View Full Version : makes me mad

March 26th, 2009, 12:42 PM
i try to take my kidz whereever i ever i go. including on teusday because Sarah had 4 post put in her jaw she was in major pain. even in the past i take my kids by myself to give Sarah a break. im tired of people looking at me strangly or saying how nice that i have visition rights during the week. its really bad on the weekends.

March 26th, 2009, 01:08 PM
Wow! Some people have quite the nerve. It's really sad we've torn down the family structure to the point where now broken families are the norm. I'd prolly look at whoever is talking to me and say apparently you needed another parent to tech you courtesy.

March 26th, 2009, 05:25 PM
damn that is sad man! but the reality of it is that the majority of people are accustomed to divorces and such, the thing they dont realize is that it is they who make or break a marrieage (men and woman alike)

March 26th, 2009, 05:31 PM
that would make me really angry. I often take my kids places with me too, but have never had anyone make a comment like that. I am not sure what I would do if someone said that to me while I had the kids, you can bet I wouldnt be happy though.

March 26th, 2009, 05:53 PM
Things don't change much, I was Mr. Mom back in the 80's when my kids were born and got so tired of it I had t-shirts made. They said "I'm not babysitting, I'm a father"

Nobody said a thing after that though I did sell quite a few.

March 27th, 2009, 08:06 AM
Never being one to be polite and PC, I wouldn't have kept my mouth shut. But, then again, I have never had to set an example for kids, either, nor could I ever get behind the 'peace, love, dove, turn the other cheek' crap. Probably would've been something like "Let me park the kids for a moment and let's you and me step outside and you can repeat what you said there..."

People need to mind their own damn business...

March 27th, 2009, 10:48 AM
People need to mind their own damn business...

exactly..."mind your own business, and you'll be busy all the time."

March 27th, 2009, 04:31 PM
Never being one to be polite and PC, I wouldn't have kept my mouth shut. But, then again, I have never had to set an example for kids, either, nor could I ever get behind the 'peace, love, dove, turn the other cheek' crap. Probably would've been something like "Let me park the kids for a moment and let's you and me step outside and you can repeat what you said there..."

People need to mind their own damn business...

im with brody i think political correctness is an excuse for people who cant handle the plain truth to be excluded from being told they need to put the lardcakes down, get off their arse and excersize. That is if they are complaining that they are fat and overweight... for example.

our society is getting too "sensitive" sooner or later were going to be living in a telle tubby world.

But yes people need to mind their own business.

March 27th, 2009, 10:54 PM
I think people do not have a clear understanding of when to tend to their own affairs and when to be involved.

Example: Too many will call me an ignorant Earth-hating slob for driving a vehicle that is appropriate for my interests and family hauling needs while insisting they are tolerant and non-judgmental, but didn't do a thing on an airplane when some trashy lush was slapping her kids around for bothering her while she was sucking down drinks.

March 27th, 2009, 11:01 PM
That is crazy, I can't believe people say that