View Full Version : Control Arms Question

June 6th, 2022, 04:46 PM
I'm thinking about replacing both front and rear control arms uppers and lowers they are old and the bushings are pretty toasted. Just a few questions
Recommendations, brands, joints, adjustable, etc
How hard is it to do in your garage/driveway with getting the geometry correct
What could go wrong during installation

Thanks for any info

June 7th, 2022, 07:14 AM
Control arms are not bad to do yourself. Do them one at a time. Use an angle gauge on axle before you start to determine the pitch of the axle. If control arms are adjustable just match length using bolts making sure it goes through the holes of old arm and new one straight.(if bolt is not long enough use all thread) Double check results with angle gauge. Always do an alignment afterward. Lift vehicle to reduce tension on bolts and make it easier.