View Full Version : Possible new direction
April 26th, 2009, 02:06 AM
As some of you know I am building my 57 F100 and currently it is coming along but I am also looking into maybe sticking a 390 in to it rather than the built 302 I have, The 302 would then either be set aside for another build down the road or go up for sale. Any thoughts are welcomed!
April 26th, 2009, 02:09 AM
I think you could use some help when you do the swap, and I think I could use the experience ;)
April 26th, 2009, 02:10 AM
If I do this you are more than welcome to join in the fun.
April 26th, 2009, 06:36 AM
How about the 390 going into the older Ford PU and the 302 going into your current Ranger?? I stuck a Holley Pro Jected 302 and C4 into an 81 Toyota 4x4 PU and it rocked and rolled...
April 26th, 2009, 09:31 AM
That was a thought but da_n emissions garbage killed it so the 302 would be going into a 73f250 along w/ the D44 unless I can snag a D60 and that truck will be my thrashing rig.
April 26th, 2009, 06:22 PM
How many trucks do you have? Evidently you at least have 3 Fords. If it were me...I would put the 302 in the Ranger or the '57. and keep the 390 for the heavier '73. I think it would also be an easier swap. Wasn't the 390 an optional engine for the '70 series trucks? Headers, engine mounts, etc... are probably easier, cheaper to get.
Glad to see a Ford guy!! :thunb: I know that probably sounds weird coming from a guy who drives a bowtie powered Yota, but I grew up with all Fords, and was trained as a Ford technician.
April 27th, 2009, 12:57 AM
So that's what you're up to.
What kind of tranny do you want behind the FE?
BTW, I saw a Highboy with divorced T-Case today.
April 27th, 2009, 02:55 AM
Well Fred I did have three but gave one of the rangers to my son and now I am looking into getting a 73 F250 w/ 390 & blown C6. I had the 302 in the 57 and want to put a bb in it instead and don't want to waste the 302 cause I have invested too much in it to even sell it. So the 302 would go in the 73 and just use it to wheel rather than the Ranger. And If I have any questions now I know another source to talk to and give Mike a break. I have always been a Ford person, only owned 2 chevys and could not get them to run right so gave up there, not knocking them I am just better with Fords.
I want to rebuild the C6 for the 73 also and then get another one for the 57, I'am going to follow Mike's opinion about running an automatic for wheeling instead of a stick this time. Was the Highboy at Western, PNP or PNS Mike?
April 27th, 2009, 07:10 AM
So that's what you're up to.
What kind of tranny do you want behind the FE?
BTW, I saw a Highboy with divorced T-Case today.
There were 2-3 at Colorado Auto Parts a couple of days ago, too. Don't know how much they get for them, though....
April 27th, 2009, 07:11 AM
Pete where is Colorado Auto Parts located?
April 27th, 2009, 07:40 AM
Santa Fe south past Hampden. Go to Oxford, go right, then left at the first light. Follow this road around (it's the frontage road) south until you hit Spiegels Auto Parts (it's the one with the orange 38-40 sedan in the front with the one man helicoptor on a stand) turn right here (Radcliffe, I beleive) and it is at the end of the street on the right side. All the truck, 4x4 and SUVs are located towards the W/SW corner of the lot.
Jeff and I have been going there for is a pretty good pick n pull yard.
April 27th, 2009, 07:54 AM
You going with the 390 tri-power (like the Galaxie had)? I'd say do it.. but I find the 302 to be over rated at times. I have been impressed by the 390 in my buddies Galaxie
April 27th, 2009, 09:39 AM
Well Fred I did have three but gave one of the rangers to my son and now I am looking into getting a 73 F250 w/ 390 & blown C6. I had the 302 in the 57 and want to put a bb in it instead and don't want to waste the 302 cause I have invested too much in it to even sell it. So the 302 would go in the 73 and just use it to wheel rather than the Ranger. And If I have any questions now I know another source to talk to and give Mike a break. I have always been a Ford person, only owned 2 chevys and could not get them to run right so gave up there, not knocking them I am just better with Fords.
I want to rebuild the C6 for the 73 also and then get another one for the 57, I'am going to follow Mike's opinion about running an automatic for wheeling instead of a stick this time. Was the Highboy at Western, PNP or PNS Mike?
Cool, I've always loved the '73-'79 Ford trucks. I had a '79 Bronco w/ a 400M and c-6 w/ 40" tires. This was early '90s.
When the E4OD trans came out in the Ford trucks, everyone was pulling too much and burning them up. As I was rebuilding them, I noticed that some of the parts were C-6 parts. As I researched, I found that they based the E4OD on the C-6 (since it is a great trans) I also found that they have a lower 1st & 2nd gear ratios which I wanted in my truck. So, I pulled my C-6 when I had an E4OD on the bench and sure enough, the planetary gearset was interchangable with the C-6. I put E4OD gears in my C-6 and it made a big difference for my truck. It didn't lower it by much...I think 1st went from 2.4 or so to 2.8 or something like that, but then multiply that w/ your rear gears and... Anyway, It worked out great for my 400. If your 302 is built w/ a broad powerband, it may be advantageous to do that gearing change in your '73 too since you are rebuilding it anyway. I think I heard once that they sold a kit from Ford motorsports w/ the E4OD gears for the C-6. Anyway, just a thought..
