View Full Version : Hancock Pass and Alpine Tunnel

July 22nd, 2009, 11:24 PM
Sunday we hiked to Agnes Vaille falls on the way to St. Elmo, got some packaged sandwiches at the St Elmo general store (they do ATV rentals there too if you're interested), and started up Hancock Pass with the intention of doing Tomichi Pass (more on that later) and then back to Hwy 50 and our hotel in Salida.

Hancock Pass was beautiful. Wildflowers everywhere and fantastic views. I can't begin to describe it.

Overall the trail was again fairly easy for our stock JK Wrangler. The Eastern side of the trail is most interesting as the trail changes surfaces several times. At the top, you cross the divide and from one forest to another. Much steeper on the western side (downhill for us) with lots of whoops down to the turnoff to Tomichi (left) and Alpine Tunnel / Pitkin (right).

At the turnoff, we saw an older FJ and a dirt-biker. They warned us not to attempt Tomichi Pass as two jeeps were stuck and one was sliding off the road. They had help and I had kids with me, so we turned right to the Alpine Tunnel.

The 3-mile diversion to the Alpine Tunnel had a few more white-knuckling moments as the drop-offs were very steep near the Palisades where they had to carve a shelf for the railway and build walls on the down-slope side to support it.

The tunnel site itself has a restored telegraph office that was staffed by forest service volunteers who answered lots of questions. I'm not a "train guy", but this was a pretty cool place to visit.

From there we headed through Pitkin, made a wrong turn and took a forest service road over Waunita Pass (easy gravel road, but oops), and ended up taking the "open range" route back to Salida.

Long day again, but fantastic views. My 14-year old neice got some great shots with her new camera (E.g., stop sign below airing down at sunset) and the kids had another enjoyable day.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:30 PM
The "open range" return route. The kids got a kick out of that.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:52 PM
very cool! thanks for sharing.

July 23rd, 2009, 12:00 AM
Palisades on the Alpine Tunnel Road. That's a dirt-bike on the last pic. Great shot.

July 23rd, 2009, 12:57 AM
Wow great pics. Hope to get up there one of these days and check it out.

July 23rd, 2009, 03:55 PM
WOW.... I think I just added more to my ever going "bucket-list"