View Full Version : Pierson Park Road

July 18th, 2009, 09:15 PM
I ran Pierson Park Road between Meeker and Estes Park on the spur of the moment this afternoon (7/18) and found it to be a lot of dirt and rocky trail with only two or three semi-technical spots. Used low-range only a couple of times. Mostly ran it in high four or AWD. It was OK for a quick afternoon solo run because it's not too far from home, but if you're looking for a challenge, this trail ain't it.



July 18th, 2009, 10:21 PM
Looks like a fun little obstacle

July 21st, 2009, 12:06 PM
Got anymore pictures of further in? I've hiked it to just below that hill (from Estes) and want to see where the "hard" parts are ;) Those rocks concern me just a bit, but look still doable in the OBW (that top picture would make an awesome action photo!). I'm more concerned about what lies further in. I've heard stuff from just a steep hill to a Bronco having a tough time. It always depends on who's telling the story :p

July 21st, 2009, 01:09 PM
I don't think you'd have any problems with these two spots, but I don't know about the steep hill, which has two semi-technical spots. Since I haven't seen the wagon in action and don't know if you have low-range, I'd have a hard time judging whether it could tackle those. I came down the hill and put it in low range because it was steep and I had to get close to a tree on one of the technical spots. You'd probably have an easier time running it from Meeker to Estes rather than vice versa. While it's true that many trails are easier to run uphill, if you don't have low-range you'd probably have an easier time going down the steep hill rather than up it. You probably wouldn't need low to get up the two spots in the pictures, as long as you stay to the right on the top photo and the left on the bottom photo. I don't think clearance is a major issue anywhere on the trail, as long as you get your tires in the right spots.

If you run Pierson Park, you should also run Johnny Park, which runs from Meeker (you pass the PP trailhead on the way to the JP trailhead from Meeker) to U.S. 36 farther downhill from Estes. The eastern end of JP has some fun challenges, but the western end is kind of tame.

July 21st, 2009, 10:30 PM
I'm 50/50 on doing the trail. On one hand, I'd love to try it just to see another route from Estes towards Meeker, but on the other hand it's my wife's daily and I just can't afford to break it right now ;) Then again, after successfully completing Pole Hill, I think the wagon can do a lot more than I give credit to. No low range, but the AT and combination of mods and my driving skills (and stupidity) gets me to lots of places. Unless the steep section in question is very narrow, I'm pretty sure I could find a line through it.
If I decide (well, if I talk my wife into it) to finally drive it all the way, I hope I'll be able to talk somebody into running with us, just in case :p