View Full Version : Cyclist hit off of I-70

August 18th, 2009, 08:14 AM

What a bunch of BS.. Throw the book at that driver

August 18th, 2009, 10:13 AM

However, I am sorry but no cyclist should be riding on any highway.

August 18th, 2009, 10:16 AM

However, I am sorry but no cyclist should be riding on any highway.

This is where I agree to disagree

August 18th, 2009, 10:20 AM

However, I am sorry but no cyclist should be riding on any highway.

except on the highways like that stretch where they are specifically allowed as there are no other reasonable roads through there for bikes to use.

August 18th, 2009, 10:21 AM

August 18th, 2009, 10:24 AM
I hope he does get punished, but I doubt it.

A friend of mine was killed in a motorcycle accident, struck by a truck that was passing illegally, passing 5 cars at a time, and speeding. Has not gone to trial yet, but they can't even get the court to consider a manslaughter charge.

August 18th, 2009, 10:47 AM
except on the highways like that stretch where they are specifically allowed as there are no other reasonable roads through there for bikes to use.

Where are you going that you need to bike on a highway like I-70?

I don't care if it's legal or not, personally I'm saying I wouldn't ride my bike there for fear something like this happens. Hell I try to stay off the major town roads just because drivers are idiots.

But there are plenty of biker idiots too - running stop signs and red lights.

I almost hit a guy on a bike once - I was making a left turn to get on an on-ramp and had a left turn green arrow. The guy on the bike was riding the wrong way on the left hand side of the road and went through the light - never stopped.

I also see cyclists riding way too close to traffic - and been on mountain roads where they are supposed to ride single file but don't and take up half the lane and don't get out of the way or ride like they should. You'd think the guys wearing the team jerseys and stuff would follow the rules.

August 18th, 2009, 11:05 AM
Where are you going that you need to bike on a highway like I-70?

there are 2 stretches of hwy 40 there that aren't connected by any other road.

I will agree with you however that cyclists need to be following the rules of the road, staying on the shoulder and not riding 3 abreast in the middle of the only lane. a little common sense is a good thing.

August 18th, 2009, 11:10 AM
You'd think the guys wearing the team jerseys and stuff would follow the rules.

Often they are the worst offenders.

August 18th, 2009, 11:11 AM
Don't forget the new 3 foot law now also. With that law passed I really hope this guy gets his butt handed to him!

August 18th, 2009, 12:21 PM
The dude was drunk and left the scene of the accident. He should have his butt handed to him.

August 18th, 2009, 12:36 PM
...abreast ...

he said abreast

August 18th, 2009, 12:52 PM
he said abreast

Favors one over the other eh? LOL :lol:

August 18th, 2009, 12:54 PM
Favors one over the other eh? LOL :lol:

Actually, he said 3 of em... Wierd. Like in Total Recall.

August 18th, 2009, 01:47 PM
I also see cyclists riding way too close to traffic - and been on mountain roads where they are supposed to ride single file but don't and take up half the lane and don't get out of the way or ride like they should. You'd think the guys wearing the team jerseys and stuff would follow the rules.

This is a real pet peeve of mine as I used to ride over 150 miles a week on my bike, often in traffic. I always managed to stay on the shoulder of the road whether I was on a highway or other roadway.

It is the worst, I think, around the Boulder area, where brain damage and the 'the world revolves around me' attitude prevails.

Having been in few bike wrecks where the drivers didn't see me and made a turn or something along those lines, I can attest to the fact that it isn't much fun.

Still no excuse for not following the basic rules of the road. If the driver was in the wrong, then he should have his ass handed to him. If the biker was wandering out into traffic, then he got what he deserved.

August 18th, 2009, 01:56 PM
This is a real pet peeve of mine as I used to ride over 150 miles a week on my bike, often in traffic. I always managed to stay on the shoulder of the road whether I was on a highway or other roadway.

It is the worst, I think, around the Boulder area, where brain damage and the 'the world revolves around me' attitude prevails.

Having been in few bike wrecks where the drivers didn't see me and made a turn or something along those lines, I can attest to the fact that it isn't much fun.

