View Full Version : Pole/Bunce/Ironclads Sunday 4/19

April 19th, 2009, 06:01 PM
Had a blast, Family had a blast and met the usual GREAT people from FR4x4!
Claiming the first 50yards of trail as mine and Brody's


April 19th, 2009, 06:19 PM
How come those icy little off camber sections that had both of us trying to head down into the trees always look like a flat parking lot in the pictures...

Yeah...three of us made it about 50 feet farther than where this picture was taken. This section bit Joe and damn near ate me..it kept getting icier...

Oh yeah...I will most certainly take issue with the first person I hear that ever puts a Sammi down. I was tugged out by a Sammi on my first stuck...Joe was tugged out by a Sammi. And....get this...a little old 2500lb soaking wet Sammi helped Randy unstick Randy's 9,000lb rig..Everyone got some pictures of this...it was sweet

We bailed on Pole Hill due to the deep snow and lack of anything other than ski tracks past where I stopped moving forward and headed to run Bunce. randy had developed a bad vibration in his Dodge, so a few of us stopped to take a look. The carrier bearing was toasted and getting worse, so we hammered it back into place and LaDawn, Joe and I followed Randy back to town.

Some of my pictures to follow tomorrow AM

April 19th, 2009, 06:21 PM
we had a pretty full day of this


April 19th, 2009, 06:26 PM
not so flat

April 19th, 2009, 06:26 PM
Yeah the carrier bearing wasnt that expensinve, $40 at advance auto and it will be here tomorrow 11am. I was able to make it home, truck is driveable but i dont trust it until its fixed.

Forgot to mention that i pulled joe "through" the snow pack from where he got stuck and it was me that made you get of trail even more...lol ooops sry! It was a good day either way and i found that my first task is getting my winch mounted before anything else as it could have made a big difference today. And big thanks to Pete and Joe who followed me home to ensure i made it, THANK YOU!!

And yes the sammi's kicked AZZ today!! I was packing the snow down into ice and was having problems with traction as well.

April 19th, 2009, 06:29 PM
not so flat

pete wanted to make a new trail...

April 19th, 2009, 06:33 PM
I think we were lacking a few more, cables, ropes, straps, and maybe a few big trees for anchor points

April 19th, 2009, 07:22 PM

April 19th, 2009, 07:32 PM
looked like fun .wished i coulldhave made it. two snow runs this weeknd both with a lot of towing and winching.

April 19th, 2009, 07:42 PM
looked like fun .wished i coulldhave made it. two snow runs this weeknd both with a lot of towing and winching.

Can you tell we all want to get out and play LOL

April 19th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Looked to be another adventurous time guys! Bummed I missed out...

April 19th, 2009, 07:52 PM
looks like fun!

April 19th, 2009, 08:16 PM
there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over. On the way back down I ran into the same group the older guy in the lead Jeep backed down to where there was a flat opening so I could get over. We are talking almost waste deep snow here I looked around to make sure there was a wench point on the other side of the trail I could reach before I pulled off. The older guy in the lead Jeep told me "don't worry we won't leave you stranded, go ahead and pull off and we will get you back up on the trail" Well the last Jeep was the Bi*ch that said to just run over us. And sure enough off they went never to even look back. So out I went with my snatch strap and wench cable and wenched myself back up on the trail. I had a great time sunburned my head to the point it hurts to blink, my work shoes may be DOA, my bad right shoulder is not good must of pulled a cable or two with the wrong arm, got stuck on a up hill because I didn't "give it hell", the wife never did get out( at 5 foot 1 can you blame her the snow in spots might of been deeper then her) . By the time I got back down to the road everyone was gone. Stopped in at Jerry D's for a couple of beers and a plate of *****'n nachos and got home about 5:00. Unloaded and re-rapped the wench cable, walked the dogs and sitting here drinking a nice Sauza Margarita laughing and reliving the day. We have a great bunch of guys here and I had a blast. The only regret was not being down at the bottom to help Brutus with his problem.

April 19th, 2009, 08:16 PM
Great ride today, pleasure meetin all you folks.

April 19th, 2009, 08:21 PM
Great stuff guys, really sorry I missed the fun. How many of you were there?


April 19th, 2009, 08:23 PM
Sorry to hear you met some real Jerks... You will get that. I am glad you all had a great time...

KEEP THE PICS COMING... I see some on the road and havn't seen their trail pics yet

April 19th, 2009, 08:38 PM
[QUOTE=billsbar;31778]there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over.

