View Full Version : my younger years...

scout man
March 20th, 2009, 11:02 PM
Alright, so I grew up in the hills outside of St. Louis. http://www.buchananmudfest.com/ This is a link to the place I spent most of my high school life. It is a 1000 acre "farm" (a missouri farm, which means nothing grows, except maybe some cows) with the Meremac river running along the edge. Twice a year they spend a week flooding one of their fields with river water in order to host a 3,500 person mud event. To give you a taste of where I come from, the 25 cent power was place by my parents house has a permanent sign stating that "all mudders must use bays 1 and 2." Check out the video links on the left had side of that link. That was our form of off-roading... when all you really have around is mud, rigs turn out a little different! I spent just about everyweekend out at this place camping and shooting and hosting demolition derbies with junk yard cars, and usually getting muddy. Enjoy the videos!

scout man
March 20th, 2009, 11:06 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB1OjQe_iqs&feature=related also, this has a great areal shot of the place right at the begining of it, to give you and idea of the scale...

March 21st, 2009, 01:25 AM
this is how it was in florida, in the swamp areas...fun in the sun , chics, beer and rednecks!

March 21st, 2009, 04:22 AM
Thanks for the videos and the write up! Great to know a little more about the folks on the site! SCRUBICON also grew up in a 'mudders' 4x area.

Randy...Florida? Me, too...., though I would say the 'rednecks' are from Jacksonville north and everything south is just sort of alien....though there are areas of redneckness..

March 21st, 2009, 10:16 AM
my family is from mudbug country in southern loiusana were there is nothing but mud and knew nothing about mountian wheeling or rocks

March 21st, 2009, 08:36 PM
STL.... I know that area! My mothers side is from there!