Still no excuse for not following the basic rules of the road. If the driver was in the wrong, then he should have his ass handed to him. If the biker was wandering out into traffic, then he got what he deserved.

Except he was drunk and left the scene of the accident.

Once you are so full of yourself that you would rather leave a person to die on the side of the road so that you don't get a ticket, I don't care if it was the biker's fault. The fault of the original accident doesn't matter anymore. He should have his ass handed to him. In fact, someone should kick his ass and then leave him on the side of the road, or in the middle of it.

Sorry, I just think about the fact that my kids ride their bikes all the time. I would hate to think that if something happened and they were involved in a car vs. bike accident, the person involved would stop and help my kids, regardless of who was at fault.

In other words, if what the news article said is correct, the guy driving the car is a waste of oxygen.

August 18th, 2009, 02:01 PM
This is a real pet peeve of mine as I used to ride over 150 miles a week on my bike, often in traffic. I always managed to stay on the shoulder of the road whether I was on a highway or other roadway.

It is the worst, I think, around the Boulder area, where brain damage and the 'the world revolves around me' attitude prevails.

Having been in few bike wrecks where the drivers didn't see me and made a turn or something along those lines, I can attest to the fact that it isn't much fun.

Still no excuse for not following the basic rules of the road. If the driver was in the wrong, then he should have his ass handed to him. If the biker was wandering out into traffic, then he got what he deserved.

Oh, and I agree. Boulder cyclists are serious pains in the neck.

August 18th, 2009, 02:14 PM
Definitely. Leaving the scene is a horrible thing to do. Charges get WAY worse if you do that. Accidents do happen - whether driver or cyclist is at fault. But if you stick around, call 911, etc. you are far better off. Even if this was partially the cyclists fault - the guy was drunk.

I'm not sure how they figure child abuse charges though.

August 18th, 2009, 02:16 PM
I'm not sure how they figure child abuse charges though.

They say its child abuse to drive drunk with your kids in the car. Guess my dad abused me daily :)

August 18th, 2009, 05:52 PM
How can ppl be so stupid.... and he's a older man at that.... he knew better.... but I guess he just didnt care....

August 18th, 2009, 06:56 PM
one of my mom's sayings comes to mind right now "right or wrong you're just as dead" technically it may be legal to ride that stretch of I70 but why would you? you know cars are going to be flying past you going 70-80. if i ever did that i better hope a car kills me otherwise my SO would be flaying my hide! (btw if you don't know what flaying is, look it up on wiki. wonderful medieval torture method)

that said drunk+leaving an accident+left a man to die=meet bubba for life!

August 18th, 2009, 10:37 PM
Once you are so full of yourself that you would rather leave a person to die on the side of the road so that you don't get a ticket, I don't care if it was the biker's fault. The ftault of the original accident doesn't matter anymore. He should have his ass handed to him. In fact, someone should kick his ass and then leave him on the side of the road, or in the middle of it.

I am on board with this comment. However, I would change it from "full of yourself" to "have become a worthless skin sack".

I have read the tripe that comes out of the editorials in the Boulder Camera articles on bike vs car issues and how people make it bike vs car with their s*** attitudes. Common sense is too much to ask of the people who make the issue the issue that it is.

August 19th, 2009, 05:27 AM
Years ago I crashed my truck into a Royal Crest Dairy truck to keep the driver from leaving the scene of an accident. He had pulled out of an alley, hit a kid on a bike and was tooling off down the street. The mom saw this and ran to her kid, I saw this and crashed my truck into the driver's side of the dairy truck, stopping the driver from leaving.

Had to go to court over it, but the judge ruled in my favor as the mom testified as to what happened. The driver was drunk. I had my big F150 with 38s and a massive bumper, so I was out some paint. I also had a baseball bat with a little lead in the end in case the driver wanted to get sparky, but he toned down, probably figuring that anyone willing to purposefully crash his truck into another vehicle was somewhat off the wall...he was right...

August 19th, 2009, 05:40 AM
good for you pete, i would have done the same!

August 19th, 2009, 05:47 AM
It was one of those "WTF! I can't believe I am watching this, gotta do something" spur of the moment decisions that I have never regretted. The mother was in tears and gave me a huge hug. The kid ended up being just shaken up and losing some skin. The bike was trashed. It could've been a lot worse...The guy never even slowed down until I stopped him.

