View Full Version : Grocery Strike?

May 8th, 2009, 08:55 PM
Saw this:
And went to do a couple weeks worth of shopping tonight. Figured I would avoid having to deal with the whole situation if at all possible.

May 8th, 2009, 08:58 PM
yep.. but this could open up a temporary job for some at least... just a thought.. get a few $$ while you keep looking

May 8th, 2009, 09:43 PM
Just have to walk past some very cranky picketers. I am going to suggest to my jobless son that he go down the street to the Safeway and KS and pick up an application

May 8th, 2009, 09:45 PM
Hell if I didn't have a job I'd do it... would be the first time I walked through pickets.

May 8th, 2009, 09:45 PM
I'll cross the picket line but I'm not a fan of unions in general.

Yes, I have been a union member in the past.

May 8th, 2009, 09:49 PM
I just figure that with 2 weeks of groceries that I won't have to side one way or the other. Gives me 2 weeks to decide who if anyone I want to side with.

I thought about working at a store, but that deters me from really focusing on my career search. Don't want to get off track from my real goal. If I wasn't working on a career and just needed a job I would be all over it.

May 8th, 2009, 09:51 PM
they better not get in my way of me getting my milk, ill be throwing some knuckles and toes....

May 8th, 2009, 10:13 PM
they better not get in my way of me getting my milk, ill be throwing some knuckles and toes....

Bought 6 gallons this evening. Everything else is details. :)

May 8th, 2009, 10:40 PM
I don't like unions, I was here in 87 when they went on strike last time... my now ex-wife was working as a checker with all the union dues they paid the best the union could do was get them a pay cut and less benefits..... unions just don't have the pull they used to and I really don't think that we need them anymore. Just a personal opinion from a paralegal student currently in an employment law class.

May 8th, 2009, 11:13 PM
I was fired from my last union job for instigating a wildcat strike when the company said we weren't getting the contracted cost of living raise. The union rep met with the owner of the company before talking to me. They negotiated my return at 30% of the pay I had been getting.

Nice union support :rant:

May 9th, 2009, 12:39 AM
i'm sorry but what do they really have to strike over? how much do these people think they should be making to scan a barcode? or put a can of beans on the shelf?

May 9th, 2009, 12:42 AM
Good luck on that Pathrat, I told my 19yr old son to do it on monday when they were taking apps and do you think he did it? NOPE!!!!

May 9th, 2009, 03:47 AM
i'm sorry but what do they really have to strike over? how much do these people think they should be making to scan a barcode? or put a can of beans on the shelf?

+1 on this.... high school dropouts can work gocery stores and they want to strike...? EARN YOUR WAGE. if you want more, get EDUCATION!

May 9th, 2009, 08:11 AM
i stopped the union twice from tryng to come in to my work. we had some newer guys pissed that they didnt make as much as a person who has been there 8 yrs. i was never a fan of unions and i also worked for a union back in the day. my work now is incetive based pay the harder i work the more i make.

May 9th, 2009, 09:10 PM
+1 on this.... high school dropouts can work gocery stores and they want to strike...? EARN YOUR WAGE. if you want more, get EDUCATION!

Ditto. I have put in more than my share of time in school. Still finding trouble getting a decent job. Maybe I should work at the grocery store? ;)

May 9th, 2009, 09:37 PM
well when i got laid off from nextel back in 03' i had a mortgage and i worked 2 subways back to back to make a full time minimum wage. It made the bills and such but it was tight. I have never had to take from unemployment.

May 9th, 2009, 09:43 PM
+1 on this.... high school dropouts can work gocery stores and they want to strike...? EARN YOUR WAGE. if you want more, get EDUCATION!

I very much agree. Earn it. One thing I feel that is way too prevalent in society is the overblown sense of ENTITLEMENT many seem to have adopted.

May 9th, 2009, 10:09 PM
ive started over 3 times now and every time i have done better for myself. And i did this all on my own. Its hard but nothing is easy in life if its worth it. I grew up poor and damnit i am not going to live poor knowing i can do very well for myself. I did have family and friends help a little financially when i was out of work or not able to meet bills due to minimum wage work that i still did to support myself to an extent. I feel if i cant do for myself, how am i supposed to support a family someday.... failure is not an option in my book and i think there are way too many goddamn lazy people milking the system and society.

