View Full Version : Pickle Gulch Snow

April 29th, 2009, 08:41 PM
It is still snowed in as of Sunday the 26th. I went up with my buddy Eric to test out his new ride. We made it up as far as the rock slab hill climb, then turned around. We still had fun. :D

(this new thread brought to you by the fine people at the Belmar public library)





Aybody have a Windows XP boot disk and some drivers???


April 29th, 2009, 09:06 PM
I saw signs for the trail when I was up there on Sunday, didn't notice the trail itself but there was plenty of snow. I was wondering if I passed you heading north on my way back towards Blackhawk.

April 29th, 2009, 09:31 PM
Thanks for the update and as far as computer stuff, PM sent.

April 30th, 2009, 10:52 AM
So that is the new toy he was talking about.....NICE!!!!! Looks like a fun time!

April 30th, 2009, 12:02 PM
I saw signs for the trail when I was up there on Sunday, didn't notice the trail itself but there was plenty of snow. I was wondering if I passed you heading north on my way back towards Blackhawk.

Yeppers, that was me. Do you think anybody else in a Jeep would wave at a built up non Jeep? :lol: The trailhead is not clearly marked. When you turn off of the pavement and get onto the dirt road follow the left fork - go past Pickle Gulch campground. (campground is on your left) Once you pass the campground the road continues down to a gate. (gate is also on your left) The gate does not lead to the trail. The trail is the cutout in the trees if you continued straight down the road.


This is a pic of the trailhead from behind the wheel. The gate with the info about x-mas trees is off to the left and out of frame. The inlet is somewhat tight and branches may scrape your ride a little.

April 30th, 2009, 12:11 PM
Cool pics and looks like you guys had a fun time! If I ever do this Trail in the future, I'm gonna have to take off the cargo carrier from the roof of my rig. :eek:

April 30th, 2009, 12:22 PM
I told Barb it had to be you because I thought I saw you wave and not flip me off. :D

I was at the gate which I guessed was the entrance, close but wrong I now know. We were heading home when we passed because the clouds were coming in and my rear window fell out again causing it to get a bit chilly w/o a window. :erm:

I was going to get it installed properly the next day but decided to take a chance hoping it would stay in for the day. I was wrong, it's in a million pieces on 58. :oops:

April 30th, 2009, 12:23 PM
Cool pics and looks like you guys had a fun time! If I ever do this Trail in the future, I'm gonna have to take off the cargo carrier from the roof of my rig. :eek:

Or just get Brody to go ahead of you :D

April 30th, 2009, 01:34 PM
I went up Pisgah Road in that general area Sunday with my Son-in-law's XJ group. They were kind enough to allow a Sami to tag along with. They had a little BBQ and we made it quite a ways in before getting behind a group that was having a heck of a time making any progress. We sat and waited for at least 30 minutes to let them get up the trails a ways. Well, we took off and within 5 minutes we had caught up to them again. I'm not sure what the major hold up was for them but it was late and we could not bypass them so we turned around and headed back out. It was a fun ride none-the-less. I believe this trail eventually leads to Yankee Hill.

There are certainly a lot of choices to get some time in the saddle up there regardless if Pickle Gulch is open or not.

A pic of my Grandson (AJ) verifying that my winch is spooled correctly.

April 30th, 2009, 10:15 PM
I told Barb it had to be you because I thought I saw you wave and not flip me off. :D

I was at the gate which I guessed was the entrance, close but wrong I now know. We were heading home when we passed because the clouds were coming in and my rear window fell out again causing it to get a bit chilly w/o a window. :erm:

I was going to get it installed properly the next day but decided to take a chance hoping it would stay in for the day. I was wrong, it's in a million pieces on 58. :oops:

Sucky about your window Chris!

And I will remember the top line your wrote when anyone starts possibly hinting around about the occasional negative characteristics of some drivers in some certain type and brand of vehicle, that one of our bunch sometimes makes astute and blunt observations about..:D

April 30th, 2009, 10:16 PM
SCRubicon, thanks for the navigation tips

April 30th, 2009, 10:27 PM
Sucky about your window Chris!

My own damned fault. :o

And I will remember the top line your wrote when anyone starts possibly hinting around about the occasional negative characteristics of some drivers in some certain type and brand of vehicle, that one of our bunch sometimes makes astute and blunt observations about..:D

Got him bleeped once. :p

May 1st, 2009, 11:29 AM
And I will remember the top line your wrote when anyone starts possibly hinting around about the occasional negative characteristics of some drivers in some certain type and brand of vehicle, that one of our bunch sometimes makes astute and blunt observations about..:D

Would you mean Jeeps???? Ha ha ha... Heres a little nugget for you. I passed that XJ group while I was up there. No class... One, maybe two drivers in the group waved. But, that's ok. Just because somebody is driving a Jeep doesn't mean they're my buddy. I have enough friends and even more people who don't like me at all :lol:

May 1st, 2009, 01:12 PM
yeah i dont really care to much about anyone who thinks there stuff is better than another persons stuff.. ie:vehicles etc... if someone was inconsiderate to me on the trail cause of what i "drive" and then they needed my help i would make them earn it, whilst drilling it in to their thick skull that just cause i dont drive brand x doesnt make me more or less than anyone else.

I like ya steve. (but not in "that" way) LMAO:lol::lol:

May 1st, 2009, 02:24 PM
Would you mean Jeeps???? Ha ha ha... Heres a little nugget for you. I passed that XJ group while I was up there. No class... One, maybe two drivers in the group waved. But, that's ok. Just because somebody is driving a Jeep doesn't mean they're my buddy. I have enough friends and even more people who don't like me at all :lol:

Ya passed us eh?

Did ya seem me in the lone white Sami? Me and my son-in-law's 4 door Rubi were the only two oddballs in the group.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of what ya drive. Feeling superior because of what ya drive is the nuts part.

I generally try to give a wave driving around (town or trail). Most Jeep fellers don't seem to respond, and that's fine. After a while I guess ya just have a tendancy to stop trying. Hard to imagine so much division when in actuality, we all share a similiar passion, we just sit with differently shaped metal around us.

I chatted with a feller or two in another group, they were with a thrown together informal group, I informed them about FR4x4 and told them to ck us out.

May 1st, 2009, 02:34 PM
Hard to imagine so much division when in actuality, we all share a similiar passion, we just sit with differently shaped metal around us.

That was the thinking that lead to FR4X4, when it's "Brand X Only" there seems to be a group mentality that pervades, too much like high school cliques for me.

May 1st, 2009, 02:47 PM
Would you mean Jeeps???? Ha ha ha... Heres a little nugget for you. I passed that XJ group while I was up there. No class... One, maybe two drivers in the group waved. But, that's ok. Just because somebody is driving a Jeep doesn't mean they're my buddy. I have enough friends and even more people who don't like me at all :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: I still claim you as my friend!

May 1st, 2009, 02:47 PM
Its not my vehicle that I think is better or worse than anybody else's... It's me that I think is the greatest of all :D lol, jk jk
