View Full Version : Dumb Americans
December 29th, 2008, 06:19 AM
This is both funny and sad. Funny cause...well it is funny. Sad because it really sums up our education system and the stupidity and ignorance of the American public in a country that begins with 'U'....Yep....doesn't give one a great deal of hope, do it?
December 29th, 2008, 09:38 PM
Ok, I will agree that there are a lot of stupid people and a great many of people who don't know jack about geography. The snippets seem to focus on THE stupidist people, there is the entertainment of it all. However, I have to say that I would like to see everyone's answers and see what proportion of the pool is that stupid.
December 30th, 2008, 06:20 AM
Thanks, Dave, that was well said.
I don't think you need the polls to see the statistics. I personally think that they would actually be much worse than the video and would be very depressing...Although I am an American, I think that Americans are some of the greediest, stupidest people on the planet. We are 20% of the world's population and use 80% of it's resources. We have basically set up our kitchen in the outhouse and now are wondering why our food stinks. "What have we done to the Earth? What have we done to our Fair Sister? Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit Her. Stuck Her with knives on the side of the dawn"...That is from Jim Morrison, circa about 1967. Think things have gotten better? We are the largest users of prescription and illegal drugs in the world...hell, we damn near support the countries that produce herion and cocaine.
Every country in the world rightfully hates us as we have screwed with everybody elses **** it too many ways, every chance we get and in every way imaginable. We have put into power dictators who have committed atrocities and genocide, killing millions of people, and continued supporting them even when we knew what they were doing....then tried to cover it up when what we were doing was exposed. We have armed both sides of conflicts in other countries...We have made incredible advances and discoveries, but have miserably failed to better the most basic things......We totally ignore medicine and techniques that had been used and worked for 5000 years... the list goes on and on...
Our health and education systems are to be laughed at. Our TV commercials and advertisements are geared towards a 5-8 year old mentality due to our piss poor education system. Here in Denver, we cut the education budget to build a new sports stadium....and I am sorry sports fans, but there is something so very wrong with that. But, hey...priorities, you know.....better to have kids that can name every player on a football team than a country that begins with "U"...(although I have to say I came up with Uganda, Uruguay and United Arab Republic -though the latter is actually United Arab Emirates- before I the named the USA simply because the interview was conducted in the US) and get yourselves one of them cool bumper stickers that reads "My kid can kick your honor students ass"...(why not have a tough, smart, well educated kid??)
Our leaders are just a bunch of liers, pillagers, rapists and thieves. We spend trillions of dollars on countries whose names we can't even pronounce and still don't, won't, or can't, fix the things that are wrong inside of our own borders. We have elevated ourselves to the point where we are a 4th generation welfare state, and people have so little pride in themselves that they would rather take handouts than do an honest day's work. We elevate absolutely stupid ghetto thugs who are good in sports to the level of demi gods, then set them up to be role models for our children.......AND then pay them more than the President, for Christ's sake. "Generation of Swine" by Hunter Thompson pretty well summed things up and that was written years ago....Third World Nation...if we aren't there yet, we are getting there at a very fast pace, like a hellbound train. And we still try to put forth the notion that we, as a country, are better then anyone else. I could go on....
American, yes I am. Would I defend it if it was invaded? Yup. Would I defend my friends? You bet. Would I go overseas and fight just so that I can have more gas to put in my gas guzzler? Nope. Would I vote to put the next lying ******* thief into office? Nope. Proud to be an American? Don't make me laugh....
December 30th, 2008, 10:27 AM
I've been looking around for some place to "bail" to for some time now.
Any ideas?
Central America? Africa?
I don't think I would last long.
December 30th, 2008, 03:04 PM
Our health and education systems are to be laughed at. Our TV commercials and advertisements are geared towards a 5-8 year old mentality due to our piss poor education system. Here in Denver, we cut the education budget to build a new sports stadium....and I am sorry sports fans, but there is something so very wrong with that. But, hey...priorities, you know.....better to have kids that can name every player on a football team than a country that begins with "U"...(although I have to say I came up with Uganda, Uruguay and United Arab Republic -though the latter is actually United Arab Emirates- before I the named the USA simply because the interview was conducted in the US) and get yourselves one of them cool bumper stickers that reads "My kid can kick your honor students ass"...(why not have a tough, smart, well educated kid??)
