View Full Version : The Maze District - Canyonlands Adventure

January 25th, 2023, 07:17 AM
I guess this is the next step, posting in the Planned Trail Runs section. I'm also posting the poll to get commitment from folks for an accurate count.

Looks like the dates will be Wednesday 6/14 to Monday 6/19. We could certainly shorten that if need be by a day, I was thinking between 4-6 days initially, so this falls in line.

January 25th, 2023, 08:55 AM
My calendar has these dates blocked off for this trip!

January 25th, 2023, 11:52 AM
My calendar is blocked off as well!

One thing to note is that the route has some backtracking on day 4, and I have included a night in Moab to shower and sleep on a bed, so if someone needs to shorten the trip they can skip the last day or skip the stop in Moab and drive straight to CO to save a day, or skip both to save 2 days.

January 25th, 2023, 12:10 PM
I think we have to backtrack, there really isn't a full loop based on the map I'm finding. I like the plan personally and as far as I'm concerned, it's set in stone as THE plan. :)

January 25th, 2023, 12:31 PM
I like the plan personally and as far as I'm concerned, it's set in stone as THE plan.

To be clear I wasn't suggesting to change the plan, just throwing it out there if one or two people can't do the full 6 days, they could save a day or two that way while the rest of us continue. But hopefully we have the full crew the whole time!

January 31st, 2023, 10:42 AM
I've got one more from my overlandbound forum who RSVP'd. Nice guy, Dan, I ran with him two weekends ago snow wheeling up in WY. He's got a Land Rover outfitted nicely.

Room for 1 more!

February 8th, 2023, 08:10 AM
TWO DAYS UNTIL WE RESERVE SITES!!!! Either Isak or I will update here on Friday morning with what sites we were able to get and hopefully post a gpx file built out from Gaia.

February 10th, 2023, 08:14 AM
It's official, we're booked! Thanks to Isak for calling me to remind me, got caught up with work this morning and forgot. :O

6/15 - Happy Canyon/The Neck
6/16 - Dollhouse 1 & 2
6/17 - Maze Overlook 1 & 2

Cost is $27 per vehicle.

Now I vote that we meetup on a weekend at some point to discuss logistics. Maybe meet for a drink or for lunch or something. Weekends generally pretty good for everyone? I'm thinking maybe end of March?

February 10th, 2023, 08:57 AM
Now I vote that we meetup on a weekend at some point to discuss logistics. Maybe meet for a drink or for lunch or something. Weekends generally pretty good for everyone? I'm thinking maybe end of March?

We just bought a house and will be moving in at the end of March so that will not work for me. I think it may be best to plan for end of April or early May so that its closer to the trip and everyone doesn't forget what they need to get!

February 10th, 2023, 09:57 AM
I'm flexible.

February 10th, 2023, 10:50 AM
Thanks for getting the camping reservations.

It is a good idea to meet in person and I can meet just about on just about any date.

February 10th, 2023, 11:14 AM
6/15 - Happy Canyon/The Neck
6/16 - Dollhouse 1 & 2
6/17 - Maze Overlook 1 & 2

Am I looking for clarification??? Each of those nights list different camp sites. Do we get to choose each night which we wish to stay at? I assumed at reservation time the specific site would be set (Dollhouse 1 or Dollhouse 2; Happy Canyon or The Neck).


February 10th, 2023, 02:24 PM
Jim - Each site can only accommodate 3 vehicles and we have 4 confirmed so far and are capping it at 6 so that we only need 2 sites each night. So we booked 2 sites for each night, the Dollhouse and Maze sites are right next to each other, the first night its about a mile apart.

We still have 2 open vehicle slots.

February 10th, 2023, 06:48 PM
Ah, thanks - so you have both sites booked each night. Now I understand.

February 14th, 2023, 10:08 AM
Jim - Each site can only accommodate 3 vehicles and we have 4 confirmed so far and are capping it at 6 so that we only need 2 sites each night. So we booked 2 sites for each night, the Dollhouse and Maze sites are right next to each other, the first night its about a mile apart.

We still have 2 open vehicle slots.

Dan is also coming, he did not use the poll, it might by closed by now. We only have 1 vehicle spot available at this time, total of 5 confirmed.

