View Full Version : Trail run posting 101.

June 17th, 2009, 10:58 PM
I will list the basic steps for creating a trail run and correctly posting it to the form and calendar.
Hi All, I did some heavy editing on this thread after making significant changes. There's now a forum for discussing Trail Run Planning and the existing one for Planned Trail Runs. I also added numerous fields to the Calendar that require the info to be completed otherwise it can't be added.


Randy's original below:

1.Decide you want to go on a run and decide on what trail. Use Trail Run Planning (http://frontrange4x4.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=91) for chatting/discussing the run.
3.Add the run to Planned Trail Runs (http://frontrange4x4.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=14) after hashing everything out.
2.Add to the calendar, note you can't add it unless all fields are complete!

3. PM Chris to get it on the header

1.Decide you want to go on a run and decide on what trail.
2.Start thread on said run.
3.Add the run to the calendar and INCLUDE
:meet place that is easily found for everyone
:meet time
:a link to the said thread
:a link to the trail or trails
:cb channel
:directions to meet place
:if there are other alternative meet spots chosen by people on the thread please add these to the calendar as you are the creator of the trail run.
4. PM Chris to get it on the header