View Full Version : Ellis Jeep Trail, September 19th and 20th

July 29th, 2009, 06:56 AM
Once again I am posting this run. There are a few people who have expressed interest in doing this and it should be fun. It starts in Steamboat Springs, goes up into Wyoming, then back down into Colorado.

We are going to be doing this as a weekend trip, so camping gear is needed. Since there are many muddy bogs, recovery gear is also essential. Amenities are few and far between, so your rig has to be in good shape.

Although only rated a 6 on the traildamage scale, the rating is due to the bogs and remoteness more than any rock crawling.

Here is the link to the trail:


It is also in Charles Wells book, but the directions are clearer on traildamage as are some critical pictures of turns.

This trail doesn't get done a great deal, is somewhat remote, and promises to be a cool adventure. It would also be a great place to take some of the expedition rigs that some of you are building.

July 29th, 2009, 07:25 AM
I want to... just a matter of when

July 29th, 2009, 07:39 AM
How about the 19th & 20th Aaron? :rolleyes:

I'll be in Ouray.

July 29th, 2009, 08:21 AM
How about the 19th & 20th Aaron? :rolleyes:

I'll be in Ouray.

LOL.. yeah I noticed that...LOL.. It was too early, yeah that's it.

July 29th, 2009, 08:56 AM
This trails been on my list for a while. I like the weekend idea as time off for me is a premium for sure.

I'm a definite maybe at this point!

July 30th, 2009, 11:12 PM
I'll try to make this run.

July 31st, 2009, 02:54 PM
I may be solo.. time will tell

August 4th, 2009, 11:21 PM
Looking forward to this.

August 5th, 2009, 08:00 AM
I'll have to see if I can get that sat off. When and from where and at what time will everyone be meeting? Will everyone be leaving fri evening or start off sat?

August 5th, 2009, 08:29 AM
Trail Name: Ellis Jeep Trail
Meeting Place: Idaho Springs Safeway
Meeting Time: 7:30
Directions: I70 to Idaho Springs, Ist exit
CB Channel: 4

Hope that you can make it!

Now let's see if we can get Chris and Barb to go....and Pathrat and Gate Monkey...and Tye and Stella...and Steve...and, of course, anyone else....

August 5th, 2009, 08:33 AM
Your first date would have worked for us Pete but we'll be in Ouray one the current ones. :(

August 5th, 2009, 06:43 PM
I'll have to get a new CB by then.

August 5th, 2009, 07:05 PM
I'll have to get a new CB by then.

I'll have to find out why mine is so jacked up and hopefully get it fixed by then, too...

August 5th, 2009, 09:30 PM
I made the mistake of leaving it in the jeep last year and let it get rained on numerous times.

August 5th, 2009, 09:43 PM
I made the mistake of leaving it in the jeep last year and let it get rained on numerous times.

that will do it.... lol

August 5th, 2009, 09:51 PM
Not to mention I had a 4ft Firestik that loved to hit/scrape on the parking garage ceilings.

August 6th, 2009, 01:50 AM
Looks like a fun trail, lots of water crossings and mud boggs.

August 16th, 2009, 06:21 PM
I'm in as of now. I hope nothing stops me in the next month.

August 17th, 2009, 09:21 PM
After talking to Brody yesterday I was gonna do this, however after getting home and checking the date I volunteered to work the Broomfield Days festival that Saturday..hmmmmmmmm wonder if I could go to hell for unvolunteering..LOL.

August 17th, 2009, 09:45 PM
So how muddy will it be in late September? I hope to have the 40 ready for a run and this sounds like a fun one. But no winch on the 40. Has anyone run it in September?

August 18th, 2009, 07:11 AM
So how muddy will it be in late September? I hope to have the 40 ready for a run and this sounds like a fun one. But no winch on the 40. Has anyone run it in September?