Wow....and I thought that you guys were having fun as we decided to head back down the hill and miss out...These kind of people can take a hike...on city streets and well off the trails... I bet that if you looked on Colorado 4x4s posts for trail runs tomorrow, you will see a trail report of Bunce school by this bunch...Sorry to hear that you had the misfortune to run into people like this...Where were the other two Sammis that were with you? Is there really some logic behind laws that say you can't put large holes in people even if it would do them and everyone around them some immediate good?

And why does my truck seem to have a propensity for going nose down so much? I realize that it has nothing to do with the driver, but every time I seem to get stuck lately, I am pointed downhill with my rear tires starting to go into the air...That was one slick section...Thanks everyone for the help out! It was pretty fun....

April 19th, 2009, 08:38 PM
I carried my personal photographer with, he took some interesting shots:

April 19th, 2009, 08:41 PM

April 19th, 2009, 08:43 PM
Now there is something you don't see every day...

April 19th, 2009, 08:45 PM

April 19th, 2009, 08:46 PM

April 19th, 2009, 08:46 PM
[QUOTE=billsbar;31778]there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over.

Wow....and I thought that you guys were having fun as we decided to head back down the hill and miss out...These kind of people can take a hike...on city streets and well off the trails... I bet that if you looked on Colorado 4x4s posts for trail runs tomorrow, you will see a trail report of Bunce school by this bunch of assholes...bunch of pig dicks...Sorry to hear that you had the misfortune to run into people like this...Where were the other two Sammis that were with you?

And why does my truck seem to have a propensity for going nose down so much? I realize that it has nothing to do with the driver, but every time I seem to get stuck lately, I am pointed downhill with my rear tires starting to go into the air...That was one slick section...Thanks everyone for the help out! It was pretty fun....

the other 2 Sami's were still up on the hill, I headed back to see what happened to the rest of you. It wasn't a big deal and it was expected thats why I made sure before I pulled off I would be able to get myself back on the trail.

April 19th, 2009, 08:58 PM
I led the way up Bunce, figured there were enough hands in the fix the big rig game. We got to the bottom of the Ironclads trail (trail 216) and I ran into a nice group of folks there. I guess is was me, Jim (camo tracker), Haiku (red sami) Bills Barr (other red sami), white rover, Ace/Andy (gray sami). I kept in contact with the folks back at the start, my radio stayed in contact with the diesel radio nicely. A few turned back at this point and myself, Andy, and Haiku (Josh) took on the Ironclads trail.

That was quite fun with lots of tire spinning and snow throwing. KB came in from the East side entrance after assisting the Dodge and caught up to us.

Andy got the king of the hill award and we tried to get as far as we could and then turned aroung and came back out. I guess we exited the East entrance at about 5:30 or so. Great fun.


April 19th, 2009, 08:58 PM
GREAT PICS!!!! I like the one where Pete's rig is being dug out.... and not by Pete hahahahahaha....

April 19th, 2009, 09:09 PM
GREAT PICS!!!! I like the one where Pete's rig is being dug out.... and not by Pete hahahahahaha....

Respect your elders Funrover. :tsk:

I look forward to you guys digging me out someday. :D

April 19th, 2009, 09:14 PM
LMAO!! Brody has more than earned the right.. I just found it comical. And I will help dig you out.... as soon as I quit digging myself in

April 19th, 2009, 09:14 PM
there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over. On the way back down I ran into the same group the older guy in the lead Jeep backed down to where there was a flat opening so I could get over. We are talking almost waste deep snow here I looked around to make sure there was a wench point on the other side of the trail I could reach before I pulled off. The older guy in the lead Jeep told me "don't worry we won't leave you stranded, go ahead and pull off and we will get you back up on the trail" Well the last Jeep was the Bi*ch that said to just run over us. And sure enough off they went never to even look back. So out I went with my snatch strap and wench cable and wenched myself back up on the trail. I had a great time sunburned my head to the point it hurts to blink, my work shoes may be DOA, my bad right shoulder is not good must of pulled a cable or two with the wrong arm, got stuck on a up hill because I didn't "give it hell", the wife never did get out( at 5 foot 1 can you blame her the snow in spots might of been deeper then her) . By the time I got back down to the road everyone was gone. Stopped in at Jerry D's for a couple of beers and a plate of *****'n nachos and got home about 5:00. Unloaded and re-rapped the wench cable, walked the dogs and sitting here drinking a nice Sauza Margarita laughing and reliving the day. We have a great bunch of guys here and I had a blast. The only regret was not being down at the bottom to help Brutus with his problem.

