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scout man
September 3rd, 2009, 12:07 AM
thanks for the info Brody. Ace was going to be my guess, but I had not been able to find the barbs anywhere. I will have to look when I get back into town.

September 3rd, 2009, 08:59 PM
That is why I don't do automatic trans..... just looking at it makes me quiver...

scout man
September 3rd, 2009, 09:32 PM
it actually wasnt that bad! came off in large pieces. Open the pan, pull the valve housing out, all in one piece... no need to open for my needs... pull oil pump out, slide first clutch housing out, kickdown band falls out, pull out snap ring... next clutch and band come out... pull out adapter with shaft... empty housing! I am sure a rebuild or shift kit would be way more difficult, but so far with a manual everything has gone smooth. Of course, I guess there is really know way to know if its easy until I reinstall in and cross my fingers.

scout man
September 9th, 2009, 10:32 PM
got the good casing torn apart today. Found a few things that may have been the issue. First off, when I opened the pan I noticed half of a 1/4" thick steel washer floating around... not sure where it came from or why it was there as I never stumbled across a similer washer in either tranny... or the second half for that matter, but it couldnt have been a good thing. Also noticed the kickdown band was extremelly loose. Either way, the functional guts will be installed tomorrow.

While it was torn apart I also tapped the new vents and installed the barbs. Although very nerve racking, it actually went very well and worked out how I had hoped. Now I just need to figure out how to re-vent the Dana 20. I havnt found any write ups on it yet, and the only thing resembling a vent is HUGE. Like, inch diameter hole with a loose snap cap over it. Next comes the re-assembly!
Ill take some pics of the new vents at some point.

September 10th, 2009, 08:26 AM
Why don't you simply close off/seal the huge diff breather and run a smaller breather line off of one of the axle tubes? Just drill and tap the axle tube line for whatever NPT fitting you want to use. It would do the same thing.

As a second thought, weld in (or on) a piece of pipe to the existing vent that has a threaded male or female end to it and then use brass fitting to step it down to the size vent you want use. You could probably use a regular iron pipe nipple for this that is already threaded as you are not talking about strength or weight bearing here and that iron pipe welds easily.

scout man
September 10th, 2009, 11:06 AM
The axles are actually going to be very simple, the Dana 20 I was refereing too is my tranfer case. And I thought about the pipe step down deal, I just dont have any room above it due to the floor boards. I think for now I am going to leave it though, since in order to submerge the vent I would have water about up to my knees in the cab. If that ever happens, I will just have to drain the fluid when I get home. Worse case scenario... I have a spare dana 20 sitting in my garage.
So tranny is all vented, and I will do the axles after I know the scout if functional... will be a pretty easy job. and now to re-assemble the tranny....

September 10th, 2009, 11:15 AM
Have you thought about simply running the vent for the Tcase through the tranny tunnel into the cab?

I don't have anything other than the factory vents on either the tranny or
T case on mine and have never had an issue with water in the fluid. I didn't have any when it was sitting on 31s way back when, either, so maybe this isn't a big deal.

Swamp racing in Florida may present another set of problems entirely....

scout man
September 10th, 2009, 11:20 AM
Have you thought about simply running the vent for the Tcase through the tranny tunnel into the cab?

I don't have anything other than the factory vents on either the tranny or
T case on mine and have never had an issue with water in the fluid. I didn't have any when it was sitting on 31s way back when, either, so maybe this isn't a big deal.

Swamp racing in Florida may present another set of problems entirely....

Hadnt really thought about it at all. Its not a bad idea tho. In fact, I think it would end up inside my center console, so I it wouldnt even be in the way. I'll have to think about it, for now... get the thing back on the road! I am actually not real worried about venting, just figured since I had the tranny completely torn down it made sense to do it now just in case I ever want it in the future i don't have to tear it down again.

Didn't you know the build was with the intention of being a swamp race vehicle?? :D

scout man
September 10th, 2009, 11:21 PM
tranny is all back together and sitting in place under the scout. Just needs to be lifted into place tomorrow. Hopefully it works!!

September 11th, 2009, 01:08 PM
Fingers crossed

September 11th, 2009, 03:47 PM
Hopefully things have gone smooth!

scout man
September 12th, 2009, 11:36 PM
The scout lives again!!! Finished the install late last night, and drove it around all day today with no problems. Has all 3 forward gears, reverse, and park. Also fixed a few other things while I was in there. Turn signals now work again (never really came back after breaking my steering joint until now) although they are still a little sporatic. Installed a toggle swith in the neutral safety line because I was tired of the plug popping off all the time. Now I can shut off the toggle to help make theft a little more difficult too. Re-venting went great. Putting the front drive shaft on tomorrow and heading to do an easy trail with the gf and the puppy to test things out. Hopefully things go well! I am pretty confident at this point tho.

September 13th, 2009, 08:43 AM
Happy to hear it! It has been a long time coming

September 13th, 2009, 09:06 AM
Glad that it is all together! Not "that bad" of a job, considering. Was it worth the $350 or so to just swap the guts?

scout man
September 13th, 2009, 07:47 PM
actually ended up costing me about $100 totally counting tools and the good casing. Plus a TON of my own time. Didnt end up doing the $350 rebuild, just did it myself.

Ran a portion of Jenny Creek today, before making a wrong turn and driving quite a ways down a 4-wheeler road on accident. Nothing broke and everything functioned great!

September 13th, 2009, 08:18 PM

September 14th, 2009, 07:38 AM

x2 :thunb:

scout man
September 16th, 2009, 12:07 AM
Here are some pics I have been forgetting about. Nothing special, just the tranny in the process of the rebuild. Plus the 2 new vents. One on the tranny case and one on the adapter housing. And a shot from Jenny creek just to prove it runs! Not at all flexed out really, just the only pic I bothered to take. (I am not so good at this hole camera thing)

September 16th, 2009, 07:12 AM
Nice! Glad to see that it is up and running!

I'm impressed with the tranny rebuild, too. I would rebuild a manual, but I don't know if I would try to do a rebuild on an auto.

Years ago, a son of a friend of mine was doing tranny rebuilds for a small tranny shop. He was really good and fast. Ford heard about him and hired him away to work for them. He can do a standard auto tranny rebuild in about 1.5 hours or something sick like that. I watched him do the one I had in a 74 Cherokee. Once it was on the bench, it took him about this amount of time to do it start to finish..Something to be said for having done a couple of thousand trannies. It would take me a week or more...

At any rate, the last I heard, he was making over $70k a year doing trannies...

September 16th, 2009, 07:30 AM
Glad to see the rig back on the trail!

September 16th, 2009, 08:00 PM
Looks great.... I like the rear bumper:D is that drag link on or is it the first one still?

scout man
September 16th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Looks great.... I like the rear bumper:D is that drag link on or is it the first one still?
I like the rear bumper too! Like the addition of the tow hook? Actually wasnt totally necessary, but I wanted to try out the $40 chop saw I bought at a garage sale. Seemed like a worthy project.

I went to put the drag link on the other day and I got one side off, but couldnt get it off the pitman arm. I didnt have a puller and I was headed to the trail so I left the old one. I have a puller now though so I plan to switch them out tomorrow. Heading out for the weekend to go camping in it, so I have a TON of loose ends to tie up on it in the next couple days.

That new link looks great though. It should be a ton stiffer. I think I was getting a little bit of flex out of my old one. Now I can carry the old as a spare also. THanks a lot for sending that my way!!

