View Full Version : Going Green Goes Wrong

August 3rd, 2009, 12:00 AM
So I was reading Andrew's thread about cash for clunkers and it got me thinking about all the stupid little annoyances that "Going Green" has done for us so far. Add your experiences as they come to you.

Mine is just a personal annoyance.

At my work there has been this whole "Going Green" craze that has almost gone too far... From a building that leaves lights on 24/7 in all but a few rooms and uses up all sorts of energy... who the hell thought it was a great idea to start using forks and spoons made from plants??? First off, they melt and become completely useless in anything that is warmer than body temperature. They're designed to be wider, so it splits my Chef Boyardee Ravioli right in half... and they just plain annoy me. Who thought that spending more money on "Green" forks was going to offset all the other crap they waste on arround here should be taken out back, beaten within an inch of their life, and then shot...

*Disclaimer* Any body who reads this (and happens to be my boss) should not take the beating and shooting as a threat, just venting. Lol

August 3rd, 2009, 12:36 AM
Who thought that spending more money on "Green" forks was going to offset all the other crap they waste on arround here should be taken out back, beaten within an inch of their life, and then shot...

*Disclaimer* Any body who reads this (and happens to be my boss) should not take the beating and shooting as a threat, just venting. Lol

if your worried about this id remove it and word differently, a disclaimer wont cover you.

have someone else do it for ya!:thunb:

and yes going green is stupid in certain ways such as...

you lose 10% economy to get lower emissions but then you end up using 10% more fuel to make up for the lost economy and thus balancing out the effects of e85.......:bang:

August 3rd, 2009, 12:40 AM
Do these CF lamps light instantly in sub-zero temperatures??? and...what about all that mercury!?!?!?!?

August 3rd, 2009, 10:01 PM
im so green i have a scout and a burban.......money pitsssss

August 3rd, 2009, 10:16 PM
They got rid of all the styrofoam cups at work and gave everyone these biodegradable cups.

I was always going to the break room for water without my cup and then had to go all the way back to my desk to get it when I remembered. I'm thinking of bringing in my own styrofoam cups out of spite.

They get all pissy about a light in this small break room being left on but they have lights and A/C running 24/7 when people are there maybe 10 hours out of the day (Server room don't count, they'd burn up my servers without em, but the rest of the buidling??). I am thinking of telling them that maybe with that light on, the power system may actually run more efficiently than with it off, thus actually being less wasteful.

I love the emails that I get that say to think about the environment and don't print it unless absolutely necessary - right before I get a monthly report that is no kidding over 500 pages printed. Oh and it's for every username in a computer system and their type of access - at every branch - in the entire United States (maybe the Canada branches too). I only need about 20 of those pages for audit purposes. The rest are tossed. Every other IT dept. at every other branch gets a copy. Oh and to top it off? I also get just the 20 page only report in the mail too.

August 4th, 2009, 01:49 AM
do as i say not as i do mentality doesnt cut it with me. either go all the way or none.