May 10th, 2009, 09:20 AM
I hate unions, and I will have no problem walking through the lines to get my food.

May 10th, 2009, 02:27 PM
i'm sorry but what do they really have to strike over? how much do these people think they should be making to scan a barcode? or put a can of beans on the shelf?

It is a useless job anyway. You can scan your ***** faster at the self checkout. (and be outta there quicker)

Unions these days are totally worthless. They take your money and don't stand up for you anyway. Besides, are the work conditions really that poor that grocery store workers need union representation?

May 11th, 2009, 09:16 PM
It is a useless job anyway. You can scan your ***** faster at the self checkout. (and be outta there quicker)

Unions these days are totally worthless. They take your money and don't stand up for you anyway. Besides, are the work conditions really that poor that grocery store workers need union representation?

It's those sweat shops they run in the back. Or the flourescent hell in the front. Yeah, every time I walk into Safeway I think of how lucky they are in some third world country not having to put up with the deplorable conditions.

May 11th, 2009, 09:23 PM
It is a useless job anyway. You can scan your ***** faster at the self checkout. (and be outta there quicker)

Unions these days are totally worthless. They take your money and don't stand up for you anyway. Besides, are the work conditions really that poor that grocery store workers need union representation?

I was thinking about this as I was doing yard work today. I realized that when I stocked up the pantry late last week that I went through the self check. Rarely do I actually ever use a checker. The union might be fighting for jobs that may not exist in the near future anyways.

May 11th, 2009, 09:52 PM
"Unions" are a big part of why our Auto Industry here is in shambles.

May 12th, 2009, 09:09 AM
i think im the only fan of unions but i am from a coal state too

May 12th, 2009, 03:54 PM
It's those sweat shops they run in the back. Or the flourescent hell in the front. Yeah, every time I walk into Safeway I think of how lucky they are in some third world country not having to put up with the deplorable conditions.

lolololol ;)

May 12th, 2009, 03:59 PM
"Unions" are a big part of why our Auto Industry here is in shambles.

That, and the P.O.S. cars they are pushing out the door...

i think im the only fan of unions but i am from a coal state too

I'm from "The Coal State" - Pennsylvania. I still think unions are bogus. It seems they only do two things. Take money and do really nothing for it, or protect the job of some dead a$$ slacker...

May 12th, 2009, 04:11 PM
And my :2c::

Granted, the working conditions in every Safeway or King Soopers remind me of pictures I have seen of 3rd world sweat shops. Plus the fact that there is never enough food to eat..nor anything to drink...I was working as a produce manager for awhile and we always managed to find serious goodies that had gotten 'damaged or broken' to eat...and the air conditioning! I mean it was either a couple of degrees too hot or too cold...atrocious....appalling...

And...what an absolutely stupid time to strike...with about 1/2 the work force looking for work? How dumb can you get? You have 4-5 people for every one of theirs that is going 'Yo...I'll do a better job than Mr or Mrs unsatisfied over there for 1/2-2/3 of the money and 1/2 the bennies..."

We will manage to run this country into the damn dirt before it's all over, won't we...what a bunch of pathetic whiners we have become....

May 12th, 2009, 08:24 PM
Brody, your age is showing and with it the common sence that has be lost on our younger generation, well some of us, I for one agree with you. we are whining about the illegals taking our jobs but then turn around and demand our rights or we will strike. Something is wrong here and it is going to break us as a nation if we don't fix it soon.

May 12th, 2009, 10:08 PM
Brody, your age is showing and with it the common sence that has be lost on our younger generation, well some of us, I for one agree with you. we are whining about the illegals taking our jobs but then turn around and demand our rights or we will strike. Something is wrong here and it is going to break us as a nation if we don't fix it soon.

it is the system istelf that promotes and breeds this crap, the welfare system, systems that cater to minorities, systems that breed dependancy but doesnt push to get people back on their feet.