February 14th, 2023, 11:34 AM
Dan is also coming, he did not use the poll, it might by closed by now. We only have 1 vehicle spot available at this time, total of 5 confirmed.
Yes, the poll is closed for me. I am coming.

February 14th, 2023, 12:24 PM
We only have 1 vehicle spot available at this time, total of 5 confirmed.

I thought we had 4 with Dan, but I can't see who responded to the poll on my end. Jim, Dan, Mike, myself - who is the 5th?

February 14th, 2023, 01:38 PM
Jason would be the 5th, he's @jlwillys21 (I don't know if tagging him will work on this forum). I met Jason and his wife the first time I went out with this group snow wheeling around Nederland. Nice guy, and he has a Jeep, so... he's cool. :cool: Originally, he said he wasn't sure but he selected "YES!" in the poll so I'm assuming he was able to get the time off work and committed.

February 19th, 2023, 08:21 PM
Ok cool, yea I’ve met Jason on my first run too, good guy!

So my buddy should be able to make it and take the last spot. Being in the army there is always a chance of a last minute change of plans, but he should be able to confirm for certain within a month of the trip. Since no one has taken that spot yet I would like to hold it for him if everyone is cool with that?

February 19th, 2023, 10:21 PM
Since no one has taken that spot yet I would like to hold it for him if everyone is cool with that?

I am!

February 21st, 2023, 11:23 AM
Mountaineer01, I am fine with holding it for your friend.

February 21st, 2023, 12:59 PM
We have a bit of a dilemma here now.

Isak's friend wants to join
Someone from the Overland Bound forums in Firestone here wants to join
One of my neighbors here wants to join

I helped narrow this down, I told my neighbor "sorry, you're too late, I told you about this months ago" you snooze you lose.

I guess it is largely my fault because I posted in two locations. I'm fine with Isak's friend if he can commit and I can tell the other individual we're full but they can be on the wait list. Unless I'm lucky and Isak's friend is Akicita, that would make life easier.

February 21st, 2023, 02:25 PM
I talked with Isak and his buddy is in. I'm going to let the OverlandBound folks know they can be first on the wait list. Hopefully no one cancels though.

Some things to think about that I had in mind to talk about when we all met in person:

1) How you all plan to handle pooping. Yeah, I just had to come out and bluntly say it. I have a Lugaloo thing that I've used once, not a great solution but gotta do what you gotta do. I'm used to backpacking and bringing a trowel.

2) How you all would like to handle food. I'm thinking of brining my 22" Blackstone. I had a thought about each night two rigs are responsible for cooking dinner and two rigs responsible for breakfast. If everyone wants to just do every man for themselves, I'm fine with that too. We have a fridge now that we bought specifically for this trip, excited to use it!

3) How to handle Day 1 to Utah, I was thinking meet in CO and caravan. Some people like to drive faster than others though, I'm a 5-10 over typically on pavement with dry clear skies. If I'm in a group I'm usually only 5 over or run the posted limit.

4) Anyone care what camp sites they stay at? We'll have 3 rigs per site. Night 1 in The Maze, we stay about 10 minutes apart from each other. The 2nd and 3rd nights in The Maze we're right next to each other.

5) What time do we want to be on the trail every morning? I think a good plan for time between sites would be helpful to stick to the plan.

6) Afterparty! My wife and I are planning to stay in Moab and return home the 21st. We're meeting with one of our friends to run Elephant Hill on probably the 20th, maybe an easy short trail run on the 19th after we get into town and shower and maybe an easy short trail run (I would love to do a longer run like Dome Plateau) after breakfast on our way back home to CO. If others are interested in staying, whether wanting to run trails, mountain bike, hike, whatever you want to do, would we be interested in an AirBnB out there? Hotels are stupid expensive $300+/night. I figured if others want to hang out a couple extra nights, we could get a house and save a good chunk of money plus have additional amenities.

