View Full Version : Golden

June 13th, 2009, 11:43 PM
Hi everyone.

My name is Rob and Ive just recently developed my 4wheeling addiction.

I used to be into fast cars, still am, but a friend took me to Moab on a

4wheeling trip about 3 years ago and I decided to get into the game.

I was born and raised in Golden Colorado. I am an eagle scout from Troop 130

in Golden, I know all about giving back and wilderness conservation. I have a

respect for people who practice 'treading lightly'.

I have a 2007 Hummer H3 that I have had a lot of fun modifying. I built

many of the components myself, like my undercarriage protection, light

bar, and cross rails on my roof rack, and lift kit.

I will post some pics in a minute.

I am looking for a local group of people to run some trails with. I was

invited by a friend to join a run up Middle St Vrain and to the T33 crash

site 2 weekends ago. I had a great time!

June 13th, 2009, 11:47 PM
Secondly. I hate to start with a bad taste but. Whats this automatic note about "your account is probably going to be deleted". Theres no leaders, yet I'm getting some message from Chris that I better make 900 posts per day or else.

I work 60 hours a week. and wheel on the weekends. Dont expect me to answer threads like what we all had for lunch today.

I will however come on runs, and assist in rescue operations, no matter how long it takes.

I am starting to feel like post count is a measure of how valuable someone is on this forum. And thats being pushed by an administrator, when on the first page it said there arent any. Really?

June 13th, 2009, 11:52 PM
I am starting to feel like post count is a measure of how valuable someone is on this forum. And thats being pushed by an administrator, when on the first page it said there arent any. Really?

Sounds like a mistake. It's taken me months to get past 50 posts. Don't worry about it. Welcome.

June 13th, 2009, 11:54 PM
thanks for the reassurement. Where abouts are you located? I'm thinkin about goin on a run tomorrow. although spring creek isnt my fancy. and I'm not wanting to drive down to CO springs. I was thinking something in the Fairplay area.

June 13th, 2009, 11:55 PM
I dont know about that either, chris started it after i joined but i am only at 200 posts and its been over a year for me. Welcome, i love the h3's. I would like to see more wheeled and i would like to see some pics of it.

June 13th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Welcome!! Post pics when you can.. Don't worry about that "deleted" deal. Send a PM to Chris and he will fix it if he hasn't already.

June 14th, 2009, 12:09 AM
Ask and Ye shall receive.

Beginning of life. Only mod is a roof rack. Jan 2008

The "Crack" on 7 Mile Rim, Moab. UT.
New rear susp package flex. Custom 4140 Steel 2" lift, Bilstein gas shocks, JKS disconnects, Custom Bar Pins.

Breakdown on Spring Creek. Blew a 2x2" hole out of the front diff housing. Ring gear exploded.
Cookin lunch on the way to Cheesman for a little shooting.


June 14th, 2009, 12:10 AM
Ouch.. any pic of the carnage? I can see why you don't want to go back to Spring Creek now

June 14th, 2009, 12:14 AM
View from Chicken Corners, Moab, UT

Fins N Things, Moab, UT
New rear susp mods flex shot
Wheelin with the crew in Moab.http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2688/130/50/37900145/n37900145_30769249_4705988.jpg
Sunrise in Cathedral Valley
Playin up by Central City.

June 14th, 2009, 12:19 AM
Old Setup
New Setup
Front Diff Carnage #1
Front Diff Carnage #2

June 14th, 2009, 12:29 AM
Welcome Rob, Thanks for the awesome pics too. Did the diff get covered under warranty?

June 14th, 2009, 12:32 AM
Yeah. diff was covered but I had to yell for a while. They tried to blame it on an impacted skid, but i took pictures right when it happened to show that the skid was intact and never came in contact with the bottom of the diff. Its a well known problem with the 2006-2008 H3's. Everybody's front diff is a ticking time bomb. The 2008 Alphas and 2009 all models come with cast iron diff housings now, instead of the old weak aluminum. I know people running 37's on the new ones no problem.
I'm on 33's, soon to be 35's.