I could not agree more w/ you on this Pete. My wife was a teacher at a Denver public elementary school for nine years. To think of how many classes they cut out of the program is mind boggling. Health, Science, Social Studies, Geography. Library Skills too - because they cut the F'n librarian's position to save money... What did the kids learn? Math, Reading, and Writing. (Writing included Spelling and Grammar - they are no longer independent subjects - and it was only 45 minutes a day) P.E., Art and Music classes only happened one time per week. The main focus was CSAP practice. I won't even get into how much of a joke CSAP tests are... Imagine how frustrating it must be for the teachers who actually give a damn about their students. Going through years and years of college, getting a degree/degrees, landing a teaching position, then not being able to teach in their own classroom. It must be a calling because IMO, the rewards are little and the money blows... My wife works for Jeffco now in the Math department.(no longer a full time classroom teacher) Way better school system than DPS... Budget cuts are already in place starting next year. 2009/2010 - 7 million, 2010/2011 - 14 million, 2011/2012 - 14 million. We'll have to wait and see what goes out the window. Sure some people are going to be screwed out of a job, and programs will be cut, but who is it really hurting in the long run? The kids. Sadly, I don't have to wonder why America's kids are so far behind in education compared to the rest of the world. The solution is not spending billions on top of billions protecting the world from Al-Qaeda. The school system is clearly broken and needs to be fixed. It can't be done with less funding.
December 30th, 2008, 03:05 PM
my dad was in the service and now is a diplomat in south africa now in the embassy, when i was a kid he put me in a french school because he didnt believe in the american school system. When I came over to U.S. in the 5th grade my i was at about an 8 grade level. luckily i have seen every country in europe and lived under a king in Belgium, and lived in Germany. there is a world if differences, but i can say the U.S. is not perfect but better than anywhere i have seen or been.
December 30th, 2008, 05:39 PM
Yeah, Cowboyjarman, I don't know if, had I the choice right now, I would move somewhere else. It is just a shame to see what used to be a great country going down the road to ruin when you are living in it, and with not a whole helluva lot being done to prevent it. Used to be a middle class, something that isn't shared with a lot of other countries. Now we are fast getting to the point where we have an upper, privileged class and a lower class that works their asses off supporting the upper class. THIS is shared with every 3rd world country in existence today.
At any rate, you can certainly live in the country you were born in, despite it's many faults, but you definitely do not have to be proud of it's rather despicable government or it's politics...or the complacency of it's people. If the s**t hits the fan and we go downhill Americans (with some exceptions) are going to at a total loss as to how to survive...
Here I was thinking "Ho boy, there you go again on one of your rants about stuff that really gets you pissed and maybe you should detune it a bit..." and I get some really good responses. Thanks for kicking in your 2 cents worth...seriously...
Joe, we will keep our ears of the reasons we have been island hopping, actually. Canada and Alaska (about the only 'free' state left) are too brutally cold....
Dave, those countries have been dialed in for a long time, Sweden especially. You really have to get behind a country where every household is armed and trained in the use of weapons, too...Those countries have always promoted the well being of their people and the strength of unity, something we started with back in the day, but got lost due to greed and consumption...
December 30th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Our health and education systems are to be laughed at. ....
We have elevated ourselves to the point where we are a 4th generation welfare state, and people have so little pride in themselves that they would rather take handouts than do an honest day's work. We elevate absolutely stupid ghetto thugs who are good in sports to the level of demi gods, then set them up to be role models for our children.......AND then pay them more than the President, for Christ's sake. "....
Dave, those countries have been dialed in for a long time, Sweden especially. You really have to get behind a country where every household is armed and trained in the use of weapons, too...Those countries have always promoted the well being of their people and the strength of unity, something we started with back in the day, but got lost due to greed and consumption...
Steve: Funding public schools requires that people kick in their cash and as we saw in the last election, that couple bucks a month (if that) was not worth contributing for the betterment of society.