September 17th, 2009, 12:37 PM
no problem

scout man
September 21st, 2009, 11:27 AM
And that was short lived. I was up camping this weekend with Haku and a few friends of ours. Josh and I were driving down a very narrow trail and we were crossing an off camber section with some mud on the downhill side. I slipped into the ruts and started sliding down hill. I didnt like it much so I put the scout in reverse to try to back out of it. When I hit the gas, it reved slightly as though it was in neutral, then I heard a pop in the tranny and reverse no longer exsists. At this point I am still in the mud hole, and josh is in front of me. We strapped up to my front and pulled me forward out of the mud. I drove on down the trail to find a place to turn around without having to reverse, and the trail got very narrow, very off camber, and then dead ended into a padlocked gate, with very little trail on the other side. There was no way josh could pull me the hole way out of this trail. It was just too narrow and off camber. So he pulled me back about 20 feet to a spot where the hill to the left wasnt covered in trees, and I managed to pull up the hill enough to do a 3 point turn and let gravity roll me back. Ended up getting it out just fine a drove it all the way back to Denver. Not sure what I am going to do now, but I am hoping it is just a belt adjustment. Ill have to open it up sometime, but I dedided I am not touching the thing at all this week. I need a break!!

September 21st, 2009, 07:22 PM
I wonder if a band just popped loose...

scout man
September 21st, 2009, 10:12 PM
thats my hope. We will see when i tear into it. I really dont want to drop the tranny again, so i will open the pan, see if loose parts fall out, check band adjustment, and maybe put in my other valve housing if I dont see anything else wrong.

September 22nd, 2009, 06:13 AM
Sorry to hear about that! I was excited for you that you had gotten it all together again.

Wish I could help with some input, but all I know is that with an automatic, one of the signs that it is failing is when reverse starts givin you problems.

I am not saying that the tranny is failing, just that you are probably right in thinking that it is the reverse band or something to do with it. Good luck with this....hope it is a simple fix

scout man
October 6th, 2009, 07:42 PM
I must be well practiced with this transmission thing. I just dropped my tranny, start to finish by myself in 4 hours. :thunb:. Tomorrow morning I tear it apart, fix the broken bracket, and reinstall it. I feel like I know this thing like the back of my hand now! Big thanks to Dirt Claude for lending me a tranny jack. Sure as hell makes the job a lot easier.

October 7th, 2009, 09:50 PM
Sorry that it wasn't just a band that popped loose. At least you are well versed at it. Nothing you can't fix now!

scout man
October 7th, 2009, 09:56 PM
fairly well versed. Removed by myself in 4 hours... torn apart, fixed and reassembled in 1.5 hours... then couldnt get the dang thing to go back in. Took Josh and I probably 5 hours today to get it back into place. The thing just would not settle in no matter what we did. Then, of course, it just dropped into place. need to get some new front drive shaft bolts tomorrow then finish the reassembly. hopefully it all works... for good.

October 7th, 2009, 10:11 PM
Fingers crossed!

October 7th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Good luck, gotta be good after all this!

scout man
October 7th, 2009, 11:17 PM
i was hoping to get it done today... and now its going to be in the 40's and maybe snowing tomorrow?!?!?! :bang::bang::bang:. The good news is I passed up work for this weekend because it wasnt going to be worth the money, and its a good thing because I just got a call for another job that is a lot closer and pays a lot more! Money = potential scout progress!!

October 8th, 2009, 07:13 AM
Good luck with the rebuild/reinstall!

scout man
October 8th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Its all back together! From what I can tell it works. I took it for a short drive tonight around the block (I had been in the cold all day and not feeling so well). Never had enough time for the engine to truly warm up, so I didnt really have a chance to hammer on it in reverse to make sure it would last, but it did go forward and backwards, and I backed it uphill into my driveway. I'll go over it all tomorrow and double check everything, then try it out tomorrow!

October 8th, 2009, 09:04 PM
good to hear man!

October 9th, 2009, 11:00 AM
Congrats! Looks like you might have missed the worst of the cold weather, plus if this is an indication of things to come, you will be happy to have a 2nd 4wd!

scout man
October 9th, 2009, 11:40 PM
sure will, now I just need something better in the way of tires. Took the scout out today to a little playground around the corner from me. Got stuck in some mud, but the scout climbed some stuff really well. Also pulled josh out of the mud. The good part about this is that I pulled him out with my reverse gear... which I consider a success given the fact that a few days ago I didnt have any reverse gear at all. Still plenty of things to work on, but I am very happy that it is functional for now. Going to head out on the trail run tomorrow and see how it goes. Fingers crossed as usual.

October 10th, 2009, 08:38 AM
I hope all goes well tomorrow and that you just have a good time with absolutely no vehicle drama!

scout man
October 10th, 2009, 09:41 PM
I hope all goes well tomorrow and that you just have a good time with absolutely no vehicle drama!

It actually went very well. I was a little hesitant at first, as I had a rather unusual issue before I even got to the trail. I was driving down the road, and first my radio shut off. Didnt think much of it, figuring it was just a loose wire or something, but then I came up to a red light at not only did the scout shut off, but my battery was stone dead. Wouldnt even run my emergency flashers. Josh came and jumped me and it jumped right up with no problems, and was perfectly fine the rest of the day. I almost turned around and went home but I am really glad I didnt as the rest of the day went flawlessly. I did notice at the end that I ripped a shock mount off my frame at some point, and it ripped the frame pretty well. but all in all thats a minor deal these days. I consider the trip a huge success. I was the only unlocked rig on the trip and I never had a problem getting over anything!

October 10th, 2009, 09:50 PM
That is great to hear!

October 11th, 2009, 10:24 AM

scout man
October 25th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Some updates... I spent a while working on storage space in my scout. I had a few issues initially. 1) My ride is rather harsh on rough roads, and having things loose in the back, such as tools, was killing my ears and freaking out my puppy. 2) My doors dont lock, and I dont really care to fix them, so I wanted something lock-able to store things. 3)I intend to spend most of the summers with the roof off, so I needed all of the above, plus as water proof as possible. 4) I also wanted it to be very sturdy, so I can stand on it in the summers if I ever feel the need, and I can strap additional equipment on top when necessary.

This is what I came up with.

Using almost entirely recycled metal from a sign my previous employer was disposing of, I designed a box that fills most of the rear of my scout, which is framed mostly with 3/4" square tube, and some misc angle iron and metal rod. The box, as seen in pictures below, provides a rear facing compartment with shelves inside for easy access to possible trail necessities (ex. tools, tow straps, etc). Behind this rear compartment is a larger compartment with a door on top. This is great for things either stored long term, or only needed apon reach campsite or whatever. The skin on the box is 3/16 aluminum. It is, of couse, bolted to the floorboards, and weatherstripped on the doors to keep moisture out. It has really cleaned up the inside of the rig. It was also designed so the rear compartment can be opened with the top hatch down, so if you need to access tools when its raining and you have tents or something strapped to the top, you can protect them and still get to the tools.

Things to be added still - tie downs to strap stuff on top. eventually I will replace current "latches" with compressions latches for more waterproof qualities... but they are expensive so it will be done sometime by spring. Either rubber or foam lining inside for noise isolation. Some sort of outside coating that will stick. It is primed with self etching primer, which is holding really well, but nothing else is sticking to it at all. Right now it has duplicolor undercoating on it, but its rubbing off fast.

Pics: (note, the insides of the doors arent all painted.. still show the original recycled sign material.)

scout man
October 25th, 2009, 10:31 PM
Other updates include new shock mounts. I ripped one off running T-33A a few weeks ago, and it ripped a good gash in the frame as well. Josh had just bought his new welder, so we decided to try that out on this job. It worked really well... although we need to refine our skills with it a little. Josh does pretty well with it, I am having a little trouble because I am so used to welding with out gas. I didnt realize how many habits I would have to break to weld with gas. Still turned out very solid though.
I ground off the old mount (no pics, sorry) and hammered the frame cracks closed again. We then welded the cracks shut, ground them flat, then added 3/5"x1/4" angle iron to reinforce the frame. We welded that all the way around then welded a 15" Ford shock tower to the angle iron. This enabled me to run shocks that extend to 33 inches, with a 13.5" overall range of flex. I no longer run the risk of bottoming out or over extending my shocks. I have a few pics, but never got around to taking the final product. I dont really feel like going out to take apic right now, so I will post the final picture tomorrow.