If i was there with yall i would have run those damn jeeps over or at least bully my way past them forcing them off the road.. inconsiderate bastards... i would have opened my mouth and prolly gotten into a fight... some people are just plain ole female cats, (p word, tryin to keep it cleanish..) that sheet just chaps my hyde. i would have told them to move over as i have no recovery gear and if they didnt i would have sat there staring at them... lol

April 19th, 2009, 09:16 PM
[QUOTE=billsbar;31778]there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over.

Wow....and I thought that you guys were having fun as we decided to head back down the hill and miss out...These kind of people can take a hike...on city streets and well off the trails... I bet that if you looked on Colorado 4x4s posts for trail runs tomorrow, you will see a trail report of Bunce school by this bunch...Sorry to hear that you had the misfortune to run into people like this...Where were the other two Sammis that were with you? Is there really some logic behind laws that say you can't put large holes in people even if it would do them and everyone around them some immediate good?

And why does my truck seem to have a propensity for going nose down so much? I realize that it has nothing to do with the driver, but every time I seem to get stuck lately, I am pointed downhill with my rear tires starting to go into the air...That was one slick section...Thanks everyone for the help out! It was pretty fun....

need to reposition your gravity well closer to the back of the cab...

April 19th, 2009, 09:20 PM
Well I screwed up... Somehow I wrote down a meeting time of 10:00, so there I was at 10 and noone else. I rechecked the forum on my phome and sure enough I was an hour late. So I went alone.

I went up Bunce from the hwy 7 side first of all. I ran into a bunch of people that woulld rather not look at me twice. There were several 4-wheelers (the ATV kind) and a Doge with chain and a jeep hooked to his bumper about the whole time. There was also a lilttle subaru something jacked up with cutout fenders and road tires with chains on the front. So I left them after waiting for them to move just a little bit.

I went back and came in Bunce from the school side. I ran into a nice group of folks... 4 Jeeps and 2 Yotas counting mine. We had a big cherokee up front breaking trail and got to the gate at the end. I think Swath came up behind us just as we were leaving at the intersection of ironclad.

Sorry to miss you guys, but I still managed to have fun!

April 19th, 2009, 09:25 PM

April 19th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Well I screwed up... Somehow I wrote down a meeting time of 10:00, so there I was at 10 and noone else. I rechecked the forum on my phome and sure enough I was an hour late. So I went alone.

I went up Bunce from the hwy 7 side first of all. I ran into a bunch of people that woulld rather not look at me twice. There were several 4-wheelers (the ATV kind) and a Doge with chain and a jeep hooked to his bumper about the whole time. There was also a lilttle subaru something jacked up with cutout fenders and road tires with chains on the front. So I left them after waiting for them to move just a little bit.

I went back and came in Bunce from the school side. I ran into a nice group of folks... 4 Jeeps and 2 Yotas counting mine. We had a big cherokee up front breaking trail and got to the gate at the end. I think Swath came up behind us just as we were leaving at the intersection of ironclad.

Sorry to miss you guys, but I still managed to have fun!

they the people with the ATV's and the dodge dragging the jeep met up with us. I thought the jeep was dead but it turns out it kept getting stuck and the big chained up dodge got tired of pulling it out so it hooked it up to that big ol rope and left it on. We talked to them looked like they were having a good time. Didn't see the Subaru but the Jeep guys sound like the ones who left me to fend for myself. A big Cherokee a really nice custom blue Jeep ( the old Guy) the bi*ch in the topless door less Jeep and a few others. Shame you missed us it was a good time.

April 19th, 2009, 11:19 PM
thats why im glad i found this place imm tired of the rudeness out there.

April 19th, 2009, 11:21 PM
thats why im glad i found this place imm tired of the rudeness out there.


April 20th, 2009, 06:05 AM
LaDawn and I are tired of the rudeness we found, too. That is why this is such a great group!
And Randy...I am with you on the anti attitude. I would've had your back, dude...I don't deal well with this stuff either and haven't been known to back down from confrontations....I usually step right up...
As far as pictures of me watching someone else dig my truck out...well, everybody that knows me, knows that I usually shy away from anything that resembles work...whether it is shoveling, pulling cable, grinding, wrenching, welding, etc...so what can I say??I am just a plain and simple lazy *******...
This you can see from the picture that LaDawn took of me and Randy napping under his truck...BTW, he is also a lazy *******..just harder to catch on film than I am....