Hey Rob

As near as I have been able to ascertain, there is no one on the forum who has run this trail. I have been trying to get people interested in doing it for a couple of years and this is the best response I have had so far. No one has ever mentioned running it. this is also one of the reasons I want to run the trail...it doesn't get very much traffic. The folks on traildamage.com only ran a couple of years ago and they seem to run everything. They did do a great write up on it, and the ran it on September 23. Here is the link:


They have pictures of the critical turns which supplement Wells stuff, too, as I gather that some of the turns are easy to miss. The link has pictures showing about what we can expect as far as weather and trail conditions.

As I said, this trail goes through all sorts of different terrain and elevations, so we should expect everything that typical Colorado mountain weather has to offer, as well as lower elevation weather. Should be a bit of an adventure.

As to the mud in September, there will probably be some as there is always supposed to be some. There just isn't going to be as much as earlier in the year. This is one of the reasons for running the trail in a group as there are no really good winch points near the mud and you are relying on the other rigs to provide them

As to not having a winch, if there are a couple of winches in the group, you should be fine, as we will be able to winch anyone who gets stuck out.

This should be a really cool run as it travels through a lot of different terrain. It also crosses the Continental Divide at the highest point. People without a sense of adventure should definitely refrain from going on this run as should people whose rigs aren't in good condition, mechanically.

August 18th, 2009, 07:53 AM
I am looking forward to this!

August 18th, 2009, 08:18 AM
People without a sense of adventure should definitely refrain from going on this run as should people whose rigs aren't in good condition, mechanically.

Thanks, Pete. I checked out the pics on trail damage. Winter shots didn't help much. I guess if I go, and I'm thinking about it, I'll take the Cruisers. It's in great shape mechanically and has a winch. You know how I hate to get it muddy, though. :rolleyes:

August 18th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Thanks, Pete. I checked out the pics on trail damage. Winter shots didn't help much. I guess if I go, and I'm thinking about it, I'll take the Cruisers. It's in great shape mechanically and has a winch. You know how I hate to get it muddy, though. :rolleyes:

So before you go, use some tires shine on the tires and hose down the underside with a mess of WD 40 especially all of those nooks and crannies. It will made cleaning up everything a lot easier...and the tire shine actually does work for making the tires easier to clean.

When you get back, stick a lawn sprinkler under your rig for awhile, then take it to a wash....

And actually the 'winter' shots were an early Fall snow. I had to double check the date when I saw the snow and it was from September 23rd...

August 18th, 2009, 09:23 PM
When you get back, stick a lawn sprinkler under your rig for awhile, then take it to a wash...

I mentioned this technique to :princess: and she went all Captain Planet on me: "Think of all the water you'd be wasting and all the oil and grease you'll be washing down the storm sewer and into the St. Vrain River." :tsk: So I said I'd could do it over the lawn, and she said, "So you want to kill the lawn?" :tsk:

So I gave up on that idea. Unless she happens to be in New Jersey that week. Then I'm gonna crank up all the sprinklers I can fit under the rig.

And actually the 'winter' shots were an early Fall snow. I had to double check the date when I saw the snow and it was from September 23rd...

Mr. Technical. :D Snow = Winter. (That includes the July 3 evening back in 1997 when I was standing in a snowstorm watching fireworks in Vail.)

August 18th, 2009, 10:23 PM
I just need to have an alignment and have my front tires balanced. My rig should be good to go. I'll have the top on by then.

August 20th, 2009, 08:00 AM
So Brody, you think me/my rig are capable of this run? I don't have a winch as of yet but it sounds like there are other folks who have them anyway. And I do love me some mud.

At any rate, I'd put us at about a 65% chance of going as of now.

August 20th, 2009, 08:10 AM
So Brody, you think me/my rig are capable of this run?

Judging from both the trail rating and the pictures I have seen, I would guess that any stock 4x4 could make this run. The actual technical rating is low and you have done harder stuff. The rating comes more from the semi remoteness and the mud bogs than from anything else is my understanding.

There should be enough people with winches going that we can get everyone through the worst parts without too much drama. We would just have to stagger the rigs with winches in such a manner as to make it work well.