I had a Honda Civic at the time, too, so it was lucky I wasn't driving that!

August 19th, 2009, 11:09 AM
Years ago I crashed my truck into a Royal Crest Dairy truck to keep the driver from leaving the scene of an accident. He had pulled out of an alley, hit a kid on a bike and was tooling off down the street. The mom saw this and ran to her kid, I saw this and crashed my truck into the driver's side of the dairy truck, stopping the driver from leaving.

Had to go to court over it, but the judge ruled in my favor as the mom testified as to what happened. The driver was drunk. I had my big F150 with 38s and a massive bumper, so I was out some paint. I also had a baseball bat with a little lead in the end in case the driver wanted to get sparky, but he toned down, probably figuring that anyone willing to purposefully crash his truck into another vehicle was somewhat off the wall...he was right...

Right on pete i wouldn't have thought twice about doing the same thing. course if i had come up on him and saw that he was drunk that little bat may have had some "red paint" on it.


August 19th, 2009, 11:32 AM
That red paint turns oarnge after a little... just sayin Good Job Pete!

August 19th, 2009, 08:35 PM
Are we all reading the same articles?

The cyclist was riding on the shoulder, in an area designated for bicycles.

The driver is a lawyer. Not just any lawyer, but one who represents insurance companies. He stopped to survey the scene and left. Had he realized he lost his license plate, he would have stopped, picked up the evidence against him and then left.

Is this national "love a snake" week?!?!?!

August 19th, 2009, 09:21 PM
I dont have much to say about this subject except: I have seen drivers become reckless and abuse the rules of the roads, I have seen bicyclists become reckless and abuse the rules of the roads. One can be fatal with out the other but when you combine both together the results can be absolutely catastrophic. With that said anybody who drives intoxicated, who is so selfish that the endanger ever living soul that is traveling on the road around them, should never be allowed to drive again as well as do significant time in jail and be branded with that crime for life. This day in age with so many communication devices and so many programs available, there is no excuse for it. And to do it while your kids are in the car. What an *******.

August 19th, 2009, 09:49 PM
Are we all reading the same articles?

The cyclist was riding on the shoulder, in an area designated for bicycles.

The driver is a lawyer. Not just any lawyer, but one who represents insurance companies. He stopped to survey the scene and left. Had he realized he lost his license plate, he would have stopped, picked up the evidence against him and then left.

Is this national "love a snake" week?!?!?!

I don't think anyone on here said this guy was in any way in the right, or justifying what he did. I think what people are saying is, there are many times where the biker puts themselves in a situation to have it happen, and goes even further and just decides they are better then everyone else and does what they want. Obviously its not all, or even most of them. There certainly are a lot of bikers that disobey the written and unwritten rules of the road when it comes to navigating traffic. Boulder County in general seems to be the worst place, but I see it in a lot of other places. Running red lights, not going with the flow of traffic, taking up too much space on the road, riding where its clearly forbidden, disobeying right of way and just acting like its everyone elses job to get out of their way or wait for them to move just because they are on a bike. Definitely a lot of car drivers that are the same though too, so its a two way street. In this particular case, it is clear that the driver was at fault nearly entirely, and then took it another step further and did it while drunk and then fled the scene like a douchebag, all while his kids were in the car with him. I'd say its very clear child abuse if you hit and run a bicyclist while drunk, at least psychologically.


August 20th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Right on pete i wouldn't have thought twice about doing the same thing. course if i had come up on him and saw that he was drunk that little bat may have had some "red paint" on it.

I hope I would be quick enough to do the same thing. Great job Pete!!!

August 21st, 2009, 07:21 AM
That was a pretty spontaneous "F you, dude! You ain't driving away from this!" reaction. I didn't even think about the legalities of crashing my truck into the drivers side of the milk truck. I was simply PO'd...The driver freaked....

And when I got out of mine, the bat was behind my thigh. I wasn't sure of anything other than the fact that he wasn't going to either walk or drive away from hitting a young kid on a very small bike... and that I was really sure of...