June 14th, 2009, 12:34 AM
As many can see. Most of these pics are from UT. Invite me on some runs in CO!!!!

June 14th, 2009, 12:34 AM
Maybe Jack should watch out for his on his h3. scary stuff especailly on a trail run.

June 14th, 2009, 12:40 AM
For a while the dealerships were replacing them with the newer cast iron model. This was about the time AAM was on strike. They told me I had to break another before I got a CI diff, but thats not the point. I argued with the manager that I didnt want to break down 50 miles from nowhere. He was obviously inexperienced with the hummer brand and offroading in general. He said my skid plates had scrapes on them, so they didnt want to do the warranty, because the vehicle had been 'offroaded'. He even put that on my service memo. All 3 times ive been to Medved, I've had a bad experience.

I offered to pay for the cost of parts for them to put a CI in, because its more important to me that its strong and never breaks, than just getting it replaced with another ticking time bomb. They gave me the 2008 model of the part, still aluminum, but has a little bit more metal to it. I'm cautious.... Id really like to see my friend complete his H3 front end rebuild. He made a Dana high-pinion 44 in to an IFS setup, with a front locker. $2000 in parts, but well worth the upgrade for the plethora of gearing and replacement parts to choose from.

June 14th, 2009, 12:42 AM
I suppose I should also add. I even went into Medved with 27 reported cases of diff failures from my online forum groups. Everyone breaks them. Tell your friend he will someday also. GM never released a TSP on the issue, they just replaced them under warranty account, but this is a pretty well known problem.

June 14th, 2009, 12:49 AM
Wow sounds pretty cr_ppy of them to take this kind of approach, What do they think the H3s are just built for people to go put some 24s and shine on them to make mall cruisers out of them, kinda defeats the purpose of what they were built for if you ask me.

June 14th, 2009, 08:52 AM
Whats this automatic note about "your account is probably going to be deleted". Theres no leaders, yet I'm getting some message from Chris that I better make 900 posts per day or else.

I am starting to feel like post count is a measure of how valuable someone is on this forum. And thats being pushed by an administrator, when on the first page it said there arent any. Really?

The automatic note is about being active and not being a lurker. Nowhere is there any inference that "make 900 posts per day or else." I believe the message referred to the fact that you had no posts. I'll check to make sure that's working properly.

Here's a cut & paste from the front page: "there are no designated leaders of Front Range 4x4. No leaders of any kind, no board of directors, no designated trail run organizers, no specific people doing specific tasks. There are forum administrators and moderators but that's about it."

You've been registered for a day and feel I'm pushing you to post? You need to spend some time reading before jumping to your conclusions and I'll also suggest that you don't pick and choose out of context. I require everyone who registers to post an introduction. Spend some time looking at other forums around and you'll find they have huge numbers of "members" with a small number of "posters" which means most people are lurking, I see no value in that and I'm not impressed by inflated 'member' numbers. There's nothing inaccessible on FR4X4 to non registered people so there's no pressure to register unless you want to be part of the active members and participate in the forum and in person.

If you're looking for an unmoderated forum they are easy to find but this isn't among them. There's a relationship between posting and participating in runs and anyone not interested enough to post isn't interested enough to participate. Pretty straight-forward concept.

Welcome to Front Range ;)


June 14th, 2009, 10:32 AM

Is that a...D-35 under there?

You'll have to excuse me if I stare. The closest I get to a Hummer is driving up Highway 58.

June 14th, 2009, 04:05 PM
Welcome. I'm in Golden too.

A bunch of us went on an all night run last night, so we're beat. But there seem to be lots of runs organized, I'm sure you can find something to suit your, or suggest something and I'll bet you'll get lots of takers.

June 14th, 2009, 09:33 PM
Welcome man! You sure did split that diff open like a pumpkin!!! And dont ya love it that they engineer crap to not be able to handle stuff that people like us will put vehicles through like they were meant to do... and then blame it on something that you did.... I mean goshdamn just replace the freaking thing, who cares how or who is to blame, but i know these car companies wont make money that way... Oh wait thats why they are bankrupt.... they got greedy...

