View Full Version : They want us to crush our cars....

January 30th, 2009, 12:59 AM

January 30th, 2009, 08:36 AM
Never going to happen... They were kicking this same idea around 20 years ago.

January 30th, 2009, 11:43 AM
Its frustrating. I belive its more possible than we think. I'ld rather see the money spent to up grade some of those vehicles; example- convert to fuel injection, or like neil young's lincoln (though very expensive) The more of us that think its impossible the more likely it will slip by us.

January 30th, 2009, 12:01 PM
Yep, I remember this threat when I was in my late teens and that was a long long time ago. Back then it was old polluting vehicles they were targeting. I remember Mother Earth (or a mag like it) did a comparison on which put out more pollution. An older "already built" vehicle or a new econo box. The new car has all the manufacturing involved in it, plastic, etc. A old "properly running" vehicle wins in the long run. Unless you count the rust falling off, haha.

I own a 70, 72, 76, 77, 83, 86, (2) 90s, and 92. 2 of these are commercial vehicles though. My wife has the "new" car which is a 01. As much as my neighbors would love to see them go away. I am within the law. However, I could let a few of them go for the voucher (for each.) Don't even ask how many trailers I got, haha.

I just don't like new cars, the hassle of the first scratch, dent, and I haven't made monthly payments since 95.

Like my wife says, I always have a car running to get around and they are all tagged except for 1 and it is tucked away in a garage.

While we are at it, lets discuss the Big 3 buy out. My idea is to give everyone a big check with the stipulation we have to use it to buy a new car. End result is the same and we all get a new ride.

When I become President, we will go that way. Vote for Ken in 2012...

January 30th, 2009, 12:07 PM
its our chioce to choose what the f we drive not the government. if i want to drive a 6 mph truck than i will. im paying the gas not the governmant. yeah a Rav 4 is gonna tow our 27 foot cabin cruiser:lol:. it will never go threw espially the farmning and ranching community. lets put a goose neck on a Chevy Malibu and tow 4 horses. i would love to see that.

January 30th, 2009, 12:14 PM
I did forget to mention that they do this in Japan. That is why all those low mile engines are available for import. My turbo diesel Montero was going to be denied re-registering which made it impossible for me to sell it as I moved back to the states. I ended up giving it away with a year left on the current registration. I only lost a couple of thousand, a friend had a $10,000 "Japanese market only" turbo diesel 4x4 van that was going to have to be scraped too. They had passed a law saying diesel's could only be so many years old.

And over there, you have to pay to junk your car. I had a old Nissan van, which I junked, cost about $100 bucks.

January 30th, 2009, 12:25 PM
its our chioce to choose what the f we drive not the government. if i want to drive a 6 mph truck than i will. im paying the gas not the governmant. yeah a Rav 4 is gonna tow our 27 foot cabin cruiser:lol:. it will never go threw espially the farmning and ranching community. lets put a goose neck on a Chevy Malibu and tow 4 horses. i would love to see that.

My neighbor has a Lexus SUV and a Toyota Rav. The Lexus gets better MPG on the highway. So she drives the toy in the city and takes the Lexus on the trips.

My Mom's Hemi Durango (sp) got 20 MPG when it was new. It has dropped a bit now, to 18, but I bet a good tune up would bring the numbers back up.

Can't always tell by the age either, my 90 olds "space shuttle" van gets a consistant 24 on the highway while my wife's 01 ford wagon get 21-24. Plus all my back seats come out, I have about a 1000 pounds of salt in my mini van right now. mobile storage building. My 86 custom built (hillbilly style) 2 ton 454 carbed truck gets better MPG than my 92 dodge 3/4 ton w/ a computer controled fuel injected 360. My 77 Dodge 1-ton van gets a consistant 6-8 MPG loaded or unloaded, pulling a trailer or not. :drive: But it is for coolness, right Funrover.

January 30th, 2009, 01:03 PM
i love my burb it tows all our toys. even our little dakota with 6 cyld cant tow 1/2 the stuff we have. i drive my 88 wagon to work and back ands over 50 miles round trip and its like a mini suburban and gets almost 30 mpg. and also the govn trying to take our trucks the gov needs to realize we cant all afford new carpayments. all our cars and trucks minus the dakota(need something realible for the babies) are between 20-30 years old. all paid for and really cheap tags. that law should never pass but it is washington and they are trying to ban alot of our guns.

January 30th, 2009, 04:17 PM
Its frustrating. I belive its more possible than we think. I'ld rather see the money spent to up grade some of those vehicles; example- convert to fuel injection, or like neil young's lincoln (though very expensive) The more of us that think its impossible the more likely it will slip by us.

I like Neil Young's effort, pretty cool and he's the money to put behind it. (Besides I'm a fan in general)

Here's a link for those of you not familiar: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/30/automobiles/autospecial2/30young.html?ref=autospecial2

And a pic:

January 30th, 2009, 06:17 PM
While we are at it, lets discuss the Big 3 buy out. My idea is to give everyone a big check with the stipulation we have to use it to buy a new car. End result is the same and we all get a new ride.

When I become President, we will go that way. Vote for Ken in 2012...

I like that, a lot!!!!

January 30th, 2009, 06:24 PM
One, I will echo cowboyjarman and say, don't tell me what the f to drive.

Two, sent by me to Diane Feinstein (who is also sponsoring a bill to ban drilling around Arches NP, which is good, but also "stop damage from OHV's", which is good but BAD when it means closing trails to everyone but those on foot)

Accelerated Retirement of Inefficient Vehicles Act”
This program is unfairly favorable to those unable to take their 'voucher' and put it as a down payment on a newer, fuel-efficient vehicle. There will be a minimal numbers of participants, and thus a negligible reduction of carbon emissions which would outweigh the cost of this program. If you really want to reduce emissions, improve public transportation nationally and strengthen emissions standards.
If, by the miniscule chance this fatty program is successful, you will be killing off a viable and valuable segment of the automobile market (repair, parts, aftermarket vendors), and all who depend on the viabilibity of this market.
Some people enjoy driving old cars, some people need bigger vehicles (you can't go camping with the family in a Prius) and repair shops and manufacturers.
Let the free market forces dictate what models of vehicle survive and which fade out.