If Randy, Chris and Barb, and Fred go, we would have an additional 3 winches.

August 20th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Are there other preparations we should make? For example, should I be worried about making it on a tank of gas? We have plenty of good camping gear so we'll be good there. On all the runs I've been on so far this year, I start with a full tank and end with 3/4 so I think It'll be fine.

August 20th, 2009, 09:06 AM
Just got the ok from the boss. We're in!

August 20th, 2009, 11:58 AM
Are there other preparations we should make? For example, should I be worried about making it on a tank of gas? We have plenty of good camping gear so we'll be good there. On all the runs I've been on so far this year, I start with a full tank and end with 3/4 so I think It'll be fine.

The trail itself is about 15 miles long and there are places just before the start of the trail outside of Steamboat where we can all top off. There is also going to be some gas stations on the other side, but how close to the end of the trail I don't know.

Other than having your rig in good working order and enough clothes to handle a wide array of weather conditions, There is nothing else I can think of.

As far as the camping goes, I was semi planning on camping either before or after we crossed the Divide, at a lower elevation so that we can all stay a little warmer.

August 20th, 2009, 08:00 PM
So what are you thinking for a return? Looks like we can take CR 80 to 6B to 6 to HWY 14 or??? I am just curious. Were you thinking of going further into WY or? Just curious.

One of the reasons I asked was I would like to go to encampent,WY also. Here is the TTORA guys from a couple summers ago

August 21st, 2009, 05:14 AM
I was planning to go down by the Walden Dunes as I know they are going to be close to the north end of the trail. I wanted to do these because a 2.5 hour drive to drive on some sand isn't otherwise worth it.

I don't have a clue where Encampment, Wy is or what is there. From the pictures on the links, it looks like the same stuff that we will have just been driving on, only in Wyoming...

It looked like the COTTORA thing kind of assumed that everyone knew where it was (much like the Yota Jamboree down in BV) as they didn't show anything on a map.You know, I really hope this isn't a Yota thing...this cosmic 'astral plane' planning BS...maybe everyone just chows down on the cute mushrooms popping out of cow patties and the little cactus buttons on the sides of the trail...and then they stumble around looking for each others aura....

There are supposed to be a few options as far as heading back using FS and other back roads..

August 21st, 2009, 11:54 AM
Yeah I was looking at a couple maps last night.. I was just curious

August 25th, 2009, 12:29 PM
Well... depending on my last ER dentist visit bill I may be out now

August 30th, 2009, 06:52 AM
I can relate and I am sure than many others can, too. It's no wonder dentists drive such nice cars...I am sure I have bought at least one high dollar toy for my dentist and my lawyer....

Since we are getting close to doing this, anyone have any questions as to what to bring? It seems like the people who are interested have one a fair amount of back country experience of one kind or another, but if there are some newbies to wheeling who are interested in going on this, please speak up. Questions will gladly be answered.

September 2nd, 2009, 12:31 PM
Yo Brody! Too funny about the Dentists. I've been sitting in an examination chair for 45 minutes with no attention. Why is it that Dentists and Doctors think their time is more valuable than the rest of ours?

I can relate and I am sure than many others can, too. It's no wonder dentists drive such nice cars...I am sure I have bought at least one high dollar toy for my dentist and my lawyer....

Since we are getting close to doing this, anyone have any questions as to what to bring? It seems like the people who are interested have one a fair amount of back country experience of one kind or another, but if there are some newbies to wheeling who are interested in going on this, please speak up. Questions will gladly be answered.

September 2nd, 2009, 12:41 PM
I actually billled one doctor on the spot when he kept me waiting for 1 1/2 hours. They wanted me to pay my bill when I left and I wanted them to pay my bill for the time they kept me waiting. It was interesting....

Remind me with a PM to send you the topo of that 1100' 5.7 route (Fractured Fairytales) we did in the Platte. You would like it. I have it on the DS desktop as a jpg.

white collar redneck dad
September 2nd, 2009, 03:11 PM
Never been to ellis jeep trail.....sounds tempting....