February 21st, 2023, 05:17 PM
1 Solids waste) Pack it in, pack it out. Luggable Loo - not that brand but you can easily search on it. (5-gal bucket with toilet seat top) + the zip-lock plastic bags that go inside and get zipped afterwards. Used, sealed bags go into the trasharoo hanging on the spare tire. I do have a "toilet tent" that I'll bring - probably not needed though. Others are welcome to use my bucket but you'll need to supply your own suitable bags. EDIT: At the campsites we stayed prior (Poison Springs Road, Sunset Pass, Dollhouse 2, Standing Rock, Maze Overlook) there were ample places where one could get away / out of view (toilet tent not needed). Toilet bags - Reliance Double Doodie waste bags https://www.rei.com/product/823665/reliance-double-doodie-waste-bags-with-bio-gel

2 Food) I'm good to handle food for myself. I'll have a fridge and a classic coleman 2-burner stove (and folding table for the stove). Folks are welcome to use the stove as much as they wish. Fridge space might be limited - but available if needed. I typically do oatmeal & tea for breakfast, deli meat or PB&J sandwich for lunch, likely can soup for supper.

3 Travel speeds / caravan) I'm a +5 person but the jeep is also speed limited. Generally 60/65/70 in the flats with a rare 75. Group is fine though solo with meet-up time / location is fine too. When Matt, Trent and I met in Hanksville, I think we arrived within 20 minutes of each other.

4 Campsite choice) Generally no preference. I do snore - so others be forewarned. I'm content locating myself at a decent tent spot but away from others.

5 On-Trail time) Flexible. Generally not a morning person (8a is typical alarm time, 7a alarm is fine too. 5:30alarm - you're crazy, this is vacation*). Likely, we will have AMPLE travel time between sites. My last trip with Matt & Trent - we didn't discuss any times and things just flowed well.

6 Extra days) Days prior or post planned trip are open for me to extend.

* though the Colorado motto does apply / I do practice it: You wake up earlier on the weekends than you do during the week.

February 22nd, 2023, 08:42 AM
Mike - These are great topics to discuss.

I think the trail time will depend on what detours we want to take each day for sightseeing/hiking, which we can plan out when we all meet up. I'm flexible on pretty much everything except the extra time, I will have to keep it to the days we have planned.

One thing we should decide and book soon is the campground for the first night before we go into the maze. Any suggestions here? I'm thinking one with some services (Water/bathrooms) so that we don't have to start digging into our supplies before we go into the park, if that is an option.

February 23rd, 2023, 06:14 PM
My comments, but I am open to variations with our in-person discussion.

1) solid waste: I have a pop-up privacy tent with a sit-down loo using Reliance Double Doodie waste bags.
2) food: I am open to group cooking for some meals, probably supper. I am diabetic, so I have some restrictions. I have a frig, so I can carry some group food, but my medications take precedence.
3) travel speed in caravan: I am open to starting together, but realistically we will get separated due to speed differences, eating needs and comfort stop timing. So a meet-up in Hanksville is good to reconnect.
4) camping: I will be sleeping in my car.
5) on-trail time: I would like to start at a reasonable time in the morning, but not as the British say "at the crack of sparrow fart". I am not in general a morning person, but will follow the group consensus. I would like to have some hiking stops.
6) extra days: I am flexible to staying over for a couple of days to do some other trails.

February 24th, 2023, 11:01 AM
One thing we should decide and book soon is the campground for the first night before we go into the maze. Any suggestions here? I'm thinking one with some services (Water/bathrooms) so that we don't have to start digging into our supplies before we go into the park, if that is an option.

Hey Isak,

Would you be willing to share your GPX file? I don't think mine was correct. I'm not entirely sure where you planned on enter/exit the park and that would better help me understand. We could camp in Green River which is right off I70 before highway 24 South to Hanksville. There's a KOA there, they always have nice facilities and are fairly reasonable.

If we extend the trip, there are a bunch of AirBnB rentals. Just a quick check I found a nice townhouse with 4 beds 3 baths for $657 6/19 - 6/21. Split that per person and it's $165/person, less than a single hotel room for one night. Lot's of options out there. This one even has a pool and hot tub! Not that I am looking for a hot tub in June in the desert.... :lmao:

February 24th, 2023, 12:56 PM

I don't have a GPX file, I still need to get an app that will allow me to use them. But I have dropped some pins on Google Maps that you can reference below:

Enter park at Poison Springs Road: https://goo.gl/maps/QsKJttLEggAjNK7QA

Exist park at Flint Trail Road: https://goo.gl/maps/oWZC4AmwMK2Vgy516

Since we are entering at the NW portion of the park, I figured staying around Hanksville would be pretty close. But I would be fine being anywhere within a half hour of the entrance point.

