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November 12th, 2021, 10:44 AM
Fully electric Jeep with a 6 speed manual.



Given how fast this is all moving I wouldn't be surprised if by the time they get this network in place it will be obsolete.


November 12th, 2021, 10:48 AM
That's a "hard no" from me.

November 12th, 2021, 05:04 PM
That's interesting. Folks have been bolting electric motors onto manual transmission bell-housings for awhile now. If anything it's one of the easiest and simplest ways to convert an older vehicle to electric. It's strange to hear someone talk about about it like its something new and unique. I bet Jeep put a lot of thought into the components they used... the clutch, motor and batteries, etc.


November 12th, 2021, 05:41 PM
I'm curious as to efficiency - does it make sense to have a transmission. I would think it might. I'd think motors might have a more efficient energy conversion at a certain RAM range. Thoughts?

November 12th, 2021, 06:10 PM
I suspect you're right when designing a car for maximum range under typical driving conditions there probably is a sweet spot for motor RPM. I think when trying to eke out every last bit of energy from a battery there's probably a desire to minimize every source of parasitic loss possible and a transmission will have some of that.

I also suspect that off-road driving presents a different set of conditions than highway driving, and probably a much more varied range of circumstances so maybe there is more to be gained by a selectable transmission than is lost by the drag it could create.

November 12th, 2021, 07:08 PM
The original Tesla Roadster had a 2 speed transmission. Electric motors definitely have their sweet spot for efficiency, but it’s so broad that it’s mostly not needed I think. I mean if you are driving an electric car at 140mph you might be outside of the most efficient range, but at that point you probably don’t care much.

November 12th, 2021, 10:01 PM
My leaf has a single speed gear reduction box instead of a transmission and it's great, no shifting at all just smooth power. It has three forward modes: D, full acceleration and minor regenerative braking. That is the fastest mode, fun to drive. B mode is the same as D but with stronger regenerative braking. B feels like driving my Jeep, take your foot off the gas and the vehicle slows down. It is just like compression braking in function, and can slow the car to a crawl even downhill. Finally there is ECO mode which just sucks, it reduces acceleration by about half and maximizes regenerative braking, the car is slower and will come to a stop if you take your foot off the gas long enough but makes a charge last a long time.

I like my 6 speed jeep, but I'd prefer the single speed reduction box, maybe a two speed box for lower range. You also can't stall an electric motor, so a clutch may not be needed at all.

Batteries are getting cheaper


And gas is going away


November 13th, 2021, 11:04 AM
Range issues are definitely a thing if you only have one vehicle, but so many people have two vehicles I don't think it's as big as a concern as some make out. I can't see only having an electric car, but as a second car I would love it. My experience is currently limited to dirt bikes, I used to have a full stable, have a much smaller garage now so I keep to just one and my electric dirt bike is the one I enjoyed riding most out of the 10+ I have had. But I eventually sold it and replaced it with a gasser due to....range. While it was super fun for 20 miles, that just isn't nearly long enough of a ride for me on a day when I am feeling good and want to go exploring, so the range issue can be mitigated if it isn't your only vehicle, but if it is, then for me at least it was a real issue. I am not soured on them though, I will definitely have another electric dirt bike, and truck too, when the time is right for me.

November 14th, 2021, 10:46 AM
I'd love an electric DS but the range has been a thing, a DS with limited range is not really "sporty". I've been subscribed to these guys for a few years, since they had one model that looked like they made it in a shed (probably did). The ranges are hugely improved and the designs are just awesome, but it's still not there for me. I almost pulled the trigger on an ebike recently but decided to wait til 2022.


November 14th, 2021, 05:55 PM
I think they are better now but I test drove a couple of their bikes. Whacked the throttle wide open on the sport and ds models and neither lifted the front tire. I didn't proceed. Lifting the front wheel on a motorcycle is so often a matter of comfort and safety for me, besides the huge fun, I won't even consider one without. The Alta EXR was like a proper KTM 450 in power and weight, super fun, too bad they went out of business, I sold mine right after that happened as I don't like to be in a place where I just can't get parts.