September 2nd, 2009, 03:49 PM
I never have either and I don't think anyone who is going has. Part of the fun..

I don't even know anyone who has run it, just that it goes through all sorts of terrain and elevations.

September 7th, 2009, 07:40 AM

September 7th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Thanks Aaron!

Wonder where these guys get their mileages from. Traildamage says 17 something miles, Wells says 14 something and these guys say 55+. I guess we will find out for ourselves...

Looks like a decent resource, but sure is a crap map...

September 7th, 2009, 08:00 AM
Thanks Aaron!

Wonder where these guys get their mileages from. Traildamage says 17 something miles, Wells says 14 something and these guys say 55+. I guess we will find out for ourselves...

Looks like a decent resource, but sure is a crap map...

The other two don't go as far, I am going to trace this map and see what is all included.

September 7th, 2009, 08:06 AM
Looks like the trails start and end about the same place which is what prompted my mileage question....

You can see why I wanted to hit the Walden Dunes on the way back. We would end up going right by there. I still can't find any information on the dunes, either; on traildamage, Wells books, or any other resources. I found a trail report on Colo4x4, but even googling 'Walden, CO', 'Walden Dunes', '4 wheeling colorado+dunes', etc, etc, etc, doesn't bring up anything...

September 7th, 2009, 08:22 AM
Looks like the trails start and end about the same place which is what prompted my mileage question....

You can see why I wanted to hit the Walden Dunes on the way back. We would end up going right by there. I still can't find any information on the dunes, either; on traildamage, Wells books, or any other resources. I found a trail report on Colo4x4, but even googling 'Walden, CO', 'Walden Dunes', '4 wheeling colorado+dunes', etc, etc, etc, doesn't bring up anything...

I will have to check Wells, but traildamage stops at the WY border whereas the other one cris-crosses and heads to Walden.

September 7th, 2009, 01:17 PM
Looks like the trails start and end about the same place which is what prompted my mileage question....

You can see why I wanted to hit the Walden Dunes on the way back. We would end up going right by there. I still can't find any information on the dunes, either; on traildamage, Wells books, or any other resources. I found a trail report on Colo4x4, but even googling 'Walden, CO', 'Walden Dunes', '4 wheeling colorado+dunes', etc, etc, etc, doesn't bring up anything...

So from the best I can tell that site I posted runs as so.

Off the pavement take FS 550 to FS 500. Follow FS 500 to the 2nd intersection of FS499, now take FS 499. From there go to Hpg Park Grand Station and catch FS 80. There is a spur off of FS 80 that heads north (don't have a WY atlas) and joins to CR6 that takes you to Cowdrey, CO and HWY 125.

If you want to go to the dunes go south on HWY 125. They start right around Lake Cowdrey somewhere(still looking for a number, traildamage said 2509 but I can't find that in any of my atlas books)

September 7th, 2009, 09:29 PM
I'm out. Transmission issues :-/

September 7th, 2009, 09:34 PM
Am I the only one going on this? No one else has RSVP'd. Let's get some names on the calendar listing.

September 7th, 2009, 09:57 PM
I may be out. Looks like I have my rock climbing class that Saturday. I'll have to talk with the instructor and see what i can do. I must get out camping/wheeling.

September 7th, 2009, 09:57 PM
Brody hasn't RSVP'd? Geez, PM a mod to get after him. ;)

I had planned on going but it conflicts with my trip to Ouray.

September 8th, 2009, 07:22 AM
Am I the only one going on this? No one else has RSVP'd. Let's get some names on the calendar listing.

I am working on it... but doesn't look good! :erm::(

September 8th, 2009, 07:38 AM
Not sure what happened. I had RSVPd but when I went to bail out (because of the tranny) my RSVP was no longer showing up. There used to be 2 runs (one for each day) showing up so I wonder if we were all RSVPd on the other run which seems to be missing.