February 24th, 2023, 01:26 PM
I think it's time to put this run on the calendar - we have enough certainty and people committed.

I went searching for dates to place onto my calendar. Here's a screen shot / might make it an easy visual in the thread:

February 24th, 2023, 01:52 PM
Post edited: March 1 @ 1:48pm

I'll make edits as desired to keep this info current

Route (as of Feb 24 @ 2:06pm)
232 Miles Hanksville Chevron > in at Poison Springs > campsites (in order) > out at Flint Trail > Hanksville Chevron
Google Map (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Chevron,+150+UT-95,+Hanksville,+UT+84734/38.141793,+-110.610093/38.130760,+-110.542640/38.108511,+-110.137087/38.158702,+-109.946293/38.233267,+-110.003279/37.901026,+-110.378709/38.370356,+-110.703511/@38.0814881,-110.5499403,120493m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m51!4m50!1m5!1m1!1s0x8749c1e6feeceb 89:0x8a11fda7de381be3!2m2!1d-110.7035789!2d38.3703294!1m3!2m2!1d-110.610093!2d38.141793!1m13!2m2!1d-110.54264!2d38.13076!3m4!1m2!1d-110.5001627!2d38.1279157!3s0x873627e668b5d141:0x2e 1182c42e130a22!3m4!1m2!1d-110.1660463!2d38.0650198!3s0x8737d01451ae22e7:0xef 63200f972aab54!1m3!2m2!1d-110.137087!2d38.108511!1m3!2m2!1d-109.946293!2d38.158702!1m3!2m2!1d-110.003279!2d38.233267!1m8!2m2!1d-110.378709!2d37.901026!3m4!1m2!1d-110.56138!2d38.0220738!3s0x873625a111f02a91:0x964d 498b23bf1561!1m3!2m2!1d-110.703511!2d38.370356!3e0)

Pre/Post trip "close to Hanksville" camping options:

Campsite: Poison Springs Road (dispersed camping)
38.130760, -110.542640

Campground: Goblin Valley
38.573042, -110.713702

Campground: Green River KOA
38.991369, -110.140855

There is likely (need to verify if there's interest) dispersed camping east of UT-24 between I-70 and Hanksville

Closest gas station:

Gas: Hanksville Chevron
38.370356, -110.703511

Entrance: Poison Springs Road
38.141793, -110.610093

First Maze night campsites:

Campsite: Happy Canyon (Canyonlands permit)
38.108511, -110.137087

Campsite: The Neck (via Susan Tooch @ NPS Maze District) (Canyonlands permit)
38.090703, -110.141618

Second Maze night campsites:

Campsite: Dollhouse 1 & 2 (Canyonlands permit)
38.158702, -109.946293

Third Maze night campsites:

Campsite: Maze Overlook 1 & 2 (Canyonlands permit)
38.233267, -110.003279

Exit: Flint Trail Road
37.901026, -110.378709

On this page:
Is reference to the Maze district map with campsites nicely labeled
https://www.nps.gov/cany/planyourvisit/upload/maze2022updated_508forweb.pdf (1MB)


February 24th, 2023, 02:11 PM
(where is The Neck??)

For some reason it doesn't show up on Google Maps, but based on the Reccreation.gov website it someone in this area about a half mile before Happy Canyon: https://goo.gl/maps/3DY68nKTVkDAyVFXA

February 24th, 2023, 04:23 PM

Susan Tooch @ Maze District NPS replied with coordinates for The Neck campsite.

See my full coordinates post, above, or at this link:


I have been searching for an exact location for The Neck campsite - no success aside from general mentions. Several maps show the campsite to the west of the road but scanning the area via satellite I see only one location on the west side of the road (but it's questionable) and two or three on the east side.

From what I've found, I might wish to put a preference for The Neck (vs Happy Canyon).

Reference this PDF:

West side location (it looks to be too far north from what several maps depict, but it's on the west side)
38.095501, -110.141717

East side of road #1
38.097083, -110.135598

East side of road #2
38.095221, -110.136932

East side of road #3a
38.085880, -110.145338

East side of road #3b
38.084197, -110.145530


February 25th, 2023, 05:20 PM
The Neck campground is about 1.5 mile south of the Happy Canyon campground turnoff continuing on Roost Road.
Happy Canyon is about 0.2 mile west of Roost Road.