October 25th, 2009, 10:40 PM

October 26th, 2009, 07:38 AM
Looks good man.

October 26th, 2009, 07:49 AM
Looks good! You are going to want to gusset the tower back to the frame on the backside before you get out and do much wheeling with it. That is really the only weak point (once you have addressed the frame reinforcement) to this set up using the Ford towers.

It is kinda a pain to get into the back side to weld it and much easier to weld a triangular gusset on each side of the tower back to the frame..

October 26th, 2009, 10:28 AM
Nice work! I dig the box! I need to build something like that for my Scout once it is trail worthy again.

October 27th, 2009, 07:11 AM
I didn't even see the storage box! That is really sweet!

[QUOTE=scout man;66551]
Things to be added still - tie downs to strap stuff on top.

A very cheap source for tie downs are the ones that Toyota uses in the back of every pick up truck they make. There are 4-two by the tail gate and one on each side by the cab. For some reason, these are never hard to get out of rigs at the junkyard and are very stout. Chances are that you can get them for free, too...

Either rubber or foam lining inside for noise isolation.

Use the insulated silver backed foam insulation found at Home Depo or Lowe's. You can get a 4x8 sheet of this stuff for around $10. The metal backing helps with wear and tear, but you will want to cover it with some kind of cloth-old carpet or some indoor/outdoor carpet. It is super easy to work with, dense, and actually hold up to quite a bit of abuse.

Some sort of outside coating that will stick. It is primed with self etching primer, which is holding really well, but nothing else is sticking to it at all. Right now it has duplicolor undercoating on it, but its rubbing off fast.

Use the Rustoleum truck bed liner that WalMArt carries. It costs less than the DupliColor that you can find at Checkers and sprays on a lot more uniform finish.

scout man
October 27th, 2009, 11:15 AM
cool, thanks for all the info Brody. I got some steel the other day to gusset my shock mounts also. Went to C&M with the intention of spending $20 for 50lbs of steel... walked out paying $64. oops.

October 28th, 2009, 10:37 AM
Other updates include new shock mounts. I ripped one off running T-33A a few weeks ago, and it ripped a good gash in the frame as well. Josh had just bought his new welder, so we decided to try that out on this job. It worked really well... although we need to refine our skills with it a little. Josh does pretty well with it, I am having a little trouble because I am so used to welding with out gas. I didnt realize how many habits I would have to break to weld with gas. Still turned out very solid though.
I ground off the old mount (no pics, sorry) and hammered the frame cracks closed again. We then welded the cracks shut, ground them flat, then added 3/5"x1/4" angle iron to reinforce the frame. We welded that all the way around then welded a 15" Ford shock tower to the angle iron. This enabled me to run shocks that extend to 33 inches, with a 13.5" overall range of flex. I no longer run the risk of bottoming out or over extending my shocks. I have a few pics, but never got around to taking the final product. I dont really feel like going out to take apic right now, so I will post the final picture tomorrow.

your flex is getting pretty sick.......
are you still running the original front shackles and dead eyes that we did in the front welded under the frame.... If you are and you are looking for a bit more flex and drop up front consider doing what I did a few months back..... it can give you gads of drop but won't change your road manners at all.....http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm30/scoutfam/100_5522.jpg
with the dead eye through the frame and the angles changed your rig is supported at normal ride level but because the shackle is now 7" (roughly) as your axle drops you have a greater swing rate.... you can get the "weld in" dead eyes at your favorite 4x4 place..... since you have that fancy new welder you might want to give it a try... I made all my parts and shackles but they are on the market as well.

I don't know why I do all this cool stuff I never get to wheel :rant:ah well keeps me off the crack pipe anyway :lol:

October 29th, 2009, 11:45 PM
What an awesome build! I have loved scouts since i was like 3

October 30th, 2009, 08:56 AM
What an awesome build! I have loved scouts since i was like 3

A late 60s, early 70s Scout was my 2nd wheeler, plucky, underpowered 4 banger and all. I drove it from Colorado to Texas, to California, then to Washington State, up into Oregon almost to the Canadian border, then back to Colorado, wheeling every place I could go. Sold it after I got back for damn near what I paid for it ($2500). Seems like in those years, you could actually buy a 4x4, non pick up truck, and get some decent axles under it...almost as if the manufacturers expected you to use 4WD other than for the occasional ski trip into the hills. Now there are very few non truck 4xs that you can buy that do not have cheese crap for axles and you are now forced to buy either expensive after market axle upgrades or do some rather creative cloning to get your rig to do what you want.

A quick case in point: Sean is doing an axle upgrade on his Ranger for this reason. He wants to do harder trials than what it is now capable of doing. We are having to do a straight axle conversion in the front to an OLDER Dana 44 out of an OLDER donor truck. We are replacing the existing rear axle with an OLDER Ford 9". It was as if the manufacturers expected very limited actual wheeling use out of this truck, 4x4 or not.

International Harvester was one of the companies that started out knowing that their stuff was actually going to get used and abused, that is why there are so many around today. Ditto goes for the older Jeeps, especially the Cherokees and J10 and J20 trucks and the older Power Wagons before Dodge started the 'Power Ram' series and jacked all their stuff up. These came with beefy axles back then. Now almost all of the Jeeps come with about the worst axles Dana makes...and older Jeep axles are becoming very scarce..(generalizing here a bit...there were exceptions to both the 'strong' and the 'weak' axle stuff along the way.)

scout man
November 17th, 2009, 09:56 PM
finally got around to doing some fender trimming today. I think I am very pleased with the rear for now. I was able to cut 1.5 inches off all the way around the fender, and hammer the inner wheel well back to the fender again and tack weld it back together so the fender still has some support to it. The front didnt quite work out as well. Ended up losing a good chunk of the inner wheel well up front, which i suppose isnt the end of the world. Problem is that although the front still looks clean, there is not much structural support to it. I realized today that the likely hood that this will become more of a "truggy" is very high. My rig has a ton of bondo on it (factory did this quite frequently with scouts.... dont really know why) so unless I completely strip it down and start over its not going to look very good for too much longer. I think I will end up building a tube frame inside the front wheel wells and eventually cut a lot more out of it. Not sure what I will have to do on the rear, but that should be fine untill I decide to go to significantly larger tires. Before I do that i need axles and gears and such anyways. Here are some pics. Before and after front and rear, and a pile of crap that was in my front fender. Literally, years worth of pine needles that had become compost in my fenders. No wonder scouts have rust. Trimmed a little more of the front after the after picture, and still have one more front to trim.

scout man
November 17th, 2009, 10:01 PM
forgot a pic - he is the stuff i managed to pull out of the fender

November 17th, 2009, 10:14 PM
Looks bad ass

November 18th, 2009, 10:49 AM
Time to flex it out!

November 18th, 2009, 11:22 AM
Hey! That is really starting to come together nicely!

November 18th, 2009, 06:04 PM
That is looking good........ really lets people see just how much movement you have..... I'm getting jealous :( just kidding..... dooooo dig the look.

scout man
December 22nd, 2009, 07:02 PM
Its been a while since I updated, but my alternator seems to finally be charging again. Upgraded from a 10SI to a 17SI which is like a 50 amp upgrade. I ended up having to bypass the amp meter on the dash. Turns out that was my whole problem all along.

