View Full Version : Boxed in the passenger UCA on my D30

June 27th, 2009, 09:27 PM
I finally got a chance to do a couple things on the XJ today. On the list were: Replace the UCA bushings and box in the passenger UCA mount.

I was going to do a tech write-up of the bushing replacement because I have heard that they can be a pain and I couldn't find any good how-tos. Well....a few wacks of the hammer and mine popped right out and the new ones went right in, so.....no pics and no write-up. Oh well.

On to the (mini) build.

The passenger UCA on the D30s are a weak point to say the least. I have seen several fold like a taco under hard wheelin'. I noticed that mine had started to bend a little and deciced it was time to beef it up a bit. Here was mine this morning, stock:

I cut a couple pieces of plate to box in the front, I had some 1/8" laying around, now I'm thinkin' I shoulda used 3/16"....too late.

I welded the small piece inside the mount about 3/8" under the bushing to add some support inside.

I tacked the front piece in place and bent the top around to follow the top of the mount.

Then I burned it home and cleaned it up with a wire wheel, ready for paint and a new bushing.


I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. We'll see how it holds up!

June 28th, 2009, 01:05 AM
Looking good, I'll have to do that to mine someday.

June 28th, 2009, 01:54 AM
looks good. must be 100% better than stock now.

June 28th, 2009, 09:05 AM
You should be fine with the 1/8" as you created a box that isn't going to get racked...and I am sure that you know this, too. I don't remember what Sean and I were looking at the other day, but it was a stock shock mount or something similar, and our mutual response was "Cheese"...but it was still holding up..

Looking good, BTW, and way stronger