February 26th, 2023, 04:47 PM
This post has been edited on 1 Mar at 16:05 to reflect new data Jim got from the NPS and be consistent with that data.

Based on Jim's suggestion I entered the various day routes into Gaia GPS. The Neck campground appears in Gaia.
This was an exercise to get more familiar with Gaia and to see what the daily distances are (rounded up). This
could give us estimated driving times plus stops for views, photos, and short walks.

The Neck campground is a total of about 3 miles more than Happy Canyon.

Poison Springs road entrance to the Neck campground is 54 miles.

Neck campground to Doll House campgrounds is 33 miles.

Doll House to Maze Overlook campgrounds is 41 miles.

Maze Overlook to Flint Road intersection with 95 (Hite) is 53 miles.

Total trail mileage is 181.

If anyone wants the Gaia GPX files, I am happy to share. Exports of GeoJSON and KLM are possible.

February 26th, 2023, 05:55 PM

Susan Tooch @ Maze District NPS replied with coordinates for The Neck campsite.

See my full coordinates post, above, or at this link:


Lat/Lon for The Neck would be appreciated, thanks!

EDIT: Via NPS.gov, I submitted a "contact us" e-mail for "The Neck" campsite coordinates.

February 26th, 2023, 06:30 PM
This post has been edited on 1 Mar at 16:05 to reflect new data Jim got from the NPS and be consistent with that data.

Based in where I marked a waypoint in Gaia GPS the Neck campground Lat/Log is roughly:

38° 5' 26.5" N, 110° 8' 29.8" W

The Neck campground was labeled in Gaia.

February 26th, 2023, 06:55 PM

Susan Tooch @ Maze District NPS replied with coordinates for The Neck campsite.

See my full coordinates post, above, or at this link:


Nice to know - that's the "3b" item from a post up higher.

February 26th, 2023, 09:31 PM
Thanks for throwing this all together. I just logged in to make another route in Gaia and you've got all the details anyway.

February 27th, 2023, 11:03 AM
Hi All, I just had a change at work and cannot make the trip :(. Let's catch up for some local wheeling soon

February 27th, 2023, 12:41 PM
Sorry to hear it - next time around perhaps.

February 27th, 2023, 12:51 PM
Hi All, I just had a change at work and cannot make the trip :(. Let's catch up for some local wheeling soon

Bummer, thanks for letting us know Jason.

I'll go ahead and let the first person on the waitlist know, I believe it's a couple.

March 1st, 2023, 01:24 PM
Susan Tooch @ Maze District NPS replied with coordinates for The Neck campsite.

See my full coordinates post, above, or at this link. The post has several edits since it was first put up:

March 8th, 2023, 10:52 AM
Hey all - who do I need to get my $27.00 to? Also - since I am near the middle of everyone's home base locations, I would be happy to host a pre-trip meeting at my home in Firestone unless something else has been set. Let me know what dates work for everyone. I will be on an extended backcountry trip the first and second week in April but I am wide open for anything after that.

March 9th, 2023, 07:44 AM
Welcome JP! Nothing planned quite yet, we decided it would be around early May to get together and hash things out. My wife might actually be more excited than I am! :lmao:

March 9th, 2023, 11:27 AM
Yea early May works best for me. As for the payment, we’ll need to update our reservations once we have all people locked in and then hash that out.

March 13th, 2023, 06:26 PM
As far as an early date in May goes for meeting up. There is a recovery class that Aleem has organized for Sat., 6 May.
I am signed up, but I am not sure if any others who are going to the Maze are signed up for that class.
Also I am heading out on 15 May for about 4 weeks of vacation with my wife.

March 17th, 2023, 01:19 PM
What time and where is the class? Can you send a link?

May 6th works for me, maybe we plan to meet up after the class if it works for everyone else? That will be a little over a month out from the trip so perfect time to plan out details in my opinion.

March 17th, 2023, 06:20 PM
Hi Isak, According to the last I heard from Aleem, the class is full. There is a wait list.
My understanding is the class is all day, but I am not sure of the start time, end time or exact location (near Co Springs).
The training is through https://www.ontrailtraining.com/
I guess we will get those details closer to the date of the class.

March 20th, 2023, 06:14 AM
I think most of the guys are up north so Co Springs may not be the best meeting location. How about that Sunday?