I went up to Coonrod's IH parts on 285 today... holy crap he has a lot of stuff. I expected a lot of stuff, but this totally blew me away. I will post some pics a friend took when I get them. Anyways, I picked up a new headlight switch, hoping it would fix my dash lights and tail lights.. it did fix the dash, but not the tail lights. I am hoping to run a new wire to the rear and see if I can get the tail lights working. I also picked up a new brake booster, which did seem to make a difference. Still not spectacular brakes, but I can stop a lot faster now, and even managed to skid to a stop in my driveway, so that is a definite improvement. Also installed bump stops in the front to help out with the tire rubbing I was STILL getting. Havent had a chance to flex it out yet, but I have high hopes.

I guess it really has been a while since I posted.. I also picked up a used compressor today that will be installed once I gather parts. I need to find a tank and all the other necesities, then that can get installed too. I think that might be it for now.

scout man
January 14th, 2010, 10:11 PM
I finished the install of my on board air today. I picked up a Viair compressor off CL for $50 a little bit ago. I went to A Pro Tools downtown and picked up a busted Rigid compressor for $10. It was a dual 2.5 gallon tank setup. I cut the tanks off, welded up some mounting tabs, and mounted them under my floorboards under the back seat. I used a Square D pressure switch that I got from Ace hardware. I mention this because I looked at about 8 different stores before I finally found one. So if you need one, go to Ace first. The regulator landed in my toolbox n the back with the quick connect on the outside of the toolbox. It will run 125 psi, and inflates to about 80psi in a minute or two, then takes a bit more to get up to 125psi. The tank does drain fast, so it wont be hugely beneficial for air tools, but it seems to inflate tires just as fast as my garage compressor does, so I am happy with that. It will run an air ratchet or impact in about 10 second spurts, so if need be on a trail it could still be usefull. I do however have a York compressor sitting in my garage that already has a mounting bracket in the scout. I need to test it, but if it is functional and I can find the right adapters I might switch over to that in a few months for faster inflation. But for now I am happy.

The pics show the compressor and switch under the hood, the tanks inside the frame rails (the ground was wet, so no good bottom pics of it), and the regulator in the toolbox.

January 14th, 2010, 11:16 PM
Nicely done!

January 14th, 2010, 11:18 PM
Looks good!

January 15th, 2010, 08:39 AM
Hey that is looking very nice! Those guys have a bunch of tanks, too, don't they?

scout man
January 15th, 2010, 01:04 PM
Hey that is looking very nice! Those guys have a bunch of tanks, too, don't they?

Yea, they had probably 12 compressors with dual tube style tanks. Mostly dual 2 gallon tanks, but I snagged one with dual 2.5 gallons. They also had a decent looking (15?) gallon tank and one that was maybe a 20 gallon if anyone needs to change out their shop compressor or anything. I spent $10 and got the two tanks, a good blowout valve, and a hand full of manifolds and plastic tubing. unfortunatley the regulator was broken and all the gauges were bad. I did use one plastic tube off of it though to go from the regulator to the quick connect. Definitely a steel for $10, even for just the tanks alone.

January 15th, 2010, 01:45 PM
Looking good! I'm hoping to get a set up like that soon. After seeing the performance of Flexytoy's on the Pole hill run, I really want to get going on that.

January 15th, 2010, 01:55 PM
Here is the link to the air tank source in Denver:


And a lot of OBA information is in this thread:


Holler if you have any questions on the Yota OBA. I would be happy to answer them. They are a little different that the York compressors.

January 17th, 2010, 07:58 PM
Like the set up

scout man
January 17th, 2010, 09:33 PM

I am also pretty happy because I have now managed to sort through all of my electrical issues (fingers crossed). I FINALLY got my turn signals working today, and while I was in there I replaced all of my dash lights so they all work now too. The only electrical thing that doesnt work right now is my backup lights, which I kind of consciencely omitted the last time I put my tranny switch in. I had to bypass the neutral safety switch, and the backup lights went with it. I think I am going to throw them on a toggle for when they are relevant.

scout man
January 27th, 2010, 12:26 AM
Alright, I am bored tonight so here are some pics of what I got done in the last week or so. Sorry for the poor quality, I took them at night with my cell phone camera because my dog tore up my real camera.

Project 1: 4 point harness on both front seats. I am ashamed to say I have been wheeling a long time with either no seat belts or the crappy 35 year old lap belts that came in the rig... that problem is solved.

Project 2: My rear body mounts were hurting bad. In the last couple weeks they had dropped about 2-3 inches on both sides, and my doors were no longer closing right. I rebuilt these with som 1/4" angle and so far it seems to really do the job well. This is WAY beefier than the stock mounts which were like 1/8" c channel. I cant beleive they held for 35 years. Hopefully they hold up for good now, this means I have rebuilt 3 of the 8 body mounts. 4 are in great shape from stock, and one will be rebuilt still.

Project 3: I bought a 60" highlift and needed to find a place to mount it. 60" is long. Dont have a bumper that it will mount on well yet, so for now it is inside the cab running along the drivers side wall. The foot of the jack mounts on my seat belt bar, and the top of the mount by the back hatch. I had about 1/2 to spare at the most, at that was with the top winch attachment removed. Once I get around to building a tire gate it will probably go out there. The inside location works great for right now, but could cause a headache for a rear seat passenger. Dont have them often, but in the future sometime kids will be in the picture and then it will dedfinitely need to go elsewhere. For now its great.


January 27th, 2010, 06:22 AM
That is coming right along! You ever notice how Hi Lift jacks always seem to 'just fit'? There is never "a lot of room" or a "a great place" it is usually "just fits"...

January 27th, 2010, 07:23 AM
Looks good

January 27th, 2010, 08:12 PM
Looks like its coming along great

scout man
January 27th, 2010, 10:22 PM
Looks like its coming along great

Yea, I think I am finally at the point where I am almost caught up. I actually spent time with the little details today. I finally rebuilt the last body mount, it had been on the back burner since I bought it, leveled out both doors so they close easily, greased the passenger side window so it can open and close without being superman, somewhat fixed the rear hatch so it wont flap around on the trail anymore... at least now one side latches. The T-handle that opens this hatch is very hard to find since they break a lot, so they go for about $50 a piece. I think for now I am just going to try to fabricate my own. With this latch fixed it means I now have to open it with a screw driver, but at least it wont be bouncing all over.

So yea, I am getting there. I think the next project when I get a little money will be rock sliders, then a rear tire gate, which the design I have for it will basically end up as an exo for the rear half of the vehicle... then after that I really save and get some gears and an aussie locker for the rear.

January 28th, 2010, 07:41 AM
Nice! Aren't those body mounts fun?

I have to tackle mine sometime soon as I kind of neglected to spend a few bucks before I did the exo and replace mine with poly mounts. Now the old bushings are worn out and guess what? I can't lift the body to replace them! Smart boy here sometimes...I am either going to have to simply make new mounts or cut off the old mounts, reinstall the new bushings and re weld the mounts back on....Looking forward to that, I am...you bet. Now I have jacked up the body and driven some old leaf spring poly bushings between the supports of the rock rails and the body. Works....but it is one of those things that I am going to have to do right at some point.

scout man
February 15th, 2010, 05:35 PM
Tested out the old york that came with my scout today. It seems to work just fine. It also happens to be the high displacement model (210), which is great. Really just need a hand full of parts to convert my current setup to a york setup. Hopefully my very limited budget will allow it to happen later this week! Here is a pic of it all cleaned up.

February 15th, 2010, 06:52 PM
I have some odds and ends of air fittings/parts that I can let you have if you need it. Let me know what you need and I'll see if I have it in the spare bin...

scout man
February 15th, 2010, 08:03 PM
cool, I will let you know when I dig into it.

scout man
March 4th, 2010, 07:35 PM
Between yesterday and today I swapped out my front leaf spring perches, moved my axle 1" forward, and build a slider for the drivers side... only one for now, it was tiring to build.

spring perches - Old ones were only about 4" long and kind of thin and weak. New ones are 7 1/2 inches long and way more stout.


