View Full Version : Organize a Run

March 30th, 2009, 09:48 AM
Unlike most other groups we don't have a designated member who organizes runs. Anyone can organize a run at anytime with as little or as much lead time as is appropriate.

Obviously the more lead time the better the odds of a greater turnout but don't underestimate spur of the moment runs. If you decide on Friday that you want to run trail x on Saturday, post it up!

There are only a few requirements:

1. Give a specific trail, date & time and meeting place.
2. Post it in this forum by clicking the "Start a new Thread" button
3. Add it to the calendar by clicking "Calendar" in the navigation menu above.
4. Add a link to your Trail Run post to the Calendar by cutting and pasting the URL. Using the RSVP option is a good idea to show who can be expected to show up.

You can post a "feeler" thread to see if others would be interested in a certain type of run. For example if you want a weekend camping run, a scenic run or a rock crawling run, post it up and see if anyone else is interested. Once it's determined that there is interest add it to the calendar.

If you're not sure how to use the calendar read this: http://frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4269

Of course it's expected you'll follow all expectations of the club while doing a run - remember you're representing Front Range 4x4.

The only type of run that I can think of that is not appropriate would be a vehicle specific run. No "Model X Only Run" simply because that defies what we're about. If you want to run with trucks like yours please do so with the local "Model X Club" instead.


May 1st, 2010, 06:14 PM
Update on the way to organize a run.

Post in this forum (Trail Run Planning) to gather interest. Once it looks like it's a go create a new thread in the Planned Trail Runs forum.

You'll see the RSVP form which you fill out including the specific trail, date & time and meeting place. Any additional information that you think would be helpful.

Make sure that you immediately add yourself via the RSVP.

The RSVP will remain as the first post and the thread works just like any other after that first post.


May 20th, 2017, 10:56 AM
Another tidbit to what Chris has listed.

The Calendar is for Front Range 4x4 runs. It is not a place where we list runs for other groups. They have their process for run coordination.

On a rare day there might be some cross-group interaction. When that happens we might have some mention or discussion in the "General 4x4" forum (not Planning or Planned).

It is not forbidden to mention a run of another group (one reason is that there might be a larger, multi-group goal of some trail event - cleanup or maintenance) but in my experience, it is rare.

Pulled from another post (the general process, rehashed):

There are two types of run discussions: 1) I'm going on X trail on Y day - who's coming with me? and 2) I'm looking for some type of trail sometime soon - let's talk it out.

Someone who is interested in running a trail starts a thread in "Planning". The discussion will start from one of the two options mentioned. It gets discussed and when there is enough interest for X trail on Y day then someone (typically the person starting the process) creates a new thread in "Planned" and puts it up onto the "Calendar".

The first post in Planned states the details of the run. X trail on Y day. Meeting at Z location (often in a place that has cell service - but not required) @ time and any other important tidbits. Much of that detail is included in the Calendar posting. The person creating the Calendar posting also RSVP's as a "Yes" if they are going.

The often lengthy "Planning" thread dies down. People RSVP a Yes/No/Maybe onto the "Calendar" so that the run organizer knows who to expect at the trailhead (everyone's here - let's go!). Last minute details get listed in the "Planned" thread which is often clean and easy to read.