March 20th, 2023, 11:11 AM
I think most of the guys are up north so Co Springs may not be the best meeting location. How about that Sunday?

Sunday works for me. It is just Sat. the 6th that is booked for me. I live in Ft. Collins.

March 20th, 2023, 11:37 AM
I’m good with Sunday May 7 after 12:00pm.

March 21st, 2023, 12:05 PM
Jim and JP - Does that Sunday work for you?

It looks like we have 3 guys around Ft. Collins, one in Firestone, and I'm in Thornton. My vote is to meet in Firestone or Longmont!

March 21st, 2023, 02:02 PM
Sunday, May 7 after Noon (exact time and location TBD) - somewhere north of Denver - works for me.

March 21st, 2023, 10:10 PM
Sunday the 7th after Noon works for me anywhere north of Denver.

April 3rd, 2023, 08:17 AM
Should we put it in the books?

April 3rd, 2023, 01:04 PM
Yes, let's schedule it. Sunday, May 7 at 1pm at @akicita (JP) house in Firestone. He'll have to share out his address but I think he's out on vacation right now so he may not get this. If we don't hear from him by mid April, I'll reach out on my Overlandbound forums.

April 14th, 2023, 07:15 AM
Hello everyone and sorry for the late reply. My wife and I just returned from and extended backcountry trip so I've been off comms for awhile. The 7th works for me and I'm happy to host. I'll have the BBQ fired up for some eats. Y

April 14th, 2023, 07:15 AM
Hello everyone and sorry for the late reply. My wife and I just returned from and extended backcountry trip so I've been off comms for awhile. The 7th works for me and I'm happy to host. I'll have the BBQ fired up for some eats.

April 14th, 2023, 09:50 AM
No problem, we knew you were away on a trip for a while. Looking forward to hearing about it on the 7th!

I'll have the BBQ fired up for some eats.

What should we bring?

April 14th, 2023, 04:16 PM
What should we bring?

I will be in Colorado Springs on the 6th and plan to shop at Wimberger's our own use.
Can I bring some real German Bratwurst to the BBQ? How many?

April 15th, 2023, 09:52 AM
I have a pork shoulder in the freezer that's to much for my wife and me. I've been looking for an occaision to smoke it so if you all just want to bring beverages I think I have the rest covered.

I'm cautious about posting my address on social media forums so email me at akicita1963@gmail.com and I'll send it to you with my cell too.

Looking forward to the meeting and trip - thanks again for the opportunity!

April 15th, 2023, 05:46 PM
I will be in Colorado Springs on the 6th and plan to shop at Wimberger's our own use.
Can I bring some real German Bratwurst to the BBQ? How many?

Would you be willing to just buy some for me and I'll pay you? We're partial to Johnsonville but I like trying new things. Man, I remember when I could get a 12 pack of Johnsonville brats for $5.99 on sale. Now a 5 pack is more than that! Although, I was also in Wisconsin.

April 15th, 2023, 05:50 PM
I have a pork shoulder in the freezer that's to much for my wife and me. I've been looking for an occaision to smoke it so if you all just want to bring beverages I think I have the rest covered.

My wife and I buy pork shoulder from Costco. We break it down into 2 - 5 lb pieces and then use the Foodsaver to vacuum seal it and drop it in the freezer. If it's just us eating, we pull one of the 2lb packages out and it gives us enough for 4 meals total. If we have others, we pull a 5lb out or two 5lb packages. It works great!

If you're not completely opposed, how about we bring a few different BBQ sauces? I have no idea if they'll be good, I like to go to Scheels and just pick things I haven't tried.

April 15th, 2023, 06:01 PM
Would you be willing to just buy some for me and I'll pay you? We're partial to Johnsonville but I like trying new things. Man, I remember when I could get a 12 pack of Johnsonville brats for $5.99 on sale. Now a 5 pack is more than that! Although, I was also in Wisconsin.

Sure I can buy a selection and you can pay me back. Wimberger's is a German bakery and meat market. The sausages
are real German style. We can't tell the difference. Note, I have spent over 17 years living in Germany and my wife is
German, born and raised.

How many are you thinking of? We freeze them too.