Great pictures of the Sammis at work! Gotta get the Sammi hooked up to the big Dodge picture posted, too. That was classic!

Here are some we took, including one of the very rare and seldom photographed short legged Wapiti...Oh...and the last one, which I think I will simply title "The can as befits the man"...:lol:

April 20th, 2009, 06:13 AM
Some more...the mountain shot in the previous is Mt Ypsilon. The snow/climbing picture I posted awhile back from the 70s (when I actually had hair) was taken about half way up the big snow field/coulier in the center of the face...

April 20th, 2009, 06:15 AM
And the last:

April 20th, 2009, 06:35 AM
Great pics brody... I never got a look at your smokin dude, I noticed something there. That is a great one.

April 20th, 2009, 06:41 AM
It is a model of one of Todd MacFarlane's comic characters. He is the artist that did the Spawn stuff and I found it in a comic book shop looking for a Pinhead (from Hell Raiser) model. Turns out Pinhead is a very hard to find collectors thing, so I settled for this guy. Stuck him in a puddle of silicone about 4 years ago, figured he would stay on about 3 months max, and he has been there ever since...he has just lost a few cigarettes from his mouth...used to have 3 more, so I guess he is quitting smoking.....

Nice to know that my rear winch isn't working, too...Last time I used it was not that long ago to rewind the cable...as someone mentioned..."It worked fine then because you weren't stuck and didn't need it" How true, how true....Check every other damn thing before I go out, never thought that one of my winches would take a vacation just sitting on my truck....

Gecko Cycles
April 20th, 2009, 07:32 AM
I was surprised that Haku was waiting for me with Andy at LH trailead. I was 15 mins late and had some heart raising driving experience getting to the trailhead with about loosing it a couple of time on the icy roads.
We went up LH and then did 286D, moving a few felled trees and cutting through fresh snow once again. I wish we could of played more there but we had to make this trip that was planned so we left nearly at the top.
Here are a few vids we took.

Waiting at Bunce School to help out Randy and was wondering why everyone just left him. Later after I said we need some tools being the Sammy has mostly metric shat a couple showed up to help.
I missed the ride with you all up Bunce. There was some confusion being there were 2 groups on Channel 4 and I thought some were turnign around and then someone said that they were not coming back down the same way so I came in from the East end where I also met with 3 rude well equipped big tire guys as I was spinning up the trail. They kept coming down until our noses met. I thought the uphill traffic has the right of way. Any way I pulled into the snow bank and let the holes pass. They also said that they wouldn't leave me stuck but never saw them after I let them go by. I saw and talked to the Sub with the chains. They were cool and they recognized me from Colo4x4.

I made it up to the other 3 Sammy's and was surprised that there was no one else in the group. I guess Sammy's have to break virgin snow! It was really cool and a good workout. Very surprised that there were no tracks with all the big rigs I saw.

Had some Japanese food with Josh in Boulder and made it home at 7:30. Another long day in the saddle. 6 am to 7:30 pm. I even had .5 gals left in the tank! LOL

April 20th, 2009, 07:51 AM
Waiting at Bunce School to help out Randy and was wondering why everyone just left him.

We had problems sorting out who was having driveshaft problems, and didn't see Randy or you behind us, which is why LaDawn and I came back down to help out. There was way too much traffic on channel 4 to be able to sort it out..

There was some confusion being there were 2 groups on Channel 4 and I thought some were turning around and then someone said that they were not coming back down the same way so I came in from the East end where I also met with 3 rude well equipped big tire guys as I was spinning up the trail. They kept coming down until our noses met.

The big tire rigs didn't happen to be a bunch of high horse power Broncos on 40s did they? We have run into them before in the winter on Bunce and, other than having some nice rigs, thought that they ware a bunch of total holes...rude, ignorant of trail protocol and manners, and ...well...just a**holes in general....People like that can spoil your day if you let 'em...probably have political aspirations, too...

And yes, I always though that uphill rigs had right of way, providing that the down hill rigs didn't have sweet turn outs really handy...

Gecko Cycles
April 20th, 2009, 08:03 AM
Yea one was a open Bronco or Scout and 2 heeps. All had like 38 to 40"ers.