Brody: I don't support some of what you said but the first quote is Spot On. Name a famous scientist. Now name one who makes a lot of money and is well-respected nation wide. Who gives a flying F is you can make a basket at the buzzer? Entertainment is all well and good but no substitute for substance and work that is for the benefit of the people.
For the people and by the people: That is what we have. Where are all the people who want to see our own country fixed? There are a whole lot of self-serving pretentious pricks who call themselves enlightened and a largely ignored population of people who do care. But where is the power to promote this change? Voting? Partially, but you need the bucks to run and that narrows the field significantly.
One issue, IMO is no one can agree. Nay: Yep, the Nordic countries have happy people and a healthy society. They also have a small, relatively homogenous (as was stated) population. We have a diverse, huge population who can't agree on what is best for society, complete with a large population that does not want to be told what to do. Who am I to tell you what is good for you, even though I am convinced I DO know what is good for you?
One of my pet topics is the rise in crime and heinous crime potentially as a result of the steep increase in population and the concurrent anonymity of the individual. If you know your neighbors, and you are invested in your community, are you less likely to hurt them? I thinks so.
The other: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Things will suck unless everyone steps up and that will not happen.
Selective plague.
December 30th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Steve: Funding public schools requires that people kick in their cash and as we saw in the last election, that couple bucks a month (if that) was not worth contributing for the betterment of society.
What's sad about the money in Jeffco is that taxpayers were already paying it. By passing 3A and 3B taxpayers would have continued making the same payments they were already making. A person owning a $250,000 home would continue paying roughly the same amount as purchasing one large pizza per month. Because 3A and 3B did not pass huge budget costs will be occurring. Some thoughts in the rumor mill are: cutting althletics, cutting teachers, class sizes increasing to maximum capacity, 4-day school week, no field trips at all, no transportation at all, no paras or assistants, no school nurses, no after-school programs, no new technology. Not good at all :(
December 30th, 2008, 08:33 PM
What's sad about the money in Jeffco is that taxpayers were already paying it. By passing 3A and 3B taxpayers would have continued making the same payments they were already making. A person owning a $250,000 home would continue paying roughly the same amount as purchasing one large pizza per month. Because 3A and 3B did not pass huge budget costs will be occurring. Some thoughts in the rumor mill are: cutting althletics, cutting teachers, class sizes increasing to maximum capacity, 4-day school week, no field trips at all, no transportation at all, no paras or assistants, no school nurses, no after-school programs, no new technology. Not good at all :(
And parents will be screaming about it, I hope.
My dad and the other parents at his kid's public school all put 2K in the pot for each kid, and manage the funds, so there is more to the education than what the county provides. I don't think that would work in many schools though.
December 30th, 2008, 08:54 PM
And parents will be screaming about it, I hope.
Not a whole heck of a lot they can do about it now. They'll have to deal with the repercussions of voting down 3A/3B. (or not voting at all) Want to make a penny bet that athletics will be the last thing to go?
December 30th, 2008, 09:25 PM
Not a whole heck of a lot they can do about it now. They'll have to deal with the repercussions of voting down 3A/3B. (or not voting at all) Want to make a penny bet that athletics will be the last thing to go?
Penny I will lose. At Oberon, the after-school programs are run by the rec center (fee), I will be expecting a fundraiser for my daughter's choir, and my boy's fees for tech, and everything else will go up.
December 30th, 2008, 09:54 PM
I won't place the blame on funding or the schools when most of the failings of public schools falls on the backs of parents who stopped parenting and expect schools to teach their kids what they should be learning at home. :mad:
December 30th, 2008, 10:27 PM
I won't place the blame on funding or the schools when most of the failings of public schools falls on the backs of parents who stopped parenting and expect schools to teach their kids what they should be learning at home. :mad:
Yes, you do have a valid point there. Some stuff I don't have the knowlegde or resources to teach, like Tech or Ceramics, electives that seem to get cut despite paying my property taxes, giving money to the PSA, and making sure I get everything on the supply list. What specifically are you referring too? General behavior and manners certainly should be taught at home but parents rely on schools to make their kids behave.