Sliders are made of 2" x 3" square tube, 1/4" thick. the frame is reinforced with 4" x 4" x 1/4" angle. ( a couple pics are upside down.. because I was upside down, and I dont feel like flipping them right now... if your confused, stand on your head and look at it :D)

March 4th, 2010, 08:14 PM
[QUOTE=scout man;90180]Between yesterday and today I swapped out my front leaf spring perches, moved my axle 1" forward, and built a slider for the drivers side... only one for now, it was tiring to build.

spring perches - Old ones were only about 4" long and kind of thin and weak. New ones are 7 1/2 inches long and way more stout. [QUOTE]

Glad to hear it! Pictures aren't posting, though!

Anyone who is interested in sliders read this again:" built a slider for the drivers side... only one for now, it was tiring to build." That is one of the reasons fabrication costs some money...it simply ain't easy to do, even if you have done a lot...

scout man
March 4th, 2010, 08:27 PM
That is one of the reasons fabrication costs some money...it simply ain't easy to do, even if you have done a lot...

yea, this one made for a long day, doesnt look like it would, just a straight bar with beveled ends, three "legs" to the frame, and some angle... but it took a lot of time and a TON of weld wire. granted, if I had a more powerful welder it would have been half as much time and prolly half as much wire jsut because I wouldnt have to burn it in as much.

March 5th, 2010, 01:05 AM
Those sliders look great. Nice work.

scout man
March 5th, 2010, 09:48 AM
thanks rob

scout man
March 9th, 2010, 08:49 PM
I started in on the rear spring perches today. I notice the other day that my axle had twisted, and bent the spring perches as it did. On the front I bought a set from RuffStuff, this time I decided I could make them myself, for free, and make them even better. I had some 1/4 inch c-channel sitting in my garage that I picked up from a scrap yard a while back and it ended up being the perfect start for the perch. In addition to mimickiing the perch I bough, I decided to cap the ends of the perch too so that it would offer some more strength to prevent the perch from crushing again. Also, I was able to make them different heights, which is great since I had a shim on one side anyways. Here are some pics of the ones I made. (axle isnt in place yet, as I havnt fixed the other side yet, just set it down for the night)

and here is the old one on the other side. (havent replaced this one yet, since I ran out of weld wire and it was almost dark)

and the best example of how significant this change should be... the old one I cut off sitting on the axle right next to the freshly installed one.

March 9th, 2010, 08:57 PM
wow, thats quite a cchange, new ones look great.

March 9th, 2010, 10:27 PM
More good stuff. When you're done with you Scout, you can start welding on my 40. :D

scout man
March 9th, 2010, 10:29 PM
More good stuff. When you're done with you Scout, you can start welding on my 40. :D

Sure thing Rob, when my scout is FINISHED, i will do all the welding you want, free of charge even. You just have to make sure your not to old to remember by that time! :D

March 9th, 2010, 10:32 PM
Oops. I forgot. There's no such thing as finished. How about if you just want a change of pace, then?

And I expect I'll do a Hunter S. before I get that old. Or :princess: will do it for me. ;)

March 9th, 2010, 10:45 PM
I expect I'll do a Hunter S. before I get that old.

Messy, messy, messy.

March 9th, 2010, 10:48 PM
Messy, messy, messy.

How 'bout a Thelma and Louise, then?

March 9th, 2010, 10:51 PM
My choice :thunb:

March 9th, 2010, 10:54 PM
My choice :thunb:

"Hunter S" was a metaphor for a "Thelma and Louise." :steer: You know how tidy I am. I guess a T&L could be a bit messy, too, though.

March 9th, 2010, 11:02 PM
the difference being who has to deal with the mess. :smokin:

March 9th, 2010, 11:06 PM
Thelma & Louise Point

March 9th, 2010, 11:18 PM
Aw cmon Chris, a Jeep? I thought you were better than that

March 9th, 2010, 11:23 PM
Aw cmon Chris, a Jeep? I thought you were better than that

You'd don't think I'd total a Land Cruiser, do you? I'm old(er), not crazy. :lmao:

March 9th, 2010, 11:25 PM
You'd don't think I'd total a Land Cruiser, do you?

Wait that's possible?

March 9th, 2010, 11:59 PM
Wait that's possible?

It still Keeps
Moving Forward

Even when you don't want to.

That quote still applys, especially in this case.

March 10th, 2010, 12:02 AM
It still Keeps
Moving Forward

Even when you don't want to.

That quote still applys, especially in this case.

Ba doom chic........listening to Jay Leno and the other late night guys huh?


March 10th, 2010, 11:00 AM
Ba doom chic........listening to Jay Leno and the other late night guys huh?

Pretty popular idea these days.

March 10th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Hahaa.......nice. I don't have to worry about that with my Toyota, since I pretty much drive it with the pedal to floor all the time. Gotta keep the hamsters inside the 22re fully fed to keep my speed up.

Oh, and to keep this on topic, those perches look great Steve. Definitely gonna make a big difference for you in strength and resistance to axle wrap. Might consider adding a anti-wrap leaf spring to the pack too. They are about half as long as the other leaf springs in the pack, and should help keep those springs from twisting as much, but still let you flex reasonably well.


scout man
March 10th, 2010, 07:56 PM
My best improvement to the scout yet. SHould solve all my mechanical problems!!!


March 10th, 2010, 08:28 PM
now you just need some flame stickers for an extra 10hp :thunb:

scout man
March 10th, 2010, 08:29 PM
the magnet ones are way better

March 10th, 2010, 08:33 PM
the magnet ones are way better

are they good for 20? cant say i have ever seen magnet flames

scout man
March 10th, 2010, 08:41 PM
they use them on vehicles like this....

March 10th, 2010, 09:58 PM
Oh god steve....where did you dig that up?

March 10th, 2010, 10:01 PM
hehee......I took those pics. Saw that guy driving down Wadsworth near Colfax. Seen him a few more times since then too. It gets worse the more detail you look at the pics with too.


scout man
March 10th, 2010, 10:20 PM
you did not, those are on my phone, you were driving!!! But he is right, no diggin needed, I have them on my phone.

March 10th, 2010, 10:29 PM
ooops.......evidently my memory is a bit shady on the matter. I guess I was remembering the pearl white Jeep Rubicon with chrome 24" rims.


March 10th, 2010, 10:32 PM
SHould solve all my mechanical problems!!!

Didn't quite solve the cosmetic ones, though. Maybe a few more stickers in strategic spots? :thunb:

scout man
March 10th, 2010, 10:34 PM
what, that sticker doesnt cover that giant scratch enough???

March 10th, 2010, 10:44 PM
what, that sticker doesnt cover that giant scratch enough???

:lmao: A different angle might have worked. Heck, most of us can read sideways.

scout man
March 10th, 2010, 10:46 PM
some white out and some red sharpie... you will never know that scratch was there!

March 10th, 2010, 10:50 PM
some white out and some red sharpie... you will never know that scratch was there!

I got both if you need 'em. Too bad I can't find any Brown Out for the 40.

scout man
March 10th, 2010, 10:52 PM
Ive got a brown sharpie, I will donate it to you on the anniversary run!

March 11th, 2010, 12:51 PM
Oh man....Colfax and wads...that's not typical or anything

He was probably going to buy some stuff at the mega wal-mart

scout man
March 19th, 2010, 12:00 AM
I built a square front drive shaft the other day. I didnt take any pics before I tested it out though


Anyways, finally got it all cleaned off, and today I had to pull the shaft out again because aparently a 2.5 inch square tube shaft doesnt completely clear my tranny fluid pan. So I took some pics of the shaft while it was out. I was pretty happy with my welding on this one, although you cant really tell how good it looked anymore.