I backed up to a wide spot and tucked my A** into the snow bank to let them by. In all honesty it was no big deal and there was probably better spot for me to let tehm by then for them to back up hill in the single track.

I was bummed a bit not to have got to see Billsbar hit something more than just a dirt road, so I guess he is still just a wheeling myth to me. LOL.

No trip reports on Colo4x but there was post by the Sub with chains on the staging area.

April 20th, 2009, 08:19 AM
[QUOTE=Gecko Cycles;31977]Yea one was a open Bronco or Scout and 2 heeps. All had like 38 to 40"ers.

Sounds like the same crew. When we ran into them, it was a Bronco, a Scout and a Jeep, too..big horse power, big tires, big attitudes, tear the trail up mentality, extremely low IQs (like around ambient room temperature on a cold day)..Luckily for most of us down here that they are up from around the Ft Collins area...

There is another group around with really well built XJs that are the same way...high dollar rigs, every bolt on and high tech/high dollar goody known to mankind, and a bunch of ignorant clowns...You actually see posts about that last group on a lot of sites, including some Utah sites..all stating pretty much the same thing "Who the hell are these clowns with the XJs? They did this and that. They were the rudest buch of f**nuts I have ever ran into, etc, etc.."

Basically the kind of people that we are all trying to get away from by being here...

April 20th, 2009, 08:26 AM
[QUOTE=Gecko Cycles;31977]Yea one was a open Bronco or Scout and 2 heeps. All had like 38 to 40"ers.

Sounds like the same crew. When we ran into them, it was a Bronco, a Scout and a Jeep, too..big horse power, big tires, big attitudes, tear the trail up mentality, extremely low IQs (like around ambient room temperature on a cold day)..Luckily for most of us down here that they are up from around the Ft Collins area...

There is another group around with really well built XJs that are the same way...high dollar rigs, every bolt on and high tech/high dollar goody known to mankind, and a bunch of ignorant clowns...You actually see posts about that last group on a lot of sites, including some Utah sites..all stating pretty much the same thing "Who the hell are these clowns with the XJs? They did this and that. They were the rudest buch of f**nuts I have ever ran into, etc, etc.."

Basically the kind of people that we are all trying to get away from by being here...
I think I'll fit in here quite well:thunb: I have a very modest, if not strange, personality.

April 20th, 2009, 10:26 AM
Very cool

April 20th, 2009, 10:30 AM
It was a really good day we had yesterday. I'm definitely bummed about Randy having issues with his truck, and I would definitely have stopped to help if I had known that was the case. Guess I need to get a good working CB so I know whats happening and don't have to bogart Randy's backup handheld (I can bring that by your place anytime by the way Randy).

Seems like it was first in last out for the Samurai crew yesterday. We got quite a ways up the Bunce trail, with Andy breaking trail. He really put those lockers and 1.6 motor to good use. Most of the pics I took yesterday were of the LHC part, since I was either out helping people get unstuck or waiting for them to catch up. I'll post up a few here and the rest you can see at:


Left hand didn't quite as much snow, but it was steeper and twisty and alot of fun. Here are the pics:

We had the most snow at 5 points. Lots of people slid off on the road up to it.http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p2opAgpHE7BxAorV_OhbA48QKixTIh22iXYzJ2TdoI9q5ReJ UMCnMwPOzHbNKYXOo3xxhbVVjjNPrNjpHdckY5Pbcw4ompnQe/1.jpg

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p5h77XVCFZJXVmczVSHzKsnMq0yHa6OYkSl2ikOE4vc4s_jh vs8KL3QNSJiTaXWZXFFbqxe_cUpGRsiu9K9uKbVn9SD4UCVUR/2.jpg

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pj9vvGDrG0iDlIWNUkIbWyVlk7VcpDd6Y6Ax57LSSPnC3118 xN29SO2bKvcu9W5iUMr5iOe37-o9iAjktMT6d4pbqQuP5m7B0/3.jpg

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p4ig0wSzMUpjyD6hG3vFe1sVme8LgcTaZSqkHCbNbDY4CisY 5dKoEsUZUHJv_fjroBbKaTx1dIsT1JVOWxwjkNBaPUVSW5ii7/5.jpg

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p30uhcitB4T41hFwe_wYcYh5kLSLmfj-ysyq3ACNlxqNnbf1QTBhHMnsPZs9mkwdobmf3BVa4dN6kddLb7 dFCNEkTI6ljJ2JV/6.jpg

April 20th, 2009, 10:35 AM
There are jerks in every crowd, don't let em ruin your days....