September 8th, 2009, 07:42 AM
I probably did that when I changed the yellow section. I eliminated the runs being listed 3 times when it was a 3 day run. People were RSVP'ing to one of three so when I consolidated 2 of the 3 vanished. I can only guess that yours (and maybe other :confused:) RSVP's to those that no longer show up.

September 8th, 2009, 07:44 AM
Glad it wasn't just me. There were other folks RSVPd, too and they no longer show up.

Tye and Stella may be going on this as well as Bren and Bear. When I talk to them next, I'll find out and post.

September 8th, 2009, 07:46 AM
Damned Admin screwing things up again. :o

September 8th, 2009, 07:52 AM
Man I wish I could go on this one. Looks like a fun one.

September 9th, 2009, 01:08 PM
I am officially out, I really wanted to do this but no can do.

September 11th, 2009, 02:10 PM
I plan on making this. Will RSVP on the calendar shortly.

Gecko Cycles
September 14th, 2009, 03:45 PM
The dunes are named the North Sand Hills Dunes. Google that. I was up there Labor Day. I think I will go up there again this weekend but yet have had a chance to really confirm this with my boy but I am sure he is game. Andy is also thinking about going.
The Dunes are really cool with sand dunes and lots of trails through trees with a total sand base. As with most sand dunes, wheel speed is critical especially if you don't have paddles. This is a perfect place for ATV's with paddles, nitrous, and turbos. I saw several Jeeps up there.

I like to go to Saratoga Hot Springs being it is not too far, free open 24/7. Saratoga Lake camping is $10 with electric and $7 without. I might add that there is plenty of free camping just about anywhere on BLM land too. It is on the way to Encampment which I read some where someone wanted to go there. I fish the Miracle Mile up that way and have yet to catch anything less than a 16" Brown yet! I bet the Browns are getting close to running soon. There was a huge Dune hatch happening on Labor Day but didn't put a line in, just drove up the Snowy Range and then night of camping and soak then headed to the dunes and through RMNP, then back through Raymond to show Gina Miller Rock Trail Head (which 3 Sammy's did last Sat along with 252, 532, 532 c, 532 D, 252A out to the Cristian Camp). All in the rain, hail sleet and snow! Started sticking in my new locked 3rd in at 4:30 am Sat morn and trail tested it that morning.

My Sammy is up and going strong now with all the new Shat. Tires are so hurtin it isn't funny!!!! What a long ordeal being so dirt poor as I am.

I will need more details if I am even going to consider going on this trip with you guys. My tires are down to the wear bars so not very good for mud or even sand for that matter. But what the heck.

I hope the name of the Dunes helps.

Gecko Cycles
September 14th, 2009, 03:50 PM

Gecko Cycles
September 14th, 2009, 04:01 PM
Here is one link I found real quick for the dunes. http://www.duneguide.com/sand_dune_guide_north_sand_hills.htm

As far as Saratoga goes ...There is also the Saratoga Inn that has private tubs covered with Tee Pees and fancy restaurant too for about $135/night. I prefer the Hobo Pool and river soak spots when it is too hot. The lobster pit at the source is about 124 degs and the pool varies from 102 to 108.
http://www.wyomingcarboncounty.com/hotsprings.htm (http://www.wyomingcarboncounty.com/hotsprings.htm)

Oh yea you have to wear clothes, no alcohol, or profanity. Just up this sites alley.

September 14th, 2009, 06:43 PM
I plan on making this. Will RSVP on the calendar shortly.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. I can't update the calendar to reflect that I won't be making this trip.

September 14th, 2009, 06:48 PM
Thanks Aaron!

Wonder where these guys get their mileages from. Traildamage says 17 something miles, Wells says 14 something and these guys say 55+. I guess we will find out for ourselves...

Looks like a decent resource, but sure is a crap map...

Looks like the 55 miles is from the trail head to Cowdrey.

Wells and Trail Damage likely measure it from the trailhead to the reservoir.

That's how I figure it, anyway.

