View Full Version : Top of the World

August 5th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Barb and I made a run up Top of the World today. It's one of our favorites and we hadn't been there in a few years. My memory of it had it much easier than it was today and Wells rates it as difficult. IIRC Stephanie mentioned a while back that it was harder than she had experienced previously too. I've always remembered it as a series of small ledges and slickrock but found some significantly harder obstacles but still pretty much like stair steps, just now some a larger than I recalled.

Storm clouds and lightening chased us down a bit earlier than we planned but it was still a lot of fun with views that just can't be beat.

August 5th, 2009, 09:45 PM
where is this? moab?

August 5th, 2009, 09:49 PM
nice tranquility

August 5th, 2009, 09:58 PM
where is this? moab?


Yeah, Moab it is Randy. Sounds like a great time and great cruise. How's the weather there for ya Chris? I know its been one of the hottest weeks of the year here, and the radio keeps saying 100+ days for Grand Junction. I imagine its quite hot in Moab too. Kinda jealous, kinda not (for the heat mostly). That trail might be a cool one to do while we are in Moab in October Randy.


August 5th, 2009, 10:06 PM
Yeah, it's hot here but it cools down at night which is all we need. Today was overcast so I'm pretty sure it never reached 100.

Very dramatic views 360 degrees when on the top. We plan on coming back here, probably the Moab Take 2 trip.

August 5th, 2009, 10:42 PM
That would be an awesome place for a shot of my truck.

I was out near an edge on Metal Masher - plenty of room but in the cab it starts getting freaky creeping out there.

August 5th, 2009, 10:52 PM
the weight of my rig would snap those ledges off....:(

August 5th, 2009, 10:56 PM
the weight of my rig would snap those ledges off....:(

dont bring so much lard cakes....lol

August 5th, 2009, 10:57 PM
dont bring so much lard cakes....lol


August 5th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Nah, you gotta leave the water at home.. lardcakes are what we really need to survive on the trail. :D

August 6th, 2009, 01:04 AM
Cool looking place to wheel, I see the the upgrade Pete did to the front Chris is working out good.

August 6th, 2009, 04:28 AM
Nice shots!

I like the one of Barb out on the shelf! I have climbed quite a few desert towers and the whole summit is about the size of the ledge she is sitting on. The Petit Grepon in RMNP also has a summit a little smaller than that and Half Dome has a famous ledge that juts out over the whole Yosemite Valley.

Hard to describe the feeling just being on a ledge hanging over nowhere and harder yet to describe being on a table sized summit 800+ feet in the air.

August 6th, 2009, 08:48 AM
Nice shots!

I like the one of Barb out on the shelf! I have climbed quite a few desert towers and the whole summit is about the size of the ledge she is sitting on. The Petit Grepon in RMNP also has a summit a little smaller than that and Half Dome has a famous ledge that juts out over the whole Yosemite Valley.

Hard to describe the feeling just being on a ledge hanging over nowhere and harder yet to describe being on a table sized summit 800+ feet in the air.

The diving board! Half Dome is awesome.


Don't know if I could do it. Been up there but didn't want to go out. I have a problem with widths:


August 6th, 2009, 11:25 AM
I really need to get there!

August 8th, 2009, 05:52 PM
That IS a great overlook!! Did you take the traditional route to the top or the more challenging way (left at a fork)? We just got back from our Yellowstone (tourist) adventure. Spent 2 days in Loveland looking at houses..... no decisions made but it's a nice area. We'll schedule another time before winter to look some more.

Forgot to add that one of the 2 ranch houses you can see below was one that I worked in a few years ago. About a 10M structure tucked away where no one ever sees.

August 8th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I wish I could identify all that's visible from up there, very great spot but that drop makes me a bit edgy (pun intended)

I imagine you can get a pretty good buy in the Loveland area these days with diminished real estate values. I suppose the same goes for selling in Moab though. :(

We got a helluva deal on the place we bought about a year ago, hope you can do the same if you decide to make the move. I'll guess that grandkids were pretty excited at the possibility of you moving closer.

I think I have a tourist trip to Lake Powell coming up real soon. Have to visit my sister-in-law in Phoenix and figure a little side trip would be in order.

August 8th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Chris.... the prices in Loveland seemed competitive (a politically correct way of saying cheaper than I thought they'd be). To put things in perspective with Moab, the houses that were priced less than 200K would sell for much more in Moab. Real estate sales have slowed some and prices have stabilized. High $$ (3M +) houses have taken a hit and are not selling. One house was listed for over 10M and is now listed for under 5M. Condo sales are also at a stand still. This is a huge commitment for us if we move. We just need to find the right house. Right now I have a 24 x 42 garage / workshop and need to have something similar or be able to build one. We have hooked up with a good realtor and if there's anything out there, she will find it. The grandkids and the rest of the family will definitely be liking it if / when we move. Even though we love Moab, long term we would rather be in CO. Moab is just too limited in other things we like to do. 5 hrs to an airport, 105 miles to a real store at normal prices. But it's sure a nice place to PLAY!!

As close a Lake Powell is, I've only been there once. We headed that direction this past Feb. but got side tracked around the Torry area and didn't make to the Lake... only to Hite Crossing.

If I didn't have so much of Sept. / Oct. planned I'd love to make some trails your direction before winter. Nov. may be getting a little late for me (don't much like driving over the mountain hwy's in the winter) but I'll see what the weather pattern looks like the end of Oct.

August 8th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Hey CO is a great place to play on some trails too!

August 8th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Hey CO is a great place to play on some trails too!

I like it ALL!! But my wife especially loves the CO trails. As long as I'm out wheeling, I'm a happy camper.

August 9th, 2009, 09:42 PM
Chris, tell Barb good pictures! Yes, it has gotten rockier and the shelves are steeper. Love the view though!