I have wheeled with a crew from CO4x4 and the fellers I met there were great.

I have wheeled with a crew from the Colorado chapter of NAXJA (Jeep Cherokees) and they were great.

The fellers I spoke with on Bunce Sunday were good folks just enjoying the snow like we were.

All I'm saying is, don't let a few bad apples ruin you opinion of the groups or at least everyone in the group. Most of us just like to wheel. Usually the jerks are the most outspoken and make a bad impression for the club on a whole. Let's not be them.....

April 20th, 2009, 10:35 AM
The Upper Carnage 286D trail was a lot of fun and was just enough challenge to be hard to get up but doable. Like KB said, the main trail has some off camber parts that would probably have slid us right off the trail. Some more pics:

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pjejp05Ep2xcgOMqYmIrxNzDDZcUcmIyBsNv0HqXVHL7gA11 0gxX5VY90-q2J4LwzYUxdvsRfc0uKJBBaGF3ExghWc7myW-j1/7.jpg


Pulling one of several trees out of the way (this one was a big one and required a strap, the others we just pushed out of the way)
http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pJjry868CDcArxpDqOXKmXspfhRF2ab6FEp7niOWtUHgSKJj Q815q4Jx7sv483mfZmbadCFlxX8EAgfzCMRIWbCRIVRtjGpMH/9.jpg

You can see it on the side next to Andy
http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pblwU6Nhoq_5hdFX9nNG_ZRC_DG-RUIGzSk8-3DTpmqqLpsn14Q_1zIGl_d53BoK6SWYGzPDx9GNNPqvDHmfMvm pGKYunoRvd/10.jpg

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pVInn6VF6QLvvIAjKBIo3oet23CWKeE9eM3MhoSnubcsuQqi Tjb_cxjagD0h4YGWZQ9r1y1lmJB1G1c7jhhloyvZvEv1tNpCt/11.jpg


April 20th, 2009, 10:39 AM
A few pics of the run up Bunce once everyone else went home. Andy made it the furthest up, but the rest of us couldn't get up the last hill that he made it up. Sorry Jeff, I didn't get a picture of ya.

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pnwgXHH4Eexb9rALu6cI2KyupcubV6LSN_xU4h8Q7vlp1TwT 7LKgsQMXs8XtWhCe2O_Rvg1ldQrv_szsm6ZowIw/13.jpg

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p8fymtXdV2TX6Mr-7Q_pfg9_4XwirNoOM0FZyCkGAkIzlHpI5hzcT1uAmTjmp2oUnp ukPRRxxwo2xGRlKYSsX0g/14.jpg

Hope you like em. Promise I'll get some of more people next time. Doesn't help when we are all spread out like that.


April 20th, 2009, 10:41 AM
All I'm saying is, don't let a few bad apples ruin you opinion of the groups or at least everyone in the group. Most of us just like to wheel. Usually the jerks are the most outspoken and make a bad impression for the club on a whole. Let's not be them.....

Well put Swath!


April 20th, 2009, 10:42 AM
Sorry Jeff, I didn't get a picture of ya.

http://29iucw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p8fymtXdV2TX6Mr-7Q_pfg9_4XwirNoOM0FZyCkGAkIzlHpI5hzcT1uAmTjmp2oUnp ukPRRxxwo2xGRlKYSsX0g/14.jpg


That looks just like me right there.....

April 20th, 2009, 10:49 AM
Well put Swath!


Yes, well put, and certainly a better attitude than mine when I see or hear about this stuff with other wheelers. I have not become especially tolerant as I get older, but hell, I wasn't really tolerant of crap when I was younger either...it has just gotten a bit worse over the years....

Thanks for the reminder to look at things from a slightly better perspective! It may not help me, but the reminder doesn't hurt!

April 20th, 2009, 11:03 AM
Yes, well put, and certainly a better attitude than mine when I see or hear about this stuff with other wheelers. I have not become especially tolerant as I get older, but hell, I wasn't really tolerant of crap when I was younger either...it has just gotten a bit worse over the years....

Thanks for the reminder to look at things from a slightly better perspective! It may not help me, but the reminder doesn't hurt!

