View Full Version : Wheeling in Aruba

February 12th, 2009, 05:29 AM
Here is a picture of LaDawn wheeling our rental Yaris on the island of Aruba this last December. She is just finishing a pretty hard water crossing. Yes, that is the Atlantic Ocean in the background. Who says a FWD Yaris can't do some hard core wheeling...pictures don't lie....or do they....

February 12th, 2009, 07:43 AM
LMAO!!!! That is awesome!

February 12th, 2009, 07:48 AM
Goodbye Land cruiser, hello Yaris! :D

February 12th, 2009, 07:57 AM
Actually, it was pretty funny. We rented this Yaris and essentially followed trail groups of Jeeps, the 6x Ford on Rockwells, a huge DAF Swedish ex military 4x rig, and Rovers. It was funny with all these folks getting out of their $100 plus a day Jeep 4x rentals and these other rigs after doing their '4x4 experience' and we would pull up in this dinky($29 a day rental) Yaris after doing the same 4x trail. We got some pretty funny looks as we made it a point to pull up right next to these rigs, some of which were really big...like x3 the size of a Mog.

Needless to say, there really wasn't much hard core wheeling to be found on Aruba and only one section(that we walked) that you really needed a truck or something with high clearance to do. We could've probably done the sand dunes, too, if we would've aired down and stayed on the throttle....

February 12th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Nice shot!

February 13th, 2009, 05:29 AM
The Atlantic side of St Lucia was wild and wooly, with rocky shores,sand dunes, small bays like this, waves crashing all the time and sending up huge plumes of spray. There were also wild herds of really big goats, wild donkey herds, a couple of very secluded small white sand beaches, and some pretty good size caves with 1,000 year old rock art in them..

The other side of the island was 'the beach' side...calm waves, torquise warm water, sail boarding, sailing, etc...cool, but the Atlantic side rocked....

February 13th, 2009, 09:59 PM
The Atlantic side of St Lucia was wild and wooly, with rocky shores,sand dunes, small bays like this, waves crashing all the time and sending up huge plumes of spray. There were also wild herds of really big goats, wild donkey herds, a couple of very secluded small white sand beaches, and some pretty good size caves with 1,000 year old rock art in them..

The other side of the island was 'the beach' side...calm waves, torquise warm water, sail boarding, sailing, etc...cool, but the Atlantic side rocked....

Sounds like the best of both worlds. I would be sorely tempted to go see that rock art.

February 14th, 2009, 05:11 AM
We just got some of our pictures back and I am in the process of doing some downloads to photobucket. I'll post the link and maybe some other pictures here in a day or so. The rock art was cool and I like that stuff, too. It was also badly defaced much the same way that Newspaper Rock got trashed out. Still, what was not trashed was pretty cool and had been protected....Some of it was in some really, really cool caves, both in the interior and on the Atlantic side of the island. You'll see them....