I think I still have a few C-6 parts in my toolbox I would be glad to get rid of if your interested...I'll check and see. PM if interested
Here's a bad scan of my old Bronco
April 27th, 2009, 09:41 AM
Opps forgot pic
April 27th, 2009, 09:50 AM
Sweet rig, and thanks for that info!
April 27th, 2009, 10:48 AM
Yes thank you Fred that will be a big help, as for the 302 I built it upto a 331 @403hp it was a fun build and learning experience with shaving the deck & heads to claying the pistons. Also very expensive I finally ended up a bit over 5k in it.
By the way the 79 FS Bronco is my all time favorite for the Broncos and that one you had looks awesome what ever did you do with it?
April 27th, 2009, 11:19 AM
Yes thank you Fred that will be a big help, as for the 302 I built it upto a 331 @403hp it was a fun build and learning experience with shaving the deck & heads to claying the pistons. Also very expensive I finally ended up a bit over 5k in it.
By the way the 79 FS Bronco is my all time favorite for the Broncos and that one you had looks awesome what ever did you do with it?
Funny story with my Broncos:
I had a '78 FS Bronco tha I bought for about $500. It was rough to say the least! I bought a used 4" lift kit and some 35" tires. As I was putting the lift and tires on after hours at my work, my boss came and asked if i wanted to sell it. I said no. He replied "If you did, how much would you want for it?" I said "$3,000" thinking it wasn't even worth close to that. He said " Okay, I'll have the money for you on Friday!" I was thinking he would back out, so I finished the lift and drove it for about 2 days. He brought in the money on Friday and we jmade the deal.
Now I was without a 4wd. My buddy had this '79 FS Bronco all lifted w/ the 40" tires. I was always telling him to give me the Bronco +$1,000 in trade for my mustang. He would always say no, You give me your mustang +$1,000 for my Bronco. The friday I sold my '78, I called him and said " I need a 4wd, so lets get real...even trade my musstang for your Bronco." He said " my wife is threatening to leave me if I make her climb into this beast one more time, so you have a deal!" ( she was only about 5'4") So the next day (saturday) I go to work with my new Bronco and my boss comes in to pick up my old one and starts to drool over my new ride. My mustang was only worth about $1,500 at the time so that is what I figured I had into the '79 Bronco.
I rebuilt the trans and built some nerf bars for it so I could get into the thing ( it was really tall!) I loved driving it.. especially w/ the top off! Everybody around knew the truck and i got comments all the time. It handled really well for as big as it was. One day at a gas station, a kid came up and asked if I wanted to sell it. I said no. He said well, if you did, what would you want for it?" Thinking this was all too familiar, and he was all of about 19 yrs old, I said "$4,000." This was about 1993 or so when $4,000 went a little farther. The kid said "Okay, I'll have the money for you in two weeks" Two weeks go by and i thought I would never see him again when he showed up at my work w/ $4,000 in his pocket. I still didn't want to sell, but stayed true to my word and sold it to him. I never saw it again. Friends said he broke the pitman arm weeks after buying it and didn't have the money to fix it. eventually I heard that he sold the tires to get some money and was still broken in his back yard. My Dad claimed to see it about a year later with a for sale sign and small tires. I went to find it, but it was already gone... I still miss that truck...
April 27th, 2009, 11:33 AM
scanned a couple picks of my old Broncos. The little ranger in the pic of three is mine too. I used to do a bunch of fix-n-flips. I think I bought the ranger for $300 w/ a burnt exhaust valve. I put in a $300 junk yard engine and sold if for about $2200. not too bad since it was a 4 cyl - easy replacement
April 27th, 2009, 12:24 PM
Nice collection.. Personally I like the one in the middle.
April 27th, 2009, 07:27 PM
The one I remember was at Western, it had a LP D-44 with open knuckles. It was just set out, not even on blocks yet. I think I saw a few FE powered trucks at P&P, but I didn't look too hard at them. I have enough FE parts. :D
I don't know which engine I'd chose for the beater. My first thought would be to keep the 390 with it's 3.78" stroke in the beater truck, spend the time and $$$ fitting 4-wheel drive to it.
Then I started thinking that fitting the 302 would just be a stepping stone to dropping in an injected 5.0.
Damn decisions!!! Whatever you do with the 390, carry extra gas. :p
April 27th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Nice collection.. Personally I like the one in the middle.
X2, nice collection!
April 27th, 2009, 09:57 PM
HEHEHE Mike you are looking in the same direction I am thinking with the 302 and the FI I dont know if they make FI for the 390. But I know the 57 can handle the power of the 390 plus I used to think of going into a 460 in it and so more mods that would really be killer but $$$ plays a big part where that bear lays.
I really like all those FS Broncos you guys had.
I got to go take some pics of My sons ranger tonight and it is looking pretty good I'll have to upload pics tomorrow since Iam past the 24 hr mark already for today.
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