Anyways, I had to grind down the corners about an inch into the outer shaft to prevent rubbing on my tranny pan. This only happened when I stopped, as my front end dives pretty hard with the reverse shackle. Here you can kind of see how I had to grind it down. Hard to tell though.

It now works pretty well. Very tough and VERY heavy drive shaft. I dont get any noise, and I can drive at least 40 in 4x4. For now it is a great solution, and hopefully I will get a real shaft someday and this will make a great spare!

March 20th, 2010, 08:43 PM
It is amazing the progress you have made on the Scout! This has turned into a great rig! Glad that you have put so much effort into it. I know looking back it seems like a lot, but it sure was worth it!

scout man
March 20th, 2010, 09:45 PM
Thanks Jeff! It is getting better by the day! Still a lot of projects and money waiting to be done, but its getting closer!

scout man
March 20th, 2010, 10:13 PM
Jeffs comment made me look up some before and after pics. Seems like time for a middle-of-the-build before and after.



Seems like I could use some more after pics though. Maybe on the annviersary run.

March 21st, 2010, 01:42 AM
Here ya go.......


http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1poG2HQEdayHvMTzTfLuFPqVigPJpxxNnLqWd5yckuqyVT4Vq rB6ib7pja8-9Tm6r4dqJB0BBeIrJRWETB3w6eMQ/3.jpg


In between...
http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pqNgxUHc9lJXnptxVRScd0o23UaHXP3B9jVJ3X10G8jkm7E3 NOtJKkrIGRvWVqJsX9qo1OGFNfbrmx-28LQ11rw/2.jpg

After (mostly current)
http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pRJTjwcNZ6njvGnPJBgPBAXvSuIHHjB7vyinmizFjyKdqHAT cFZhecoPsoR2m12zq6Q9O600-LcJwcQT3D8MIUw/2.jpg

http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pcuqnQCs3PrNnnk6c3jnTlLwORgNAv2Edk_6Ecdmy6lglpRx t6Q1chH3CPdakeWGwEUrs3bDo0q1uJyOTsjP_Vg/14.jpg

A few mods since then like more fender cutting and a new driveshaft and OBA and Sliders and such, but still...


March 21st, 2010, 10:35 AM
Did you Photoshop the first 2 to increase the saturation of the orange/red?
It looks really cool, like a ad for a Scout :thunb:

scout man
March 21st, 2010, 11:50 AM
yea, josh generally photoshops his pics. I had to laugh because the fiance had the same 2 comments that you did. ALthough she suggested making one of them look really old fashioned, blow it up, and hang it on the wall in the family room. I sure cant argue with that!!

March 21st, 2010, 02:41 PM
Did you Photoshop the first 2 to increase the saturation of the orange/red?
It looks really cool, like a ad for a Scout :thunb:

Yeah, I definitely doctored those up. I'm a decent photographer, but not that good. At least not without photoshop I'm not.

yea, josh generally photoshops his pics. I had to laugh because the fiance had the same 2 comments that you did. ALthough she suggested making one of them look really old fashioned, blow it up, and hang it on the wall in the family room. I sure cant argue with that!!

I can definitely provide the file for you if you want to get it printed. Just let me know what size you want it and such. Just know that you are getting into redneck territory if you have a picture of your Scout hanging up in your living room.:lmao:


scout man
March 21st, 2010, 07:56 PM
you mean it isnt already redneck that the 2 of us own 4 vehicles, 3 of which are 4x4, and a motorcycle?

March 21st, 2010, 08:14 PM
This just seals the deal for you dude. Guess I just have to embrace my inner redneck.


scout man
March 24th, 2010, 05:03 PM
more progress!!

I converted my current OBA setup to a york setup. The nice part about this, is I had one of the large sized york compressors sitting in my garage, and it was part of the original AC on the scout, so the bracket and everything was already there. Instead of spending a fortune on the adapters that they make for the york inlet/outlet, I used the original AC hoses and ends, and just cut them in the middle. THen I used a large hose barb to NPT on the end and it was just playing with adapters from there. The only check valve I could find was 3/4", so I adapted up to it, then back down again. Used a filter from Home Depot ($23 i think), and an inlet filter from a valve cover I had sitting around in the garage. Here is my Frankenstein York setup.

It now charges from 0 - 125 psi in 1 minute flat at slightly above idle RPMS. With a hand throttle and high RPMS this thing will be rediculous.

This is the new part spliced into the old part. Everything else is already shown elsewhere in this thread.


March 24th, 2010, 05:39 PM
Looks nice!

March 24th, 2010, 07:06 PM
very nnice, I plan on putting an OBA system in my rig here pretty soon :D

March 24th, 2010, 07:20 PM
Here is a link to the stuff on the forum on OBA:


March 24th, 2010, 08:33 PM
ooooh.......shiny. Gotta do that upgrade one of these days too.


March 25th, 2010, 09:55 PM
I did an almost identical setup on one of my previous Scout II's. It was a total machine! I got a t-fitting, attached a portable tank to one end when needed, the air tools on the other end of the t-fitting, and I could do most anything I needed to! Not as good as a good home compressor, but for a trail compressor, it was hard to beat!

scout man
April 22nd, 2010, 11:07 PM
I picked up some "new" scout II leaf springs today, and also ordered some new bushings. Oh, and picked up so SSII mirrors from the same guy, they are the scout mirrors that mount on the windshield frame, so 1) I will have mirrors and 2) I can change out my doors without having to change mirrors ( I have hard enough time keeping on functional mirror).

Anyways, my rear springs sit pretty flat, so I plan to put these newer ones on and add in a couple of my old leaves to thicken them up as well, and the same with the front. When I built my rear perches I made a point of making the drivers side perch taller (to fight the natural scout lean), but since the front ones were store bought, this wasnt accommodated for. My plan is to cut an extra leaf or two pretty short and use it just as a spacer in the spring pack to level things out. This should put me level again, plus have more arch to my springs, and maybe stiffen them just a touch for better handling. The new bushings should go a really long way too, as the current ones are really rather non-existant.

scout man
May 5th, 2010, 09:53 PM
More upgrades. I finished my leaf springs and bushings. It is a LOT stiffer now, which is much much nicer on the road. I havnt really had a chance to try off road yet, but I did take it into the dirt for a few minutes, and I could still flex over the same stuff I could before, so I think it will turn out well.

The bushings made a HUGE difference too as the old ones were destroyed. Some of the inner sleeves were touching the outer sleeves. No pics of the springs cause I forgot, but I will post some tomorrow. The lean is completely gone now, and the dang thing sits even higher than it did before. Not necessarily intentional, but it will help with tire clearances tho.

I also tore apart the front end a put an aux fan on the radiator. I generally do fine temp wise, but if I am crawling real hard, or in deep mud or snow it can get a bit hot, and will be nice to be able to put more air through it. I have pics of this

The scout torn apart. I had to pull out the original AC components and put the fan in its place.

Fan placement.

Turns out I should have put the fan a little higher, as it was rubbing just a touch on the back of the grill, so I did some creative metal work. Still touches a bit, but doesnt really put any pressure on it.

and I got it put back together

I managed to finish the springs and do the fan today... nothing like 2 projects at once. Here is the front end torn apart... then my u bolts arived and I went back to leaf springs... mid projects

May 5th, 2010, 10:02 PM
Well done Steve, now you're ready for Moab!

scout man
May 5th, 2010, 10:08 PM
Sure am! That is the end of my necessary projects. I am going to see about getting my dual battery setup tomorrow morning though. For some reason my battery keeps dying right now when it sits, so I have a drain somewhere. Hopefully if I transfer all my aux stuff to the aux battery it will at least let me be able to start up the rig. If nothing else, I can jump start off my self.