Years ago when I was the school political hothead, I asked our senator (Orrin Hatch) why we didn't have a head tax to pay for education. Keep in mind this was in Utah, the land of large famiies. He said that a head tax would be unfair to large families. These are the families who happen to use the most resources, right? How about the Lottery to fund schools and property tax to support open space? Maybe property tax is not enough.
December 30th, 2008, 11:05 PM
More to my point is that schools shouldn't have to spend their time teaching kids stuff like common respect, acceptable behavior, personal responsibility or drug, alcohol & sex ed as is expected now. The time spent on those areas has replaced stuff like reading writing & arithmetic. Parents should be doing that so teachers can teach.
Our education system is failing and the best anyone comes up with is "No Child left behind" which just takes more time away from teaching to satisfy lawmakers that don't know sh*t about education.
December 30th, 2008, 11:07 PM
Here's an interesting question regarding education. What is the biggest expenditure of every school district?
December 30th, 2008, 11:21 PM
Here's an interesting question regarding education. What is the biggest expenditure of every school district?
Not sure what that might be but the frontrunners would seem to be salaries, supplies?
December 30th, 2008, 11:33 PM
Building maintenance. That's where the tax dollars are spent instead of programs like music, art, tech, athletics. I believe the raising costs in that area, not decreased funding, is why programs are being eliminated.
I haven't gotten into the nitty gritty for quite a few years (my 'baby' is 24 years old) but doubt much has changed since then.
December 31st, 2008, 04:41 PM
most of the failings of public schools falls on the backs of parents who stopped parenting and expect schools to teach their kids what they should be learning at home. :mad:
December 31st, 2008, 04:54 PM
More to my point is that schools shouldn't have to spend their time teaching kids stuff like common respect, acceptable behavior, personal responsibility or drug, alcohol & sex ed as is expected now. The time spent on those areas has replaced stuff like reading writing & arithmetic. Parents should be doing that so teachers can teach.
Our education system is failing and the best anyone comes up with is "No Child left behind" which just takes more time away from teaching to satisfy lawmakers that don't know sh*t about education.
No Child Left A Dime... Thank you president Bush...:mad:
December 31st, 2008, 05:49 PM thanks to Bush and a long line of other guys that preceeded him....
December 31st, 2008, 07:36 PM
Building maintenance. That's where the tax dollars are spent instead of programs like music, art, tech, athletics. I believe the raising costs in that area, not decreased funding, is why programs are being eliminated.
I haven't gotten into the nitty gritty for quite a few years (my 'baby' is 24 years old) but doubt much has changed since then.
No kidding! I thought about that and figured, no, that can't be it.
December 31st, 2008, 09:47 PM
The other: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Things will suck unless everyone steps up and that will not happen.
Selective plaque.
What? :eek: You ask too much of a society that thrives on convenience. Responsibility is hardly convenient. :princess:
December 31st, 2008, 11:01 PM
What? :eek: You ask too much of a society that thrives on convenience. Responsibility is hardly convenient. :princess:
Yeah, and it isn't easy either. Strike two.
It's too bad that there are not enough who do take responsibility for their own actions and the ones who don't are loud and noticable and are skillful only at making problems.
I've said that I have empathy for humanity, but I don't think that humanity is best represented by the woman standing in the check-out line at Wal-Mart, reading the Enquirer with her cart of cheap crap, and yelling at her kids (or completely ignoring them)
January 1st, 2009, 04:07 AM
all great empires fall. we used to manufacture everything for the world and now we are just consumers and distrobution centers. china will be the next world power give them 30 years , they will own most of the world
January 2nd, 2009, 05:07 PM
O.M.F.G. - The Superintendent for Denver Public Schools is our new Senator!!! WHAT A JOKE!!!
January 2nd, 2009, 11:36 PM
Ummm, I don't know anything about this guy. Is it that bad?
January 3rd, 2009, 04:42 AM
Ummm, I don't know anything about this guy. Is it that bad?
This a$$ clown can't even run a school district...
January 3rd, 2009, 11:37 AM
That was scary. :eek:
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