April 24th, 2022, 09:55 PM
No one should really care about this, but figured I'd start a thread to document some of the work on my Jeep.
My first ever car was a 1996 Jeep XJ (5sp, 2dr, 4.0) that I built up and wheeled in NJ/PA. I have most of my old (~2002 through 2006) photos (tech, my fabrication, and off-roading) from that time here:
( was in High School & College during that time with a job taking me to Texas afterward; leaving the Jeep in NJ....eventually being sold there. I got the bug for a project vehicle a few years ago to get all my old skills working again. I was looking in order of desire for a 1) Jeep Comanche MJ 2)1996 Jeep XJ (only a 96), 3) Suzuki Samurai, and 4) Older Toyota pickup.
To make the search saga late 2019, I found a pristine 1996 XJ (Auto, 4dr, 4.0) in Ft. Collins with <130k miles that has lived it's whole life as a grocery getter in San Jose, CA, and Ft. Collins, CO. Absolutely zero rust....the only issue was some cracking paint, missing clear coat, and a few dents here and there.
There were a lot of things I was happy with on my old XJ, but lots of things I would've done differently as well.
My focus for this jeep (that I did in reverse 20 years ago) has been:
1) Reliability
2) Recovery
3) Protection
4) Traction
5) Lift & Tires
I've done a lot of work on this Jeep since 2019. I was very patient prior to taking it on any trails until after I had, what I thought, a minimum to wheel safely and reliably. I am extremely happy with where it is right now. This will be the thread to document what has been done and what has yet to be done.
This is how it currently sits (no original photos at this point):
My first ever car was a 1996 Jeep XJ (5sp, 2dr, 4.0) that I built up and wheeled in NJ/PA. I have most of my old (~2002 through 2006) photos (tech, my fabrication, and off-roading) from that time here:
( was in High School & College during that time with a job taking me to Texas afterward; leaving the Jeep in NJ....eventually being sold there. I got the bug for a project vehicle a few years ago to get all my old skills working again. I was looking in order of desire for a 1) Jeep Comanche MJ 2)1996 Jeep XJ (only a 96), 3) Suzuki Samurai, and 4) Older Toyota pickup.
To make the search saga late 2019, I found a pristine 1996 XJ (Auto, 4dr, 4.0) in Ft. Collins with <130k miles that has lived it's whole life as a grocery getter in San Jose, CA, and Ft. Collins, CO. Absolutely zero rust....the only issue was some cracking paint, missing clear coat, and a few dents here and there.
There were a lot of things I was happy with on my old XJ, but lots of things I would've done differently as well.
My focus for this jeep (that I did in reverse 20 years ago) has been:
1) Reliability
2) Recovery
3) Protection
4) Traction
5) Lift & Tires
I've done a lot of work on this Jeep since 2019. I was very patient prior to taking it on any trails until after I had, what I thought, a minimum to wheel safely and reliably. I am extremely happy with where it is right now. This will be the thread to document what has been done and what has yet to be done.
This is how it currently sits (no original photos at this point):