View Full Version : Slaughterhouse Gulch May 26th

May 26th, 2024, 10:10 PM

Thanks to everyone that came out today for this run and made it such a great time!

The trail was quite busy today, many groups staging at the trailhead at the same time as us. For the most part, trail etiquette was very good and we didn't have much trouble negotiating passage in the narrow sections of the trail. Once we got onto the loop headed counter-clockwise most traffic was headed the same direction as us so it was smooth sailing. From my memory, the gulch doesn't seem to have degraded much since past years I've run it. They're actively logging this year, so the first part of the out-and-back section has been regraded recently. Some sections were wet, but overall traction was good. We made good time getting to the major hill climb that marks the beginning of the ascent out of the gulch, stopping to grab a photo of all the rigs and do some socializing. Great variety in the line-up, and all the vehicles were well-equipped to take on slaughterhouse. This is a great trail for group runs - there are some decently hard lines, but enough bypasses that vehicles closer to stock can also make their way through with good line choices.

Afterwards while airing up, we realized that we'd lost the key for the 4runner... the ignition is so worn out that it can fall out while the truck is running. Gwyn and I headed back in to try and find it in each of the places that we remembered opening the driver's door, but no dice. We ended up doing a full clockwise loop in just under an hour.
I'll have to go to the dealership to see if they can cut me a new key but in the meantime I can start it with a screwdriver, just can't lock the doors. So... please don't steal my 4runner :lmao: You don't want it anyways, trust me!

There's more photos in this shared album, please feel free to add your own too! As an aside - there's no forum rule that dictates the report has to be started by the trail run organizer. I was a bit slow on it today, if you attend a run and want to start the write-up by all means go ahead and do it.


May 26th, 2024, 10:13 PM
Some rig shots:





May 26th, 2024, 10:37 PM
there's no forum rule that dictates the report has to be started by the trail run organizer. I was a bit slow on it today, if you attend a run and want to start the write-up by all means go ahead and do it.

Correct. Some folks like to give preference to the run organizer to start the report - I think this is a low concern item with most folks. As for runs I post, I have no issue with another person starting a report - folks simply wish to see some pictures!

It does help the admin process, and I think is listed somewhere, that each participant in a run _should_ post at least something in the run report (`had a fun time). It helps the admin update wheeler badges - which are used with membership activity processing.

May 26th, 2024, 11:26 PM
Thanks to everyone that came out today for this run and made it such a great time!

Thanks for organizing this! Had a blast and really enjoyed the crew out there today. Was good to get the new modifications fully tested out, well and of course a little bit more prepared for potential scenarios this time :D

Working on editing the video of the run now and should be uploaded within the hour, full length, parking lot to parking lot. Got rid of the audio.

Key points:
2:31 Slaughterhouse loop begins
5:00 high point before descending
6:48 Andrew gets a little tippy
8:08 optional fun obstacle Andrew and Vlad took
10:46 we park and chill (skipped in video entirely)
11:02 one of 2 options to climb out of gulch
13:10 is something broken? (nope!)
14:10 technical climbs
16:39 photo shoot! (thanks Andrew!)
17:19 another optional obstacle to take (I did not)
17:55 pass. wheel drop obstacle
21:55 trail cleanup!
22:09 end of the loop
and the rest is back to the parking lot

May 26th, 2024, 11:48 PM
Link in the album for trail video, most parts sped up, slowed down at some sections. <30 min in length
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMuQIKN1s-lR-gcMwhy6GCjZgeoqb94-DYwEuy1WJwUxo_jJk5pZNaTKWMS4yanNA/photo/AF1QipOXT9F134h3s383ojKuwkit47XSXhu7LBc2qXGI?key=W UlXcGJBSFA2SW9sU1dQeGVYdHJJZnVVbHhjSzJB