If we removed the things that assisted people to be lazy or not look for work cause "i get more from unemployment than i did at my last job" or "the more kids you squeeze out the more money the gubments gonna gib me" "i am an illegal and i get free education and healthcare" if these were removed and stopped, our nation would become self reliant and strong again. There are too many "easy" ways out for not working in this country and i for one dont think we need them.

How many people would still sit on their ass knowing that there is nothing to help them in a time of need? (not hammering on anyone here) there are just too many goshdarned lazy aholes taking advantage of a thing that was meant to help those that cant help themselves.

when i got out of the army and worked for sprint, i then got hired on at nextel. Well i got laid off and still had a mortgage, so i worked at 2 subways back to back 6 days a week to meet my needs. I have never used unemployment and never will when i can get out and get myself a minimum wage job and still get food on the table. I went from $24 an hour to $5.25 an hour and i still made it happen. I refuse to sit on my butt and take the easy road for when it is needed i will be a survivor.

May 12th, 2009, 10:11 PM
Yes, there are too many lazy people. However, I could not in good conscience remove all safety nets. I think the nets need to be more tightly woven. Example: very good friend of mine with two small children, one is special needs, and the mom is a jailbird meth-head now. No child support there. He has worked and when he does, he does the job right, but he got laid off. He is searching for work, and can't get a position. Would I let those kids starve? No.

May 12th, 2009, 10:20 PM
Yes i agree with you path, there needs to be more scrutiny in handing out "pass go collect $200 cards" to anyone that cries. They need to lock it down make the process more in depth and looked into. Its just the local governments hand money out like its candy....:mad:

May 12th, 2009, 10:47 PM
Just like off-roading and many other issues, there are the jack@$$es screw it up for the ones who are responsible.

May 13th, 2009, 02:59 PM
(Where I'm at currently) Collecting unemployment, what's that? You mean all this time I could have been collecting free money while I sat on my can doing nothing...son of a...lol :lol: I've never used the program, never will. Yeah, I could use some money right now, but two things I won't do - 1. collect unemployment 2. take a ***** job that pays me less than half of my last job. (tons of those out there) I catch flak for being out of work as long as I have from a lot of people. People think I don't like to work at all. Well sorry, but I don't get out of bed and brush my teeth for less than $20 an hr. (or fairly close to) My objective isn't to work just to afford to get to work and nothing else. (Ex. - CU Boulder) There are certain things that I can live without and when the time truly comes they will be gone. Downsizing toys is not a problem. At the rate uncle Fed is taking away our public lands, I'll be spending more time hiking the trails anyway. :D So to sum it up, I don't like people who expect handouts. And, I don't want people feeling sorry for me bacause there are a lot more people out there who are in a much worse position than me.

May 13th, 2009, 04:24 PM
I don't want people feeling sorry for me bacause there are a lot more people out there who are in a much worse position than me.

Good for you Steve. I always try to keep this in mind in all circumstances. :thunb:

May 13th, 2009, 07:05 PM
(Where I'm at currently) Collecting unemployment, what's that? You mean all this time I could have been collecting free money while I sat on my can doing nothing...son of a...lol :lol: I've never used the program, never will. Yeah, I could use some money right now, but two things I won't do - 1. collect unemployment 2. take a ***** job that pays me less than half of my last job. (tons of those out there) I catch flak for being out of work as long as I have from a lot of people. People think I don't like to work at all. Well sorry, but I don't get out of bed and brush my teeth for less than $20 an hr. (or fairly close to) My objective isn't to work just to afford to get to work and nothing else. (Ex. - CU Boulder) There are certain things that I can live without and when the time truly comes they will be gone. Downsizing toys is not a problem. At the rate uncle Fed is taking away our public lands, I'll be spending more time hiking the trails anyway. :D So to sum it up, I don't like people who expect handouts. And, I don't want people feeling sorry for me bacause there are a lot more people out there who are in a much worse position than me.

Understood, but for me i have to work even if its minimum wage i dont have another body bringing in money to the house.... one disadvantage of being single...:(