April 15th, 2023, 07:08 PM
My wife and I buy pork shoulder from Costco. We break it down into 2 - 5 lb pieces and then use the Foodsaver to vacuum seal it and drop it in the freezer. If it's just us eating, we pull one of the 2lb packages out and it gives us enough for 4 meals total. If we have others, we pull a 5lb out or two 5lb packages. It works great!

If you're not completely opposed, how about we bring a few different BBQ sauces? I have no idea if they'll be good, I like to go to Scheels and just pick things I haven't tried.

No opposition here. . . variety of sauces sounds great!!!

April 15th, 2023, 07:20 PM
I'd be interested in some Wimberger's!

If it works out - spin the wheel as to what/how many (just for me).

What's the saying: I'll be sure to pay you handsomely... tomorrow.

April 16th, 2023, 10:50 AM
I have Mike and Jim on the list for Wimberger's Bakery.
I'll get 2 of each of several types, depending on what they have in stock, for you to try.
Let me know if you want more than 2. I will bring them to the meeting on Sun. and I will
keep them refrigerated.

April 18th, 2023, 10:26 PM
variety of sauces sounds great!!!

I have a couple oddballs to bring!

April 27th, 2023, 11:30 AM
Just checking in to see if everyone is still good to meet on the 7th at 1:00 pm.

Email me at akicita1963@gmail.com and I will reply with my address and cell number.

April 27th, 2023, 01:28 PM
I have it blocked in my calendar so I am good! My number is 717-424-0549 which I've already put on this site so the scammers already have it lol, you can text me your address.

April 27th, 2023, 03:13 PM
I will be there.

The StRanger
April 28th, 2023, 08:49 PM
I just came throu The Swell. (I’m in Salina now) and the weather is fantastic.
ID love to spend the time with you guys but I gotta run back to Denver by Tues...

May 6th, 2023, 08:15 AM
JP are we good for the bbq supplies? Should I bring any other meat? Vegetables or fruit? What’s your beverage of choice?

May 6th, 2023, 08:15 PM
I think we're good on food. . . you can bring beverages of your choice.

May 7th, 2023, 09:23 AM
See you guys later today.

May 7th, 2023, 06:43 PM
Thanks for putting up with me today guys. Thanks for looking at my rig and offering opinions. I appreciate it!

Hope you all have a great trip.

May 7th, 2023, 07:31 PM
`twas a nice event. Many thanks to the gracious hosts!


The other campsite area northwest of Hanksville: Hidden Splendor Airstrip

A couple short vids and a map
The first video shows a large tractor/trailer at the airstrip - apparently the road in is easy enough.
Google Map (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/38.67652,+-110.65408/Hidden+Splendor+Airstrip,+Green+River,+UT+84525/@38.6197137,-110.8787128,45635m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!4m11!1m3!2m2!1d-110.65408!2d38.67652!1m5!1m1!1s0x874985a21a900001: 0x48adb37d87489923!2m2!1d-110.957323!2d38.5683942!3e0)

Hidden Splendor Mine / Muddy Creek / Cistern Canyon
RV accessible

Hiking and scenery info

I'm not saying to tack this onto the list - rather simply giving info on the site (and finding myself that I wish to check it out at some point).

For anyone that likes flying - this 10min Hanksville to Hidden Splendor fly-by (tents campers) and back is to be enjoyed. Full screen and high resolution. Stay through to the end for low level flight back to Hanksville.

May 10th, 2023, 10:34 AM
I'm on Canyonlands email list and they sent this today. They have various maps on the bottom of the pages, hiking, parks,

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May 10th, 2023, 11:47 AM
For anyone that likes flying - this 10min Hanksville to Hidden Splendor fly-by (tents campers) and back is to be enjoyed. Full screen and high resolution. Stay through to the end for low level flight back to Hanksville.

How is that plane flying?! That propeller isn't spinning fast enough! :lmao: I flew a Diamond DA-22 I think it was. I would LOVE to get my pilots license. Flying scares the crap out of me, what better way to conquer your fears?

May 10th, 2023, 12:01 PM
I owned/flew an ultralight (https://www.jimwilliamson.net/ultralight/index.htm) (FAR PART 103, powered weightshift). I "had thoughts" to trailer to sites such as Hidden Splendor and go for some low-n-slow flying around scenic areas. Those thoughts never materialized (sold it last summer) - but Hidden Splendor hits a nice note in my mind. At least I can get there in the jeep and into the air via vids from others.