View Full Version : Moderate Trail Run on the 4th?

June 30th, 2009, 08:40 PM
I'm looking to take my brother four wheeling on the 4th of July and was wanting to do something moderate. Maybe Spring Creek?

Is anyone going out on the 4th?

June 30th, 2009, 09:10 PM
where is spring creek?

June 30th, 2009, 09:15 PM
Its near Idaho Springs on I-70. The trailhead is actually at the Downieville exit, which is the one where the weight station is. Its a fun trip with a moderate rating and some fun obstacles. Most of them are bypassable or have easier ways through too. You can either go back down the way you went up, go down Cascade Creek into Idaho Springs, or go down Saxon Mountain into Georgetown. They are both much easier runs with some great scenery.

I might be up for a run that day. I work the 3rd and 5th, but the 4th is free for me. Was hoping to take my new rig out, but the current owner doesn't get back till Sunday night, so it will have to be next week. Gonna post it up on the Calender?


July 1st, 2009, 06:36 AM
I'm looking to take my brother four wheeling on the 4th of July and was wanting to do something moderate. Maybe Spring Creek?

Is anyone going out on the 4th?

After just doing Spring Creek along with a number of other folks including Dave Nay(who is a very good driver), I would hardly call Spring Creek a 'moderate run' in the state it is in now. I don't think anyone on that run would call it 'moderate', either, including Dave. China Wall is 'moderate' as is Bill Moore. Spring Creek was more in the lines of Old Chinaman's, which doesn't fit the term 'moderate' very well either....

July 1st, 2009, 10:20 AM
Wouldn't mind doing the trail again but might be camping on the 4th near Rollinsville.

If we camp, I'd be doing Jenny Creek trail sometime on the 4th I think...

If camping falls thru I'd be up for Springs Creak.

July 1st, 2009, 10:32 AM
After just doing Spring Creek along with a number of other folks including Dave Nay(who is a very good driver), I would hardly call Spring Creek a 'moderate run' in the state it is in now. I don't think anyone on that run would call it 'moderate', either, including Dave. China Wall is 'moderate' as is Bill Moore. Spring Creek was more in the lines of Old Chinaman's, which doesn't fit the term 'moderate' very well either....

I do tend to agree with you on this mostly. There are easy, medium, and very difficult ways through the Rock Garden. I would say that SC can be quite hard, but its also one of those trails that has easy bypasses around all but a few obstacles. The tight turn and steep hill about 1/2 mile before the Rock Garden being one, and the little double ledge thing partway up the shelf road section being the other. No matter how you swing it, I've seen more broken rigs on there then any other trail I've done.

I think part of it though is that when I got the Samurai, the first run I ever did in it was LHC Carnage before it got closed. So maybe my view of what is Moderate is a bit skewed. I also started with a rig that had a lift and bigger tires and such, and haven't wheeled a stock rig in a long time. So yeah, taking that into account, I'd say its a bit above moderate. Certainly doable by anyone that has shown interest so far though. I'd say at least a small lift and bigger tires would be very helpful in there. Much more if you want to do the hard lines.


July 1st, 2009, 05:56 PM
so whos in? I'm thinking we should maybe try to get there as early as possible

July 1st, 2009, 06:43 PM
Me and Jeepin Chef are going to run Kelly Flats on the 4th, Your more than welcome to join us.

Jeepin Chef
July 1st, 2009, 09:19 PM
or we can do Spring Creek....All I know we need to go some where Sat.....

July 2nd, 2009, 08:47 AM
I like Brody's idea of doing Kelly Flats and another trail in Fourflo's thread. Crystal Mountain is evidently nearby, and thats one of my favorite trails ever. I too would definitely like to get out wheeling this weekend. I will say that in my experience, Kelly/Sevenmile/Crystal will very likely be much less crowded then Spring Creek, so thats something to think about.


July 2nd, 2009, 01:04 PM
I like Brody's idea of doing Kelly Flats and another trail in Fourflo's thread. Crystal Mountain is evidently nearby, and thats one of my favorite trails ever. I too would definitely like to get out wheeling this weekend. I will say that in my experience, Kelly/Sevenmile/Crystal will very likely be much less crowded then Spring Creek, so thats something to think about.


Good point. Spring Creek will more than likely be busy that day.