I'm not suggesting that we don't call a jerk a jerk when we see them, nor am I saying not to confront them in the act. If I pull a dumb a$$ move I should be called on it. I'm just sugesting that we don't jump on the "bash the club bandwagon" because of an individual's or small group's actions. And, yes, their actions do reflect badly on their club, my hope is that their own club would try to police the morons.

April 20th, 2009, 11:11 AM
man did this thread take a turn from where it was going and I'm at fault, lets get back to what this was all about. A great bunch of people out for the day playing in the snow, and I for one had a great time and learned some things about my Roid or at least my driving it in deap snow which hadn't been done before with the set up I have now. And I want to thank everyone for making me and my wife feel welcome.
And yes KB I guess I'm still a myth :lol:

:cheers: to everyone

April 20th, 2009, 11:15 AM

April 20th, 2009, 11:30 AM
This you can see from the picture that LaDawn took of me and Randy napping under his truck...BTW, he is also a lazy *******..just harder to catch on film than I am....

i was well trained.... GO ARMY!!! we actually used to do that in the motor pool, slide under a running hummer in the morning to do PMCS and fall asleep and our team mates would kick our shoes about every 15 minutes so we would move position and repeat for an hour each... Worked hard all day and got nothing accomplished! I have to scan my pics of when i was in. (it was the time before the digital revolution!!!)

April 20th, 2009, 11:48 AM
The lady snow shoeing or hiking on Pole Road stopped to talk to us and asked LaDawn if she was scared...pretty funny considering the other photos of LaDawn that I have where she is grinning ear to ear and we are in a lot more jacked position than this one...

April 20th, 2009, 12:49 PM
there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's)

And by this he means... and also 1 White Range Rover & 1 All Camo Tracker :rolleyes:

The older guy in the lead Jeep told me "don't worry we won't leave you stranded, go ahead and pull off and we will get you back up on the trail" Well the last Jeep was the Bi*ch that said to just run over us. And sure enough off they went never to even look back.

And the SHI**Y thing is I was just out of sight behind him and when the same crew came up to me, I was close enough I backed up the a "Y" in the road... waved to them... being all nice.. and they leave him stranded... :mad:

April 20th, 2009, 12:59 PM
And by this he means... and also 1 White Range Rover & 1 All Camo Tracker :rolleyes:

And the SHI**Y thing is I was just out of sight behind him and when the same crew came up to me, I was close enough I backed up the a "Y" in the road... waved to them... being all nice.. and they leave him stranded... :mad:

lol sorry didn't mean to leave you out I just figured when she said run them over I figured she was talking about the 3 Sami's. And on the way back down you did get to see my wench in action :lol:

April 20th, 2009, 01:02 PM
Just giving you a hard time... lol

Yeah that was a bad deal... I would have gave you a hand myself but you were already winching out when I caught up up you..

April 20th, 2009, 01:29 PM
I have yet to get my winch cable strung out. I will consider it a good day when I get to test that sucker out. Well, not just a test, but a for real need.

My photobucket pics from the day, I have not taken time to weed out the crappy shots, just a SD card dump to photobucket.


April 20th, 2009, 03:12 PM
there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over.

Aaaah, now there's the 4x4 spirit that I've come to know and hate. Some people out there think their sh*t doesn't stink. I'm glad there is a Front Range 4x4 so we can hook up w/ decent people to go wheeling.

April 20th, 2009, 07:41 PM
looks like a pretty snowy trip! sorry i missed it, i didnt get home until five in the morning after prom, and my dad wasnt gonna let me go... haha. Prom was a blast though!

April 20th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Randy, don't you look all dainty in that picture with the mini-soda. Such manners; what a lovely young man. :D

Brody, great pictures of you two under the truck. Very cozy. It looked like you two were just resting. Oh, and yeah, Andy, Danny and I were discussing what a lazy ******* you are while we were in your garage last weekend. You just couldn't hear us over the welder.

April 20th, 2009, 09:56 PM
That looks just like me right there.....

Oh, nice......thought that was KB since I was so used to seeing him as the white Samurai.


April 21st, 2009, 06:24 AM
looks like a pretty snowy trip! sorry i missed it, i didnt get home until five in the morning after prom, and my dad wasnt gonna let me go... haha. Prom was a blast though!

Glad you had fun! Figured that it was a good time since you didn't show!

Looking forward to seeing you on the next run!