September 15th, 2009, 12:57 AM
I will need more details if I am even going to consider going on this trip with you guys. My tires are down to the wear bars so not very good for mud or even sand for that matter. But what the heck.

I hope the name of the Dunes helps.

Hey Ken

Thanks for the actual name of the dunes and the link. What kind of "more details" are you going to need?

Rob is planning on heading up some sort of back way to Steamboat area and said he would hook up with us north of Idaho Springs. I haven't heard back as to what this is going to be...

Gecko Cycles
September 15th, 2009, 06:59 AM
Hey Ken

Thanks for the actual name of the dunes and the link. What kind of "more details" are you going to need?

Rob is planning on heading up some sort of back way to Steamboat area and said he would hook up with us north of Idaho Springs. I haven't heard back as to what this is going to be...
We were not going to meet up in Idaho Springs so we were wondering what time you all would be at the trail head or in Steamboat Sprgs. I understand that this is not been done before by the group so that info and may not be known for sure.

Anyway I believe we are not considering going now and are just going to go to the dunes and hotsprings. May do some fishing in Riverside or Encampment area. Andy is not a fisherman so this is something that I may just stay up there on Sunday night and Monday and do. We are leaving Longmont at about 10am Sat. and camp on the back side of the dunes. Give us a call when you get to the dunes area and maybe we can hook up. I'll have my cell.

September 15th, 2009, 07:14 AM
Another link for the North Sand Dunes:


Another link to a 4x4 club pictures from the Dunes:


There are also some rock challenges and trails in Vedauwoo, Wyoming, close to Cheyenne. This also happens to be a fairly decent climbing area..I am trying to find more information on this, too. There is a trip report or two in the above link, but you have to go back a few years in trip reports to find it.

September 15th, 2009, 07:23 AM
I am so bummed I can't go :(

Gecko Cycles
September 15th, 2009, 07:59 AM
I've wheeled all over the place on the Snowy Range by myself. None of the trails are on 4wheel maps that I could find but it is all open to use on BLM land and camping is free too except in campgrounds that you pay for. LOL.
There are boat loads of quad size trails that the Sammy fits on nicely for the most part and I love exploring those. BLM rocks with little to no rules.

There are also lots of forest service roads around here that are marked and not on Trail Damage for some reason. Like the 252 and 523 roads which are my latest finds. As long as they are marked for jeeps or at least marked trails you can drive on them.

September 15th, 2009, 10:41 AM
I'm trying to work this out.

My buddy may be interested in going in a stock '02 Runner with E-locker. I told him he'd probably be fine, but no guarantees.

I like the idea of hot springs and big fish!

September 15th, 2009, 12:33 PM
Hey all,

I'm out on this one. It's my wife's birthday weekend and we've offered to watch a friend's pets.

I'm super disappointed about this one. Next time...

PS- I couldn't update my status via Calendar.

September 16th, 2009, 07:00 PM
So I'm a little vague on the meeting times. Can you set me straight Pete?

Still not sure if I can make it or not but I'll see.

September 17th, 2009, 06:16 AM
Sure Fred

Idaho Springs Safeway at 7:30, then towards Steamboat Springs. sounds like Rob is meeting there, too, as there isn't really a better way to get to Steamboat from Longmont.

We hope you can make it!

September 17th, 2009, 04:41 PM
this is on Saturday? in the morning? evening?

September 17th, 2009, 04:57 PM
This is how it is on the calendar:

Run/Event Name: Ellis Jeep Trail
Meeting Place: Idaho Springs Safeway
Meeting Time: 7:30 AM
Directions: I70 to Idaho Springs, Ist exit
CB Channel: 4
Link to FR4x4 Thread: http://frontrange4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6020
Link to Additional Info: http://www.traildamage.com/trails/index.php?id=168

Hope that you can make it, Fred! Be a good chance to test all the stuff that you have done to your rig

September 18th, 2009, 09:32 PM
Well, sorry Pete. I know i've been saying I'd go on a run time and time again but it looks like I wont be able to make this either. have fun guys. take tons of pics.