June 14th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Hey man. I think its sensible on my part to think that there is pressure there. First, I get a message saying no-posters will be deleted immediately. Second, I have to post a profile right away. And third, after I do that, I get a message on my screen that says your account will probably be deactivated due to inactivity. I'm not looking for an unmoderated forum. But the home page of this one is slightly misleading with the attitude of the text.

I really dont care about forum rules. I just like to go on runs and make friends. I'm willing to say that perhaps it was a snowball effect and i shouldnt really be worried. Glad to be here!

June 14th, 2009, 10:46 PM
Its a AAM 8.8" rear, and a 7.6" AAM in the front. Long term, next winter, I am looking to do a high pinion D44 w/electriv locker swap for the front. Turning one of those used units into IFS will be a project. Also, a friend has done a spring over in the back, thats on the way as well.

June 15th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Hey man. I think its sensible on my part to think that there is pressure there.

Yes, there is pressure to post an Intro, the 3rd item was an error that's now corrected.

June 15th, 2009, 08:07 AM
I am starting to feel like post count is a measure of how valuable someone is on this forum. And thats being pushed by an administrator, when on the first page it said there arent any. Really?

First of all, Welcome to the forum!

Secondly, to answer your question, the 'level, activity, points, etc.' is merely a way for Chris, the administrator, to keep track of all the activity on the site. It in no way reflects on if you are welcome on the site or what your standing is on the site. It only gets mentioned so much because we all give Chris grief about it...and, you certainly do not want to get to 100 points! I just found out that if you get 100 points, your SO flops your rig as a matter of course! Now I am in the process of trying to see how I can get my point count down so that I am not paranoid if my SO drives my heap.

Hope that this clarifies things for you. Post any questions you have and you will get answers.

BTW...I hope that you don't go through the rest of day to day living sweating the small stuff like this....be kinda a rough go if you did....It is funny that with over 190 people on this site that contribute, have a good time, have fun getting together for runs, and post a lot, that you have been the only person to complain about this....

Like I said, these are merely means that Chris uses for monitoring the activity levels. We are a friendly site and look forward to seeing you on some runs..

June 15th, 2009, 09:27 PM
Welcome Rob!

June 16th, 2009, 10:14 PM
Hi, welcome to Front Range. I see we have been to some of the same places, and those places prompted the same subsequent behaviors. I like your rear driver's side bumper; it matches mine.
Good to see the H3 being built and wheeled.

June 16th, 2009, 11:45 PM
Welcome! I have yet to see one of those H3s in action, I hope I get to hit a trail with you soon.

June 18th, 2009, 11:32 PM
welcome look forward to seein ya wanna test that rig come to kelly flats. its a shame these days most suvs are just over sized cars even jeep whos supposed to make off road vehicles has been makin some suvs that are questionable like for example why did they replace the xj with the liberty my wife has a liberty and i really dont like it it just doesnt compare to an xj no offense to any liberty divers

June 19th, 2009, 06:16 AM
could be the just want to buy a name brand but not have the capability..?

June 19th, 2009, 11:21 PM
could be the just want to buy a name brand but not have the capability..?

and that would be superlame

June 20th, 2009, 12:03 AM
thanks for the reassurement. Where abouts are you located? I'm thinkin about goin on a run tomorrow. although spring creek isnt my fancy. and I'm not wanting to drive down to CO springs. I was thinking something in the Fairplay area.
If you wanna go on a trip about a week from this sunday, I'm hitting up CORE. I've never been there before and am very curious as to what's all there. Have been wanting to test out my new lift, do some mudding, and maybe run a little baja stuff too :D

June 27th, 2009, 12:15 AM
If you wanna go on a trip about a week from this sunday, I'm hitting up CORE. I've never been there before and am very curious as to what's all there. Have been wanting to test out my new lift, do some mudding, and maybe run a little baja stuff too :D
CORE trip has become spring creek. Still an open invitation.

July 12th, 2009, 12:36 PM
Very nice H3. Mods looking good. :)