View Full Version : Witness of an accident..

January 26th, 2009, 09:41 PM
Today was scary!! I was cruising down Powers Blvd, the black 2 DR Grand Am 2 cars in front (one car as a space between us YIKES) loses control in a slide. This car then hits a Chevy S-10. From here the S-10 is shoved up the median and plows down a street light (talk about crazy). To add insult to injury the the median was a large raised median so the S-10 caught air... unfortunately he landed in the side of a Chevy Equinox. The Equinox then continued to do 1.5 rolls before ending up on it's passenger side off the road. During all of this I was lucky to avoid the 3 cars that went swerving in front of me. Thank you Volvo.... you have earned your keep! I didn't get pics, was making sure that everyone was okay.... What is amazing is that there were no major injuries.. all cars had deployed airbags and major damage. I feel lucky to not be involved... I missed the black car by no more then 3 feet and I was getting ready get in the left lane.. that would have put me where the S-10 was.... I am counting my stars right now.. it happens extremely fast.

Moral of the story.. You never know when, drive careful!

January 26th, 2009, 10:01 PM
Yeah it is scary to watch from way too close! When I watched an accident waiting to happen on c470 the adrenaline shot up, time slowed and the fine tuning of one's actions set in. I imagine you did the same then jumped out to check on the people. I am very happy to hear you were not involved and that no one was seriously injured.

January 26th, 2009, 10:10 PM
glad no one was hurt

January 26th, 2009, 10:19 PM
I have seen many accidents, helped on the scene many times, but I always showed up after it happened.... I was never this close, brings a new outlook on life!

January 27th, 2009, 12:02 AM
aww c'mon dude whats the worst an s-10 or grand am would have done? knock some chrome off? i think your volvo would have turned around and laughed. glad you're ok though. crazy people out there!

January 27th, 2009, 12:04 AM
aww c'mon dude whats the worst an s-10 or grand am would have done? knock some chrome off? i think your volvo would have turned around and laughed. glad you're ok though. crazy people out there!


January 27th, 2009, 05:59 AM
Really glad you missed that one, Aaron! Nice that you got out to check on the people involved, too. A lot of people won't do that. A word of caution...if you do help someone who is injured or are a 'first responder', never, ever, under any circumstances, give your real name. No matter who asks...Your willingness to help and check to see if people are ok also puts you at risk of lawsuits. I have seen and responded to and helped with quite a few accidents, a couple involving dead or soon to be dead people....I have always 'John Smithed' myself and absolutely refused to show anyone any ID. There are too many horror stories around about people stopping to help and getting their asses sued off....

I had a close call yesterday, too, when someone ran a red light and I almost T boned them with my rig. I was going about 15 mph and this lady smoked right across my front at around 30. I braked just enough (on the icy road) to avoid hitting her...missed by a hair. I figured that I would've lost some paint. Funny thing was she never ever saw what was going on, never realized that she ran the light, and just sailed right through, staring straight ahead....I probably would have done around $3500.00 damage to her Excursion if we had connected.

January 27th, 2009, 09:17 AM
No one asked names yesterday,, just a bunch of thank you and I'm glad you were there type of sayings.

January 27th, 2009, 10:15 AM
...Your willingness to help and check to see if people are ok also puts you at risk of lawsuits. I have seen and responded to and helped with quite a few accidents, a couple involving dead or soon to be dead people....

what about the good samaritan law? i thought that was supposed to cover a private citizen against crap like that?

January 27th, 2009, 10:55 AM
It doesn't seem to stand up in court too well...he who can afford the highest priced lawyers usually wins....

And you still have to pay for your own lawyer to defend yourself...money that you won't ever get back.

Best to do CYA and not let anyone see your tags or give out your name...do what you can until Paramedics or an ambulance shows up and then make yourself scarce...like before the cops get there as there is a very good chance that they will detain you...

January 27th, 2009, 12:18 PM
It doesn't seem to stand up in court too well...he who can afford the highest priced lawyers usually wins....

And you still have to pay for your own lawyer to defend yourself...money that you won't ever get back.

both of those statements are depressingly true. :(

January 27th, 2009, 12:29 PM
The time I was asked for my name was with the 911 dispatcher... Hope that doesn't come back to bite me. The weirdest part for me yesterday was how unprepared I was. With me just getting the Volvo running I haven't made a kit of any sort for it yet. I will be doing that before the end of the week. It was scary to me.. I had nothing, My Rover, Benz, Dodge have more than most everyone on the road for an emergency situation. Really got me thinking.

January 27th, 2009, 09:39 PM
The time I was asked for my name was with the 911 dispatcher... Hope that doesn't come back to bite me. The weirdest part for me yesterday was how unprepared I was. With me just getting the Volvo running I haven't made a kit of any sort for it yet. I will be doing that before the end of the week. It was scary to me.. I had nothing, My Rover, Benz, Dodge have more than most everyone on the road for an emergency situation. Really got me thinking.

But now you are aware of it. For most of my life, I was one of the unprepared who might have had a pen and some gum in my glove box and a quart of oil in the trunk. While I think the need for Good Samaritan laws sucks out loud and that you do have to watch yourself, I think it is great that you and others like you are willing to pack up and help.