening. And another rescue in Jim's column, that's awesome, we may have to get some sort of trophy for him soon :bowdown:

April 30th, 2021, 10:39 AM
I'm sorry I wasn't able to help. I'm glad it got easily sorted!

April 30th, 2021, 10:44 AM
...another rescue in Jim's column, that's awesome, we may have to get some sort of trophy for him soon :bowdown:

Haha, I bet Jim would say spend the money on a winch for Schmitty! :P

April 30th, 2021, 10:46 AM
The only time I see Jim happier than when he gets to use his winch is when he gets to use his chainsaw. I imagine he had a good night last night despite not getting to bed at his normal time.

April 30th, 2021, 01:16 PM
Jim is a hero no doubt!

Also you guys are crazy exploring on your own on weekdays :)

April 30th, 2021, 01:25 PM
Yea, hopefully a lesson learned here on wheeling solo in snowy conditions. We got a lot of snow on Tuesday night, my truck was stuck in my driveway and I had to shovel for an hour to get free. Even with winch and lockers, I would not have taken that trail solo and especially not at night. Luckily Jim is a superhero and saw the posting and took action! Just goes to show how lucky we all are to have this site and the admin who's responsible for this ;)

April 30th, 2021, 06:09 PM
ITYW - I'll get that whole trail run some day... one recovery at a time :lmao:

May 1st, 2021, 05:24 AM
Very Cool, nicely done.

May 1st, 2021, 11:47 PM
shoot, I could have helped. I'm in Nederland now. didn't see the post. :/
