View Full Version : Adrians New Front Bumper
August 9th, 2009, 03:22 PM
So Adrian had contacted me about building him a new front bumper for his FS Bronco and this is what he wanted and what Pete & I built for him yesterday.
Modifying the Receiver mount for the winch
Mock up of the winch for location
August 9th, 2009, 03:27 PM
Pete using the trusty plasma cutter to fab the frame horn extensions
Welding in the new mounts for the winch
Me working on the new side bars
A shot from below
August 9th, 2009, 03:32 PM
Checking the new side bars for angle
Pete welding in some lower supports
Side profile
Me doing some finish welding on the bottom side
Finished product
August 9th, 2009, 03:34 PM
And last shot, a Close up
August 9th, 2009, 04:21 PM
That is a good looking fullsize and bumper.
August 9th, 2009, 04:29 PM
Nice work!
August 9th, 2009, 04:47 PM
Damn! Looks great, well done guys!
August 9th, 2009, 05:09 PM
In one day, no less. That's some fine work. But, Adrian, won't that hang you up in the mud bog at Bill Moore Lake? Or maybe it's slide your rig right up the bank. :thunb:
August 9th, 2009, 06:13 PM
Not bad for a bunch of old men!!! :D
August 9th, 2009, 06:27 PM
Good work gentlemen!
August 9th, 2009, 07:15 PM
Thanks! It was a fun project and was interesting to do concept to final product (sans paint) in a day. It was also fun working with both Sean and Adrian.
No one mentioned the fact that Adrian helped out quite a bit, too! And came up with the basic design which actually didn't get changed all that much, is very strong, simple and has a really good approach angle.
Sean's Dad was also selling some very nice quality carpentry tools and accessories and I called Bren and got the two of them hooked up. Bren is one of the best woodworkers that I know (better than I am-I am good, he is excellent) so the tools that he bought are going to a good home and will get used a lot.
August 9th, 2009, 11:24 PM
good work guys!
August 10th, 2009, 06:35 AM
You are welcome from both of us! It looks even better painted!
Since I just got done painting my rigs tubing here is a tip for those areas that are really hard to mask off like the winch...: use tin foil. It will shape around almost anything, stays in place just long enough, is easy to remove, etc, etc. Great for PITA painting stuff. Of course, you will get the "Hey...what happened to all of my tin foil? I just got a brand new box..." from your SO....
Anyway, an old Willie Worthy trick that I picked up decades ago and have used a lot.
August 10th, 2009, 07:51 AM
Looks great and very functional
August 10th, 2009, 01:27 PM
Very nice.
August 10th, 2009, 02:31 PM
Looks good dude!
August 10th, 2009, 02:32 PM
Thanks everyone, it was a fun project which also gave some time to get to know Adrian a little more and sorry I forgot to mention Adrian's helping too. Pete was busting my hump trying to stay ahead of him on this one which was cool. It ended up being a 22 hour day for me and turned around and still made it to work that night a lil late but hey I was there physically not mentally, LOL.
Adrian that turned out nice with the lights and paint job, just let us know when you are ready for the rear bumper and I will get started bending it up a couple days prior since I have all the measurements.
Anytime anyone wants something built just send Pete or I a Pm or call, we are happy to build or even design something for you guys.
August 10th, 2009, 02:52 PM
what size dies do you have for you tube bender? when i get around to building my own bumper i'll need to have some pretty basic pieces bent. so i'll prolly hit you up for that.
August 10th, 2009, 02:56 PM
Jon, I have from 1/2" to 2" dies, Pete and I are in the planning stages of doing a rebuild on the bender to convert it over to electric/hydraulic instead of manual power.
But sure thing hit me up when you are ready and we'll take care of it.
August 10th, 2009, 02:59 PM
awesome i'm thinking probably 1.75" di pipe for an upper headlight guard when i build a hybrid ARB bumper for my truck. and then i'll prolly use the same size tube to build the swingout part of my rear bumper.
August 10th, 2009, 03:23 PM
Jon if you use the 1-1/2" heavy wall HREW it measures out to 1.90" just a thought for you and the price is very reasonable along with strength too, next closest thing to what DOM is rated at a fraction of the cost. That is what we built Adrian's bumper out of.
August 10th, 2009, 03:53 PM
thanks for the heads up. Since i'm not planning on ramming my bumper into any big rocks repeatedly this should work great for what i need.
August 10th, 2009, 04:03 PM
I wish I could do stuff like that. You have a true talent.
August 10th, 2009, 04:50 PM
I wish I could do stuff like that. You have a true talent.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, but you can probably do other things at least as well or better...
August 10th, 2009, 05:54 PM
Yeah I don't like those huge stingers on trucks where it won't actually serve any real purpose.
Some day I will learn to weld.
August 11th, 2009, 10:04 PM
thanks for the heads up. Since i'm not planning on ramming my bumper into any big rocks repeatedly this should work great for what i need.
Key word is "planning" :D
August 11th, 2009, 10:06 PM
Anytime anyone wants something built just send Pete or I a Pm or call, we are happy to build or even design something for you guys.
Great job guys!
I plan to, as soon as I am cool with spending the cash again. We will be having two incomes again soon.
August 12th, 2009, 01:25 AM
thats really nice. I need something like that for my dodge dakota.
August 12th, 2009, 07:31 AM
Great job guys!
I plan to, as soon as I am cool with spending the cash again. We will be having two incomes again soon.
new job in the house?
August 12th, 2009, 09:17 AM
Key word is "planning" :D
well that certainly is true, the only hard trail on my list right now is blanca and other than that i'm all about the moderate scenic trails, so chances are that my plans will coincide with reality.:thunb:
August 12th, 2009, 03:57 PM
Great work guys..can u build an exoskekton as well as rear tire carrier?
Charlie, Of course we can, you have been seeing the one I am building on the ranger.
August 16th, 2009, 07:12 AM
That looks really nice!
Gee....aren't you afraid you are going to hit the receiver on something:D
What is the deal with the Fitz? Is this a light upgrade much like what Hella offers?
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