May 6th, 2010, 09:06 AM
Just a question, and I dont mean to criticize, but should the fan go on the back side of the radiator? So that it pulls air thru the radiator, and does not block air flow?

That thing looks awesome, Ive always really liked old Scouts. PM me if you would like some help looking for that battery drain, I do that kind of stuff at work all day.

scout man
May 6th, 2010, 09:15 AM
You can set them up to either push or pull. I still have the stock engine fan on the other side that does a great job, but wanted something extra to switch on when I am pushing it hard and things start running hot. There is no room at all between the engine fan and radiator for another fan.
I wish I could have used a larger fan. I bought a 15" from chris that would have been perfect except it was just a little too deep. The only one I could find thin enough to fit in was a 12". Unfortunately I couldnt fit 2 of them in there side by side either.

Usually it only dies if it sits for a week or more without being run. Mostly that is because there are a few lights on my radio that never want to turn off. This started after hosing the mud off my dash one day. I am sure i can fix it if I dig in there and try. It keeps dying now because I havent had a chance to drive it long enough to truly charge the battery back up. Jumped it and drove it last night, but it was still only at like 10volts when I parked it. So it wont start again today.

May 6th, 2010, 09:37 AM
The way to chase down a drain is to take a DVM and disconnect the negative side of your battery and but the DVM in between. Set the DVM on amps and go thru the fused input, you should see the load on your battery, anything above .5 amps can drain your battery quickly (most newer vehicles will have a small draw for the ECU, and have accessories that shut down after 5 minutes or so). Start disconnecting any accessories that you have, and you will find the one/s that is causing the drain.

May 8th, 2010, 06:12 AM
You can set them up to either push or pull. I still have the stock engine fan on the other side that does a great job, but wanted something extra to switch on when I am pushing it hard and things start running hot. There is no room at all between the engine fan and radiator for another fan.
I wish I could have used a larger fan. I bought a 15" from chris that would have been perfect except it was just a little too deep. The only one I could find thin enough to fit in was a 12". Unfortunately I couldnt fit 2 of them in there side by side either.

If the fan can't work with the room you have, then here is another option:

Get another windshield washer with pump from a junk yard. Mount it wherever there is room. It doesn't have to mounted under the hood, either. Run a rubber line to a spray head that is mounted so that the spray will go down over the top front side of your radiator. Fill the reservoir with plain water. Whenever you start running hot, simply hit the switch (use a momentary on), water will spray over the radiator and cool it. Works pretty well.

I had much the same problems with a 80-81 Toyota I stuck a 302 in. I had cooling fans in front of the radiator, a big Griffen radiator and the engine temp would start to climb whenever I started to crawl for low periods of time. I remembered reading an old Willie Worthy article about using a windshield washer to cool it down and decided to try it. It worked pretty well.

Another thing you might want to check out is the double fans that are on Volvos and a couple of other foreign makes of passenger cars. They are very compact and put out a huge air flow. I wish I could remember what exact makes they are on(Mercedes also has a double fan set up, but you seldom see them in a yard....), but it has been awhile. Funrover was looking for a double set last year and I found some off of a couple of makes in a junkyard for pretty cheap. I was surprised at how compact (in all dimensions) that these were. Most of the foreign ones seem to be housed in a nice metal cage, too, rather than the plastic housing that a lot of American made fans are in.

scout man
May 8th, 2010, 10:36 AM
I never would have thought to try that Pete. I would have thought running cool/cold water over a hot metal could cause the radiator to crack.

May 8th, 2010, 10:37 AM
IIRC the Taurus has a dual fan that's popular with Cruiser folks.

scout man
May 8th, 2010, 12:38 PM

Dual battery setup:
(the red one is the secondary battery, with the isolator mounted next to it)
Here you can kind of see the fuse box mounted to the firewall in the top right. It looks like a mess, but I swear it is WAY cleaner than it used to be.

Yes, the new battery is not tied down at the moment. It will be, but for right now it fits so tight in that spot that it isnt going anywhere anyways. It will be fine to the moment, then before too long both batteries will be getting real tie downs.

Leaf springs:
Both of the fronts got an added main leaf, and one side got 2 cut down leaves simply as a spacer to help level out the rig.

and here is a rear pic. Note that although still somewhat flat, this is way more arch than the spring used to have, and about what they had right out of the factory.
Both rears received a second main leaf, and the add-a-leaf that was already in my old spring pack.

May 8th, 2010, 02:23 PM
the new battery is not tied down at the moment.

I suggest doing some redneck tie down before Moab. ;)

scout man
May 8th, 2010, 04:37 PM
yea, I will put something there, I am not real worried about it though to be honest with you. It is a real tight fit in there and there is absolutely no place for it to go, even on a rollover.

I just found out today that my tranny is slipping really bad too, which I am fairly certain is just a band adjustment, but I guess I will find out when I open it up. Better to discover this today though then thursday, or even wednesday night.

scout man
May 10th, 2010, 08:34 PM
got a chance to flex it out a bit today. Still flexes pretty well! These pics are not even at its limits, it has a ways left to go still.

May 10th, 2010, 10:52 PM
[QUOTE=Brody;103249]If the fan can't work with the room you have, then here is another option:

Get another windshield washer with pump from a junk yard. Mount it wherever there is room. It doesn't have to mounted under the hood, either. Run a rubber line to a spray head that is mounted so that the spray will go down over the top front side of your radiator. Fill the reservoir with plain water. Whenever you start running hot, simply hit the switch (use a momentary on), water will spray over the radiator and cool it.

I used to know a Guy that filled his with Jack Daniels and would mix drinks all day long! LOL

May 10th, 2010, 11:08 PM
Get another windshield washer with pump from a junk yard. Mount it wherever there is room. It doesn't have to mounted under the hood, either. Run a rubber line to a spray head that is mounted so that the spray will go down over the top front side of your radiator. Fill the reservoir with plain water. Whenever you start running hot, simply hit the switch (use a momentary on), water will spray over the radiator and cool it.

That sounds a lot like solution for keeping fuel pump access screws lubed I read in a Chris' "cutting a bigger hole in the floor" thread. Any other uses for old windshield washer pumps? :D

May 11th, 2010, 06:27 AM
That sounds a lot like solution for keeping fuel pump access screws lubed I read in a Chris' "cutting a bigger hole in the floor" thread. Any other uses for old windshield washer pumps? :D

Yeah. You want to de tune tail gaters a bit, get one off of an old school bus or large truck. These pumps are very powerful. Do the same momentary on switch and locate the reservoir towards the back of your rig. Run some small copper line so that it angles up and out if you locate it low, or down and out if you mount it high, pointed back and away from your rig. No need to run a spray head. Fill the reservoir with brake fluid (very nasty on paint) and when the DA who is crawling up your tail pipe doesn't get the hint when you tap your brakes, just give them a shot of good 'ol brake fluid across the front of their high dollar play toy...

I really don't like people who tail gate too much...

Don't knock it Rob. Both of these happen to work very well....

May 11th, 2010, 09:44 AM
just give them a shot of good 'ol brake fluid across the front of their high dollar play toy...

Or urine.
My friend did that, with his windshield thing pointing sideways, he shot pedestrians with the Protein-filled Yellow Smelly stuff.
: )

May 14th, 2010, 09:39 AM
Hey Steve...Just saw this and you are probably aware of it, but here it is again:

17th Annual Rocky Mountain Rendevous July 30th thru August 3rd in Fairplay. 303-838-8505 and www.rmihr.org.

I have been to a couple of these when they were held down by Sedalia(like 20 years ago) and they have some stellar rigs. They are also very well organized.

scout man
June 16th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Well, the dual battery setup does exactly what it was supposed to do. I was out of town for 2 weeks, and I just climbed in to fire it up. My secondary battery (which runs ALL auxillary stuff including radio, tach, etc) was completely dead, yet the starter battery had 100% full cranking power. Scout fired right up (once I got the gas flowing again that is). Now I just need to find what is draining the other battery.. although I suspect it to be the radio. Not as much of a priority now that it doesnt stop me from starting it after it sits.

scout man
August 13th, 2010, 03:18 PM
Ive neglected this thread for a while, so I will update. Just bought a new steering wheel today, which I have been wanting, since the stock one is 17" diameter, and that freaking huge for trying to manuever efficiently off road. The new one is 13,5". Waiting for the adapter kit to come in. SHould have it installed in a couple days. Will also be nice for getting in and out of my half doors. A little more room is good.

4.56 gears with a welded rear are hopefully going in next saturday. I cant wait to have them in. It is kind of holding me back from wheeling right now.

Also ordering a twin stick kit for my tcase. I could make them myself, but I think this time I will just order some nice premade ones where someone already figured out all the problems. For now I will install them without tearing the tcase apart, which SHOULD give me everything but front wheel drive low. Then when I can afford to regear the tcase I will do it all at once with new gears, new seals, and remove the pill that prevents Front low.

Next on the list... a paint job before winter. I dont have that all figured out yet, but it will be some form of bedliner paint job.

After that comes either the tire swing/exo start, or finishing the inside cage. I havnt decided yet on that one.

scout man
October 13th, 2010, 11:34 PM
I have a new exhaust system!! Maybe I should rephrase that.... I now have an exhaust system!!!

Went to AA performance Mufflers in englewood. I had heard many good things about them and they did not let me down. No, I do not have pics right now. But it is really pretty similar to the original, just shinier and with many less holes. Now hopefully I will not suffocate in the cab this winter when I put the full doors back on.

Also added on some stuff to my sliders, but that will come later, as I am not done, and dont like how they are right now. I will post that when I get it all figured out.

October 14th, 2010, 12:17 AM

scout man
October 14th, 2010, 12:35 AM
No, I do not have pics right now.

I will post that when I get it all figured out.

I tried to cut you guys off early on that one!! :D ill get them when I get them, you can be patient! you guys are worse than the :princess: at being patient!!! :funrover:


scout man
October 14th, 2010, 07:15 PM
alright, here are the pics. I got one side done how i like it, now I just need to weld the other side together. I tried at first to angle it up more, so it stopped just under the door, but it just looked like crap and didnt accomplish what I was hoping for. So here is the final product!!

October 14th, 2010, 07:17 PM
Nice. Looking good!

October 14th, 2010, 10:57 PM
A few of the build process pictures and a video.....


http://4hqaoa.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pQXtmcDJo-7aHBnvJ_31gJJNtcfIeuOURe7iFoXqfCxZV5MVncfUlTuNKm5e vPOwts4F46I-4B0yGoL14Zlsi-rOswRGODVQB/9.jpg?psid=1

hahaaa..........nice dog leash.....
http://4hqaoa.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pXeex0d0tUGMrYMRGO1l7ZcvdWsfYdRMDJ-iTvEgqfDopgO_FM72HCp3YM54VhBEvqcCnqbLNQ7PD2XKQEkMF 5WeJjRxJQ7XM/7.jpg?psid=1

Roxy approves.....

and a video of doing the bends with my bender....


It was nice to actually do some stuff with the bender. My projects have all been engine related lately, so its nice to do something a bit different.

October 14th, 2010, 11:32 PM
I don't remember seeing any updates about the 1/2 doors. That is nice work too! Congrats on the sliders. You won't regret those!

scout man
October 14th, 2010, 11:36 PM
Yea, the half doors were earlier this summer. I think they ended up in their own thread instead of on here.

The square tube part of these sliders have been here for a long time. This was my original intention when I started the project. Just never really had funds for the tube or access to a bender till Josh offered up both as his wedding present to me.

October 15th, 2010, 08:05 AM
Good to see the sliders on! That is something that will pay for itself very quickly.

October 15th, 2010, 08:39 AM
Well done Steve, sliders are on my very short list.

October 15th, 2010, 01:35 PM
Nice use of the tow strap.

October 15th, 2010, 04:48 PM
Geez the going green stuff has really gone to the dogs hahahaha

April 12th, 2013, 06:57 PM
SO what's new? I know you have done something...

April 12th, 2013, 09:06 PM
I can say I am researching/mapping out his TBI.

scout man
April 12th, 2013, 09:11 PM
haha, wow, way to put me on the spot. Looking back at this thread I guess it has been a while since I updated it!

Here as a pick of how it sits now, as I look back at this thread and figure out what all I have changed!

scout man
April 12th, 2013, 09:12 PM
and yes! Brad has agreed to help my with my fuel injection that has now been sitting on my garage floor for a year!

scout man
April 12th, 2013, 09:25 PM
So here is what I remember having done since this thread was updated, and I will try to find some pics or links to threads on here that I created for different projects.

Front winch bumper with Warn 8274 - Reveiver hitch mounted but looks permanent - upgraded motor on the winch http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?11934-scout-bumper-build

exo cage - 1.75" .120 wall made with Josh's bender. Ties through the body to attach to the pre-existing inner cage http://www.frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?12442-Scout-II-Exo-build

rear tire swing - dana 44 hub as hinge, swings open for normal operation, down to remove tire. Lockable
PAINT! - kept the same paint scheme, but brighter colors, spray paint job but looks alright.
Newer transmission, transfercase, waterpump, driveshafts (from Bill), Fan (now clutchless), thermostat, powersteering pump, mastercylinder, and probably more.
Suspension - completely rebuilt, rear springs from a 2500 suburban on the rear, and rear springs from a k5 on the front. Moved the front hangers onto the front bumper to move the axle further forward.
Upgraded to 37" tires from 35s.

April 12th, 2013, 10:00 PM
So you haven't done a thing!! HAHAHA!!

April 13th, 2013, 05:58 AM
So you haven't done a thing!! HAHAHA!!

:lmao: Good job Steve!

April 13th, 2013, 12:10 PM
Better get some pics up soon or the vultures'll be nippin' atcha!:D

April 14th, 2013, 09:54 AM

scout man
April 14th, 2013, 10:20 PM
I posted two hole threads of pictures you lazy bums!!

Ill put some up at some point, been working around the clock though, so not right now

April 14th, 2013, 11:52 PM
I haven't posted a single pic of the wifey's S-10 SAS, so don't even worry 'bout it!

April 16th, 2013, 04:55 PM
I haven't posted a single pic of the wifey's S-10 SAS, so don't even worry 'bout it!

and wassup with that?

scout man
April 16th, 2013, 05:27 PM

April 16th, 2013, 05:30 PM
and wassup with that?

I'm a busy frickin' bum, what can I say! I usually don't quit 'till I can't keep my eye's open anymore and taking time to snap pics and post 'em would take me forever.

scout man
April 16th, 2013, 05:34 PM

scout man
April 16th, 2013, 05:41 PM
forgot about new alternator, and relocating steering box

scout man
April 16th, 2013, 05:51 PM

scout man
April 16th, 2013, 05:56 PM

April 16th, 2013, 06:20 PM
Man the beast is looking great!

April 16th, 2013, 07:54 PM
looking sweet steve! thanx for the pixs :D

April 16th, 2013, 08:59 PM
Nice work! At least you didn't roll it flexing it out on the trailer ramp. :)

scout man
April 16th, 2013, 08:59 PM