April 21st, 2009, 03:39 PM
Good thing your ass end has a winch too.:)

[QUOTE=billsbar;31778]there are some real d*cks out in the trails anymore, on the way up Bunce we (3 Sami's) came across 4 maybe 5 Jeeps coming down and when we met up somethings said on the CB weren't real friendly like the girl in the big Jeep/buggy said "just run them over.

Wow....and I thought that you guys were having fun as we decided to head back down the hill and miss out...These kind of people can take a hike...on city streets and well off the trails... I bet that if you looked on Colorado 4x4s posts for trail runs tomorrow, you will see a trail report of Bunce school by this bunch...Sorry to hear that you had the misfortune to run into people like this...Where were the other two Sammis that were with you? Is there really some logic behind laws that say you can't put large holes in people even if it would do them and everyone around them some immediate good?

And why does my truck seem to have a propensity for going nose down so much? I realize that it has nothing to do with the driver, but every time I seem to get stuck lately, I am pointed downhill with my rear tires starting to go into the air...That was one slick section...Thanks everyone for the help out! It was pretty fun....

Gecko Cycles
April 21st, 2009, 04:02 PM
And why does my truck seem to have a propensity for going nose down so much?

I think you know why. Have you ever scaled your beast?

Sammy weight distribution is nearly equal between all 4 tires. I have the numbers if you really care but they are within 10 lbs of each other.

I can scale yours for you on the race scales if you want.

On ice I see the Heeps going nose down the fall line all the time being they are so front end heavy.

Want some lead for the rear?

April 21st, 2009, 04:29 PM
that and Brody is locked in the front but wasn't in the rear

April 21st, 2009, 06:43 PM
that and Brody is locked in the front but wasn't in the rear

If I had working lockers in both, I would have just slide sideways instead of nose down! What the hey, LaDawn is getting used to the nose down thing..usually the rear tires are in the air or just barely touching...

I almost unlocked the front, but after watching Joe with his open/open 60 do the same thing, thought I had a better chance with something locked...

Gecko Cycles
April 21st, 2009, 07:18 PM
LaDawn is getting used to the nose down thing...

Hey Hey Hey I thought this was a family site! :eek:

Where's a moderator when you need one. :lol:

April 21st, 2009, 08:46 PM
Hey Hey Hey I thought this was a family site! :eek:

Where's a moderator when you need one. :lol:


April 22nd, 2009, 05:44 AM
I am moderating:

That's funny!

If LaDawn reads this, she start kicking butt..namely mine for the Freudian slip, Ken second..with Randy third...

Keep it clean..

Gecko Cycles
April 22nd, 2009, 06:10 AM
I took it out of context. Couldn't resist. I had a long busy day with no beer. LOL

April 22nd, 2009, 09:06 AM
All work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty Boy All work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty Boy All work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty Boy...

April 22nd, 2009, 11:31 AM
I am moderating:

That's funny!

If LaDawn reads this, she start kicking butt..namely mine for the Freudian slip, Ken second..with Randy third...

Keep it clean..

what did i do???? i just laughed at letters on my screen...... im gonna go home and cry to mommy now the big pete is picking on me...LMAO:lol::lol:

Gecko Cycles
April 22nd, 2009, 11:41 AM
All work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty Boy All work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty Boy All work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty BoyAll work and no Beer makes KB a Naughty Boy...
I don't know about naughty but less productive for sure.

I took the top off Sammy an hour ago and now it is raining. Go figure.

Gecko Cycles
April 22nd, 2009, 11:49 AM
what did i do???? i just laughed at letters on my screen...... im gonna go home and cry to mommy now the big pete is picking on me...LMAO:lol::lol:Big Guy, Big Truck, Big Baby!:lol:

I think he was replying to what I said. At least the statement is on the "Trip Report". Details can be kept private though. :lol:

April 25th, 2009, 03:21 PM
Joe - What size tires are you running?

April 25th, 2009, 04:20 PM
35x12.5R16 Goodyear MTR's on Gulf Coast steelies

April 25th, 2009, 04:40 PM
I used to have those rims... they now sit on a disco LOL. Thanks... I was "pondering"

April 25th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Man wish I could have made it. I still haven't used my winch yet. and I need me a good reason to test it out.

April 25th, 2009, 08:29 PM
Man wish I could have made it. I still haven't used my winch yet. and I need me a good reason to test it out.

Let me drive your Jeep..... that'll give ya reason...hahaha :lol: